// // Video.hpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 14/04/2018. // Copyright 2018 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #ifndef Apple_II_Video_hpp #define Apple_II_Video_hpp #include "../../../Outputs/CRT/CRT.hpp" #include "../../../ClockReceiver/ClockReceiver.hpp" #include "../../../ClockReceiver/DeferredQueue.hpp" #include "VideoSwitches.hpp" #include #include namespace Apple::II::Video { class BusHandler { public: /*! Requests fetching of the @c count bytes starting from @c address. The handler should write the values from base memory to @c base_target, and those from auxiliary memory to @c auxiliary_target. If the machine has no axiliary memory, it needn't write anything to auxiliary_target. */ void perform_read([[maybe_unused]] uint16_t address, [[maybe_unused]] size_t count, [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t *base_target, [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t *auxiliary_target) { } }; class VideoBase: public VideoSwitches { public: VideoBase(bool is_iie, std::function &&target); /// Sets the scan target. void set_scan_target(Outputs::Display::ScanTarget *scan_target); /// Gets the current scan status. Outputs::Display::ScanStatus get_scaled_scan_status() const; /// Sets the type of output. void set_display_type(Outputs::Display::DisplayType); /// Gets the type of output. Outputs::Display::DisplayType get_display_type() const; /// Sets whether the current CRT should be recalibrated away from normative NTSC /// to produce square pixels in 40-column text mode. void set_use_square_pixels(bool); bool get_use_square_pixels(); protected: Outputs::CRT::CRT crt_; bool use_square_pixels_ = false; // State affecting output video stream generation. uint8_t *pixel_pointer_ = nullptr; // State affecting logical state. int row_ = 0, column_ = 0; // Graphics carry is the final level output in a fetch window; // it carries on into the next if it's high resolution with // the delay bit set. mutable uint8_t graphics_carry_ = 0; bool was_double_ = false; // Memory is fetched ahead of time into this array; // this permits the correct delay between fetching // without having to worry about a rolling buffer. std::array base_stream_; std::array auxiliary_stream_; const bool is_iie_ = false; /*! Outputs 40-column text to @c target, using @c length bytes from @c source. */ void output_text(uint8_t *target, const uint8_t *source, size_t length, size_t pixel_row) const; /*! Outputs 80-column text to @c target, drawing @c length columns from @c source and @c auxiliary_source. */ void output_double_text(uint8_t *target, const uint8_t *source, const uint8_t *auxiliary_source, size_t length, size_t pixel_row) const; /*! Outputs 40-column low-resolution graphics to @c target, drawing @c length columns from @c source. */ void output_low_resolution(uint8_t *target, const uint8_t *source, size_t length, int column, int row) const; /*! Outputs 80-column low-resolution graphics to @c target, drawing @c length columns from @c source and @c auxiliary_source. */ void output_double_low_resolution(uint8_t *target, const uint8_t *source, const uint8_t *auxiliary_source, size_t length, int column, int row) const; /*! Outputs 40-column high-resolution graphics to @c target, drawing @c length columns from @c source. */ void output_high_resolution(uint8_t *target, const uint8_t *source, size_t length) const; /*! Outputs 80-column double-high-resolution graphics to @c target, drawing @c length columns from @c source. */ void output_double_high_resolution(uint8_t *target, const uint8_t *source, const uint8_t *auxiliary_source, size_t length) const; /*! Outputs 40-column "fat low resolution" graphics to @c target, drawing @c length columns from @c source. Fat low-resolution mode is like regular low-resolution mode except that data is shifted out on the 7M clock rather than the 14M. */ void output_fat_low_resolution(uint8_t *target, const uint8_t *source, size_t length, int column, int row) const; }; template class Video: public VideoBase { public: /// Constructs an instance of the video feed; a CRT is also created. Video(BusHandler &bus_handler) : VideoBase(is_iie, [this] (Cycles cycles) { advance(cycles); }), bus_handler_(bus_handler) {} /*! Obtains the last value the video read prior to time now+offset. */ uint8_t get_last_read_value(Cycles offset) { // Rules of generation: // (1) a complete sixty-five-cycle scan line consists of sixty-five consecutive bytes of // display buffer memory that starts twenty-five bytes prior to the actual data to be displayed. // (2) During VBL the data acts just as if it were starting a whole new frame from the beginning, but // it never finishes this pseudo-frame. After getting one third of the way through the frame (to // scan line $3F), it suddenly repeats the previous six scan lines ($3A through $3F) before aborting // to begin the next true frame. // // Source: Have an Apple Split by Bob Bishop; http://rich12345.tripod.com/aiivideo/softalk.html // Determine column at offset. int mapped_column = column_ + int(offset.as_integral()); // Map that backwards from the internal pixels-at-start generation to pixels-at-end // (so what was column 0 is now column 25). mapped_column += 25; // Apply carry into the row counter. int mapped_row = row_ + (mapped_column / 65); mapped_row %= 262; mapped_column %= 65; // Remember if we're in a horizontal blanking interval. int hbl = mapped_column < 25; // The first column is read twice. if(mapped_column == 0) { mapped_column = 1; } // Vertical blanking rows read eight bytes earlier. if(mapped_row >= 192) { mapped_column -= 8; } // Apple out-of-bounds row logic. if(mapped_row >= 256) { mapped_row = 0x3a + (mapped_row&255); } else { mapped_row %= 192; } // Calculate the address. uint16_t read_address = uint16_t(get_row_address(mapped_row) + mapped_column - 25); if(hbl) { // Wraparound addressing within 128 byte sections. if(mapped_row < 64) { read_address += 128; } // On Apple II and II+ (not IIe or later) in text/lores mode (not hires), horizontal // blanking bytes read from $1000 higher. const GraphicsMode pixel_mode = graphics_mode(mapped_row); if(!is_iie_ && ((pixel_mode == GraphicsMode::Text) || (pixel_mode == GraphicsMode::LowRes))) { read_address += 0x1000; } } // Read the address and return the value. uint8_t value, aux_value; bus_handler_.perform_read(read_address, 1, &value, &aux_value); return value; } /*! @returns @c true if the display will be within vertical blank at now + @c offset; @c false otherwise. */ bool get_is_vertical_blank(Cycles offset) { // Determine column at offset. int mapped_column = column_ + int(offset.as_integral()); // Map that backwards from the internal pixels-at-start generation to pixels-at-end // (so what was column 0 is now column 25). mapped_column += 25; // Apply carry into the row counter. int mapped_row = row_ + (mapped_column / 65); mapped_row %= 262; // Per http://www.1000bit.it/support/manuali/apple/technotes/iigs/tn.iigs.040.html // "on the IIe, the screen is blanked when the bit is low". return mapped_row < 192; } private: /*! Advances time by @c cycles; expects to be fed by the CPU clock. Implicitly adds an extra half a colour clock at the end of line. */ void advance(Cycles cycles) { /* Addressing scheme used throughout is that column 0 is the first column with pixels in it; row 0 is the first row with pixels in it. A frame is oriented around 65 cycles across, 262 lines down. */ constexpr int first_sync_line = 220; // A complete guess. Information needed. constexpr int first_sync_column = 49; // Also a guess. constexpr int sync_length = 4; // One of the two likely candidates. int int_cycles = int(cycles.as_integral()); while(int_cycles) { const int cycles_this_line = std::min(65 - column_, int_cycles); const int ending_column = column_ + cycles_this_line; const bool is_vertical_sync_line = (row_ >= first_sync_line && row_ < first_sync_line + 3); if(is_vertical_sync_line) { // In effect apply an XOR to HSYNC and VSYNC flags in order to include equalising // pulses (and hencce keep hsync approximately where it should be during vsync). const int blank_start = std::max(first_sync_column - sync_length, column_); const int blank_end = std::min(first_sync_column, ending_column); if(blank_end > blank_start) { if(blank_start > column_) { crt_.output_sync((blank_start - column_) * 14); } crt_.output_blank((blank_end - blank_start) * 14); if(blank_end < ending_column) { crt_.output_sync((ending_column - blank_end) * 14); } } else { crt_.output_sync(cycles_this_line * 14); } } else { const GraphicsMode line_mode = graphics_mode(row_); // Determine whether there's any fetching to do. Fetching occurs during the first // 40 columns of rows prior to 192. if(row_ < 192 && column_ < 40) { const int character_row = row_ >> 3; const uint16_t row_address = uint16_t((character_row >> 3) * 40 + ((character_row&7) << 7)); // Grab the memory contents that'll be needed momentarily. const int fetch_end = std::min(40, ending_column); uint16_t fetch_address; switch(line_mode) { default: case GraphicsMode::Text: case GraphicsMode::DoubleText: case GraphicsMode::LowRes: case GraphicsMode::FatLowRes: case GraphicsMode::DoubleLowRes: { const uint16_t text_address = uint16_t(((video_page()+1) * 0x400) + row_address); fetch_address = uint16_t(text_address + column_); } break; case GraphicsMode::HighRes: case GraphicsMode::DoubleHighRes: fetch_address = uint16_t(((video_page()+1) * 0x2000) + row_address + ((row_&7) << 10) + column_); break; } bus_handler_.perform_read( fetch_address, size_t(fetch_end - column_), &base_stream_[size_t(column_)], &auxiliary_stream_[size_t(column_)]); } if(row_ < 192) { // The pixel area is the first 40.5 columns; base contents // remain where they would naturally be but auxiliary // graphics appear to the left of that. if(!column_) { pixel_pointer_ = crt_.begin_data(568); graphics_carry_ = 0; was_double_ = true; } if(column_ < 40) { const int pixel_start = std::max(0, column_); const int pixel_end = std::min(40, ending_column); const int pixel_row = row_ & 7; const bool is_double = is_double_mode(line_mode); if(!is_double && was_double_ && pixel_pointer_) { pixel_pointer_[pixel_start*14 + 0] = pixel_pointer_[pixel_start*14 + 1] = pixel_pointer_[pixel_start*14 + 2] = pixel_pointer_[pixel_start*14 + 3] = pixel_pointer_[pixel_start*14 + 4] = pixel_pointer_[pixel_start*14 + 5] = pixel_pointer_[pixel_start*14 + 6] = 0; } was_double_ = is_double; if(pixel_pointer_) { switch(line_mode) { case GraphicsMode::Text: output_text( &pixel_pointer_[pixel_start * 14 + 7], &base_stream_[size_t(pixel_start)], size_t(pixel_end - pixel_start), size_t(pixel_row)); break; case GraphicsMode::DoubleText: output_double_text( &pixel_pointer_[pixel_start * 14], &base_stream_[size_t(pixel_start)], &auxiliary_stream_[size_t(pixel_start)], size_t(pixel_end - pixel_start), size_t(pixel_row)); break; case GraphicsMode::LowRes: output_low_resolution( &pixel_pointer_[pixel_start * 14 + 7], &base_stream_[size_t(pixel_start)], size_t(pixel_end - pixel_start), pixel_start, pixel_row); break; case GraphicsMode::FatLowRes: output_fat_low_resolution( &pixel_pointer_[pixel_start * 14 + 7], &base_stream_[size_t(pixel_start)], size_t(pixel_end - pixel_start), pixel_start, pixel_row); break; case GraphicsMode::DoubleLowRes: output_double_low_resolution( &pixel_pointer_[pixel_start * 14], &base_stream_[size_t(pixel_start)], &auxiliary_stream_[size_t(pixel_start)], size_t(pixel_end - pixel_start), pixel_start, pixel_row); break; case GraphicsMode::HighRes: output_high_resolution( &pixel_pointer_[pixel_start * 14 + 7], &base_stream_[size_t(pixel_start)], size_t(pixel_end - pixel_start)); break; case GraphicsMode::DoubleHighRes: output_double_high_resolution( &pixel_pointer_[pixel_start * 14], &base_stream_[size_t(pixel_start)], &auxiliary_stream_[size_t(pixel_start)], size_t(pixel_end - pixel_start)); break; default: break; } } if(pixel_end == 40) { if(pixel_pointer_) { if(was_double_) { pixel_pointer_[560] = pixel_pointer_[561] = pixel_pointer_[562] = pixel_pointer_[563] = pixel_pointer_[564] = pixel_pointer_[565] = pixel_pointer_[566] = pixel_pointer_[567] = 0; } else { if(line_mode == GraphicsMode::HighRes && base_stream_[39]&0x80) pixel_pointer_[567] = graphics_carry_; else pixel_pointer_[567] = 0; } } crt_.output_data(568, 568); pixel_pointer_ = nullptr; } } } else { if(column_ < 40 && ending_column >= 40) { crt_.output_blank(568); } } /* The left border, sync, right border pattern doesn't depend on whether there were pixels this row and is output as soon as it is known. */ if(column_ < first_sync_column && ending_column >= first_sync_column) { crt_.output_blank(first_sync_column*14 - 568); } if(column_ < (first_sync_column + sync_length) && ending_column >= (first_sync_column + sync_length)) { crt_.output_sync(sync_length*14); } int second_blank_start; if(!is_text_mode(graphics_mode(row_+1))) { const int colour_burst_start = std::max(first_sync_column + sync_length + 1, column_); const int colour_burst_end = std::min(first_sync_column + sync_length + 4, ending_column); if(colour_burst_end > colour_burst_start) { // UGLY HACK AHOY! // The OpenGL scan target introduces a phase error of 1/8th of a wave. The Metal one does not. // Supply the real phase value if this is an Apple build. // TODO: eliminate UGLY HACK. #if defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(IGNORE_APPLE) constexpr int phase = 224; #else constexpr int phase = 0; #endif crt_.output_colour_burst((colour_burst_end - colour_burst_start) * 14, phase); } second_blank_start = std::max(first_sync_column + sync_length + 3, column_); } else { second_blank_start = std::max(first_sync_column + sync_length, column_); } if(ending_column > second_blank_start) { crt_.output_blank((ending_column - second_blank_start) * 14); } } int_cycles -= cycles_this_line; column_ = (column_ + cycles_this_line) % 65; if(!column_) { row_ = (row_ + 1) % 262; did_end_line(); // Add an extra half a colour cycle of blank; this isn't counted in the run_for // count explicitly but is promised. If this is a vertical sync line, output sync // instead of blank, taking that to be the default level. if(is_vertical_sync_line) { crt_.output_sync(2); } else { crt_.output_blank(2); } } } } BusHandler &bus_handler_; }; } #endif /* Apple_II_Video_hpp */