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// m68kDecoderTests.m
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 18/04/2022.
// Copyright 2022 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#include "../../../InstructionSets/68k/Decoder.hpp"
using namespace InstructionSet::M68k;
@interface m68kDecoderTests : XCTestCase
namespace {
template <int index> NSString *operand(Preinstruction instruction) {
switch(instruction.mode<index>()) {
default: return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[Mode %d?]", int(instruction.mode<index>())];
case AddressingMode::None:
return @"";
case AddressingMode::DataRegisterDirect:
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"D%d", instruction.reg<index>()];
case AddressingMode::AddressRegisterDirect:
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"A%d", instruction.reg<index>()];
case AddressingMode::AddressRegisterIndirect:
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(A%d)", instruction.reg<index>()];
case AddressingMode::AddressRegisterIndirectWithPostincrement:
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(A%d)+", instruction.reg<index>()];
case AddressingMode::AddressRegisterIndirectWithPredecrement:
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"-(A%d)", instruction.reg<index>()];
case AddressingMode::AddressRegisterIndirectWithDisplacement:
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(d16, A%d)", instruction.reg<index>()];
case AddressingMode::AddressRegisterIndirectWithIndex8bitDisplacement:
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(d8, A%d, Xn)", instruction.reg<index>()];
case AddressingMode::ProgramCounterIndirectWithDisplacement:
return @"(d16, PC)";
case AddressingMode::ProgramCounterIndirectWithIndex8bitDisplacement:
return @"(d8, PC, Xn)";
case AddressingMode::AbsoluteShort:
return @"(xxx).w";
case AddressingMode::AbsoluteLong:
return @"(xxx).l";
case AddressingMode::ImmediateData:
return @"#";
@implementation m68kDecoderTests
- (NSString *)operand:(int)operand instruction:(Preinstruction)instruction {
return @"";
- (void)testInstructionSpecs {
NSData *const testData =
[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:
[[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]
subdirectory:@"68000 Decoding"]];
NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *const decodings = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:testData options:0 error:nil];
Predecoder<Model::M68000> decoder;
for(int instr = 0; instr < 65536; instr++) {
NSString *const instrName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%04x", instr];
NSString *const expected = decodings[instrName];
const auto found = decoder.decode(uint16_t(instr));
NSString *instruction;
switch(found.operation) {
case Operation::Undefined: instruction = @"None"; break;
case Operation::NOP: instruction = @"NOP"; break;
case Operation::ABCD: instruction = @"ABCD"; break;
case Operation::SBCD: instruction = @"SBCD"; break;
case Operation::NBCD: instruction = @"NBCD"; break;
case Operation::ADDb: instruction = @"ADD.b"; break;
case Operation::ADDw: instruction = @"ADD.w"; break;
case Operation::ADDl: instruction = @"ADD.l"; break;
case Operation::ADDAw: instruction = @"ADDA.w"; break;
case Operation::ADDAl: instruction = @"ADDA.l"; break;
case Operation::ADDXb: instruction = @"ADDX.b"; break;
case Operation::ADDXw: instruction = @"ADDX.w"; break;
case Operation::ADDXl: instruction = @"ADDX.l"; break;
case Operation::SUBb: instruction = @"SUB.b"; break;
case Operation::SUBw: instruction = @"SUB.w"; break;
case Operation::SUBl: instruction = @"SUB.l"; break;
case Operation::SUBAw: instruction = @"SUBA.w"; break;
case Operation::SUBAl: instruction = @"SUBA.l"; break;
case Operation::SUBXb: instruction = @"SUBX.b"; break;
case Operation::SUBXw: instruction = @"SUBX.w"; break;
case Operation::SUBXl: instruction = @"SUBX.l"; break;
// For now, skip any unmapped operations.
default: continue;
NSString *const operand1 = operand<0>(found);
NSString *const operand2 = operand<1>(found);
if(operand1.length) instruction = [instruction stringByAppendingFormat:@" %@", operand1];
if(operand2.length) instruction = [instruction stringByAppendingFormat:@", %@", operand2];
// Quick decoding not yet supported. TODO.
if(found.mode<0>() == AddressingMode::Quick || found.mode<1>() == AddressingMode::Quick) {
XCTAssertFalse(found.mode<0>() == AddressingMode::None && found.mode<1>() != AddressingMode::None, @"Decoding of %@ provided a second operand but not a first", instrName);
XCTAssertEqualObjects(instruction, expected, "%@ should decode as %@; got %@", instrName, expected, instruction);