// // Fetch.hpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 01/01/2023. // Copyright © 2023 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #ifndef Fetch_hpp #define Fetch_hpp /* Fetching routines follow below; they obey the following rules: 1) input is a start position and an end position; they should perform the proper operations for the period: start <= time < end. 2) times are measured relative to a 172-cycles-per-line clock (so: they directly count access windows on the TMS and Master System). 3) time 0 is the beginning of the access window immediately after the last pattern/data block fetch that would contribute to this line, in a normal 32-column mode. So: * it's cycle 309 on Mattias' TMS diagram; * it's cycle 1238 on his V9938 diagram; * it's after the last background render block in Mask of Destiny's Master System timing diagram. That division point was selected, albeit arbitrarily, because it puts all the tile fetches for a single line into the same [0, 171] period. 4) all of these functions are templated with a `use_end` parameter. That will be true if end is < 172, false otherwise. So functions can use it to eliminate should-exit-not checks, for the more usual path of execution. Provided for the benefit of the methods below: * the function external_slot(), which will perform any pending VRAM read/write. * the macros slot(n) and external_slot(n) which can be used to schedule those things inside a switch(start)-based implementation. All functions should just spool data to intermediary storage. This is because for most VDPs there is a decoupling between fetch pattern and output pattern, and it's neater to keep the same division for the exceptions. */ // MARK: - TMS9918 template template void Base::dispatch(Fetcher &fetcher, int start, int end) { #define index(n) \ if(use_end && end == n) return; \ [[fallthrough]]; \ case n: fetcher.template fetch(); switch(start) { default: assert(false); index(0); index(1); index(2); index(3); index(4); index(5); index(6); index(7); index(8); index(9); index(10); index(11); index(12); index(13); index(14); index(15); index(16); index(17); index(18); index(19); index(20); index(21); index(22); index(23); index(24); index(25); index(26); index(27); index(28); index(29); index(30); index(31); index(32); index(33); index(34); index(35); index(36); index(37); index(38); index(39); index(40); index(41); index(42); index(43); index(44); index(45); index(46); index(47); index(48); index(49); index(50); index(51); index(52); index(53); index(54); index(55); index(56); index(57); index(58); index(59); index(60); index(61); index(62); index(63); index(64); index(65); index(66); index(67); index(68); index(69); index(70); index(71); index(72); index(73); index(74); index(75); index(76); index(77); index(78); index(79); index(80); index(81); index(82); index(83); index(84); index(85); index(86); index(87); index(88); index(89); index(90); index(91); index(92); index(93); index(94); index(95); index(96); index(97); index(98); index(99); index(100); index(101); index(102); index(103); index(104); index(105); index(106); index(107); index(108); index(109); index(110); index(111); index(112); index(113); index(114); index(115); index(116); index(117); index(118); index(119); index(120); index(121); index(122); index(123); index(124); index(125); index(126); index(127); index(128); index(129); index(130); index(131); index(132); index(133); index(134); index(135); index(136); index(137); index(138); index(139); index(140); index(141); index(142); index(143); index(144); index(145); index(146); index(147); index(148); index(149); index(150); index(151); index(152); index(153); index(154); index(155); index(156); index(157); index(158); index(159); index(160); index(161); index(162); index(163); index(164); index(165); index(166); index(167); index(168); index(169); index(170); } #undef index } // MARK: - TMS fetcher definitions. template struct RefreshFetcher { RefreshFetcher(Base *base) : base(base) {} template void fetch() { if(cycle < 44 || (cycle&1)) { base->do_external_slot(to_internal(cycle)); } } Base *const base; }; template struct TextFetcher { using AddressT = typename Base::AddressT; TextFetcher(Base *base, LineBuffer &buffer, int y) : base(base), line_buffer(buffer), row_base(base->pattern_name_address_ & (0x3c00 | size_t(y >> 3) * 40)), row_offset(base->pattern_generator_table_address_ & (0x3800 | (y & 7))) {} template void fetch() { // The first 47 and the final 4 slots are external. if constexpr (cycle < 47 || cycle >= 167) { base->do_external_slot(to_internal(cycle)); return; } else { // For the 120 slots in between follow a three-step pattern of: constexpr int offset = cycle - 47; constexpr auto column = AddressT(offset / 3); switch(offset % 3) { case 0: base->name_[0] = base->ram_[row_base + column]; break; // (1) fetch tile name. case 1: base->do_external_slot(to_internal(cycle)); break; // (2) external slot. case 2: line_buffer.characters.shapes[column] = base->ram_[row_offset + size_t(base->name_[0] << 3)]; break; // (3) fetch tile pattern. } } } Base *const base; LineBuffer &line_buffer; const AddressT row_base; const AddressT row_offset; }; template struct CharacterFetcher { using AddressT = typename Base::AddressT; CharacterFetcher(Base *base, LineBuffer &buffer, LineBuffer &sprite_selection_buffer, int y) : base(base), tile_buffer(buffer), sprite_selection_buffer(sprite_selection_buffer), y(y), row_base(base->pattern_name_address_ & (AddressT((y << 2)&~31) | 0x3c00)) { pattern_base = base->pattern_generator_table_address_; colour_base = base->colour_table_address_; colour_name_shift = 6; if(buffer.screen_mode == ScreenMode::Graphics) { // If this is high resolution mode, allow the row number to affect the pattern and colour addresses. pattern_base &= AddressT(0x2000 | ((y & 0xc0) << 5)); colour_base &= AddressT(0x2000 | ((y & 0xc0) << 5)); colour_base += AddressT(y & 7); colour_name_shift = 0; } else { colour_base &= size_t(0xffc0); pattern_base &= size_t(0x3800); } if(buffer.screen_mode == ScreenMode::MultiColour) { pattern_base += size_t((y >> 2) & 7); } else { pattern_base += size_t(y & 7); } } template void fetch() { if(cycle < 2) { base->do_external_slot(to_internal(cycle)); } if(cycle == 2) { // Fetch: y0, x0, n0, c0, pat0a, pat0b, y1, x1, n1, c1, pat1a, pat1b, y2, x2. fetch_sprite_coordinates(0); fetch_sprite_graphics(0); fetch_sprite_coordinates(1); fetch_sprite_graphics(1); fetch_sprite_coordinates(2); } if(cycle > 16 && cycle < 21) { base->do_external_slot(to_internal(cycle)); } if(cycle == 21) { // Fetch: n1, c2, pat2a, pat2b, y3, x3, n3, c3, pat3a, pat3b. fetch_sprite_graphics(2); fetch_sprite_coordinates(3); fetch_sprite_graphics(3); // All patterns now fetched, reset sprite selection. sprite_selection_buffer.reset_sprite_collection(); } if(cycle >= 31 && cycle < 35) { base->do_external_slot(to_internal(cycle)); } // Cycles 35 to 43: fetch 8 new sprite Y coordinates, to begin selecting sprites for next line. if(cycle == 35) { posit_sprite(0); posit_sprite(1); posit_sprite(2); posit_sprite(3); posit_sprite(4); posit_sprite(5); posit_sprite(6); posit_sprite(7); } // Rest of line: tiles themselves, plus some additional potential sprites. if(cycle >= 43) { constexpr int offset = cycle - 43; constexpr int block = offset >> 2; constexpr int sub_block = offset & 3; switch(sub_block) { case 0: base->tile_offset_ = base->ram_[(row_base + AddressT(block)) & 0x3fff]; break; case 1: if(!(block & 3)) { base->do_external_slot(to_internal(cycle)); } else { constexpr int sprite = 8 + ((block >> 2) * 3) + ((block & 3) - 1); posit_sprite(sprite); } break; case 3: tile_buffer.tiles.patterns[block][0] = base->ram_[(pattern_base + AddressT(base->tile_offset_ << 3)) & 0x3fff]; tile_buffer.tiles.patterns[block][1] = base->ram_[(colour_base + AddressT((base->tile_offset_ << 3) >> colour_name_shift)) & 0x3fff]; break; default: break; } } } void fetch_sprite_coordinates(int sprite) { tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].x = base->ram_[ base->sprite_attribute_table_address_ & AddressT(0x3f81 | (tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].index << 2)) ]; } void fetch_sprite_graphics(int sprite) { const uint8_t name = base->ram_[ base->sprite_attribute_table_address_ & AddressT(0x3f82 | (tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].index << 2)) ] & (base->sprites_16x16_ ? ~3 : ~0); tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].image[2] = base->ram_[ base->sprite_attribute_table_address_ & AddressT(0x3f83 | (tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].index << 2)) ]; tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].x -= (tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].image[2] & 0x80) >> 2; const size_t graphic_location = base->sprite_generator_table_address_ & size_t(0x3800 | (name << 3) | tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].row); tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].image[0] = base->ram_[graphic_location]; tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].image[1] = base->ram_[graphic_location+16]; } void posit_sprite(int sprite) { base->posit_sprite(sprite_selection_buffer, sprite, base->ram_[base->sprite_attribute_table_address_ & AddressT((sprite << 2) | 0x3f80)], y); } Base *const base; LineBuffer &tile_buffer; LineBuffer &sprite_selection_buffer; const int y; const AddressT row_base; AddressT pattern_base; AddressT colour_base; int colour_name_shift; }; // MARK: - TMS fetch routines. template template void Base::fetch_tms_refresh(LineBuffer &, LineBuffer &, int, int start, int end) { RefreshFetcher refresher(this); dispatch(refresher, start, end); } template template void Base::fetch_tms_text(LineBuffer &line_buffer, LineBuffer &, int y, int start, int end) { TextFetcher fetcher(this, line_buffer, y); dispatch(fetcher, start, end); } template template void Base::fetch_tms_character(LineBuffer &line_buffer, LineBuffer &next_line_buffer, int y, int start, int end) { CharacterFetcher fetcher(this, line_buffer, next_line_buffer, y); dispatch(fetcher, start, end); } // MARK: - Master System template struct SMSFetcher { using AddressT = typename Base::AddressT; struct RowInfo { AddressT pattern_address_base; AddressT sub_row[2]; }; SMSFetcher(Base *base, LineBuffer &buffer, LineBuffer &sprite_selection_buffer, int y) : base(base), storage(static_cast *>(base)), tile_buffer(buffer), sprite_selection_buffer(sprite_selection_buffer), y(y), horizontal_offset((y >= 16 || !storage->horizontal_scroll_lock_) ? (tile_buffer.latched_horizontal_scroll >> 3) : 0) { // Limit address bits in use if this is a SMS2 mode. const bool is_tall_mode = base->mode_timing_.pixel_lines != 192; const AddressT pattern_name_address = storage->pattern_name_address_ | (is_tall_mode ? 0x800 : 0); const AddressT pattern_name_offset = is_tall_mode ? 0x100 : 0; // Determine row info for the screen both (i) if vertical scrolling is applied; and (ii) if it isn't. // The programmer can opt out of applying vertical scrolling to the right-hand portion of the display. const int scrolled_row = (y + storage->latched_vertical_scroll_) % (is_tall_mode ? 256 : 224); scrolled_row_info.pattern_address_base = AddressT((pattern_name_address & size_t(((scrolled_row & ~7) << 3) | 0x3800)) - pattern_name_offset); scrolled_row_info.sub_row[0] = AddressT((scrolled_row & 7) << 2); scrolled_row_info.sub_row[1] = AddressT(28 ^ ((scrolled_row & 7) << 2)); if(storage->vertical_scroll_lock_) { static_row_info.pattern_address_base = AddressT((pattern_name_address & AddressT(((y & ~7) << 3) | 0x3800)) - pattern_name_offset); static_row_info.sub_row[0] = AddressT((y & 7) << 2); static_row_info.sub_row[1] = 28 ^ AddressT((y & 7) << 2); } else static_row_info = scrolled_row_info; } template void fetch() { if(!cycle) { fetch_sprite(0); fetch_sprite(1); fetch_sprite(2); fetch_sprite(3); } if(cycle >= 12 && cycle < 17) { base->do_external_slot(to_internal(cycle)); } if(cycle == 17) { fetch_sprite(4); fetch_sprite(5); fetch_sprite(6); fetch_sprite(7); sprite_selection_buffer.reset_sprite_collection(); } if(cycle == 29 || cycle == 30) { base->do_external_slot(to_internal(cycle)); } if(cycle == 31) { posit_sprite(0); posit_sprite(1); posit_sprite(2); posit_sprite(3); posit_sprite(4); posit_sprite(5); posit_sprite(6); posit_sprite(7); posit_sprite(8); posit_sprite(9); posit_sprite(10); posit_sprite(11); posit_sprite(12); posit_sprite(13); posit_sprite(14); posit_sprite(15); } if(cycle >= 39 && cycle < 167) { constexpr int offset = cycle - 39; constexpr int block = offset >> 2; constexpr int sub_block = offset & 3; switch(sub_block) { default: break; case 0: fetch_tile_name(block, block < 24 ? scrolled_row_info : static_row_info); break; case 1: if(!(block & 3)) { base->do_external_slot(to_internal(cycle)); } else { constexpr int sprite = (8 + ((block >> 2) * 3) + ((block & 3) - 1)) << 1; posit_sprite(sprite); posit_sprite(sprite+1); } break; case 2: tile_buffer.tiles.patterns[block][0] = base->ram_[base->tile_offset_]; tile_buffer.tiles.patterns[block][1] = base->ram_[base->tile_offset_+1]; tile_buffer.tiles.patterns[block][2] = base->ram_[base->tile_offset_+2]; tile_buffer.tiles.patterns[block][3] = base->ram_[base->tile_offset_+3]; break; } } if(cycle >= 167) { base->do_external_slot(to_internal(cycle)); } } void fetch_sprite(int sprite) { tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].x = base->ram_[ storage->sprite_attribute_table_address_ & size_t(0x3f80 | (tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].index << 1)) ] - (storage->shift_sprites_8px_left_ ? 8 : 0); const uint8_t name = base->ram_[ storage->sprite_attribute_table_address_ & size_t(0x3f81 | (tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].index << 1)) ] & (base->sprites_16x16_ ? ~1 : ~0); const AddressT graphic_location = storage->sprite_generator_table_address_ & AddressT(0x2000 | (name << 5) | (tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].row << 2)); tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].image[0] = base->ram_[graphic_location]; tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].image[1] = base->ram_[graphic_location+1]; tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].image[2] = base->ram_[graphic_location+2]; tile_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].image[3] = base->ram_[graphic_location+3]; } void fetch_tile_name(int column, const RowInfo &row_info) { const size_t scrolled_column = (column - horizontal_offset) & 0x1f; const size_t address = row_info.pattern_address_base + (scrolled_column << 1); tile_buffer.tiles.flags[column] = base->ram_[address+1]; base->tile_offset_ = AddressT( (((tile_buffer.tiles.flags[column]&1) << 8) | base->ram_[address]) << 5 ) + row_info.sub_row[(tile_buffer.tiles.flags[column]&4) >> 2]; } void posit_sprite(int sprite) { base->posit_sprite(sprite_selection_buffer, sprite, base->ram_[storage->sprite_attribute_table_address_ & (sprite | 0x3f00)], y); } Base *const base; const Storage *const storage; LineBuffer &tile_buffer; LineBuffer &sprite_selection_buffer; const int y; const int horizontal_offset; RowInfo scrolled_row_info, static_row_info; }; template template void Base::fetch_sms(LineBuffer &line_buffer, LineBuffer &next_line_buffer, int y, int start, int end) { if constexpr (is_sega_vdp(personality)) { SMSFetcher fetcher(this, line_buffer, next_line_buffer, y); dispatch(fetcher, start, end); } } // MARK: - Yamaha template template void Base::fetch_yamaha(LineBuffer &line_buffer, LineBuffer &next_line_buffer, int y, int end) { const AddressT rotated_name_ = pattern_name_address_ >> 1; const uint8_t *const ram2 = &ram_[65536]; using Type = typename Storage::Event::Type; while(Storage::next_event_->offset < end) { switch(Storage::next_event_->type) { case Type::External: do_external_slot(Storage::next_event_->offset); break; case Type::Name: switch(mode) { case ScreenMode::Text: { const auto column = AddressT(Storage::data_block_); const AddressT start = pattern_name_address_ & (0x1fc00 | size_t(y >> 3) * 40); name_[0] = ram_[start + column + 0]; name_[1] = ram_[start + column + 1]; } break; case ScreenMode::YamahaText80: { const auto column = AddressT(Storage::data_block_); const AddressT start = pattern_name_address_ & (0x1f000 | size_t(y >> 3) * 80); name_[0] = ram_[start + column + 0]; name_[1] = ram_[start + column + 1]; name_[2] = ram_[start + column + 2]; name_[3] = ram_[start + column + 3]; } break; case ScreenMode::Graphics: { const auto row_base = pattern_name_address_ & (AddressT((y << 2)&~31) | 0x1fc00); tile_offset_ = ram_[(row_base + Storage::next_event_->id) & 0x1ffff]; } break; default: break; } break; case Type::Colour: switch(mode) { case ScreenMode::YamahaText80: { const auto column = AddressT(Storage::data_block_ >> 3); const AddressT address = colour_table_address_ & (0x1fe00 | size_t(y >> 3) * 10); line_buffer.characters.flags[column] = ram_[address + column]; } break; case ScreenMode::Graphics: { const auto colour_base = (colour_table_address_ & (0x2000 | ((y & 0xc0) << 5))) + (y & 7); line_buffer.tiles.patterns[Storage::next_event_->id][1] = ram_[colour_base + AddressT((tile_offset_ << 3)) & 0x1ffff]; } break; default: break; } break; case Type::Pattern: switch(mode) { case ScreenMode::Text: { const auto column = AddressT(Storage::data_block_); Storage::data_block_ += 2; const AddressT start = pattern_generator_table_address_ & (0x1f800 | (y & 7)); line_buffer.characters.shapes[column + 0] = ram_[start + AddressT(name_[0] << 3)]; line_buffer.characters.shapes[column + 1] = ram_[start + AddressT(name_[1] << 3)]; } break; case ScreenMode::YamahaText80: { const auto column = AddressT(Storage::data_block_); Storage::data_block_ += 4; const AddressT start = pattern_generator_table_address_ & (0x1f800 | (y & 7)); line_buffer.characters.shapes[column + 0] = ram_[start + AddressT(name_[0] << 3)]; line_buffer.characters.shapes[column + 1] = ram_[start + AddressT(name_[1] << 3)]; line_buffer.characters.shapes[column + 2] = ram_[start + AddressT(name_[2] << 3)]; line_buffer.characters.shapes[column + 3] = ram_[start + AddressT(name_[3] << 3)]; } break; case ScreenMode::Graphics: { const auto pattern_base = (pattern_generator_table_address_ & (0x2000 | ((y & 0xc0) << 5))) + (y & 7); line_buffer.tiles.patterns[Storage::next_event_->id][0] = ram_[(pattern_base + AddressT(tile_offset_ << 3)) & 0x1ffff]; } break; default: break; } break; case Type::SpriteY: switch(mode) { default: posit_sprite(next_line_buffer, Storage::next_event_->id, ram_[sprite_attribute_table_address_ & AddressT((Storage::next_event_->id << 2) | 0x1ff80)], y); if(Storage::next_event_->id == 31) { next_line_buffer.reset_sprite_collection(); } break; } break; case Type::SpriteLocation: switch(mode) { default: line_buffer.active_sprites[Storage::next_event_->id].x = ram_[ sprite_attribute_table_address_ & AddressT(0x1ff81 | (line_buffer.active_sprites[Storage::next_event_->id].index << 2)) ]; break; } break; case Type::SpritePattern: switch(mode) { default: { const uint8_t name = ram_[ sprite_attribute_table_address_ & AddressT(0x1ff82 | (line_buffer.active_sprites[Storage::next_event_->id].index << 2)) ] & (sprites_16x16_ ? ~3 : ~0); line_buffer.active_sprites[Storage::next_event_->id].image[2] = ram_[ sprite_attribute_table_address_ & AddressT(0x1ff83 | (line_buffer.active_sprites[Storage::next_event_->id].index << 2)) ]; line_buffer.active_sprites[Storage::next_event_->id].x -= (line_buffer.active_sprites[Storage::next_event_->id].image[2] & 0x80) >> 2; const size_t graphic_location = sprite_generator_table_address_ & AddressT(0x1f800 | (name << 3) | line_buffer.active_sprites[Storage::next_event_->id].row); line_buffer.active_sprites[Storage::next_event_->id].image[0] = ram_[graphic_location]; line_buffer.active_sprites[Storage::next_event_->id].image[1] = ram_[graphic_location+16]; } break; } break; case Type::DataBlock: // Exactly how to fetch depends upon mode... switch(mode) { case ScreenMode::YamahaGraphics4: case ScreenMode::YamahaGraphics5: { const int column = Storage::data_block_; Storage::data_block_ += 4; const int start = (y << 7) | column | 0x1'8000; line_buffer.bitmap[column + 0] = ram_[pattern_name_address_ & AddressT(start + 0)]; line_buffer.bitmap[column + 1] = ram_[pattern_name_address_ & AddressT(start + 1)]; line_buffer.bitmap[column + 2] = ram_[pattern_name_address_ & AddressT(start + 2)]; line_buffer.bitmap[column + 3] = ram_[pattern_name_address_ & AddressT(start + 3)]; } break; case ScreenMode::YamahaGraphics6: case ScreenMode::YamahaGraphics7: { const int column = Storage::data_block_ << 1; Storage::data_block_ += 4; const int start = (y << 7) | column | 0x1'8000; // Fetch from alternate banks. line_buffer.bitmap[column + 0] = ram_[rotated_name_ & AddressT(start + 0)]; line_buffer.bitmap[column + 1] = ram2[rotated_name_ & AddressT(start + 0)]; line_buffer.bitmap[column + 2] = ram_[rotated_name_ & AddressT(start + 1)]; line_buffer.bitmap[column + 3] = ram2[rotated_name_ & AddressT(start + 1)]; line_buffer.bitmap[column + 4] = ram_[rotated_name_ & AddressT(start + 2)]; line_buffer.bitmap[column + 5] = ram2[rotated_name_ & AddressT(start + 2)]; line_buffer.bitmap[column + 6] = ram_[rotated_name_ & AddressT(start + 3)]; line_buffer.bitmap[column + 7] = ram2[rotated_name_ & AddressT(start + 3)]; } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } ++Storage::next_event_; } } template template void Base::fetch_yamaha(LineBuffer &line_buffer, LineBuffer &next_line_buffer, int y, int, int end) { if constexpr (is_yamaha_vdp(personality)) { // Dispatch according to [supported] screen mode. #define Dispatch(mode) case mode: fetch_yamaha(line_buffer, next_line_buffer, y, end); break; switch(line_buffer.screen_mode) { default: break; Dispatch(ScreenMode::Blank); Dispatch(ScreenMode::Text); Dispatch(ScreenMode::MultiColour); Dispatch(ScreenMode::ColouredText); Dispatch(ScreenMode::Graphics); Dispatch(ScreenMode::YamahaText80); Dispatch(ScreenMode::YamahaGraphics3); Dispatch(ScreenMode::YamahaGraphics4); Dispatch(ScreenMode::YamahaGraphics5); Dispatch(ScreenMode::YamahaGraphics6); Dispatch(ScreenMode::YamahaGraphics7); } #undef Dispatch } } // MARK: - Mega Drive // TODO. #endif /* Fetch_hpp */