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// CRT.cpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 19/07/2015.
// Copyright © 2015 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#include "CRT.hpp"
#include <stdarg.h>
using namespace Outputs;
CRT::CRT(int cycles_per_line, int height_of_display, int number_of_buffers, ...)
const int syncCapacityLineChargeThreshold = 3;
const int millisecondsHorizontalRetraceTime = 7; // source: Dictionary of Video and Television Technology, p. 234
const int scanlinesVerticalRetraceTime = 10; // source: ibid
// store fundamental display configuration properties
_height_of_display = height_of_display;
_cycles_per_line = cycles_per_line;
// generate timing values implied by the given arbuments
_hsync_error_window = cycles_per_line >> 5;
_sync_capacitor_charge_threshold = syncCapacityLineChargeThreshold * cycles_per_line;
_horizontal_retrace_time = (millisecondsHorizontalRetraceTime * cycles_per_line) >> 6;
_vertical_retrace_time = scanlinesVerticalRetraceTime * cycles_per_line;
_scanSpeed.x = 1.0f / (float)cycles_per_line;
_scanSpeed.y = 1.0f / (float)(height_of_display * cycles_per_line);
_retraceSpeed.x = 1.0f / (float)_horizontal_retrace_time;
_retraceSpeed.y = 1.0f / (float)_vertical_retrace_time;
// generate buffers for signal storage as requested — format is
// number of buffers, size of buffer 1, size of buffer 2...
const int bufferWidth = 512;
const int bufferHeight = 512;
for(int frame = 0; frame < 3; frame++)
va_list va;
va_start(va, number_of_buffers);
_frames[frame] = new CRTFrame(bufferWidth, bufferHeight, number_of_buffers, va);
_frames_with_delegate = 0;
_frame_read_pointer = 0;
_current_frame = _frames[0];
// reset raster position
_rasterPosition.x = _rasterPosition.y = 0.0f;
// reset flywheel sync
_expected_next_hsync = cycles_per_line;
_horizontal_counter = 0;
// reset the vertical charge capacitor
_sync_capacitor_charge_level = 0;
// start off not in horizontal sync, not receiving a sync signal
_is_receiving_sync = false;
_is_in_hsync = false;
_vretrace_counter = 0;
for(int frame = 0; frame < 3; frame++)
delete _frames[frame];
#pragma mark - Sync loop
CRT::SyncEvent CRT::next_vertical_sync_event(bool vsync_is_charging, int cycles_to_run_for, int *cycles_advanced)
SyncEvent proposedEvent = SyncEvent::None;
int proposedSyncTime = cycles_to_run_for;
// have we overrun the maximum permitted number of horizontal syncs for this frame?
if (!_vretrace_counter)
float raster_distance = _scanSpeed.y * (float)proposedSyncTime;
if(_rasterPosition.y < 1.02f && _rasterPosition.y + raster_distance >= 1.02f) {
proposedSyncTime = (int)(1.02f - _rasterPosition.y) / _scanSpeed.y;
proposedEvent = SyncEvent::StartVSync;
// will an acceptable vertical sync be triggered?
if (vsync_is_charging && !_vretrace_counter) {
if (_sync_capacitor_charge_level < _sync_capacitor_charge_threshold && _sync_capacitor_charge_level + proposedSyncTime >= _sync_capacitor_charge_threshold) {
proposedSyncTime = _sync_capacitor_charge_threshold - _sync_capacitor_charge_level;
proposedEvent = SyncEvent::StartVSync;
// will an ongoing vertical sync end?
if (_vretrace_counter > 0) {
if (_vretrace_counter < proposedSyncTime) {
proposedSyncTime = _vretrace_counter;
proposedEvent = SyncEvent::EndVSync;
*cycles_advanced = proposedSyncTime;
return proposedEvent;
CRT::SyncEvent CRT::next_horizontal_sync_event(bool hsync_is_requested, int cycles_to_run_for, int *cycles_advanced)
// do we recognise this hsync, thereby adjusting future time expectations?
if(hsync_is_requested) {
if (_horizontal_counter < _hsync_error_window || _horizontal_counter >= _expected_next_hsync - _hsync_error_window) {
_did_detect_hsync = true;
int time_now = (_horizontal_counter < _hsync_error_window) ? _expected_next_hsync + _horizontal_counter : _horizontal_counter;
_expected_next_hsync = (_expected_next_hsync + time_now) >> 1;
SyncEvent proposedEvent = SyncEvent::None;
int proposedSyncTime = cycles_to_run_for;
// will we end an ongoing hsync?
if (_horizontal_counter < _horizontal_retrace_time && _horizontal_counter+proposedSyncTime >= _horizontal_retrace_time) {
proposedSyncTime = _horizontal_retrace_time - _horizontal_counter;
proposedEvent = SyncEvent::EndHSync;
// will we start an hsync?
if (_horizontal_counter + proposedSyncTime >= _expected_next_hsync) {
proposedSyncTime = _expected_next_hsync - _horizontal_counter;
proposedEvent = SyncEvent::StartHSync;
*cycles_advanced = proposedSyncTime;
return proposedEvent;
void CRT::advance_cycles(int number_of_cycles, bool hsync_requested, const bool vsync_charging, const CRTRun::Type type, const char *data_type)
// this is safe to keep locally because it accumulates over this run of cycles only
int buffer_offset = 0;
while(number_of_cycles) {
int time_until_vertical_sync_event, time_until_horizontal_sync_event;
SyncEvent next_vertical_sync_event = this->next_vertical_sync_event(vsync_charging, number_of_cycles, &time_until_vertical_sync_event);
SyncEvent next_horizontal_sync_event = this->next_horizontal_sync_event(hsync_requested, time_until_vertical_sync_event, &time_until_horizontal_sync_event);
hsync_requested = false;
// get the next sync event and its timing; hsync request is instantaneous (being edge triggered) so
// set it to false for the next run through this loop (if any)
int next_run_length = std::min(time_until_vertical_sync_event, time_until_horizontal_sync_event);
CRTRun *nextRun = (_current_frame && next_run_length) ? _current_frame->get_next_run() : nullptr;
// set the type, initial raster position and type of this run
nextRun->type = type;
nextRun->start_point.dst_x = _rasterPosition.x;
nextRun->start_point.dst_y = _rasterPosition.y;
nextRun->data_type = data_type;
// if this is a data or level run then store a starting data position
if(type == CRTRun::Type::Data || type == CRTRun::Type::Level)
nextRun->start_point.src_x = (_current_frame->_write_target_pointer + buffer_offset) & (_current_frame->size.width - 1);
nextRun->start_point.src_y = (_current_frame->_write_target_pointer + buffer_offset) / _current_frame->size.width;
// advance the raster position as dictated by current sync status
if (_is_in_hsync)
_rasterPosition.x = std::max(0.0f, _rasterPosition.x - (float)number_of_cycles * _retraceSpeed.x);
_rasterPosition.x = std::min(1.0f, _rasterPosition.x + (float)number_of_cycles * _scanSpeed.x);
if (_vretrace_counter > 0)
_rasterPosition.y = std::max(0.0f, _rasterPosition.y - (float)number_of_cycles * _retraceSpeed.y);
_rasterPosition.y = std::min(1.0f, _rasterPosition.y + (float)number_of_cycles * _scanSpeed.y);
// store the final raster position
nextRun->end_point.dst_x = _rasterPosition.x;
nextRun->end_point.dst_y = _rasterPosition.y;
// if this is a data run then advance the buffer pointer
if(type == CRTRun::Type::Data)
buffer_offset += next_run_length;
// if this is a data or level run then store the end point
if(type == CRTRun::Type::Data || type == CRTRun::Type::Level)
nextRun->end_point.src_x = (_current_frame->_write_target_pointer + buffer_offset) & (_current_frame->size.width - 1);
nextRun->end_point.src_y = (_current_frame->_write_target_pointer + buffer_offset) / _current_frame->size.width;
// decrement the number of cycles left to run for and increment the
// horizontal counter appropriately
number_of_cycles -= next_run_length;
_horizontal_counter += next_run_length;
// either charge or deplete the vertical retrace capacitor (making sure it stops at 0)
if (vsync_charging)
_sync_capacitor_charge_level += next_run_length;
_sync_capacitor_charge_level = std::max(_sync_capacitor_charge_level - next_run_length, 0);
// decrement the vertical retrace counter, making sure it stops at 0
_vretrace_counter = std::max(_vretrace_counter - next_run_length, 0);
// react to the incoming event...
if(next_run_length == time_until_horizontal_sync_event)
// start of hsync: zero the scanline counter, note that we're now in
// horizontal sync, increment the lines-in-this-frame counter
case SyncEvent::StartHSync:
_horizontal_counter = 0;
_is_in_hsync = true;
// end of horizontal sync: update the flywheel's velocity, note that we're no longer
// in horizontal sync
case SyncEvent::EndHSync:
if (!_did_detect_hsync) {
_expected_next_hsync = (_expected_next_hsync + (_hsync_error_window >> 1) + _cycles_per_line) >> 1;
_did_detect_hsync = false;
_is_in_hsync = false;
default: break;
if(next_run_length == time_until_vertical_sync_event)
// start of vertical sync: reset the lines-in-this-frame counter,
// load the retrace counter with the amount of time it'll take to retrace
case SyncEvent::StartVSync:
_vretrace_counter = _vertical_retrace_time;
// end of vertical sync: tell the delegate that we finished vertical sync,
// releasing all runs back into the common pool
case SyncEvent::EndVSync:
if(_delegate && _current_frame)
_delegate->crt_did_end_frame(this, _current_frame);
if(_frames_with_delegate < kCRTNumberOfFrames)
_frame_read_pointer = (_frame_read_pointer + 1)%kCRTNumberOfFrames;
_current_frame = _frames[_frame_read_pointer];
_current_frame = nullptr;
default: break;
void CRT::return_frame()
#pragma mark - delegate
void CRT::set_delegate(CRTDelegate *delegate)
_delegate = delegate;
#pragma mark - stream feeding methods
These all merely channel into advance_cycles, supplying appropriate arguments
void CRT::output_sync(int number_of_cycles)
bool _hsync_requested = !_is_receiving_sync; // ensure this really is edge triggered; someone calling output_sync twice in succession shouldn't trigger it twice
_is_receiving_sync = true;
advance_cycles(number_of_cycles, _hsync_requested, true, CRTRun::Type::Sync, nullptr);
void CRT::output_blank(int number_of_cycles)
_is_receiving_sync = false;
advance_cycles(number_of_cycles, false, false, CRTRun::Type::Blank, nullptr);
void CRT::output_level(int number_of_cycles, const char *type)
_is_receiving_sync = false;
advance_cycles(number_of_cycles, false, false, CRTRun::Type::Level, type);
void CRT::output_data(int number_of_cycles, const char *type)
_is_receiving_sync = false;
advance_cycles(number_of_cycles, false, false, CRTRun::Type::Data, type);
#pragma mark - Buffer supply
void CRT::allocate_write_area(int required_length)
if(_current_frame) _current_frame->allocate_write_area(required_length);
uint8_t *CRT::get_write_target_for_buffer(int buffer)
if (!_current_frame) return nullptr;
return _current_frame->get_write_target_for_buffer(buffer);
#pragma mark - CRTFrame
CRTFrame::CRTFrame(int width, int height, int number_of_buffers, va_list buffer_sizes)
size.width = width;
size.height = height;
this->number_of_buffers = number_of_buffers;
buffers = new CRTBuffer[number_of_buffers];
for(int buffer = 0; buffer < number_of_buffers; buffer++)
buffers[buffer].depth = va_arg(buffer_sizes, int);
buffers[buffer].data = new uint8_t[width * height * buffers[buffer].depth];
for(int buffer = 0; buffer < number_of_buffers; buffer++)
delete[] buffers[buffer].data;
delete buffers;
void CRTFrame::reset()
number_of_runs = 0;
_write_allocation_pointer = _write_target_pointer = 0;
void CRTFrame::complete()
runs = &_all_runs[0];
CRTRun *CRTFrame::get_next_run()
// get a run from the allocated list, allocating more if we're about to overrun
if(number_of_runs >= _all_runs.size())
_all_runs.resize((_all_runs.size() * 2)+1);
CRTRun *nextRun = &_all_runs[number_of_runs];
return nextRun;
void CRTFrame::allocate_write_area(int required_length)
int xPos = _write_allocation_pointer & (size.width - 1);
if (xPos + required_length > size.width)
_write_allocation_pointer &= ~(size.width - 1);
_write_allocation_pointer = (_write_allocation_pointer + size.width) & ((size.height-1) * size.width);
_write_target_pointer = _write_allocation_pointer;
_write_allocation_pointer += required_length;
uint8_t *CRTFrame::get_write_target_for_buffer(int buffer)
return &buffers[buffer].data[_write_target_pointer * buffers[buffer].depth];