Thomas Harte
With a slight tweak to the informal protocol used for 6502 memory access cycles, ensured the wait strobe actually halts the CPU, to give a more accurate linking of machine time to real time.
2015-07-26 15:55:19 -04:00 |
Thomas Harte
Switched to idiomatic source name, ensured latest project name is in all appropriate header places, threw texture coordinates slightly into the shader mix.
2015-07-26 15:25:11 -04:00 |
Thomas Harte
Imported what little I have so far in the way of a memory-access cycle complete 6502 and just enough of a pretend Atari 2600 on top to be able to see some playfields in ASCII art.
2015-07-16 19:56:02 -04:00 |