// // ReactiveDevice.cpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 12/02/2021. // Copyright © 2021 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #include "ReactiveDevice.hpp" #define LOG_PREFIX "[ADB device] " #include "../../../Outputs/Log.hpp" using namespace Apple::ADB; ReactiveDevice::ReactiveDevice(Apple::ADB::Bus &bus, uint8_t adb_device_id) : bus_(bus), device_id_(bus.add_device(this)), default_adb_device_id_(adb_device_id) { reset(); } void ReactiveDevice::post_response(const std::vector<uint8_t> &&response) { response_ = std::move(response); microseconds_at_bit_ = 0.0; bit_offset_ = -2; } void ReactiveDevice::advance_state(double microseconds, bool current_level) { // First test: is a service request desired? if(phase_ == Phase::ServiceRequestPending) { microseconds_at_bit_ += microseconds; if(microseconds_at_bit_ < 240.0) { bus_.set_device_output(device_id_, false); } else { bus_.set_device_output(device_id_, true); phase_ = Phase::AwaitingAttention; } return; } // Do nothing if not in the process of posting a response. if(response_.empty()) return; /* Total process below: (1) assume that the data was enqueued before the stop bit had concluded; wait for the end of that; (2) wait for the stop-to-start time period; (3) output a start bit of '1'; (4) output all enqueued bytes, MSB to LSB; (5) output a stop bit of '0'; and (6) return this device's output level to high and top. */ // Wait for the bus to be clear if transmission has not yet begun. if(!current_level && bit_offset_ == -2) return; // Advance time. microseconds_at_bit_ += microseconds; // If this is the start of the packet, wait an appropriate stop-to-start time. if(bit_offset_ == -2) { if(microseconds_at_bit_ < 150.0) { return; } microseconds_at_bit_ -= 150.0; ++bit_offset_; } // Advance the implied number of bits. const int step = int(microseconds_at_bit_ / 100.0); bit_offset_ += step; microseconds_at_bit_ -= double(step * 100.0); // Check for end-of-transmission. const int response_bit_length = int(response_.size() * 8); if(bit_offset_ >= 1 + response_bit_length) { bus_.set_device_output(device_id_, true); response_.clear(); return; } // Otherwise pick the bit to output: it'll either be the start bit of 1, // from the provided data, or a stop bit of 0. int bit = 0; if(bit_offset_ < 0) { bit = 1; } else if(bit_offset_ < response_bit_length) { const int byte = bit_offset_ >> 3; const int packet = int(response_[size_t(byte)]); bit = (packet >> (7 - (bit_offset_ & 7))) & 1; } // Convert that into a level. constexpr double low_periods[] = {66, 33}; bus_.set_device_output(device_id_, microseconds_at_bit_ > low_periods[bit]); } void ReactiveDevice::adb_bus_did_observe_event(Bus::Event event, uint8_t value) { if(phase_ == Phase::AwaitingAttention) { if(event != Bus::Event::Attention) return; phase_ = Phase::AwaitingCommand; return; } if(event != Bus::Event::Byte) return; if(phase_ == Phase::AwaitingContent) { content_.push_back(value); if(content_.size() == expected_content_size_) { phase_ = Phase::AwaitingAttention; if(command_.reg == 3) { register3_ = uint16_t((content_[0] << 8) | content_[1]); } else { did_receive_data(command_, content_); } content_.clear(); } } if(phase_ == Phase::AwaitingCommand) { phase_ = Phase::AwaitingAttention; command_ = decode_command(value); // LOG(command_); // If this command doesn't apply here, but a service request is requested, // post a service request. if(command_.device != Command::AllDevices && command_.device != ((register3_ >> 8) & 0xf)) { if(service_desired_) { service_desired_ = false; stop_has_begin_ = false; phase_ = Phase::ServiceRequestPending; microseconds_at_bit_ = 0.0; } return; } // Handle reset and register 3 here automatically; pass everything else along. switch(command_.type) { case Command::Type::Reset: reset(); [[fallthrough]]; default: perform_command(command_); break; case Command::Type::Listen: case Command::Type::Talk: if(command_.reg == 3) { if(command_.type == Command::Type::Talk) { post_response({uint8_t(register3_ >> 8), uint8_t(register3_ & 0xff)}); } else { receive_bytes(2); } } else { service_desired_ = false; perform_command(command_); } break; } } } void ReactiveDevice::receive_bytes(size_t count) { content_.clear(); expected_content_size_ = count; phase_ = Phase::AwaitingContent; } void ReactiveDevice::reset() { register3_ = uint16_t(0x6001 | (default_adb_device_id_ << 8)); } void ReactiveDevice::post_service_request() { service_desired_ = true; }