// // CSBestEffortUpdater.m // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 16/06/2016. // Copyright © 2016 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #import "CSBestEffortUpdater.h" #include @implementation CSBestEffortUpdater { // these are inherently handled only by thread-safe constructions atomic_flag _updateIsOngoing; dispatch_queue_t _serialDispatchQueue; // these are permitted for modification on _serialDispatchQueue only NSTimeInterval _previousTimeInterval; NSTimeInterval _cyclesError; BOOL _hasSkipped; id _delegate; } - (instancetype)init { if(self = [super init]) { _serialDispatchQueue = dispatch_queue_create("Best Effort Updater", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); // This is a workaround for assigning the correct initial value within Objective-C's form. atomic_flag initialFlagValue = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT; _updateIsOngoing = initialFlagValue; } return self; } - (void)update { // Always post an -openGLView:didUpdateToTime: if a previous one isn't still ongoing. This is the hook upon which the substantial processing occurs. if(!atomic_flag_test_and_set(&_updateIsOngoing)) { dispatch_async(_serialDispatchQueue, ^{ NSTimeInterval timeInterval = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; if(_previousTimeInterval > DBL_EPSILON && timeInterval > _previousTimeInterval) { NSTimeInterval timeToRunFor = timeInterval - _previousTimeInterval; double cyclesToRunFor = timeToRunFor * self.clockRate + _cyclesError; _cyclesError = fmod(cyclesToRunFor, 1.0); NSUInteger integerCyclesToRunFor = (NSUInteger)MIN(cyclesToRunFor, self.clockRate * 0.5); // treat 'unlimited' as running at a factor of 10 if(self.runAsUnlimited) integerCyclesToRunFor *= 10; [_delegate bestEffortUpdater:self runForCycles:integerCyclesToRunFor didSkipPreviousUpdate:_hasSkipped]; } _previousTimeInterval = timeInterval; _hasSkipped = NO; atomic_flag_clear(&_updateIsOngoing); }); } else { dispatch_async(_serialDispatchQueue, ^{ _hasSkipped = YES; }); } } - (void)flush { dispatch_sync(_serialDispatchQueue, ^{}); } - (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate { dispatch_sync(_serialDispatchQueue, ^{ _delegate = delegate; }); } - (id)delegate { __block id delegate; dispatch_sync(_serialDispatchQueue, ^{ delegate = _delegate; }); return delegate; } @end