// // Disk.cpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 13/09/2016. // Copyright © 2016 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #include "Disk.hpp" #include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskController.hpp" #include "../../Storage/Disk/Encodings/CommodoreGCR.hpp" #include "../../Storage/Data/Commodore.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace StaticAnalyser::Commodore; class CommodoreGCRParser: public Storage::Disk::Controller { public: std::shared_ptr drive; CommodoreGCRParser() : Storage::Disk::Controller(4000000), shift_register_(0), track_(1) { drive.reset(new Storage::Disk::Drive(4000000, 300, 2)); set_drive(drive); drive->set_motor_on(true); } struct Sector { uint8_t sector, track; std::array data; bool header_checksum_matched; bool data_checksum_matched; }; /*! Attempts to read the sector located at @c track and @c sector. @returns a sector if one was found; @c nullptr otherwise. */ std::shared_ptr get_sector(uint8_t track, uint8_t sector) { int difference = (int)track - (int)track_; track_ = track; if(difference) { int direction = difference < 0 ? -1 : 1; difference *= 2 * direction; for(int c = 0; c < difference; c++) get_drive().step(direction); unsigned int zone = 3; if(track >= 18) zone = 2; else if(track >= 25) zone = 1; else if(track >= 31) zone = 0; set_expected_bit_length(Storage::Encodings::CommodoreGCR::length_of_a_bit_in_time_zone(zone)); } return get_sector(sector); } private: unsigned int shift_register_; int index_count_; int bit_count_; uint8_t track_; std::shared_ptr sector_cache_[65536]; void process_input_bit(int value) { shift_register_ = ((shift_register_ << 1) | (unsigned int)value) & 0x3ff; bit_count_++; } unsigned int proceed_to_next_block() { // find GCR lead-in proceed_to_shift_value(0x3ff); if(shift_register_ != 0x3ff) return 0xff; // find end of lead-in while(shift_register_ == 0x3ff && index_count_ < 2) { run_for(Cycles(1)); } // continue for a further nine bits bit_count_ = 0; while(bit_count_ < 9 && index_count_ < 2) { run_for(Cycles(1)); } return Storage::Encodings::CommodoreGCR::decoding_from_dectet(shift_register_); } unsigned int get_next_byte() { bit_count_ = 0; while(bit_count_ < 10) run_for(Cycles(1)); return Storage::Encodings::CommodoreGCR::decoding_from_dectet(shift_register_); } void proceed_to_shift_value(unsigned int shift_value) { index_count_ = 0; while(shift_register_ != shift_value && index_count_ < 2) { run_for(Cycles(1)); } } void process_index_hole() { index_count_++; } std::shared_ptr get_sector(uint8_t sector) { uint16_t sector_address = (uint16_t)((track_ << 8) | sector); if(sector_cache_[sector_address]) return sector_cache_[sector_address]; std::shared_ptr first_sector = get_next_sector(); if(!first_sector) return first_sector; if(first_sector->sector == sector) return first_sector; while(1) { std::shared_ptr next_sector = get_next_sector(); if(next_sector->sector == first_sector->sector) return nullptr; if(next_sector->sector == sector) return next_sector; } } std::shared_ptr get_next_sector() { std::shared_ptr sector(new Sector); index_count_ = 0; while(index_count_ < 2) { // look for a sector header while(1) { if(proceed_to_next_block() == 0x08) break; if(index_count_ >= 2) return nullptr; } // get sector details, skip if this looks malformed uint8_t checksum = (uint8_t)get_next_byte(); sector->sector = (uint8_t)get_next_byte(); sector->track = (uint8_t)get_next_byte(); uint8_t disk_id[2]; disk_id[0] = (uint8_t)get_next_byte(); disk_id[1] = (uint8_t)get_next_byte(); if(checksum != (sector->sector ^ sector->track ^ disk_id[0] ^ disk_id[1])) continue; // look for the following data while(1) { if(proceed_to_next_block() == 0x07) break; if(index_count_ >= 2) return nullptr; } checksum = 0; for(size_t c = 0; c < 256; c++) { sector->data[c] = (uint8_t)get_next_byte(); checksum ^= sector->data[c]; } if(checksum == get_next_byte()) { uint16_t sector_address = (uint16_t)((sector->track << 8) | sector->sector); sector_cache_[sector_address] = sector; return sector; } } return nullptr; } }; std::list StaticAnalyser::Commodore::GetFiles(const std::shared_ptr &disk) { std::list files; CommodoreGCRParser parser; parser.drive->set_disk(disk); // find any sector whatsoever to establish the current track std::shared_ptr sector; // assemble directory std::vector directory; uint8_t next_track = 18; uint8_t next_sector = 1; while(1) { sector = parser.get_sector(next_track, next_sector); if(!sector) break; directory.insert(directory.end(), sector->data.begin(), sector->data.end()); next_track = sector->data[0]; next_sector = sector->data[1]; if(!next_track) break; } // parse directory size_t header_pointer = (size_t)-32; while(header_pointer+32+31 < directory.size()) { header_pointer += 32; File new_file; switch(directory[header_pointer + 2] & 7) { case 0: // DEL files default: continue; // Unknown file types case 1: new_file.type = File::DataSequence; break; case 2: new_file.type = File::RelocatableProgram; break; // TODO: need a "don't know about relocatable" program? case 3: new_file.type = File::User; break; // case 4: new_file.type = File::Relative; break; // Can't handle REL files yet } next_track = directory[header_pointer + 3]; next_sector = directory[header_pointer + 4]; new_file.raw_name.reserve(16); for(size_t c = 0; c < 16; c++) { new_file.raw_name.push_back(directory[header_pointer + 5 + c]); } new_file.name = Storage::Data::Commodore::petscii_from_bytes(&new_file.raw_name[0], 16, false); size_t number_of_sectors = (size_t)directory[header_pointer + 0x1e] + ((size_t)directory[header_pointer + 0x1f] << 8); new_file.data.reserve((number_of_sectors - 1) * 254 + 252); bool is_first_sector = true; while(next_track) { sector = parser.get_sector(next_track, next_sector); if(!sector) break; next_track = sector->data[0]; next_sector = sector->data[1]; if(is_first_sector) new_file.starting_address = (uint16_t)sector->data[2] | (uint16_t)(sector->data[3] << 8); if(next_track) new_file.data.insert(new_file.data.end(), sector->data.begin() + (is_first_sector ? 4 : 2), sector->data.end()); else new_file.data.insert(new_file.data.end(), sector->data.begin() + 2, sector->data.begin() + next_sector); is_first_sector = false; } if(!next_track) files.push_back(new_file); } return files; }