// // 8530.cpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 07/06/2019. // Copyright © 2019 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #include "z8530.hpp" #include "../../Outputs/Log.hpp" using namespace Zilog::SCC; namespace { Log::Logger log; } void z8530::reset() { // TODO. } bool z8530::get_interrupt_line() const { return (master_interrupt_control_ & 0x8) && ( channels_[0].get_interrupt_line() || channels_[1].get_interrupt_line() ); } /* Per the standard defined in the header file, this implementation follows an addressing convention of: A0 = A/B (i.e. channel select) A1 = C/D (i.e. control or data) */ std::uint8_t z8530::read(int address) { if(address & 2) { // Read data register for channel. return channels_[address & 1].read(true, pointer_); } else { // Read control register for channel. uint8_t result = 0; switch(pointer_) { default: result = channels_[address & 1].read(false, pointer_); break; case 2: // Handled non-symmetrically between channels. if(address & 1) { log.error().append("Unimplemented: register 2 status bits"); } else { result = interrupt_vector_; // Modify the vector if permitted. // if(master_interrupt_control_ & 1) { for(int port = 0; port < 2; ++port) { // TODO: the logic below assumes that DCD is the only implemented interrupt. Fix. if(channels_[port].get_interrupt_line()) { const uint8_t shift = 1 + 3*((master_interrupt_control_ & 0x10) >> 4); const uint8_t mask = uint8_t(~(7 << shift)); result = uint8_t( (result & mask) | ((1 | ((port == 1) ? 4 : 0)) << shift) ); break; } } // } } break; } // Cf. the two-step control register selection process in ::write. Since this // definitely wasn't a *write* to register 0, it follows that the next selected // control register will be 0. pointer_ = 0; update_delegate(); return result; } return 0x00; } void z8530::write(int address, std::uint8_t value) { if(address & 2) { // Write data register for channel. This is completely independent // of whatever is going on over in the control realm. channels_[address & 1].write(true, pointer_, value); } else { // Write control register for channel; there's a two-step sequence // here for the programmer. Initially the selected register // (i.e. `pointer_`) is zero. That register includes a field to // set the next selected register. After any other register has // been written to, register 0 is selected again. // Most registers are per channel, but a couple are shared; // sever them here, send the rest to the appropriate chnanel. switch(pointer_) { default: channels_[address & 1].write(false, pointer_, value); break; case 2: // Interrupt vector register; used only by Channel B. // So there's only one of these. interrupt_vector_ = value; log.info().append("Interrupt vector set to %d", value); break; case 9: // Master interrupt and reset register; there is also only one of these. log.info().append("Master interrupt and reset register: %02x", value); master_interrupt_control_ = value; break; } // The pointer number resets to 0 after every access, but if it is zero // then crib at least the next set of pointer bits (which, similarly, are shared // between the two channels). if(pointer_) { pointer_ = 0; } else { // The lowest three bits are the lowest three bits of the pointer. pointer_ = value & 7; // If the command part of the byte is a 'point high', also set the // top bit of the pointer. Channels themselves therefore need not // (/should not) respond to the point high command. if(((value >> 3)&7) == 1) { pointer_ |= 8; } } } update_delegate(); } void z8530::set_dcd(int port, bool level) { channels_[port].set_dcd(level); update_delegate(); } // MARK: - Channel implementations uint8_t z8530::Channel::read(bool data, uint8_t pointer) { // If this is a data read, just return it. if(data) { return data_; } else { log.info().append("Control read from register %d", pointer); // Otherwise, this is a control read... switch(pointer) { default: return 0x00; case 0x0: // Read Register 0; see p.37 (PDF p.45). // b0: Rx character available. // b1: zero count. // b2: Tx buffer empty. // b3: DCD. // b4: sync/hunt. // b5: CTS. // b6: Tx underrun/EOM. // b7: break/abort. return dcd_ ? 0x8 : 0x0; case 0x1: // Read Register 1; see p.37 (PDF p.45). // b0: all sent. // b1: residue code 0. // b2: residue code 1. // b3: residue code 2. // b4: parity error. // b5: Rx overrun error. // b6: CRC/framing error. // b7: end of frame (SDLC). return 0x01; case 0x2: // Read Register 2; see p.37 (PDF p.45). // Interrupt vector — modified by status information in B channel. return 0x00; case 0x3: // Read Register 3; see p.37 (PDF p.45). // B channel: all bits are 0. // A channel: // b0: Channel B ext/status IP. // b1: Channel B Tx IP. // b2: Channel B Rx IP. // b3: Channel A ext/status IP. // b4: Channel A Tx IP. // b5: Channel A Rx IP. // b6, b7: 0. return 0x00; case 0xa: // Read Register 10; see p.37 (PDF p.45). // b0: 0 // b1: On loop. // b2: 0 // b3: 0 // b4: Loop sending. // b5: 0 // b6: Two clocks missing. // b7: One clock missing. return 0x00; case 0xc: // Read Register 12; see p.37 (PDF p.45). // Lower byte of time constant. return 0x00; case 0xd: // Read Register 13; see p.38 (PDF p.46). // Upper byte of time constant. return 0x00; case 0xf: // Read Register 15; see p.38 (PDF p.46). // External interrupt status: // b0: 0 // b1: Zero count. // b2: 0 // b3: DCD. // b4: Sync/hunt. // b5: CTS. // b6: Tx underrun/EOM. // b7: Break/abort. return external_interrupt_status_; } } return 0x00; } void z8530::Channel::write(bool data, uint8_t pointer, uint8_t value) { if(data) { data_ = value; return; } else { log.info().append("Control write: %02x to register %d", value, pointer); switch(pointer) { default: log.info().append("Unrecognised control write: %02x to register %d", value, pointer); break; case 0x0: // Write register 0 — CRC reset and other functions. // Decode CRC reset instructions. switch(value >> 6) { default: /* Do nothing. */ break; case 1: log.error().append("TODO: reset Rx CRC checker."); break; case 2: log.error().append("TODO: reset Tx CRC checker."); break; case 3: log.error().append("TODO: reset Tx underrun/EOM latch."); break; } // Decode command code. switch((value >> 3)&7) { default: /* Do nothing. */ break; case 2: // LOG("reset ext/status interrupts."); external_status_interrupt_ = false; external_interrupt_status_ = 0; break; case 3: log.error().append("TODO: send abort (SDLC)."); break; case 4: log.error().append("TODO: enable interrupt on next Rx character."); break; case 5: log.error().append("TODO: reset Tx interrupt pending."); break; case 6: log.error().append("TODO: reset error."); break; case 7: log.error().append("TODO: reset highest IUS."); break; } break; case 0x1: // Write register 1 — Transmit/Receive Interrupt and Data Transfer Mode Definition. interrupt_mask_ = value; /* b7 = 0 => Wait/Request output is inactive; 1 => output is informative. b6 = Wait/request output is for... 0 => wait: floating when inactive, low if CPU is attempting to transfer data the SCC isn't yet ready for. 1 => request: high if inactive, low if SCC is ready to transfer data. b5 = 1 => wait/request is relative to read buffer; 0 => relative to write buffer. b4/b3: 00 = disable receive interrupt 01 = interrupt on first character or special condition 10 = interrupt on all characters and special conditions 11 = interrupt only upon special conditions. b2 = 1 => parity error is a special condition; 0 => it isn't. b1 = 1 => transmit buffer empty interrupt is enabled; 0 => it isn't. b0 = 1 => external interrupt is enabled; 0 => it isn't. */ log.info().append("Interrupt mask: %02x", value); break; case 0x2: // Write register 2 - interrupt vector. break; case 0x3: { // Write register 3 — Receive Parameters and Control. // Get bit count. int receive_bit_count = 8; switch(value >> 6) { default: receive_bit_count = 5; break; case 1: receive_bit_count = 7; break; case 2: receive_bit_count = 6; break; case 3: receive_bit_count = 8; break; } log.info().append("Receive bit count: %d", receive_bit_count); /* b7,b6: 00 = 5 receive bits per character 01 = 7 bits 10 = 6 bits 11 = 8 bits b5 = 1 => DCD and CTS outputs are set automatically; 0 => they're inputs to read register 0. (DCD is ignored in local loopback; CTS is ignored in both auto echo and local loopback). b4: enter hunt mode (if set to 1, presumably?) b3 = 1 => enable receiver CRC generation; 0 => don't. b2: address search mode (SDLC) b1: sync character load inhibit. b0: Rx enable. */ } break; case 0x4: // Write register 4 — Transmit/Receive Miscellaneous Parameters and Modes. // Bits 0 and 1 select parity mode. if(!(value&1)) { parity_ = Parity::Off; } else { parity_ = (value&2) ? Parity::Even : Parity::Odd; } // Bits 2 and 3 select stop bits. switch((value >> 2)&3) { default: stop_bits_ = StopBits::Synchronous; break; case 1: stop_bits_ = StopBits::OneBit; break; case 2: stop_bits_ = StopBits::OneAndAHalfBits; break; case 3: stop_bits_ = StopBits::TwoBits; break; } // Bits 4 and 5 pick a sync mode. switch((value >> 4)&3) { default: sync_mode_ = Sync::Monosync; break; case 1: sync_mode_ = Sync::Bisync; break; case 2: sync_mode_ = Sync::SDLC; break; case 3: sync_mode_ = Sync::External; break; } // Bits 6 and 7 select a clock rate multiplier, unless synchronous // mode is enabled (and this is ignored if sync mode is external). if(stop_bits_ == StopBits::Synchronous) { clock_rate_multiplier_ = 1; } else { switch((value >> 6)&3) { default: clock_rate_multiplier_ = 1; break; case 1: clock_rate_multiplier_ = 16; break; case 2: clock_rate_multiplier_ = 32; break; case 3: clock_rate_multiplier_ = 64; break; } } break; case 0x5: // b7: DTR // b6/b5: // 00 = Tx 5 bits (or less) per character // 01 = Tx 7 bits per character // 10 = Tx 6 bits per character // 11 = Tx 8 bits per character // b4: send break. // b3: Tx enable. // b2: SDLC (if 0) / CRC-16 (if 1) // b1: RTS // b0: Tx CRC enable. break; case 0x6: break; case 0xf: // Write register 15 — External/Status Interrupt Control. external_interrupt_mask_ = value; break; } } } void z8530::Channel::set_dcd(bool level) { if(dcd_ == level) return; dcd_ = level; if(external_interrupt_mask_ & 0x8) { external_status_interrupt_ = true; external_interrupt_status_ |= 0x8; } } bool z8530::Channel::get_interrupt_line() const { return (interrupt_mask_ & 1) && external_status_interrupt_; // TODO: other potential causes of an interrupt. } /*! Evaluates the new level of the interrupt line and notifies the delegate if both: (i) there is one; and (ii) the interrupt line has changed since last the delegate was notified. */ void z8530::update_delegate() { const bool interrupt_line = get_interrupt_line(); if(interrupt_line != previous_interrupt_line_) { previous_interrupt_line_ = interrupt_line; if(delegate_) delegate_->did_change_interrupt_status(this, interrupt_line); } }