// // ScanTarget.cpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 05/11/2018. // Copyright © 2018 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #include "ScanTarget.hpp" #include "Primitives/Rectangle.hpp" using namespace Outputs::Display::OpenGL; namespace { /// The texture unit from which to source input data. constexpr GLenum SourceDataTextureUnit = GL_TEXTURE1; /// The texture unit which contains raw line-by-line composite, S-Video or RGB data. constexpr GLenum UnprocessedLineBufferTextureUnit = GL_TEXTURE3; /// The texture unit that contains the current display. constexpr GLenum AccumulationTextureUnit = GL_TEXTURE2; #define TextureAddress(x, y) (((y) << 11) | (x)) #define TextureAddressGetY(v) uint16_t((v) >> 11) #define TextureAddressGetX(v) uint16_t((v) & 0x7ff) #define TextureSub(a, b) (((a) - (b)) & 0x3fffff) const GLint internalFormatForDepth(std::size_t depth) { switch(depth) { default: return GL_FALSE; case 1: return GL_R8UI; case 2: return GL_RG8UI; case 3: return GL_RGB8UI; case 4: return GL_RGBA8UI; } } const GLenum formatForDepth(std::size_t depth) { switch(depth) { default: return GL_FALSE; case 1: return GL_RED_INTEGER; case 2: return GL_RG_INTEGER; case 3: return GL_RGB_INTEGER; case 4: return GL_RGBA_INTEGER; } } } template void ScanTarget::allocate_buffer(const T &array, GLuint &buffer_name, GLuint &vertex_array_name) { const auto buffer_size = array.size() * sizeof(array[0]); glGenBuffers(1, &buffer_name); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_name); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GLsizeiptr(buffer_size), NULL, GL_STREAM_DRAW); glGenVertexArrays(1, &vertex_array_name); glBindVertexArray(vertex_array_name); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_name); } ScanTarget::ScanTarget() : unprocessed_line_texture_(LineBufferWidth, LineBufferHeight, UnprocessedLineBufferTextureUnit, GL_NEAREST, false), full_display_rectangle_(-1.0f, -1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f) { // Ensure proper initialisation of the two atomic pointer sets. read_pointers_.store(write_pointers_); submit_pointers_.store(write_pointers_); // Allocate space for the scans and lines. allocate_buffer(scan_buffer_, scan_buffer_name_, scan_vertex_array_); allocate_buffer(line_buffer_, line_buffer_name_, line_vertex_array_); // TODO: if this is OpenGL 4.4 or newer, use glBufferStorage rather than glBufferData // and specify GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT. Then map the buffer now, and let the client // write straight into it. glGenTextures(1, &write_area_texture_name_); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_CONSTANT_COLOR); glBlendColor(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f); is_drawing_.clear(); } ScanTarget::~ScanTarget() { while(is_drawing_.test_and_set()); glDeleteBuffers(1, &scan_buffer_name_); glDeleteTextures(1, &write_area_texture_name_); glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &scan_vertex_array_); } void ScanTarget::set_modals(Modals modals) { // Don't change the modals while drawing is ongoing; a previous set might be // in the process of being established. while(is_drawing_.test_and_set()); modals_ = modals; modals_are_dirty_ = true; is_drawing_.clear(); } Outputs::Display::ScanTarget::Scan *ScanTarget::begin_scan() { if(allocation_has_failed_) return nullptr; const auto result = &scan_buffer_[write_pointers_.scan_buffer]; const auto read_pointers = read_pointers_.load(); // Advance the pointer. const auto next_write_pointer = decltype(write_pointers_.scan_buffer)((write_pointers_.scan_buffer + 1) % scan_buffer_.size()); // Check whether that's too many. if(next_write_pointer == read_pointers.scan_buffer) { allocation_has_failed_ = true; return nullptr; } write_pointers_.scan_buffer = next_write_pointer; ++provided_scans_; // Fill in extra OpenGL-specific details. result->line = write_pointers_.line; vended_scan_ = result; return &result->scan; } void ScanTarget::end_scan() { if(vended_scan_) { vended_scan_->data_y = TextureAddressGetY(vended_write_area_pointer_); vended_scan_->line = write_pointers_.line; vended_scan_->scan.end_points[0].data_offset += TextureAddressGetX(vended_write_area_pointer_); vended_scan_->scan.end_points[1].data_offset += TextureAddressGetX(vended_write_area_pointer_); } vended_scan_ = nullptr; } uint8_t *ScanTarget::begin_data(size_t required_length, size_t required_alignment) { if(allocation_has_failed_) return nullptr; if(!write_area_texture_.size()) { allocation_has_failed_ = true; return nullptr; } // Determine where the proposed write area would start and end. uint16_t output_y = TextureAddressGetY(write_pointers_.write_area); uint16_t aligned_start_x = TextureAddressGetX(write_pointers_.write_area & 0xffff) + 1; aligned_start_x += uint16_t((required_alignment - aligned_start_x%required_alignment)%required_alignment); uint16_t end_x = aligned_start_x + uint16_t(1 + required_length); if(end_x > WriteAreaWidth) { output_y = (output_y + 1) % WriteAreaHeight; aligned_start_x = uint16_t(required_alignment); end_x = aligned_start_x + uint16_t(1 + required_length); } // Check whether that steps over the read pointer. const auto end_address = TextureAddress(end_x, output_y); const auto read_pointers = read_pointers_.load(); const auto end_distance = TextureSub(end_address, read_pointers.write_area); const auto previous_distance = TextureSub(write_pointers_.write_area, read_pointers.write_area); // If allocating this would somehow make the write pointer back away from the read pointer, // there must not be enough space left. if(end_distance < previous_distance) { allocation_has_failed_ = true; return nullptr; } // Everything checks out, return the pointer. vended_write_area_pointer_ = write_pointers_.write_area = TextureAddress(aligned_start_x, output_y); return &write_area_texture_[size_t(write_pointers_.write_area) * data_type_size_]; // Note state at exit: // write_pointers_.write_area points to the first pixel the client is expected to draw to. } void ScanTarget::end_data(size_t actual_length) { if(allocation_has_failed_) return; // Bookend the start of the new data, to safeguard for precision errors in sampling. memcpy( &write_area_texture_[size_t(write_pointers_.write_area - 1) * data_type_size_], &write_area_texture_[size_t(write_pointers_.write_area) * data_type_size_], data_type_size_); // The write area was allocated in the knowledge that there's sufficient // distance left on the current line, so there's no need to worry about carry. write_pointers_.write_area += actual_length + 1; // Also bookend the end. memcpy( &write_area_texture_[size_t(write_pointers_.write_area - 1) * data_type_size_], &write_area_texture_[size_t(write_pointers_.write_area - 2) * data_type_size_], data_type_size_); } void ScanTarget::submit() { if(allocation_has_failed_) { // Reset all pointers to where they were; this also means // the stencil won't be properly populated. write_pointers_ = submit_pointers_.load(); frame_was_complete_ = false; } else { // Advance submit pointer. submit_pointers_.store(write_pointers_); } allocation_has_failed_ = false; } void ScanTarget::announce(Event event, bool is_visible, const Outputs::Display::ScanTarget::Scan::EndPoint &location, uint8_t composite_amplitude) { if(event == ScanTarget::Event::EndVerticalRetrace) { is_first_in_frame_ = true; frame_was_complete_ = true; } if(output_is_visible_ == is_visible) return; if(is_visible) { // Commit the most recent line only if any scans fell on it. // Otherwise there's no point outputting it, it'll contribute nothing. if(provided_scans_) { // Store metadata if concluding a previous line. if(active_line_) { line_metadata_buffer_[size_t(write_pointers_.line)].is_first_in_frame = is_first_in_frame_; line_metadata_buffer_[size_t(write_pointers_.line)].previous_frame_was_complete = frame_was_complete_; is_first_in_frame_ = false; } const auto read_pointers = read_pointers_.load(); // Attempt to allocate a new line; note allocation failure if necessary. const auto next_line = uint16_t((write_pointers_.line + 1) % LineBufferHeight); if(next_line == read_pointers.line) { allocation_has_failed_ = true; active_line_ = nullptr; } else { write_pointers_.line = next_line; active_line_ = &line_buffer_[size_t(write_pointers_.line)]; } provided_scans_ = 0; } if(active_line_) { active_line_->end_points[0].x = location.x; active_line_->end_points[0].y = location.y; active_line_->end_points[0].cycles_since_end_of_horizontal_retrace = location.cycles_since_end_of_horizontal_retrace; active_line_->end_points[0].composite_angle = location.composite_angle; active_line_->line = write_pointers_.line; active_line_->composite_amplitude = composite_amplitude; } } else { if(active_line_) { active_line_->end_points[1].x = location.x; active_line_->end_points[1].y = location.y; active_line_->end_points[1].cycles_since_end_of_horizontal_retrace = location.cycles_since_end_of_horizontal_retrace; active_line_->end_points[1].composite_angle = location.composite_angle; } } output_is_visible_ = is_visible; } void ScanTarget::setup_pipeline() { const auto data_type_size = Outputs::Display::size_for_data_type(modals_.input_data_type); if(data_type_size != data_type_size_) { // TODO: flush output. data_type_size_ = data_type_size; write_area_texture_.resize(2048*2048*data_type_size_); write_pointers_.scan_buffer = 0; write_pointers_.write_area = 0; } // Pick a processing width; this will be the minimum necessary not to // lose any detail when combining the input. processing_width_ = modals_.cycles_per_line / modals_.clocks_per_pixel_greatest_common_divisor; // Establish an output shader. TODO: add proper decoding and gamma correction here. output_shader_ = conversion_shader(modals_.input_data_type, modals_.display_type, modals_.composite_colour_space); glBindVertexArray(line_vertex_array_); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, line_buffer_name_); enable_vertex_attributes(ShaderType::Line, *output_shader_); set_uniforms(ShaderType::Line, *output_shader_); output_shader_->set_uniform("origin", modals_.visible_area.origin.x, modals_.visible_area.origin.y); output_shader_->set_uniform("size", modals_.visible_area.size.width, modals_.visible_area.size.height); output_shader_->set_uniform("textureName", GLint(UnprocessedLineBufferTextureUnit - GL_TEXTURE0)); // Establish an input shader. input_shader_ = composition_shader(modals_.input_data_type); glBindVertexArray(scan_vertex_array_); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, scan_buffer_name_); enable_vertex_attributes(ShaderType::InputScan, *input_shader_); set_uniforms(ShaderType::InputScan, *input_shader_); input_shader_->set_uniform("textureName", GLint(SourceDataTextureUnit - GL_TEXTURE0)); } void ScanTarget::draw(bool synchronous, int output_width, int output_height) { if(fence_ != nullptr) { // if the GPU is still busy, don't wait; we'll catch it next time if(glClientWaitSync(fence_, GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT, synchronous ? GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED : 0) == GL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED) { return; } fence_ = nullptr; } // Spin until the is-drawing flag is reset; the wait sync above will deal // with instances where waiting is inappropriate. while(is_drawing_.test_and_set()); // Establish the pipeline if necessary. if(modals_are_dirty_) { setup_pipeline(); modals_are_dirty_ = false; } // Grab the current read and submit pointers. const auto submit_pointers = submit_pointers_.load(); const auto read_pointers = read_pointers_.load(); // Submit scans; only the new ones need to be communicated. size_t new_scans = (submit_pointers.scan_buffer + scan_buffer_.size() - read_pointers.scan_buffer) % scan_buffer_.size(); if(new_scans) { glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, scan_buffer_name_); // Map only the required portion of the buffer. const size_t new_scans_size = new_scans * sizeof(Scan); uint8_t *const destination = static_cast( glMapBufferRange(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, GLsizeiptr(new_scans_size), GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT | GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT) ); if(read_pointers.scan_buffer < submit_pointers.scan_buffer) { memcpy(destination, &scan_buffer_[read_pointers.scan_buffer], new_scans_size); } else { const size_t first_portion_length = (scan_buffer_.size() - read_pointers.scan_buffer) * sizeof(Scan); memcpy(destination, &scan_buffer_[read_pointers.scan_buffer], first_portion_length); memcpy(&destination[first_portion_length], &scan_buffer_[0], new_scans_size - first_portion_length); } // Flush and unmap the buffer. glFlushMappedBufferRange(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, GLsizeiptr(new_scans_size)); glUnmapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); } // Submit texture. if(submit_pointers.write_area != read_pointers.write_area) { glActiveTexture(SourceDataTextureUnit); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, write_area_texture_name_); // Create storage for the texture if it doesn't yet exist; this was deferred until here // because the pixel format wasn't initially known. if(!texture_exists_) { glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, internalFormatForDepth(data_type_size_), WriteAreaWidth, WriteAreaHeight, 0, formatForDepth(data_type_size_), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nullptr); texture_exists_ = true; } const auto start_y = TextureAddressGetY(read_pointers.write_area); const auto end_y = TextureAddressGetY(submit_pointers.write_area); if(end_y >= start_y) { // Submit the direct region from the submit pointer to the read pointer. glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, start_y, WriteAreaWidth, 1 + end_y - start_y, formatForDepth(data_type_size_), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &write_area_texture_[size_t(TextureAddress(0, start_y)) * data_type_size_]); } else { // The circular buffer wrapped around; submit the data from the read pointer to the end of // the buffer and from the start of the buffer to the submit pointer. glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, WriteAreaWidth, 1 + end_y, formatForDepth(data_type_size_), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &write_area_texture_[0]); glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, start_y, WriteAreaWidth, WriteAreaHeight - start_y, formatForDepth(data_type_size_), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &write_area_texture_[size_t(TextureAddress(0, start_y)) * data_type_size_]); } } // Push new input to the unprocessed line buffer. if(new_scans) { unprocessed_line_texture_.bind_framebuffer(); // Clear newly-touched lines; that is everything from (read+1) to submit. const uint16_t first_line_to_clear = (read_pointers.line+1)%line_buffer_.size(); const uint16_t final_line_to_clear = submit_pointers.line; if(first_line_to_clear != final_line_to_clear) { glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); if(first_line_to_clear < final_line_to_clear) { glScissor(0, first_line_to_clear, unprocessed_line_texture_.get_width(), final_line_to_clear - first_line_to_clear); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } else { glScissor(0, 0, unprocessed_line_texture_.get_width(), final_line_to_clear); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glScissor(0, first_line_to_clear, unprocessed_line_texture_.get_width(), unprocessed_line_texture_.get_height() - first_line_to_clear); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } // Apply new spans. They definitely always go to the first buffer. glBindVertexArray(scan_vertex_array_); input_shader_->bind(); glDrawArraysInstanced(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4, GLsizei(new_scans)); } // Ensure the accumulation buffer is properly sized. const int proportional_width = (output_height * 4) / 3; if(!accumulation_texture_ || ( /* !synchronous && */ (accumulation_texture_->get_width() != proportional_width || accumulation_texture_->get_height() != output_height))) { std::unique_ptr new_framebuffer( new TextureTarget( GLsizei(proportional_width), GLsizei(output_height), AccumulationTextureUnit, GL_NEAREST, true)); if(accumulation_texture_) { new_framebuffer->bind_framebuffer(); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); glActiveTexture(AccumulationTextureUnit); accumulation_texture_->bind_texture(); accumulation_texture_->draw(float(output_width) / float(output_height)); glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); new_framebuffer->bind_texture(); } accumulation_texture_ = std::move(new_framebuffer); // In the absence of a way to resize a stencil buffer, just mark // what's currently present as invalid to avoid an improper clear // for this frame. stencil_is_valid_ = false; } // Figure out how many new spans are ostensible ready; use two less than that. uint16_t new_spans = (submit_pointers.line + LineBufferHeight - read_pointers.line) % LineBufferHeight; if(new_spans) { // Bind the accumulation framebuffer. accumulation_texture_->bind_framebuffer(); // Enable blending and stenciling, and ensure spans increment the stencil buffer. glEnable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 0, GLuint(~0)); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INCR); // Prepare to output lines. glBindVertexArray(line_vertex_array_); output_shader_->bind(); // Prepare to upload data that will consitute lines. glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, line_buffer_name_); // Divide spans by which frame they're in. uint16_t start_line = read_pointers.line; while(new_spans) { uint16_t end_line = start_line+1; // Find the limit of spans to draw in this cycle. size_t spans = 1; while(end_line != submit_pointers.line && !line_metadata_buffer_[end_line].is_first_in_frame) { end_line = (end_line + 1) % LineBufferHeight; ++spans; } // If this is start-of-frame, clear any untouched pixels and flush the stencil buffer if(line_metadata_buffer_[start_line].is_first_in_frame) { if(stencil_is_valid_ && line_metadata_buffer_[start_line].previous_frame_was_complete) { full_display_rectangle_.draw(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } stencil_is_valid_ = true; glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); // Rebind the program for span output. glBindVertexArray(line_vertex_array_); output_shader_->bind(); } // Upload and draw. const auto buffer_size = spans * sizeof(Line); if(!end_line || end_line > start_line) { glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, GLsizeiptr(buffer_size), &line_buffer_[start_line]); } else { uint8_t *destination = static_cast( glMapBufferRange(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, GLsizeiptr(buffer_size), GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT | GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT) ); assert(destination); const size_t buffer_length = line_buffer_.size() * sizeof(Line); const size_t start_position = start_line * sizeof(Line); memcpy(&destination[0], &line_buffer_[start_line], buffer_length - start_position); memcpy(&destination[buffer_length - start_position], &line_buffer_[0], end_line * sizeof(Line)); glFlushMappedBufferRange(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, GLsizeiptr(buffer_size)); glUnmapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); } glDrawArraysInstanced(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4, GLsizei(spans)); start_line = end_line; new_spans -= spans; } // Disable blending and the stencil test again. glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } // Copy the accumulatiion texture to the target (TODO: don't assume framebuffer 0). glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei)output_width, (GLsizei)output_height); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); accumulation_texture_->bind_texture(); accumulation_texture_->draw(float(output_width) / float(output_height), 4.0f / 255.0f); // All data now having been spooled to the GPU, update the read pointers to // the submit pointer location. read_pointers_.store(submit_pointers); // Grab a fence sync object to avoid busy waiting upon the next extry into this // function, and reset the is_drawing_ flag. fence_ = glFenceSync(GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE, 0); is_drawing_.clear(); }