// // Tape.cpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 25/12/2017. // Copyright © 2017 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #include "Tape.hpp" #include "../../../Storage/Tape/Parsers/MSX.hpp" using namespace Analyser::Static::MSX; File::File(File &&rhs) : name(std::move(rhs.name)), type(rhs.type), data(std::move(rhs.data)), starting_address(rhs.starting_address), entry_address(rhs.entry_address) {} File::File() : type(Type::Binary), starting_address(0), entry_address(0) {} // For the sake of initialising in a defined state. std::vector Analyser::Static::MSX::GetFiles(const std::shared_ptr &tape) { std::vector files; Storage::Tape::BinaryTapePlayer tape_player(1000000); tape_player.set_motor_control(true); tape_player.set_tape(tape); using Parser = Storage::Tape::MSX::Parser; // Get all recognisable files from the tape. while(!tape->is_at_end()) { // Try to locate and measure a header. std::unique_ptr file_speed = Parser::find_header(tape_player); if(!file_speed) continue; // Check whether what follows is a recognisable file type. uint8_t header[10] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; for(std::size_t c = 0; c < sizeof(header); ++c) { int next_byte = Parser::get_byte(*file_speed, tape_player); if(next_byte == -1) break; header[c] = static_cast(next_byte); } bool bytes_are_same = true; for(std::size_t c = 1; c < sizeof(header); ++c) bytes_are_same &= (header[c] == header[0]); if(!bytes_are_same) continue; if(header[0] != 0xd0 && header[0] != 0xd3 && header[0] != 0xea) continue; File file; // Determine file type from information already collected. switch(header[0]) { case 0xd0: file.type = File::Type::Binary; break; case 0xd3: file.type = File::Type::TokenisedBASIC; break; case 0xea: file.type = File::Type::ASCII; break; default: break; // Unreachable. } // Read file name. char name[7]; for(std::size_t c = 1; c < 6; ++c) name[c] = static_cast(Parser::get_byte(*file_speed, tape_player)); name[6] = '\0'; file.name = name; // ASCII: Read 256-byte segments until one ends with an end-of-file character. if(file.type == File::Type::ASCII) { while(true) { file_speed = Parser::find_header(tape_player); if(!file_speed) break; int c = 256; bool contains_end_of_file = false; while(c--) { int byte = Parser::get_byte(*file_speed, tape_player); if(byte == -1) break; contains_end_of_file |= (byte == 0x1a); file.data.push_back(static_cast(byte)); } if(c != -1) break; if(contains_end_of_file) { files.push_back(std::move(file)); break; } } continue; } // Read a single additional segment, using the information at the begging to determine length. file_speed = Parser::find_header(tape_player); if(!file_speed) continue; // Binary: read start address, end address, entry address, then that many bytes. if(file.type == File::Type::Binary) { uint8_t locations[6]; uint16_t end_address; std::size_t c; for(c = 0; c < sizeof(locations); ++c) { int byte = Parser::get_byte(*file_speed, tape_player); if(byte == -1) break; locations[c] = static_cast(byte); } if(c != sizeof(locations)) continue; file.starting_address = static_cast(locations[0] | (locations[1] << 8)); end_address = static_cast(locations[2] | (locations[3] << 8)); file.entry_address = static_cast(locations[4] | (locations[5] << 8)); if(end_address < file.starting_address) continue; std::size_t length = end_address - file.starting_address; while(length--) { int byte = Parser::get_byte(*file_speed, tape_player); if(byte == -1) continue; file.data.push_back(static_cast(byte)); } files.push_back(std::move(file)); continue; } // Tokenised BASIC, then: keep following 'next line' links from a hypothetical start of // 0x8001, until finding the final line. uint16_t current_address = 0x8001; while(current_address) { int next_address_buffer[2]; next_address_buffer[0] = Parser::get_byte(*file_speed, tape_player); next_address_buffer[1] = Parser::get_byte(*file_speed, tape_player); if(next_address_buffer[0] == -1 || next_address_buffer[1] == -1) break; file.data.push_back(static_cast(next_address_buffer[0])); file.data.push_back(static_cast(next_address_buffer[1])); uint16_t next_address = static_cast(next_address_buffer[0] | (next_address_buffer[1] << 8)); if(!next_address) { files.push_back(std::move(file)); break; } if(next_address < current_address+2) break; // This line makes sense, so push it all in. std::size_t length = next_address - current_address - 2; current_address = next_address; bool found_error = false; while(length--) { int byte = Parser::get_byte(*file_speed, tape_player); if(byte == -1) { found_error = true; break; } file.data.push_back(static_cast(byte)); } if(found_error) break; } } return files; }