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// AcornAnalyser.cpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 29/08/2016.
// Copyright 2016 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#include "StaticAnalyser.hpp"
#include "Disk.hpp"
#include "Tape.hpp"
#include "Target.hpp"
#include "../../../Numeric/StringSimilarity.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
using namespace Analyser::Static::Acorn;
static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Storage::Cartridge::Cartridge>>
AcornCartridgesFrom(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Storage::Cartridge::Cartridge>> &cartridges) {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Storage::Cartridge::Cartridge>> acorn_cartridges;
for(const auto &cartridge : cartridges) {
const auto &segments = cartridge->get_segments();
// only one mapped item is allowed
if(segments.size() != 1) continue;
// which must be 8 or 16 kb in size
const Storage::Cartridge::Cartridge::Segment &segment = segments.front();
if(segment.data.size() != 0x4000 && segment.data.size() != 0x2000) continue;
// is a copyright string present?
const uint8_t copyright_offset = segment.data[7];
segment.data[copyright_offset] != 0x00 ||
segment.data[copyright_offset+1] != 0x28 ||
segment.data[copyright_offset+2] != 0x43 ||
segment.data[copyright_offset+3] != 0x29
) continue;
// is the language entry point valid?
(segment.data[0] == 0x00 && segment.data[1] == 0x00 && segment.data[2] == 0x00) ||
(segment.data[0] != 0x00 && segment.data[2] >= 0x80 && segment.data[2] < 0xc0)
)) continue;
// is the service entry point valid?
if(!(segment.data[5] >= 0x80 && segment.data[5] < 0xc0)) continue;
// probability of a random binary blob that isn't an Acorn ROM proceeding to here:
// 1/(2^32) *
// ( ((2^24)-1)/(2^24)*(1/4) + 1/(2^24) ) *
// 1/4
// = something very improbable, around 1/16th of 1 in 2^32, but not exactly.
return acorn_cartridges;
Analyser::Static::TargetList Analyser::Static::Acorn::GetTargets(
const Media &media,
const std::string &file_name,
) {
auto target8bit = std::make_unique<ElectronTarget>();
auto targetArchimedes = std::make_unique<ArchimedesTarget>();
// Copy appropriate cartridges to the 8-bit target.
target8bit->media.cartridges = AcornCartridgesFrom(media.cartridges);
// If there are any tapes, attempt to get data from the first.
if(!media.tapes.empty()) {
std::shared_ptr<Storage::Tape::Tape> tape = media.tapes.front();
std::vector<File> files = GetFiles(tape);
// continue if there are any files
if(!files.empty()) {
bool is_basic = true;
// If a file is execute-only, that means *RUN.
if(files.front().flags & File::Flags::ExecuteOnly) is_basic = false;
// check also for a continuous threading of BASIC lines; if none then this probably isn't BASIC code,
// so that's also justification to *RUN
std::size_t pointer = 0;
uint8_t *const data = &files.front().data[0];
const std::size_t data_size = files.front().data.size();
while(1) {
if(pointer >= data_size-1 || data[pointer] != 13) {
is_basic = false;
if((data[pointer+1]&0x7f) == 0x7f) break;
pointer += data[pointer+3];
// Inspect first file. If it's protected or doesn't look like BASIC
// then the loading command is *RUN. Otherwise it's CHAIN"".
target8bit->loading_command = is_basic ? "CHAIN\"\"\n" : "*RUN\n";
target8bit->media.tapes = media.tapes;
if(!media.disks.empty()) {
std::shared_ptr<Storage::Disk::Disk> disk = media.disks.front();
std::unique_ptr<Catalogue> dfs_catalogue, adfs_catalogue;
// Get any sort of catalogue that can be found.
dfs_catalogue = GetDFSCatalogue(disk);
if(dfs_catalogue == nullptr) adfs_catalogue = GetADFSCatalogue(disk);
// 8-bit options: DFS and Hugo-style ADFS.
if(dfs_catalogue || (adfs_catalogue && !adfs_catalogue->has_large_sectors && adfs_catalogue->is_hugo)) {
// Accept the disk and determine whether DFS or ADFS ROMs are implied.
// Use the Pres ADFS if using an ADFS, as it leaves Page at &EOO.
target8bit->media.disks = media.disks;
target8bit->has_dfs = bool(dfs_catalogue);
target8bit->has_pres_adfs = bool(adfs_catalogue);
// Check whether a simple shift+break will do for loading this disk.
const auto bootOption = (dfs_catalogue ?: adfs_catalogue)->bootOption;
if(bootOption != Catalogue::BootOption::None) {
target8bit->should_shift_restart = true;
} else {
target8bit->loading_command = "*CAT\n";
// Check whether adding the AP6 ROM is justified.
// For now this is an incredibly dense text search;
// if any of the commands that aren't usually present
// on a stock Electron are here, add the AP6 ROM and
// some sideways RAM such that the SR commands are useful.
for(const auto &file: dfs_catalogue ? dfs_catalogue->files : adfs_catalogue->files) {
for(const auto &command: {
}) {
if(std::search(file.data.begin(), file.data.end(), command, command+strlen(command)) != file.data.end()) {
target8bit->has_ap6_rom = true;
target8bit->has_sideways_ram = true;
} else if(adfs_catalogue) {
// Archimedes options, implicitly: ADFS, non-Hugo.
targetArchimedes->media.disks = media.disks;
// Also look for the best possible startup program name, if it can be discerned.
std::multimap<double, std::string, std::greater<double>> options;
for(const auto &file: adfs_catalogue->files) {
// Skip non-Pling files.
if(file.name[0] != '!') continue;
// Take whatever else comes with a preference for things that don't
// have 'boot' or 'read' in them (the latter of which will tend to be
// read_me or read_this or similar).
constexpr char read[] = "read";
constexpr char boot[] = "boot";
const auto has = [&](const char *begin, const char *end) {
return std::search(
file.name.begin(), file.name.end(),
begin, end - 1, // i.e. don't compare the trailing NULL.
[](char lhs, char rhs) {
return std::tolower(lhs) == rhs;
) != file.name.end();
const auto has_read = has(std::begin(read), std::end(read));
const auto has_boot = has(std::begin(boot), std::end(boot));
const auto probability =
Numeric::similarity(file.name, adfs_catalogue->name) +
Numeric::similarity(file.name, file_name) -
((has_read || has_boot) ? 0.2 : 0.0);
options.emplace(probability, file.name);
if(!options.empty()) {
targetArchimedes->main_program = options.begin()->second;
// Enable the Acorn ADFS if a mass-storage device is attached;
// unlike the Pres ADFS it retains SCSI logic.
if(!media.mass_storage_devices.empty()) {
target8bit->has_pres_adfs = false; // To override a floppy selection, if one was made.
target8bit->has_acorn_adfs = true;
// Assume some sort of later-era Acorn work is likely to happen;
// so ensure *TYPE, etc are present.
target8bit->has_ap6_rom = true;
target8bit->has_sideways_ram = true;
target8bit->media.mass_storage_devices = media.mass_storage_devices;
// Check for a boot option.
const auto sector = target8bit->media.mass_storage_devices.front()->get_block(1);
if(sector[0xfd]) {
target8bit->should_shift_restart = true;
} else {
target8bit->loading_command = "*CAT\n";
TargetList targets;
if(!target8bit->media.empty()) {
if(!targetArchimedes->media.empty()) {
return targets;