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i.e. sets of keys that don't amount to an entire keyboard in the modern sense. Experimentally used by the Master System for its reset key.
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// Keyboard.hpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 10/9/17.
// Copyright 2017 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#ifndef Keyboard_hpp
#define Keyboard_hpp
#include <vector>
#include <set>
namespace Inputs {
Provides an intermediate idealised model of a modern-era computer keyboard
(so, heavily indebted to the current Windows and Mac layouts), allowing a host
machine to toggle states, while an interested party either observes or polls.
class Keyboard {
enum class Key {
Escape, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, PrintScreen, ScrollLock, Pause,
BackTick, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k0, Hyphen, Equals, BackSpace,
Tab, Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P, OpenSquareBracket, CloseSquareBracket, BackSlash,
CapsLock, A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, Semicolon, Quote, Hash, Enter,
LeftShift, Z, X, C, V, B, N, M, Comma, FullStop, ForwardSlash, RightShift,
LeftControl, LeftOption, LeftMeta, Space, RightMeta, RightOption, RightControl,
Left, Right, Up, Down,
Insert, Home, PageUp, Delete, End, PageDown,
NumLock, KeyPadSlash, KeyPadAsterisk, KeyPadDelete,
KeyPad7, KeyPad8, KeyPad9, KeyPadPlus,
KeyPad4, KeyPad5, KeyPad6, KeyPadMinus,
KeyPad1, KeyPad2, KeyPad3, KeyPadEnter,
KeyPad0, KeyPadDecimalPoint, KeyPadEquals,
/// Constructs a Keyboard that declares itself to observe all keys.
/// Constructs a Keyboard that declares itself to observe only members of @c observed_keys.
Keyboard(const std::set<Key> &observed_keys);
// Host interface.
virtual void set_key_pressed(Key key, char value, bool is_pressed);
virtual void reset_all_keys();
/// @returns a set of all Keys that this keyboard responds to.
virtual const std::set<Key> &observed_keys();
@returns @c true if this keyboard, on its original machine, looked
like a complete keyboard — i.e. if a user would expect this keyboard
to be the only thing a real keyboard maps to.
virtual bool is_exclusive();
// Delegate interface.
struct Delegate {
virtual void keyboard_did_change_key(Keyboard *keyboard, Key key, bool is_pressed) = 0;
virtual void reset_all_keys(Keyboard *keyboard) = 0;
void set_delegate(Delegate *delegate);
bool get_key_state(Key key);
std::set<Key> observed_keys_;
std::vector<bool> key_states_;
Delegate *delegate_ = nullptr;
bool is_exclusive_ = true;
#endif /* Keyboard_hpp */