mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 23:29:05 +00:00
Introduces an initial shift unit test, and makes it pass.
This commit is contained in:
@ -391,9 +391,11 @@ template <typename T> void MOS6522<T>::evaluate_cb2_output() {
// My guess: other CB2 functions work only if the shift register is disabled (?).
if((registers_.auxiliary_control >> 2)&7) {
// Shift register is enabled, one way or the other; but announce only output.
if(registers_.auxiliary_control & 0x10) {
if(is_shifting_out()) {
// Output mode; set the level according to the current top of the shift register.
bus_handler_.set_control_line_output(Port::B, Line::Two, !!(registers_.shift & 0x80));
} else {
// Input mode.
bus_handler_.set_control_line_output(Port::B, Line::Two, true);
} else {
@ -433,6 +435,7 @@ template <typename T> void MOS6522<T>::shift_in() {
template <typename T> void MOS6522<T>::shift_out() {
// When shifting out, the shift register rotates rather than strictly shifts.
// TODO: is that true for all modes?
if(shift_mode() == ShiftMode::ShiftOutUnderT2FreeRunning || shift_bits_remaining_) {
registers_.shift = uint8_t((registers_.shift << 1) | (registers_.shift >> 7));
@ -441,6 +444,7 @@ template <typename T> void MOS6522<T>::shift_out() {
registers_.interrupt_flags |= InterruptFlag::ShiftRegister;
@ -68,6 +68,23 @@ class MOS6522Storage {
Timer2 = 1 << 5,
Timer1 = 1 << 6,
enum class ShiftMode {
Disabled = 0,
ShiftInUnderT2 = 1,
ShiftInUnderPhase2 = 2,
ShiftInUnderCB1 = 3,
ShiftOutUnderT2FreeRunning = 4,
ShiftOutUnderT2 = 5,
ShiftOutUnderPhase2 = 6,
ShiftOutUnderCB1 = 7
ShiftMode shift_mode() const {
return ShiftMode((registers_.auxiliary_control >> 2) & 7);
bool is_shifting_out() const {
return registers_.auxiliary_control & 0x10;
@ -11,119 +11,112 @@ import Foundation
class MOS6522Tests: XCTestCase {
fileprivate func with6522(_ action: (MOS6522Bridge) -> ()) {
let bridge = MOS6522Bridge()
private var m6522: MOS6522Bridge!
override func setUp() {
m6522 = MOS6522Bridge()
// MARK: Timer tests
func testTimerCount() {
with6522 {
// set timer 1 to a value of $000a
$0.setValue(10, forRegister: 4)
$0.setValue(0, forRegister: 5)
// set timer 1 to a value of m652200a
m6522.setValue(10, forRegister: 4)
m6522.setValue(0, forRegister: 5)
// complete the setting cycle
$0.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
// run for 5 cycles
$0.run(forHalfCycles: 10)
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 10)
// check that the timer has gone down by 5
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 4) == 5, "Low order byte should be 5; was \($0.value(forRegister: 4))")
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 5) == 0, "High order byte should be 0; was \($0.value(forRegister: 5))")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 4) == 5, "Low order byte should be 5; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 4))")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 5) == 0, "High order byte should be 0; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 5))")
func testTimerLatches() {
with6522 {
// set timer 2 to $1020
$0.setValue(0x10, forRegister: 8)
$0.setValue(0x20, forRegister: 9)
m6522.setValue(0x10, forRegister: 8)
m6522.setValue(0x20, forRegister: 9)
// change the low-byte latch
$0.setValue(0x40, forRegister: 8)
m6522.setValue(0x40, forRegister: 8)
// complete the cycle
$0.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
// chek that the new latched value hasn't been copied
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 8) == 0x10, "Low order byte should be 0x10; was \($0.value(forRegister: 8))")
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 9) == 0x20, "High order byte should be 0x20; was \($0.value(forRegister: 9))")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 8) == 0x10, "Low order byte should be 0x10; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 8))")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 9) == 0x20, "High order byte should be 0x20; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 9))")
// write the low-byte latch
$0.setValue(0x50, forRegister: 9)
m6522.setValue(0x50, forRegister: 9)
// complete the cycle
$0.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
// chek that the latched value has been copied
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 8) == 0x40, "Low order byte should be 0x50; was \($0.value(forRegister: 8))")
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 9) == 0x50, "High order byte should be 0x40; was \($0.value(forRegister: 9))")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 8) == 0x40, "Low order byte should be 0x50; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 8))")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 9) == 0x50, "High order byte should be 0x40; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 9))")
func testTimerReload() {
with6522 {
// set timer 1 to a value of $0010, enable repeating mode
$0.setValue(16, forRegister: 4)
$0.setValue(0, forRegister: 5)
$0.setValue(0x40, forRegister: 11)
$0.setValue(0x40 | 0x80, forRegister: 14)
// set timer 1 to a value of m6522010, enable repeating mode
m6522.setValue(16, forRegister: 4)
m6522.setValue(0, forRegister: 5)
m6522.setValue(0x40, forRegister: 11)
m6522.setValue(0x40 | 0x80, forRegister: 14)
// complete the cycle to set initial values
$0.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
// run for 16 cycles
$0.run(forHalfCycles: 32)
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 32)
// check that the timer has gone down to 0 but not yet triggered an interrupt
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 4) == 0, "Low order byte should be 0; was \($0.value(forRegister: 4))")
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 5) == 0, "High order byte should be 0; was \($0.value(forRegister: 5))")
XCTAssert(!$0.irqLine, "IRQ should not yet be active")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 4) == 0, "Low order byte should be 0; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 4))")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 5) == 0, "High order byte should be 0; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 5))")
XCTAssert(!m6522.irqLine, "IRQ should not yet be active")
// check that two half-cycles later the timer is $ffff but IRQ still hasn't triggered
$0.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 4) == 0xff, "Low order byte should be 0xff; was \($0.value(forRegister: 4))")
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 5) == 0xff, "High order byte should be 0xff; was \($0.value(forRegister: 5))")
XCTAssert(!$0.irqLine, "IRQ should not yet be active")
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 4) == 0xff, "Low order byte should be 0xff; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 4))")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 5) == 0xff, "High order byte should be 0xff; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 5))")
XCTAssert(!m6522.irqLine, "IRQ should not yet be active")
// check that one half-cycle later the timer is still $ffff and IRQ has triggered...
$0.run(forHalfCycles: 1)
XCTAssert($0.irqLine, "IRQ should be active")
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 4) == 0xff, "Low order byte should be 0xff; was \($0.value(forRegister: 4))")
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 5) == 0xff, "High order byte should be 0xff; was \($0.value(forRegister: 5))")
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 1)
XCTAssert(m6522.irqLine, "IRQ should be active")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 4) == 0xff, "Low order byte should be 0xff; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 4))")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 5) == 0xff, "High order byte should be 0xff; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 5))")
// ... but that reading the timer cleared the interrupt
XCTAssert(!$0.irqLine, "IRQ should be active")
XCTAssert(!m6522.irqLine, "IRQ should be active")
// check that one half-cycles later the timer has reloaded
$0.run(forHalfCycles: 1)
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 4) == 0x10, "Low order byte should be 0x10; was \($0.value(forRegister: 4))")
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 5) == 0x00, "High order byte should be 0x00; was \($0.value(forRegister: 5))")
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 1)
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 4) == 0x10, "Low order byte should be 0x10; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 4))")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 5) == 0x00, "High order byte should be 0x00; was \(m6522.value(forRegister: 5))")
// MARK: Data direction tests
func testDataDirection() {
with6522 {
// set low four bits of register B as output, the top four as input
$0.setValue(0xf0, forRegister: 2)
m6522.setValue(0xf0, forRegister: 2)
// ask to output 0x8c
$0.setValue(0x8c, forRegister: 0)
m6522.setValue(0x8c, forRegister: 0)
// complete the cycle
$0.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
// set current input as 0xda
$0.portBInput = 0xda
m6522.portBInput = 0xda
// test that the result of reading register B is therefore 0x8a
XCTAssert($0.value(forRegister: 0) == 0x8a, "Data direction register should mix input and output; got \($0.value(forRegister: 0))")
XCTAssert(m6522.value(forRegister: 0) == 0x8a, "Data direction register should mix input and output; got \(m6522.value(forRegister: 0))")
func testShiftDisabled() {
@ -213,7 +206,37 @@ class MOS6522Tests: XCTestCase {
func testShiftOutUnderPhase2() {
In mode 6, the shift rate is controlled by the 02 system clock (Figure 27).
(... and I'm assuming the same behaviour as shift out under control of T2
otherwise, based on original context)
// Set the shift register to a non-zero something.
m6522.setValue(0xaa, forRegister: 10)
// Set shift register mode 6.
m6522.setValue(6 << 2, forRegister: 11)
// Make sure the shift register's interrupt bit is set.
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 16)
XCTAssertEqual(m6522.value(forRegister: 13) & 0x04, 0x04)
// Test that output is now inhibited: CB2 should remain unchanged.
let initialOutput = m6522.value(forControlLine: .two, port: .B)
for _ in 1...8 {
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
XCTAssertEqual(m6522.value(forControlLine: .two, port: .B), initialOutput)
// Set a new value to the shift register.
m6522.setValue(0x16, forRegister: 10)
// Test that the new value is shifted out.
var output = 0
for _ in 1..<8 {
m6522.run(forHalfCycles: 2)
output = (output << 1) | (m6522.value(forControlLine: .two, port: .B) ? 1 : 0)
XCTAssertEqual(output, 0x16)
func testShiftOutUnderCB1() {
@ -8,6 +8,14 @@
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MOS6522BridgePort) {
MOS6522BridgePortA = 0, MOS6522BridgePortB = 1
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MOS6522BridgeLine) {
MOS6522BridgeLineOne = 0, MOS6522BridgeLineTwo = 1
@interface MOS6522Bridge : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL irqLine;
@ -16,6 +24,7 @@
- (void)setValue:(uint8_t)value forRegister:(NSUInteger)registerNumber;
- (uint8_t)valueForRegister:(NSUInteger)registerNumber;
- (BOOL)valueForControlLine:(MOS6522BridgeLine)line port:(MOS6522BridgePort)port;
- (void)runForHalfCycles:(NSUInteger)numberOfHalfCycles;
@ -19,7 +19,12 @@ class VanillaVIAPortHandler: public MOS::MOS6522::PortHandler {
bool irq_line;
uint8_t port_a_value;
uint8_t port_b_value;
bool control_line_values[2][2];
All methods below here are to replace those defined by
void set_interrupt_status(bool new_status) {
irq_line = new_status;
@ -27,6 +32,10 @@ class VanillaVIAPortHandler: public MOS::MOS6522::PortHandler {
uint8_t get_port_input(MOS::MOS6522::Port port) {
return port ? port_b_value : port_a_value;
void set_control_line_output(MOS::MOS6522::Port port, MOS::MOS6522::Line line, bool value) {
control_line_values[int(port)][int(line)] = value;
@implementation MOS6522Bridge {
@ -75,4 +84,8 @@ class VanillaVIAPortHandler: public MOS::MOS6522::PortHandler {
return _viaPortHandler.port_b_value;
- (BOOL)valueForControlLine:(MOS6522BridgeLine)line port:(MOS6522BridgePort)port {
return _viaPortHandler.control_line_values[port][line];
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