// // PerformImplementation.hpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 05/10/2023. // Copyright © 2023 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #ifndef PerformImplementation_h #define PerformImplementation_h namespace InstructionSet::x86 { namespace Primitive { void aaa(CPU::RegisterPair16 &ax, Status &status) { /* IF ((AL AND 0FH) > 9) OR (AF = 1) THEN AL ← (AL + 6); AH ← AH + 1; AF ← 1; CF ← 1; ELSE AF ← 0; CF ← 0; FI; AL ← AL AND 0FH; */ /* The AF and CF flags are set to 1 if the adjustment results in a decimal carry; otherwise they are cleared to 0. The OF, SF, ZF, and PF flags are undefined. */ if((ax.halves.low & 0x0f) > 9 || status.auxiliary_carry) { ax.halves.low += 6; ++ax.halves.high; status.auxiliary_carry = status.carry = 1; } else { status.auxiliary_carry = status.carry = 0; } } void aad(CPU::RegisterPair16 &ax, uint8_t imm, Status &status) { /* tempAL ← AL; tempAH ← AH; AL ← (tempAL + (tempAH * imm8)) AND FFH; (* imm8 is set to 0AH for the AAD mnemonic *) AH ← 0 */ /* The SF, ZF, and PF flags are set according to the result; the OF, AF, and CF flags are undefined. */ ax.halves.low = ax.halves.low + (ax.halves.high * imm); ax.halves.high = 0; status.sign = ax.halves.low & 0x80; status.parity = status.zero = ax.halves.low; } void aam(CPU::RegisterPair16 &ax, uint8_t imm, Status &status) { /* tempAL ← AL; AH ← tempAL / imm8; (* imm8 is set to 0AH for the AAD mnemonic *) AL ← tempAL MOD imm8; */ /* The SF, ZF, and PF flags are set according to the result. The OF, AF, and CF flags are undefined. */ ax.halves.high = ax.halves.low / imm; ax.halves.low = ax.halves.low % imm; status.sign = ax.halves.low & 0x80; status.parity = status.zero = ax.halves.low; } void aas(CPU::RegisterPair16 &ax, Status &status) { /* IF ((AL AND 0FH) > 9) OR (AF = 1) THEN AL ← AL – 6; AH ← AH – 1; AF ← 1; CF ← 1; ELSE CF ← 0; AF ← 0; FI; AL ← AL AND 0FH; */ /* The AF and CF flags are set to 1 if there is a decimal borrow; otherwise, they are cleared to 0. The OF, SF, ZF, and PF flags are undefined. */ if((ax.halves.low & 0x0f) > 9 || status.auxiliary_carry) { ax.halves.low -= 6; --ax.halves.high; status.auxiliary_carry = status.carry = 1; } else { status.auxiliary_carry = status.carry = 0; } ax.halves.low &= 0x0f; } } template < Model model, Operation operation, DataSize data_size, typename FlowControllerT > void perform( CPU::RegisterPair16 &destination, CPU::RegisterPair16 &source, Status &status, FlowControllerT &flow_controller ) { switch(operation) { case Operation::AAA: Primitive::aaa(destination, status); break; case Operation::AAD: Primitive::aad(destination, source.halves.low, status); break; case Operation::AAM: Primitive::aam(destination, source.halves.low, status); break; case Operation::AAS: Primitive::aas(destination, status); break; } (void)flow_controller; } /*template < Model model, typename InstructionT, typename FlowControllerT, typename DataPointerResolverT, typename RegistersT, typename MemoryT, typename IOT, Operation operation > void perform( const InstructionT &instruction, Status &status, FlowControllerT &flow_controller, DataPointerResolverT &resolver, RegistersT ®isters, MemoryT &memory, IOT &io ) { switch((operation != Operation::Invalid) ? operation : instruction.operation) { default: assert(false); return; } }*/ } #endif /* PerformImplementation_h */