#include #include #include #include "mainwindow.h" #include "settings.h" #include "timer.h" #include "../../Numeric/CRC.hpp" namespace { std::unique_ptr> fileContentsAndClose(FILE *file) { auto data = std::make_unique>(); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); data->resize(std::ftell(file)); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); size_t read = fread(data->data(), 1, data->size(), file); fclose(file); if(read == data->size()) { return data; } return nullptr; } } /* General Qt implementation notes: * it seems like Qt doesn't offer a way to constrain the aspect ratio of a view by constraining the size of the window (i.e. you can use a custom layout to constrain a view, but that won't affect the window, so isn't useful for this project). Therefore the emulation window resizes freely. */ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { init(); setVisibleWidgetSet(WidgetSet::MachinePicker); } MainWindow::MainWindow(const QString &fileName) { init(); launchFile(fileName); } void MainWindow::deleteMachine() { // Stop the timer; stopping this first ensures the machine won't attempt // to write to the audioOutput while it is being shut down. timer.reset(); // Shut down the scan target while it still has a context for cleanup. ui->openGLWidget->stop(); // Stop the audio output, and its thread. if(audioOutput) { audioThread.performAsync([this] { audioOutput->stop(); }); audioThread.stop(); } machine.reset(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { deleteMachine(); --mainWindowCount; // Store the current user selections. storeSelections(); } void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { // SDI behaviour, which may or may not be normal (?): if the user is closing a // final window, and it contains a machine, send them back to the machine picker. // i.e. assume they were closing that document, not the application. if(mainWindowCount == 1 && machine) { setVisibleWidgetSet(WidgetSet::MachinePicker); deleteMachine(); event->ignore(); return; } QMainWindow::closeEvent(event); } void MainWindow::init() { ++mainWindowCount; qApp->installEventFilter(this); ui = std::make_unique(); ui->setupUi(this); romRequestBaseText = ui->missingROMsBox->toPlainText(); createActions(); restoreSelections(); } void MainWindow::createActions() { // Create a file menu. QMenu *const fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File")); // Add file option: 'New' QAction *const newAct = new QAction(tr("&New"), this); newAct->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::New); newAct->setStatusTip(tr("Create a new file")); connect(newAct, &QAction::triggered, this, [this] { storeSelections(); MainWindow *other = new MainWindow; other->tile(this); other->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); other->show(); }); fileMenu->addAction(newAct); // Add file option: 'Open...' QAction *const openAct = new QAction(tr("&Open..."), this); openAct->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Open); openAct->setStatusTip(tr("Open an existing file")); connect(openAct, &QAction::triggered, this, [this] { const QString fileName = getFilename("Open..."); if(!fileName.isEmpty()) { // My understanding of SDI: if a file was opened for a 'vacant' window, launch it directly there; // otherwise create a new window for it. if(machine) { MainWindow *const other = new MainWindow(fileName); other->tile(this); other->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); other->show(); } else { launchFile(fileName); } } }); fileMenu->addAction(openAct); // Add a separator and then an 'Insert...'. fileMenu->addSeparator(); insertAction = new QAction(tr("&Insert..."), this); insertAction->setStatusTip(tr("Open an existing file")); insertAction->setEnabled(false); connect(insertAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this] { const QString fileName = getFilename("Insert..."); if(!fileName.isEmpty()) { insertFile(fileName); } }); fileMenu->addAction(insertAction); // Add Help menu, with an 'About...' option. QMenu *helpMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Help")); QAction *aboutAct = helpMenu->addAction(tr("&About"), this, [this] { QMessageBox::about(this, tr("About Clock Signal"), tr( "

Clock Signal is an emulator of various platforms.

" "

This emulator is offered under the MIT licence; its source code " "is available from GitHub.

" "

This port is experimental, especially with regard to latency; " "please don't hesitate to provide feedback, " "by email or via the " "GitHub issue tracker.

" )); }); aboutAct->setStatusTip(tr("Show the application's About box")); // Link up the start machine button. connect(ui->startMachineButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::startMachine); } QString MainWindow::getFilename(const char *title) { Settings settings; // Use the Settings to get a default open path; write it back afterwards. QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr(title), settings.value("openPath").toString()); if(!fileName.isEmpty()) { settings.setValue("openPath", QFileInfo(fileName).absoluteDir().path()); } return fileName; } void MainWindow::insertFile(const QString &fileName) { if(!machine) return; auto mediaTarget = machine->media_target(); if(!mediaTarget) return; Analyser::Static::Media media = Analyser::Static::GetMedia(fileName.toStdString()); mediaTarget->insert_media(media); } void MainWindow::launchFile(const QString &fileName) { targets = Analyser::Static::GetTargets(fileName.toStdString()); if(!targets.empty()) { launchMachine(); setWindowTitle(QFileInfo(fileName).fileName()); } } void MainWindow::tile(const QMainWindow *previous) { // This entire function is essentially verbatim from the Qt SDI example. if (!previous) return; int topFrameWidth = previous->geometry().top() - previous->pos().y(); if (!topFrameWidth) topFrameWidth = 40; const QPoint pos = previous->pos() + 2 * QPoint(topFrameWidth, topFrameWidth); if (screen()->availableGeometry().contains(rect().bottomRight() + pos)) move(pos); } // MARK: Machine launch. void MainWindow::launchMachine() { const QStringList appDataLocations = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation); missingRoms.clear(); ROMMachine::ROMFetcher rom_fetcher = [&appDataLocations, this] (const std::vector &roms) -> std::vector>> { std::vector>> results; for(const auto &rom: roms) { FILE *file = nullptr; for(const auto &path: appDataLocations) { const std::string source = path.toStdString() + "/ROMImages/" + rom.machine_name + "/" + rom.file_name; const std::string nativeSource = QDir::toNativeSeparators(QString::fromStdString(source)).toStdString(); file = fopen(nativeSource.c_str(), "rb"); if(file) break; } if(file) { auto data = fileContentsAndClose(file); if(data) { results.push_back(std::move(data)); continue; } } results.push_back(nullptr); missingRoms.push_back(rom); } return results; }; Machine::Error error; machine.reset(Machine::MachineForTargets(targets, rom_fetcher, error)); if(error != Machine::Error::None) { switch(error) { default: break; case Machine::Error::MissingROM: { setVisibleWidgetSet(WidgetSet::ROMRequester); uiPhase = UIPhase::RequestingROMs; // Populate request text. QString requestText = romRequestBaseText; size_t index = 0; for(const auto rom: missingRoms) { requestText += "• "; requestText += rom.descriptive_name.c_str(); ++index; if(index == missingRoms.size()) { requestText += ".\n"; continue; } if(index == missingRoms.size() - 1) { requestText += "; and\n"; continue; } requestText += ";\n"; } ui->missingROMsBox->setPlainText(requestText); } break; } return; } setVisibleWidgetSet(WidgetSet::RunningMachine); uiPhase = UIPhase::RunningMachine; // Supply the scan target. // TODO: in the future, hypothetically, deal with non-scan producers. const auto scan_producer = machine->scan_producer(); if(scan_producer) { ui->openGLWidget->setScanProducer(scan_producer); } // Install audio output if required. const auto audio_producer = machine->audio_producer(); if(audio_producer) { static constexpr size_t samplesPerBuffer = 256; // TODO: select this dynamically. const auto speaker = audio_producer->get_speaker(); if(speaker) { const QAudioDeviceInfo &defaultDeviceInfo = QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice(); QAudioFormat idealFormat = defaultDeviceInfo.preferredFormat(); // Use the ideal format's sample rate, provide stereo as long as at least two channels // are available, and — at least for now — assume a good buffer size. audioIsStereo = (idealFormat.channelCount() > 1) && speaker->get_is_stereo(); audioIs8bit = idealFormat.sampleSize() < 16; idealFormat.setChannelCount(1 + int(audioIsStereo)); idealFormat.setSampleSize(audioIs8bit ? 8 : 16); speaker->set_output_rate(idealFormat.sampleRate(), samplesPerBuffer, audioIsStereo); speaker->set_delegate(this); audioThread.performAsync([this, idealFormat] { // Create an audio output. audioOutput = std::make_unique(idealFormat); // Start the output. The additional `audioBuffer` is meant to minimise latency, // believe it or not, given Qt's semantics. audioOutput->setBufferSize(samplesPerBuffer * sizeof(int16_t)); audioOutput->start(&audioBuffer); audioBuffer.setDepth(audioOutput->bufferSize()); }); } } // Set user-friendly default options. const auto machineType = targets[0]->machine; const std::string longMachineName = Machine::LongNameForTargetMachine(machineType); const auto configurable = machine->configurable_device(); if(configurable) { configurable->set_options(Machine::AllOptionsByMachineName()[longMachineName]); } // If this is a timed machine, start up the timer. const auto timedMachine = machine->timed_machine(); if(timedMachine) { timer = std::make_unique(this); timer->startWithMachine(timedMachine, &machineMutex); } // If the machine can accept new media while running, enable // the inert action. if(machine->media_target()) { insertAction->setEnabled(true); } // Update the window title. TODO: clearly I need a proper functional solution for the window title. setWindowTitle(QString::fromStdString(longMachineName)); // TODO: add machine-specific UI. switch(machineType) { case Analyser::Machine::AmstradCPC: addDisplayMenu("Television", "", "", "Monitor"); break; case Analyser::Machine::AppleII: addDisplayMenu("Colour", "Monochrome", "", ""); break; case Analyser::Machine::AtariST: addDisplayMenu("Television", "", "", "Monitor"); break; case Analyser::Machine::ColecoVision: addDisplayMenu("Composite", "", "S-Video", ""); break; case Analyser::Machine::Vic20: addDisplayMenu("Composite", "", "S-Video", ""); break; case Analyser::Machine::Electron: addDisplayMenu("Composite", "", "S-Video", "RGB"); break; case Analyser::Machine::MasterSystem: addDisplayMenu("Composite", "", "S-Video", "SCART"); break; case Analyser::Machine::MSX: addDisplayMenu("Composite", "", "S-Video", "SCART"); break; case Analyser::Machine::Oric: addDisplayMenu("Composite", "", "", "SCART"); break; default: break; } } void MainWindow::addDisplayMenu(const std::string &compositeColour, const std::string &compositeMono, const std::string &svideo, const std::string &rgb) { // Create a display menu. QMenu *const displayMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Display")); QAction *compositeColourAction = nullptr; QAction *compositeMonochromeAction = nullptr; QAction *sVideoAction = nullptr; QAction *rgbAction = nullptr; // Add all requested actions. #define Add(name, action) \ if(!name.empty()) { \ action = new QAction(tr(name.c_str()), this); \ action->setCheckable(true); \ displayMenu->addAction(action); \ } Add(compositeColour, compositeColourAction); Add(compositeMono, compositeMonochromeAction); Add(svideo, sVideoAction); Add(rgb, rgbAction); #undef Add // TODO: use the existing machine configuration and/or settings to determine what is currently ticked. auto options = machine->configurable_device()->get_options(); Configurable::Display defaultDisplay = Configurable::Display::RGB;//Reflection::get(*options, "output"); // Add actions to the generated options. size_t index = 0; for(auto action: {compositeColourAction, compositeMonochromeAction, sVideoAction, rgbAction}) { constexpr Configurable::Display displaySelections[] = { Configurable::Display::CompositeColour, Configurable::Display::CompositeMonochrome, Configurable::Display::SVideo, Configurable::Display::RGB, }; const Configurable::Display displaySelection = displaySelections[index]; ++index; if(!action) continue; action->setChecked(displaySelection == defaultDisplay); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [=] { for(auto otherAction: {compositeColourAction, compositeMonochromeAction, sVideoAction, rgbAction}) { if(otherAction && otherAction != action) otherAction->setChecked(false); } auto options = machine->configurable_device()->get_options(); Reflection::set(*options, "output", int(displaySelection)); machine->configurable_device()->set_options(options); }); } } void MainWindow::speaker_did_complete_samples(Outputs::Speaker::Speaker *, const std::vector &buffer) { audioBuffer.write(buffer); } void MainWindow::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* event) { // Always accept dragged files. if(event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) event->accept(); } void MainWindow::dropEvent(QDropEvent* event) { if(!event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) { return; } event->accept(); switch(uiPhase) { case UIPhase::NoFileSelected: { // Treat exactly as a File -> Open... . const auto fileName = event->mimeData()->urls()[0].toLocalFile(); launchFile(fileName); } break; case UIPhase::RunningMachine: { // Attempt to insert into the running machine. const auto fileName = event->mimeData()->urls()[0].toLocalFile(); insertFile(fileName); } break; // TODO: permit multiple files dropped at once in both of the above cases. case UIPhase::RequestingROMs: { // Attempt to match up the dragged files to the requested ROM list; // if and when they match, copy to a writeable QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation // and try launchMachine() again. bool foundROM = false; const auto appDataLocation = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation).toStdString(); for(const auto &url: event->mimeData()->urls()) { const char *const name = url.toLocalFile().toUtf8(); FILE *const file = fopen(name, "rb"); const auto contents = fileContentsAndClose(file); if(!contents) continue; CRC::CRC32 generator; const uint32_t crc = generator.compute_crc(*contents); for(const auto &rom: missingRoms) { if(std::find(rom.crc32s.begin(), rom.crc32s.end(), crc) != rom.crc32s.end()) { foundROM = true; // Ensure the destination folder exists. const std::string path = appDataLocation + "/ROMImages/" + rom.machine_name; const QDir dir(QString::fromStdString(path)); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkpath("."); // Write into place. const std::string destination = QDir::toNativeSeparators(QString::fromStdString(path+ "/" + rom.file_name)).toStdString(); FILE *const target = fopen(destination.c_str(), "wb"); fwrite(contents->data(), 1, contents->size(), target); fclose(target); } } } if(foundROM) launchMachine(); } break; } } // MARK: Input capture. bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::KeyPress: case QEvent::KeyRelease: { const auto keyEvent = static_cast(event); if(!processEvent(keyEvent)) { return false; } } break; case QEvent::Close: break; default: break; } return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } void MainWindow::setVisibleWidgetSet(WidgetSet set) { // The volume slider is never visible by default; a running machine // will show and hide it dynamically. ui->volumeSlider->setVisible(false); // Show or hide the missing ROMs box. ui->missingROMsBox->setVisible(set == WidgetSet::ROMRequester); // Show or hide the various machine-picking chrome. ui->machineSelectionTabs->setVisible(set == WidgetSet::MachinePicker); ui->startMachineButton->setVisible(set == WidgetSet::MachinePicker); ui->topTipLabel->setVisible(set == WidgetSet::MachinePicker); // Consider setting a window title, if it's knowable. switch(set) { case WidgetSet::MachinePicker: setWindowTitle(tr("Select a machine...")); break; case WidgetSet::ROMRequester: setWindowTitle(tr("Provide ROMs...")); break; default: break; } // Set appropriate focus if necessary; e.g. this ensures that machine-picker // widgets aren't still selectable after a machine starts. if(set != WidgetSet::MachinePicker) { ui->openGLWidget->setFocus(); } } // MARK: - Event Processing bool MainWindow::processEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if(!machine) return true; // First version: support keyboard input only. const auto keyboardMachine = machine->keyboard_machine(); if(!keyboardMachine) return true; #define BIND2(qtKey, clkKey) case Qt::qtKey: key = Inputs::Keyboard::Key::clkKey; break; #define BIND(key) BIND2(Key_##key, key) Inputs::Keyboard::Key key; switch(event->key()) { default: return true; // TODO: Qt factors in modifiers when deciding which key to declare has been pressed. // E.g. on my keyboard a shifted Key_Comma produces a Key_Less, not a Key_Comma and a shift. // Find a way to disable that, or else work around it here. BIND(Escape); BIND(F1); BIND(F2); BIND(F3); BIND(F4); BIND(F5); BIND(F6); BIND(F7); BIND(F8); BIND(F9); BIND(F10); BIND(F11); BIND(F12); BIND2(Key_Print, PrintScreen); BIND(ScrollLock); BIND(Pause); BIND2(Key_AsciiTilde, BackTick); BIND2(Key_1, k1); BIND2(Key_2, k2); BIND2(Key_3, k3); BIND2(Key_4, k4); BIND2(Key_5, k5); BIND2(Key_6, k6); BIND2(Key_7, k7); BIND2(Key_8, k8); BIND2(Key_9, k9); BIND2(Key_0, k0); BIND2(Key_Minus, Hyphen); BIND2(Key_Plus, Equals); BIND(Backspace); BIND(Tab); BIND(Q); BIND(W); BIND(E); BIND(R); BIND(T); BIND(Y); BIND(U); BIND(I); BIND(O); BIND(P); BIND2(Key_BraceLeft, OpenSquareBracket); BIND2(Key_BraceRight, CloseSquareBracket); BIND(Backslash); BIND(CapsLock); BIND(A); BIND(S); BIND(D); BIND(F); BIND(G); BIND(H); BIND(J); BIND(K); BIND(L); BIND(Semicolon); BIND2(Key_Apostrophe, Quote); BIND2(Key_QuoteDbl, Quote); // TODO: something to hash? BIND2(Key_Return, Enter); BIND2(Key_Shift, LeftShift); BIND(Z); BIND(X); BIND(C); BIND(V); BIND(B); BIND(N); BIND(M); BIND(Comma); BIND2(Key_Period, FullStop); BIND2(Key_Slash, ForwardSlash); // Omitted: right shift. BIND2(Key_Control, LeftControl); BIND2(Key_Alt, LeftOption); BIND2(Key_Meta, LeftMeta); BIND(Space); BIND2(Key_AltGr, RightOption); BIND(Left); BIND(Right); BIND(Up); BIND(Down); BIND(Insert); BIND(Home); BIND(PageUp); BIND(Delete); BIND(End); BIND(PageDown); BIND(NumLock); } std::unique_lock lock(machineMutex); keyboardMachine->get_keyboard().set_key_pressed(key, event->text().size() ? event->text()[0].toLatin1() : '\0', event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress); return false; } // MARK: - New Machine Creation #include "../../Analyser/Static/Acorn/Target.hpp" #include "../../Analyser/Static/AmstradCPC/Target.hpp" #include "../../Analyser/Static/AppleII/Target.hpp" #include "../../Analyser/Static/AtariST/Target.hpp" #include "../../Analyser/Static/Commodore/Target.hpp" #include "../../Analyser/Static/Macintosh/Target.hpp" #include "../../Analyser/Static/MSX/Target.hpp" #include "../../Analyser/Static/Oric/Target.hpp" #include "../../Analyser/Static/ZX8081/Target.hpp" void MainWindow::startMachine() { const auto selectedTab = ui->machineSelectionTabs->currentWidget(); #define TEST(x) \ if(selectedTab == ui->x ## Tab) { \ start_##x(); \ return; \ } TEST(appleII); TEST(amstradCPC); TEST(atariST); TEST(electron); TEST(macintosh); TEST(msx); TEST(oric); TEST(vic20); TEST(zx80); TEST(zx81); #undef TEST } void MainWindow::start_appleII() { using Target = Analyser::Static::AppleII::Target; auto target = std::make_unique(); switch(ui->appleIIModelComboBox->currentIndex()) { default: target->model = Target::Model::II; break; case 1: target->model = Target::Model::IIplus; break; case 2: target->model = Target::Model::IIe; break; case 3: target->model = Target::Model::EnhancedIIe; break; } switch(ui->appleIIDiskControllerComboBox->currentIndex()) { default: target->disk_controller = Target::DiskController::SixteenSector; break; case 1: target->disk_controller = Target::DiskController::ThirteenSector; break; case 2: target->disk_controller = Target::DiskController::None; break; } launchTarget(std::move(target)); } void MainWindow::start_amstradCPC() { using Target = Analyser::Static::AmstradCPC::Target; auto target = std::make_unique(); switch(ui->amstradCPCModelComboBox->currentIndex()) { default: target->model = Target::Model::CPC464; break; case 1: target->model = Target::Model::CPC664; break; case 2: target->model = Target::Model::CPC6128; break; } launchTarget(std::move(target)); } void MainWindow::start_atariST() { using Target = Analyser::Static::AtariST::Target; auto target = std::make_unique(); /* There are no options yet for an Atari ST. */ launchTarget(std::move(target)); } void MainWindow::start_electron() { using Target = Analyser::Static::Acorn::Target; auto target = std::make_unique(); target->has_dfs = ui->electronDFSCheckBox->isChecked(); target->has_adfs = ui->electronADFSCheckBox->isChecked(); launchTarget(std::move(target)); } void MainWindow::start_macintosh() { using Target = Analyser::Static::Macintosh::Target; auto target = std::make_unique(); switch(ui->macintoshModelComboBox->currentIndex()) { default: target->model = Target::Model::Mac512ke; break; case 1: target->model = Target::Model::MacPlus; break; } launchTarget(std::move(target)); } void MainWindow::start_msx() { using Target = Analyser::Static::MSX::Target; auto target = std::make_unique(); switch(ui->msxRegionComboBox->currentIndex()) { default: target->region = Target::Region::Europe; break; case 1: target->region = Target::Region::USA; break; case 2: target->region = Target::Region::Japan; break; } target->has_disk_drive = ui->msxDiskDriveCheckBox->isChecked(); launchTarget(std::move(target)); } void MainWindow::start_oric() { using Target = Analyser::Static::Oric::Target; auto target = std::make_unique(); switch(ui->oricModelComboBox->currentIndex()) { default: target->rom = Target::ROM::BASIC10; break; case 1: target->rom = Target::ROM::BASIC11; break; case 2: target->rom = Target::ROM::Pravetz; break; } switch(ui->oricDiskInterfaceComboBox->currentIndex()) { default: target->disk_interface = Target::DiskInterface::None; break; case 1: target->disk_interface = Target::DiskInterface::Microdisc; break; case 2: target->disk_interface = Target::DiskInterface::Jasmin; break; case 3: target->disk_interface = Target::DiskInterface::Pravetz; break; case 4: target->disk_interface = Target::DiskInterface::BD500; break; } launchTarget(std::move(target)); } void MainWindow::start_vic20() { using Target = Analyser::Static::Commodore::Target; auto target = std::make_unique(); switch(ui->vic20RegionComboBox->currentIndex()) { default: target->region = Target::Region::European; break; case 1: target->region = Target::Region::American; break; case 2: target->region = Target::Region::Danish; break; case 3: target->region = Target::Region::Swedish; break; case 4: target->region = Target::Region::Japanese; break; } auto memoryModel = Target::MemoryModel::Unexpanded; switch(ui->vic20MemorySizeComboBox->currentIndex()) { default: break; case 1: memoryModel = Target::MemoryModel::EightKB; break; case 2: memoryModel = Target::MemoryModel::ThirtyTwoKB; break; } target->set_memory_model(memoryModel); target->has_c1540 = ui->vic20C1540CheckBox->isChecked(); launchTarget(std::move(target)); } void MainWindow::start_zx80() { using Target = Analyser::Static::ZX8081::Target; auto target = std::make_unique(); switch(ui->zx80MemorySizeComboBox->currentIndex()) { default: target->memory_model = Target::MemoryModel::Unexpanded; break; case 1: target->memory_model = Target::MemoryModel::SixteenKB; break; } target->is_ZX81 = false; target->ZX80_uses_ZX81_ROM = ui->zx80UseZX81ROMCheckBox->isChecked(); launchTarget(std::move(target)); } void MainWindow::start_zx81() { using Target = Analyser::Static::ZX8081::Target; auto target = std::make_unique(); switch(ui->zx81MemorySizeComboBox->currentIndex()) { default: target->memory_model = Target::MemoryModel::Unexpanded; break; case 1: target->memory_model = Target::MemoryModel::SixteenKB; break; } target->is_ZX81 = true; launchTarget(std::move(target)); } void MainWindow::launchTarget(std::unique_ptr &&target) { targets.clear(); targets.push_back(std::move(target)); launchMachine(); } // MARK: - UI state // An assumption made widely below is that it's more likely I'll preserve combo box text // than indices. This has historically been true on the Mac, as I tend to add additional // options but the existing text is rarely affected. #define AllSettings() \ /* Machine selection. */ \ Tabs(machineSelectionTabs, "machineSelection"); \ \ /* Apple II. */ \ ComboBox(appleIIModelComboBox, "appleII.model"); \ ComboBox(appleIIDiskControllerComboBox, "appleII.diskController"); \ \ /* Amstrad CPC. */ \ ComboBox(amstradCPCModelComboBox, "amstradcpc.model"); \ \ /* Atari ST: nothing */ \ \ /* Electron. */ \ CheckBox(electronDFSCheckBox, "electron.hasDFS"); \ CheckBox(electronADFSCheckBox, "electron.hasADFS"); \ \ /* Macintosh. */ \ ComboBox(macintoshModelComboBox, "macintosh.model"); \ \ /* MSX. */ \ ComboBox(msxRegionComboBox, "msx.region"); \ CheckBox(msxDiskDriveCheckBox, "msx.hasDiskDrive"); \ \ /* Oric. */ \ ComboBox(oricModelComboBox, "msx.model"); \ ComboBox(oricDiskInterfaceComboBox, "msx.diskInterface"); \ \ /* Vic-20 */ \ ComboBox(vic20RegionComboBox, "vic20.region"); \ ComboBox(vic20MemorySizeComboBox, "vic20.memorySize"); \ CheckBox(vic20C1540CheckBox, "vic20.has1540"); \ \ /* ZX80. */ \ ComboBox(zx80MemorySizeComboBox, "zx80.memorySize"); \ CheckBox(zx80UseZX81ROMCheckBox, "zx80.usesZX81ROM"); \ \ /* ZX81. */ \ ComboBox(zx81MemorySizeComboBox, "zx81.memorySize"); void MainWindow::storeSelections() { Settings settings; #define Tabs(name, key) settings.setValue(key, ui->name->currentIndex()) #define CheckBox(name, key) settings.setValue(key, ui->name->isChecked()) #define ComboBox(name, key) settings.setValue(key, ui->name->currentText()) AllSettings(); #undef Tabs #undef CheckBox #undef ComboBox } void MainWindow::restoreSelections() { Settings settings; #define Tabs(name, key) ui->name->setCurrentIndex(settings.value(key).toInt()) #define CheckBox(name, key) ui->name->setCheckState(settings.value(key).toBool() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked) #define ComboBox(name, key) ui->name->setCurrentText(settings.value(key).toString()) AllSettings(); #undef Tabs #undef CheckBox #undef ComboBox }