mirror of https://github.com/TomHarte/CLK.git synced 2024-10-18 23:23:56 +00:00

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// 9918.cpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 25/11/2017.
// Copyright 2017 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#include "../9918.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "../../../Outputs/Log.hpp"
using namespace TI::TMS;
// TODO notes.
// The TMS and Master System VDP run at 342 cycles/line.
// The Mega Drive VDP has 3420 master clocks per line, which it divides
// by 4 or 5 depending on pixel rate and which part of a line is active.
// (And, presumably, by 10 if operating in Master System mode?)
// Cf. https://gendev.spritesmind.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=851 etc.
// The MSX2+ Yamaha VDPs have 1368 cycles/line.
// So if clock scaling were common, it would need to be to:
// 3420 = 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 5 * 19
// 1368 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 19
// => 2^3 * 3^2 * 5 * 19 = 6840
// ... which would imply a multiply by 30 on the input clock if
// it were to remain 3.58Mhz.
// Mega Drive notes, assorted:
// there are 60 EDCLK at MCLK/5 during a line ... like this:
// 15 @ /5; 2 @ /4; 15 @ /5; 2 @ /4; 15 @ /5; 2 @ /4; 15 @ /5
// ... HSYNC signal is what triggers the changes in EDCLK frequency, with some latency though.
// The total is still 840 EDCLKS (420 pixels) with 780 @MCLK/4 and 60@MCLK/5 (total is 3420 MCLCKS).
namespace {
constexpr uint8_t StatusInterrupt = 0x80;
constexpr uint8_t StatusSpriteOverflow = 0x40;
constexpr int StatusSpriteCollisionShift = 5;
constexpr uint8_t StatusSpriteCollision = 0x20;
// 342 internal cycles are 228/227.5ths of a line, so 341.25 cycles should be a whole
// line. Therefore multiply everything by four, but set line length to 1365 rather than 342*4 = 1368.
constexpr unsigned int CRTCyclesPerLine = 1365;
constexpr unsigned int CRTCyclesDivider = 4;
struct ReverseTable {
const std::array<uint8_t, 256> map;
constexpr ReverseTable() : map(reverse_table()) {}
static constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 256> reverse_table() {
std::array<uint8_t, 256> map{};
for(size_t c = 0; c < 256; ++c) {
map[c] = uint8_t(
((c & 0x80) >> 7) |
((c & 0x40) >> 5) |
((c & 0x20) >> 3) |
((c & 0x10) >> 1) |
((c & 0x08) << 1) |
((c & 0x04) << 3) |
((c & 0x02) << 5) |
((c & 0x01) << 7)
return map;
constexpr ReverseTable reverse_table;
template <Personality personality> constexpr int vram_access_delay() {
// This seems to be correct for all currently-modelled VDPs;
// it's the delay between an external device scheduling a
// read or write and the very first time that can occur
// (though, in practice, it won't happen until the next
// external slot after this number of cycles after the
// device has requested the read or write).
return 6;
template <Personality personality>
Base<personality>::Base() :
crt_(CRTCyclesPerLine, CRTCyclesDivider, Outputs::Display::Type::NTSC60, Outputs::Display::InputDataType::Red8Green8Blue8) {
// Unimaginatively, this class just passes RGB through to the shader. Investigation is needed
// into whether there's a more natural form. It feels unlikely given the diversity of chips modelled.
if constexpr (is_sega_vdp(personality)) {
mode_timing_.line_interrupt_position = 64;
mode_timing_.end_of_frame_interrupt_position.column = 63;
mode_timing_.end_of_frame_interrupt_position.row = 193;
// Establish that output is delayed after reading by `output_lag` cycles; start
// at a random position.
read_pointer_.row = rand() % 262;
read_pointer_.column = rand() % (342 - output_lag);
write_pointer_.row = read_pointer_.row;
write_pointer_.column = read_pointer_.column + output_lag;
template <Personality personality>
TMS9918<personality>::TMS9918() {
this->crt_.set_visible_area(Outputs::Display::Rect(0.07f, 0.0375f, 0.875f, 0.875f));
// The TMS remains in-phase with the NTSC colour clock; this is an empirical measurement
// intended to produce the correct relationship between the hard edges between pixels and
// the colour clock. It was eyeballed rather than derived from any knowledge of the TMS
// colour burst generator because I've yet to find any.
template <Personality personality>
void TMS9918<personality>::set_tv_standard(TVStandard standard) {
this->tv_standard_ = standard;
switch(standard) {
case TVStandard::PAL:
this->mode_timing_.total_lines = 313;
this->mode_timing_.first_vsync_line = 253;
this->crt_.set_new_display_type(CRTCyclesPerLine, Outputs::Display::Type::PAL50);
this->mode_timing_.total_lines = 262;
this->mode_timing_.first_vsync_line = 227;
this->crt_.set_new_display_type(CRTCyclesPerLine, Outputs::Display::Type::NTSC60);
template <Personality personality>
void TMS9918<personality>::set_scan_target(Outputs::Display::ScanTarget *scan_target) {
template <Personality personality>
Outputs::Display::ScanStatus TMS9918<personality>::get_scaled_scan_status() const {
// The input was scaled by 3/4 to convert half cycles to internal ticks,
// so undo that and also allow for: (i) the multiply by 4 that it takes
// to reach the CRT; and (ii) the fact that the half-cycles value was scaled,
// and this should really reply in whole cycles.
return this->crt_.get_scaled_scan_status() * (4.0f / (3.0f * 8.0f));
template <Personality personality>
void TMS9918<personality>::set_display_type(Outputs::Display::DisplayType display_type) {
template <Personality personality>
Outputs::Display::DisplayType TMS9918<personality>::get_display_type() const {
return this->crt_.get_display_type();
void LineBuffer::reset_sprite_collection() {
sprites_stopped = false;
active_sprite_slot = 0;
for(int c = 0; c < 8; ++c) {
active_sprites[c].shift_position = 0;
template <Personality personality>
void Base<personality>::posit_sprite(LineBuffer &buffer, int sprite_number, int sprite_position, int screen_row) {
if(!(status_ & StatusSpriteOverflow)) {
status_ = uint8_t((status_ & ~0x1f) | (sprite_number & 0x1f));
if(buffer.sprites_stopped) return;
// A sprite Y of 208 means "don't scan the list any further".
if(mode_timing_.allow_sprite_terminator && sprite_position == mode_timing_.sprite_terminator) {
buffer.sprites_stopped = true;
const int sprite_row = (((screen_row + 1) % mode_timing_.total_lines) - ((sprite_position + 1) & 255)) & 255;
if(sprite_row < 0 || sprite_row >= sprite_height_) return;
if(buffer.active_sprite_slot == mode_timing_.maximum_visible_sprites) {
status_ |= StatusSpriteOverflow;
LineBuffer::ActiveSprite &sprite = buffer.active_sprites[buffer.active_sprite_slot];
sprite.index = sprite_number;
sprite.row = sprite_row >> (sprites_magnified_ ? 1 : 0);
template <Personality personality>
void TMS9918<personality>::run_for(const HalfCycles cycles) {
// As specific as I've been able to get:
// Scanline time is always 228 cycles.
// PAL output is 313 lines total. NTSC output is 262 lines total.
// Interrupt is signalled upon entering the lower border.
// Convert 456 clocked half cycles per line to 342 internal cycles per line;
// the internal clock is 1.5 times the nominal 3.579545 Mhz that I've advertised
// for this part. So multiply by three quarters.
int int_cycles = this->clock_converter_.to_internal(cycles.as<int>());
if(!int_cycles) return;
// There are two intertwined processes here, 'writing' (which means writing to the
// line buffers, i.e. it's everything to do with collecting a line) and 'reading'
// (which means reading from the line buffers and generating video).
int write_cycles_pool = int_cycles;
int read_cycles_pool = int_cycles;
while(write_cycles_pool || read_cycles_pool) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
LineBufferPointer backup = this->read_pointer_;
if(write_cycles_pool) {
// Determine how much writing to do.
const int write_cycles = std::min(
this->clock_converter_.CyclesPerLine - this->write_pointer_.column,
const int end_column = this->write_pointer_.column + write_cycles;
LineBuffer &line_buffer = this->line_buffers_[this->write_pointer_.row];
// Determine what this does to any enqueued VRAM access.
this->minimum_access_column_ = this->write_pointer_.column + this->cycles_until_access_;
this->cycles_until_access_ -= write_cycles;
// ---------------------------------------
// Latch scrolling position, if necessary.
// ---------------------------------------
if constexpr (is_sega_vdp(personality)) {
if(this->write_pointer_.column < 61 && end_column >= 61) {
if(!this->write_pointer_.row) {
this->master_system_.latched_vertical_scroll = this->master_system_.vertical_scroll;
if(this->master_system_.mode4_enable) {
this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines = 192;
if(this->mode2_enable_ && this->mode1_enable_) this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines = 224;
if(this->mode2_enable_ && this->mode3_enable_) this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines = 240;
this->mode_timing_.allow_sprite_terminator = this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines == 192;
this->mode_timing_.first_vsync_line = (this->mode_timing_.total_lines + this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines) >> 1;
this->mode_timing_.end_of_frame_interrupt_position.row = this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines + 1;
line_buffer.latched_horizontal_scroll = this->master_system_.horizontal_scroll;
// ------------------------
// Perform memory accesses.
// ------------------------
#define fetch(function) \
if(final_window != this->clock_converter_.AccessWindowCyclesPerLine) { \
function<true>(first_window, final_window);\
} else {\
function<false>(first_window, final_window);\
// Adjust column_ and end_column to the access-window clock before calling
// the mode-applicable fetch function.
const int first_window = this->clock_converter_.to_access_clock(this->write_pointer_.column);
const int final_window = this->clock_converter_.to_access_clock(end_column);
if(first_window != final_window) {
switch(line_buffer.line_mode) {
case LineMode::Text: fetch(this->template fetch_tms_text); break;
case LineMode::Character: fetch(this->template fetch_tms_character); break;
case LineMode::SMS: fetch(this->template fetch_sms); break;
case LineMode::Refresh: fetch(this->template fetch_tms_refresh); break;
#undef fetch
// -------------------------------
// Check for interrupt conditions.
// -------------------------------
if(this->write_pointer_.column < this->mode_timing_.line_interrupt_position && end_column >= this->mode_timing_.line_interrupt_position) {
// The Sega VDP offers a decrementing counter for triggering line interrupts;
// it is reloaded either when it overflows or upon every non-pixel line after the first.
// It is otherwise decremented.
if constexpr (is_sega_vdp(personality)) {
if(this->write_pointer_.row >= 0 && this->write_pointer_.row <= this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines) {
if(this->line_interrupt_counter == 0xff) {
this->line_interrupt_pending_ = true;
this->line_interrupt_counter = this->line_interrupt_target;
} else {
this->line_interrupt_counter = this->line_interrupt_target;
// TODO: the V9938 provides line interrupts from direct specification of the target line.
// So life is easy.
this->write_pointer_.row == this->mode_timing_.end_of_frame_interrupt_position.row &&
this->write_pointer_.column < this->mode_timing_.end_of_frame_interrupt_position.column &&
end_column >= this->mode_timing_.end_of_frame_interrupt_position.column
) {
this->status_ |= StatusInterrupt;
// -------------
// Advance time.
// -------------
this->write_pointer_.column = end_column;
write_cycles_pool -= write_cycles;
if(this->write_pointer_.column == this->clock_converter_.CyclesPerLine) {
this->write_pointer_.column = 0;
this->write_pointer_.row = (this->write_pointer_.row + 1) % this->mode_timing_.total_lines;
LineBuffer &next_line_buffer = this->line_buffers_[this->write_pointer_.row];
// Establish the output mode for the next line.
// Based on the output mode, pick a line mode.
next_line_buffer.first_pixel_output_column = 86; // TODO: these should be a function of ClockConverter::CyclesPerLine.
next_line_buffer.next_border_column = 342;
this->mode_timing_.maximum_visible_sprites = 4;
switch(this->screen_mode_) {
case ScreenMode::Text:
next_line_buffer.line_mode = LineMode::Text;
next_line_buffer.first_pixel_output_column = 94;
next_line_buffer.next_border_column = 334;
case ScreenMode::SMSMode4:
next_line_buffer.line_mode = LineMode::SMS;
this->mode_timing_.maximum_visible_sprites = 8;
next_line_buffer.line_mode = LineMode::Character;
(this->screen_mode_ == ScreenMode::Blank) ||
(this->write_pointer_.row >= this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines && this->write_pointer_.row != this->mode_timing_.total_lines-1))
next_line_buffer.line_mode = LineMode::Refresh;
#ifndef NDEBUG
assert(backup.row == this->read_pointer_.row && backup.column == this->read_pointer_.column);
backup = this->write_pointer_;
if(read_cycles_pool) {
// Determine how much time has passed in the remainder of this line, and proceed.
const int target_read_cycles = std::min(
this->clock_converter_.CyclesPerLine - this->read_pointer_.column,
int read_cycles_performed = 0;
uint32_t next_cram_value = 0;
while(read_cycles_performed < target_read_cycles) {
int read_cycles = target_read_cycles - read_cycles_performed;
if(!read_cycles) continue;
const uint32_t cram_value = next_cram_value;
next_cram_value = 0;
if constexpr (is_sega_vdp(personality)) {
if(!this->upcoming_cram_dots_.empty() && this->upcoming_cram_dots_.front().location.row == this->read_pointer_.row) {
int time_until_dot = this->upcoming_cram_dots_.front().location.column - this->read_pointer_.column;
if(time_until_dot < read_cycles) {
read_cycles = time_until_dot;
next_cram_value = this->upcoming_cram_dots_.front().value;
read_cycles_performed += read_cycles;
const int end_column = this->read_pointer_.column + read_cycles;
LineBuffer &line_buffer = this->line_buffers_[this->read_pointer_.row];
// --------------------
// Output video stream.
// --------------------
#define intersect(left, right, code) { \
const int start = std::max(this->read_pointer_.column, left); \
const int end = std::min(end_column, right); \
if(end > start) {\
#define border(left, right) intersect(left, right, this->output_border(end - start, cram_value))
// TODO: CRT clock might need to change?
if(line_buffer.line_mode == LineMode::Refresh || this->read_pointer_.row > this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines) {
if(this->read_pointer_.row >= this->mode_timing_.first_vsync_line && this->read_pointer_.row < this->mode_timing_.first_vsync_line+4) {
// Vertical sync.
if(end_column == 342) {
this->crt_.output_sync(342 * 4);
} else {
// Right border.
border(0, 15);
// Blanking region; total length is 58 cycles,
// and 58+15 = 73. So output the lot when the
// cursor passes 73.
if(this->read_pointer_.column < 73 && end_column >= 73) {
// Border colour for the rest of the line.
border(73, 342);
} else {
// Right border.
border(0, 15);
// Blanking region.
if(this->read_pointer_.column < 73 && end_column >= 73) {
// Left border.
border(73, line_buffer.first_pixel_output_column);
// Pixel region.
if(!this->asked_for_write_area_) {
this->asked_for_write_area_ = true;
this->pixel_origin_ = this->pixel_target_ = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(
this->crt_.begin_data(size_t(line_buffer.next_border_column - line_buffer.first_pixel_output_column))
if(this->pixel_target_) {
const int relative_start = start - line_buffer.first_pixel_output_column;
const int relative_end = end - line_buffer.first_pixel_output_column;
switch(line_buffer.line_mode) {
case LineMode::SMS: this->draw_sms(relative_start, relative_end, cram_value); break;
case LineMode::Character: this->draw_tms_character(relative_start, relative_end); break;
case LineMode::Text: this->draw_tms_text(relative_start, relative_end); break;
case LineMode::Refresh: break; /* Dealt with elsewhere. */
if(end == line_buffer.next_border_column) {
const int length = line_buffer.next_border_column - line_buffer.first_pixel_output_column;
this->crt_.output_data(length * 4, size_t(length));
this->pixel_origin_ = this->pixel_target_ = nullptr;
this->asked_for_write_area_ = false;
// Additional right border, if called for.
if(line_buffer.next_border_column != 342) {
border(line_buffer.next_border_column, 342);
#undef border
#undef intersect
// -------------
// Advance time.
// -------------
this->read_pointer_.column = end_column;
read_cycles_pool -= target_read_cycles;
if(this->read_pointer_.column == this->clock_converter_.CyclesPerLine) {
this->read_pointer_.column = 0;
this->read_pointer_.row = (this->read_pointer_.row + 1) % this->mode_timing_.total_lines;
assert(backup.row == this->write_pointer_.row && backup.column == this->write_pointer_.column);
template <Personality personality>
void Base<personality>::output_border(int cycles, uint32_t cram_dot) {
cycles *= 4;
const uint32_t border_colour =
is_sega_vdp(personality) ?
master_system_.colour_ram[16 + background_colour_] :
if(cram_dot) {
uint32_t *const pixel_target = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(crt_.begin_data(1));
if(pixel_target) {
*pixel_target = border_colour | cram_dot;
cycles -= 4;
if(cycles) {
// If the border colour is 0, that can be communicated
// more efficiently as an explicit blank.
if(border_colour) {
uint32_t *const pixel_target = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(crt_.begin_data(1));
if(pixel_target) {
*pixel_target = border_colour;
} else {
template <Personality personality>
void TMS9918<personality>::write(int address, uint8_t value) {
// Writes to address 0 are writes to the video RAM. Store
// the value and return.
if(!(address & 1)) {
this->write_phase_ = false;
// Enqueue the write to occur at the next available slot.
this->read_ahead_buffer_ = value;
this->queued_access_ = MemoryAccess::Write;
this->cycles_until_access_ = vram_access_delay<personality>();
// Writes to address 1 are performed in pairs; if this is the
// low byte of a value, store it and wait for the high byte.
if(!this->write_phase_) {
this->low_write_ = value;
this->write_phase_ = true;
// The initial write should half update the access pointer.
this->ram_pointer_ = (this->ram_pointer_ & 0xff00) | this->low_write_;
// The RAM pointer is always set on a second write, regardless of
// whether the caller is intending to enqueue a VDP operation.
this->ram_pointer_ = (this->ram_pointer_ & 0x00ff) | uint16_t(value << 8);
this->write_phase_ = false;
if(value & 0x80) {
if constexpr (is_sega_vdp(personality)) {
if(value & 0x40) {
this->master_system_.cram_is_selected = true;
value &= 0xf;
} else {
value &= 0x7;
// This is a write to a register.
switch(value) {
case 0:
if constexpr (is_sega_vdp(personality)) {
this->master_system_.vertical_scroll_lock = this->low_write_ & 0x80;
this->master_system_.horizontal_scroll_lock = this->low_write_ & 0x40;
this->master_system_.hide_left_column = this->low_write_ & 0x20;
this->enable_line_interrupts_ = this->low_write_ & 0x10;
this->master_system_.shift_sprites_8px_left = this->low_write_ & 0x08;
this->master_system_.mode4_enable = this->low_write_ & 0x04;
this->mode2_enable_ = this->low_write_ & 0x02;
case 1:
this->blank_display_ = !(this->low_write_ & 0x40);
this->generate_interrupts_ = this->low_write_ & 0x20;
this->mode1_enable_ = this->low_write_ & 0x10;
this->mode3_enable_ = this->low_write_ & 0x08;
this->sprites_16x16_ = this->low_write_ & 0x02;
this->sprites_magnified_ = this->low_write_ & 0x01;
this->sprite_height_ = 8;
if(this->sprites_16x16_) this->sprite_height_ <<= 1;
if(this->sprites_magnified_) this->sprite_height_ <<= 1;
case 2:
this->pattern_name_address_ = size_t((this->low_write_ & 0xf) << 10) | 0x3ff;
this->master_system_.pattern_name_address = this->pattern_name_address_ | ((personality == TMS::SMSVDP) ? 0x000 : 0x400);
case 3:
this->colour_table_address_ = size_t(this->low_write_ << 6) | 0x3f;
case 4:
this->pattern_generator_table_address_ = size_t((this->low_write_ & 0x07) << 11) | 0x7ff;
case 5:
this->sprite_attribute_table_address_ = size_t((this->low_write_ & 0x7f) << 7) | 0x7f;
this->master_system_.sprite_attribute_table_address = this->sprite_attribute_table_address_ | ((personality == TMS::SMSVDP) ? 0x00 : 0x80);
case 6:
this->sprite_generator_table_address_ = size_t((this->low_write_ & 0x07) << 11) | 0x7ff;
this->master_system_.sprite_generator_table_address = this->sprite_generator_table_address_ | ((personality == TMS::SMSVDP) ? 0x0000 : 0x1800);
case 7:
this->text_colour_ = this->low_write_ >> 4;
this->background_colour_ = this->low_write_ & 0xf;
case 8:
if constexpr (is_sega_vdp(personality)) {
this->master_system_.horizontal_scroll = this->low_write_;
case 9:
if constexpr (is_sega_vdp(personality)) {
this->master_system_.vertical_scroll = this->low_write_;
case 10:
if constexpr (is_sega_vdp(personality)) {
this->line_interrupt_target = this->low_write_;
LOG("Unknown TMS write: " << int(this->low_write_) << " to " << int(value));
} else {
// This is an access via the RAM pointer.
if(!(value & 0x40)) {
// A read request is enqueued upon setting the address; conversely a write
// won't be enqueued unless and until some actual data is supplied.
this->queued_access_ = MemoryAccess::Read;
this->cycles_until_access_ = vram_access_delay<personality>();
this->master_system_.cram_is_selected = false;
template <Personality personality>
uint8_t TMS9918<personality>::get_current_line() const {
// Determine the row to return.
constexpr int row_change_position = 63; // This is the proper Master System value; substitute if any other VDPs turn out to have this functionality.
int source_row =
(this->write_pointer_.column < row_change_position)
? (this->write_pointer_.row + this->mode_timing_.total_lines - 1) % this->mode_timing_.total_lines
: this->write_pointer_.row;
if(this->tv_standard_ == TVStandard::NTSC) {
if(this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines == 240) {
// NTSC 256x240: 00-FF, 00-06
} else if(this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines == 224) {
// NTSC 256x224: 00-EA, E5-FF
if(source_row >= 0xeb) source_row -= 6;
} else {
// NTSC 256x192: 00-DA, D5-FF
if(source_row >= 0xdb) source_row -= 6;
} else {
if(this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines == 240) {
// PAL 256x240: 00-FF, 00-0A, D2-FF
if(source_row >= 267) source_row -= 0x39;
} else if(this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines == 224) {
// PAL 256x224: 00-FF, 00-02, CA-FF
if(source_row >= 259) source_row -= 0x39;
} else {
// PAL 256x192: 00-F2, BA-FF
if(source_row >= 0xf3) source_row -= 0x39;
return uint8_t(source_row);
template <Personality personality>
uint8_t TMS9918<personality>::get_latched_horizontal_counter() const {
// Translate from internal numbering, which puts pixel output
// in the final 256 pixels of 342, to the public numbering,
// which makes the 256 pixels the first 256 spots, but starts
// counting at -48, and returns only the top 8 bits of the number.
int public_counter = this->latched_column_ - 86;
if(public_counter < -46) public_counter += 342;
return uint8_t(public_counter >> 1);
template <Personality personality>
void TMS9918<personality>::latch_horizontal_counter() {
this->latched_column_ = this->write_pointer_.column;
template <Personality personality>
uint8_t TMS9918<personality>::read(int address) {
this->write_phase_ = false;
// Reads from address 0 read video RAM, via the read-ahead buffer.
if(!(address & 1)) {
// Enqueue the write to occur at the next available slot.
const uint8_t result = this->read_ahead_buffer_;
this->queued_access_ = MemoryAccess::Read;
return result;
// Reads from address 1 get the status register.
const uint8_t result = this->status_;
this->status_ &= ~(StatusInterrupt | StatusSpriteOverflow | StatusSpriteCollision);
this->line_interrupt_pending_ = false;
return result;
template <Personality personality>
HalfCycles TMS9918<personality>::get_next_sequence_point() const {
if(!this->generate_interrupts_ && !this->enable_line_interrupts_) return HalfCycles::max();
if(get_interrupt_line()) return HalfCycles::max();
// Calculate the amount of time until the next end-of-frame interrupt.
const int frame_length = 342 * this->mode_timing_.total_lines;
int time_until_frame_interrupt =
((this->mode_timing_.end_of_frame_interrupt_position.row * 342) + this->mode_timing_.end_of_frame_interrupt_position.column + frame_length) -
((this->write_pointer_.row * 342) + this->write_pointer_.column)
) % frame_length;
if(!time_until_frame_interrupt) time_until_frame_interrupt = frame_length;
if(!this->enable_line_interrupts_) return this->clock_converter_.half_cycles_before_internal_cycles(time_until_frame_interrupt);
// Calculate when the next line interrupt will occur.
int next_line_interrupt_row = -1;
int cycles_to_next_interrupt_threshold = this->mode_timing_.line_interrupt_position - this->write_pointer_.column;
int line_of_next_interrupt_threshold = this->write_pointer_.row;
if(cycles_to_next_interrupt_threshold <= 0) {
cycles_to_next_interrupt_threshold += 342;
if constexpr (is_sega_vdp(personality)) {
// If there is still time for a line interrupt this frame, that'll be it;
// otherwise it'll be on the next frame, supposing there's ever time for
// it at all.
if(line_of_next_interrupt_threshold + this->line_interrupt_counter <= this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines) {
next_line_interrupt_row = line_of_next_interrupt_threshold + this->line_interrupt_counter;
} else {
if(this->line_interrupt_target <= this->mode_timing_.pixel_lines)
next_line_interrupt_row = this->mode_timing_.total_lines + this->line_interrupt_target;
// If there's actually no interrupt upcoming, despite being enabled, either return
// the frame end interrupt or no interrupt pending as appropriate.
if(next_line_interrupt_row == -1) {
return this->generate_interrupts_ ?
this->clock_converter_.half_cycles_before_internal_cycles(time_until_frame_interrupt) :
// Figure out the number of internal cycles until the next line interrupt, which is the amount
// of time to the next tick over and then next_line_interrupt_row - row_ lines further.
const int local_cycles_until_line_interrupt = cycles_to_next_interrupt_threshold + (next_line_interrupt_row - line_of_next_interrupt_threshold) * 342;
if(!this->generate_interrupts_) return this->clock_converter_.half_cycles_before_internal_cycles(local_cycles_until_line_interrupt);
// Return whichever interrupt is closer.
return this->clock_converter_.half_cycles_before_internal_cycles(std::min(local_cycles_until_line_interrupt, time_until_frame_interrupt));
template <Personality personality>
HalfCycles TMS9918<personality>::get_time_until_line(int line) {
if(line < 0) line += this->mode_timing_.total_lines;
int cycles_to_next_interrupt_threshold = this->mode_timing_.line_interrupt_position - this->write_pointer_.column;
int line_of_next_interrupt_threshold = this->write_pointer_.row;
if(cycles_to_next_interrupt_threshold <= 0) {
cycles_to_next_interrupt_threshold += 342;
if(line_of_next_interrupt_threshold > line) {
line += this->mode_timing_.total_lines;
return this->clock_converter_.half_cycles_before_internal_cycles(cycles_to_next_interrupt_threshold + (line - line_of_next_interrupt_threshold)*342);
template <Personality personality>
bool TMS9918<personality>::get_interrupt_line() const {
((this->status_ & StatusInterrupt) && this->generate_interrupts_) ||
(this->enable_line_interrupts_ && this->line_interrupt_pending_);
// MARK: -
template <Personality personality>
void Base<personality>::draw_tms_character(int start, int end) {
LineBuffer &line_buffer = line_buffers_[read_pointer_.row];
// Paint the background tiles.
const int pixels_left = end - start;
if(this->screen_mode_ == ScreenMode::MultiColour) {
for(int c = start; c < end; ++c) {
pixel_target_[c] = palette[
(line_buffer.patterns[c >> 3][0] >> (((c & 4)^4))) & 15
} else {
const int shift = start & 7;
int byte_column = start >> 3;
int length = std::min(pixels_left, 8 - shift);
int pattern = reverse_table.map[line_buffer.patterns[byte_column][0]] >> shift;
uint8_t colour = line_buffer.patterns[byte_column][1];
uint32_t colours[2] = {
palette[(colour & 15) ? (colour & 15) : background_colour_],
palette[(colour >> 4) ? (colour >> 4) : background_colour_]
int background_pixels_left = pixels_left;
while(true) {
background_pixels_left -= length;
for(int c = 0; c < length; ++c) {
pixel_target_[c] = colours[pattern&0x01];
pattern >>= 1;
pixel_target_ += length;
if(!background_pixels_left) break;
length = std::min(8, background_pixels_left);
pattern = reverse_table.map[line_buffer.patterns[byte_column][0]];
colour = line_buffer.patterns[byte_column][1];
colours[0] = palette[(colour & 15) ? (colour & 15) : background_colour_];
colours[1] = palette[(colour >> 4) ? (colour >> 4) : background_colour_];
// Paint sprites and check for collisions, but only if at least one sprite is active
// on this line.
if(line_buffer.active_sprite_slot) {
const int shift_advance = sprites_magnified_ ? 1 : 2;
// If this is the start of the line clip any part of any sprites that is off to the left.
if(!start) {
for(int index = 0; index < line_buffer.active_sprite_slot; ++index) {
LineBuffer::ActiveSprite &sprite = line_buffer.active_sprites[index];
if(sprite.x < 0) sprite.shift_position -= shift_advance * sprite.x;
int sprite_buffer[256];
int sprite_collision = 0;
memset(&sprite_buffer[start], 0, size_t(end - start)*sizeof(sprite_buffer[0]));
constexpr uint32_t sprite_colour_selection_masks[2] = {0x00000000, 0xffffffff};
constexpr int colour_masks[16] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
// Draw all sprites into the sprite buffer.
const int shifter_target = sprites_16x16_ ? 32 : 16;
for(int index = line_buffer.active_sprite_slot - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
LineBuffer::ActiveSprite &sprite = line_buffer.active_sprites[index];
if(sprite.shift_position < shifter_target) {
const int pixel_start = std::max(start, sprite.x);
for(int c = pixel_start; c < end && sprite.shift_position < shifter_target; ++c) {
const int shift = (sprite.shift_position >> 1) ^ 7;
int sprite_colour = (sprite.image[shift >> 3] >> (shift & 7)) & 1;
// A colision is detected regardless of sprite colour ...
sprite_collision |= sprite_buffer[c] & sprite_colour;
sprite_buffer[c] |= sprite_colour;
// ... but a sprite with the transparent colour won't actually be visible.
sprite_colour &= colour_masks[sprite.image[2]&15];
pixel_origin_[c] =
(pixel_origin_[c] & sprite_colour_selection_masks[sprite_colour^1]) |
(palette[sprite.image[2]&15] & sprite_colour_selection_masks[sprite_colour]);
sprite.shift_position += shift_advance;
status_ |= sprite_collision << StatusSpriteCollisionShift;
template <Personality personality>
void Base<personality>::draw_tms_text(int start, int end) {
LineBuffer &line_buffer = line_buffers_[read_pointer_.row];
const uint32_t colours[2] = { palette[background_colour_], palette[text_colour_] };
const int shift = start % 6;
int byte_column = start / 6;
int pattern = reverse_table.map[line_buffer.patterns[byte_column][0]] >> shift;
int pixels_left = end - start;
int length = std::min(pixels_left, 6 - shift);
while(true) {
pixels_left -= length;
for(int c = 0; c < length; ++c) {
pixel_target_[c] = colours[pattern&0x01];
pattern >>= 1;
pixel_target_ += length;
if(!pixels_left) break;
length = std::min(6, pixels_left);
pattern = reverse_table.map[line_buffer.patterns[byte_column][0]];
template <Personality personality>
void Base<personality>::draw_sms(int start, int end, uint32_t cram_dot) {
LineBuffer &line_buffer = line_buffers_[read_pointer_.row];
int colour_buffer[256];
Add extra border for any pixels that fall before the fine scroll.
int tile_start = start, tile_end = end;
int tile_offset = start;
if(read_pointer_.row >= 16 || !master_system_.horizontal_scroll_lock) {
for(int c = start; c < (line_buffer.latched_horizontal_scroll & 7); ++c) {
colour_buffer[c] = 16 + background_colour_;
// Remove the border area from that to which tiles will be drawn.
tile_start = std::max(start - (line_buffer.latched_horizontal_scroll & 7), 0);
tile_end = std::max(end - (line_buffer.latched_horizontal_scroll & 7), 0);
uint32_t pattern;
uint8_t *const pattern_index = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&pattern);
Add background tiles; these will fill the colour_buffer with values in which
the low five bits are a palette index, and bit six is set if this tile has
priority over sprites.
if(tile_start < end) {
const int shift = tile_start & 7;
int byte_column = tile_start >> 3;
int pixels_left = tile_end - tile_start;
int length = std::min(pixels_left, 8 - shift);
pattern = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(line_buffer.patterns[byte_column]);
pattern >>= shift;
pattern <<= shift;
while(true) {
const int palette_offset = (line_buffer.names[byte_column].flags&0x18) << 1;
if(line_buffer.names[byte_column].flags&2) {
for(int c = 0; c < length; ++c) {
colour_buffer[tile_offset] =
((pattern_index[3] & 0x01) << 3) |
((pattern_index[2] & 0x01) << 2) |
((pattern_index[1] & 0x01) << 1) |
((pattern_index[0] & 0x01) << 0) |
pattern >>= 1;
} else {
for(int c = 0; c < length; ++c) {
colour_buffer[tile_offset] =
((pattern_index[3] & 0x80) >> 4) |
((pattern_index[2] & 0x80) >> 5) |
((pattern_index[1] & 0x80) >> 6) |
((pattern_index[0] & 0x80) >> 7) |
pattern <<= 1;
pixels_left -= length;
if(!pixels_left) break;
length = std::min(8, pixels_left);
pattern = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(line_buffer.patterns[byte_column]);
Apply sprites (if any).
if(line_buffer.active_sprite_slot) {
const int shift_advance = sprites_magnified_ ? 1 : 2;
// If this is the start of the line clip any part of any sprites that is off to the left.
if(!start) {
for(int index = 0; index < line_buffer.active_sprite_slot; ++index) {
LineBuffer::ActiveSprite &sprite = line_buffer.active_sprites[index];
if(sprite.x < 0) sprite.shift_position -= shift_advance * sprite.x;
int sprite_buffer[256];
int sprite_collision = 0;
memset(&sprite_buffer[start], 0, size_t(end - start)*sizeof(sprite_buffer[0]));
// Draw all sprites into the sprite buffer.
for(int index = line_buffer.active_sprite_slot - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
LineBuffer::ActiveSprite &sprite = line_buffer.active_sprites[index];
if(sprite.shift_position < 16) {
const int pixel_start = std::max(start, sprite.x);
// TODO: it feels like the work below should be simplifiable;
// the double shift in particular, and hopefully the variable shift.
for(int c = pixel_start; c < end && sprite.shift_position < 16; ++c) {
const int shift = (sprite.shift_position >> 1);
const int sprite_colour =
(((sprite.image[3] << shift) & 0x80) >> 4) |
(((sprite.image[2] << shift) & 0x80) >> 5) |
(((sprite.image[1] << shift) & 0x80) >> 6) |
(((sprite.image[0] << shift) & 0x80) >> 7);
if(sprite_colour) {
sprite_collision |= sprite_buffer[c];
sprite_buffer[c] = sprite_colour | 0x10;
sprite.shift_position += shift_advance;
// Draw the sprite buffer onto the colour buffer, wherever the tile map doesn't have
// priority (or is transparent).
for(int c = start; c < end; ++c) {
sprite_buffer[c] &&
(!(colour_buffer[c]&0x20) || !(colour_buffer[c]&0xf))
) colour_buffer[c] = sprite_buffer[c];
status_ |= StatusSpriteCollision;
// Map from the 32-colour buffer to real output pixels, applying the specific CRAM dot if any.
pixel_target_[start] = master_system_.colour_ram[colour_buffer[start] & 0x1f] | cram_dot;
for(int c = start+1; c < end; ++c) {
pixel_target_[c] = master_system_.colour_ram[colour_buffer[c] & 0x1f];
// If the VDP is set to hide the left column and this is the final call that'll come
// this line, hide it.
if(end == 256) {
if(master_system_.hide_left_column) {
pixel_origin_[0] = pixel_origin_[1] = pixel_origin_[2] = pixel_origin_[3] =
pixel_origin_[4] = pixel_origin_[5] = pixel_origin_[6] = pixel_origin_[7] =
master_system_.colour_ram[16 + background_colour_];
template class TI::TMS::TMS9918<Personality::TMS9918A>;
template class TI::TMS::TMS9918<Personality::V9938>;
template class TI::TMS::TMS9918<Personality::V9958>;
template class TI::TMS::TMS9918<Personality::SMSVDP>;
template class TI::TMS::TMS9918<Personality::SMS2VDP>;
template class TI::TMS::TMS9918<Personality::GGVDP>;
template class TI::TMS::TMS9918<Personality::MDVDP>;