mirror of https://github.com/TomHarte/CLK.git synced 2024-10-02 19:54:35 +00:00
CLK/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/MachineDocument.swift
Thomas Harte c226be612f Slightly adjusts mouse hiding semantics.
This allows the Macintosh and ST to fade out volume and settings even without having captured the mouse.
2021-07-16 17:21:25 -04:00

867 lines
27 KiB

// MachineDocument.swift
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 04/01/2016.
// Copyright 2016 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
import AudioToolbox
import Cocoa
import QuartzCore
class MachineDocument:
// MARK: - Mutual Exclusion.
/// Ensures exclusive access between calls to self.machine.run and close().
private let actionLock = NSLock()
/// Ensures exclusive access between calls to machine.updateView and machine.drawView, and close().
private let drawLock = NSLock()
// MARK: - Machine details.
/// A description of the machine this document should represent once fully set up.
private var machineDescription: CSStaticAnalyser?
/// The active machine, following its successful creation.
private var machine: CSMachine!
/// @returns the appropriate window content aspect ratio for this @c self.machine.
private func aspectRatio() -> NSSize {
return NSSize(width: 4.0, height: 3.0)
/// The output audio queue, if any.
private var audioQueue: CSAudioQueue!
// MARK: - Main NIB connections.
/// The OpenGL view to receive this machine's display.
@IBOutlet weak var scanTargetView: CSScanTargetView!
/// The options view, if any.
@IBOutlet var optionsView: NSView!
@IBOutlet var optionsController: MachineController!
/// The activity panel, if one is deemed appropriate.
@IBOutlet var activityView: NSView!
/// The volume view.
@IBOutlet var volumeView: NSView!
@IBOutlet var volumeSlider: NSSlider!
// MARK: - NSDocument Overrides and NSWindowDelegate methods.
/// Links this class to the MachineDocument NIB.
override var windowNibName: NSNib.Name? {
return "MachineDocument"
convenience init(type typeName: String) throws {
self.fileType = typeName
override func read(from url: URL, ofType typeName: String) throws {
if let analyser = CSStaticAnalyser(fileAt: url) {
self.displayName = analyser.displayName
} else {
throw NSError(domain: "MachineDocument", code: -1, userInfo: nil)
override func close() {
// Close any dangling sheets.
// Be warned: in 11.0 at least, if there are any panels then posting the endSheet request
// will defer the close(), and close() will be called again at the end of that animation.
// So: MAKE SURE IT'S SAFE TO ENTER THIS FUNCTION TWICE. Hence the non-assumption here about
// any windows still existing.
if let window = self.windowControllers.first?.window {
for sheet in window.sheets {
// Stop the machine, if any.
// End the update cycle.
machine = nil
// Let the document controller do its thing.
override func data(ofType typeName: String) throws -> Data {
throw NSError(domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code: unimpErr, userInfo: nil)
override func windowControllerDidLoadNib(_ aController: NSWindowController) {
aController.window?.contentAspectRatio = self.aspectRatio()
volumeSlider.floatValue = pow(2.0, userDefaultsVolume())
volumeView.layer!.cornerRadius = 5.0
private var missingROMs: String = ""
func configureAs(_ analysis: CSStaticAnalyser) {
self.machineDescription = analysis
let missingROMs = NSMutableString()
if let machine = CSMachine(analyser: analysis, missingROMs: missingROMs) {
self.machine = machine
} else {
self.missingROMs = missingROMs as String
enum InteractionMode {
case notStarted, showingMachinePicker, showingROMRequester, showingMachine
private var interactionMode: InteractionMode = .notStarted
// Attempting to show a sheet before the window is visible (such as when the NIB is loaded) results in
// a sheet mysteriously floating on its own. For now, use windowDidUpdate as a proxy to check whether
// the window is visible.
func windowDidUpdate(_ notification: Notification) {
if self.windowControllers.count > 0, let window = self.windowControllers[0].window, window.isVisible {
// Grab the regular window title, if it's not already stored.
if self.unadornedWindowTitle == "" {
self.unadornedWindowTitle = window.title
// If an interaction mode is not yet in effect, pick the proper one and display the relevant thing.
if self.interactionMode == .notStarted {
// If a full machine exists, just continue showing it.
if self.machine != nil {
self.interactionMode = .showingMachine
// If a machine has been picked but is not showing, there must be ROMs missing.
if self.machineDescription != nil {
self.interactionMode = .showingROMRequester
// If a machine hasn't even been picked yet, show the machine picker.
self.interactionMode = .showingMachinePicker
Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("MachinePicker", owner: self, topLevelObjects: nil)
window.beginSheet(self.machinePickerPanel!, completionHandler: nil)
func windowDidEnterFullScreen(_ notification: Notification) {
// MARK: - Connections Between Machine and the Outside World.
private func setupMachineOutput() {
if let machine = self.machine, let scanTargetView = self.scanTargetView, machine.view != scanTargetView {
// Establish the output aspect ratio and audio.
let aspectRatio = self.aspectRatio()
machine.setView(scanTargetView, aspectRatio: Float(aspectRatio.width / aspectRatio.height))
// Attach an options panel if one is available.
if let optionsNibName = self.machineDescription?.optionsNibName {
Bundle.main.loadNibNamed(optionsNibName, owner: self, topLevelObjects: nil)
if let optionsController = self.optionsController {
optionsController.machine = machine
if let optionsView = self.optionsView, let superview = self.volumeView.superview {
// Apply rounded edges.
optionsView.layer!.cornerRadius = 5.0
// Add to the superview.
// Apply constraints to appear centred and above the volume view.
let constraints = [
optionsView.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: volumeView.centerXAnchor),
optionsView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: volumeView.topAnchor, constant: -8.0),
// Set up a fader for the volume and options.
var fadingViews: [NSView] = []
if let optionsView = self.optionsView {
if let volumeView = self.volumeView {
optionsFader = ViewFader(views: fadingViews)
// Create and populate an activity display if required.
machine.delegate = self
scanTargetView.responderDelegate = self
// If this machine has a mouse, enable mouse capture; also indicate whether usurption
// of the command key is desired.
scanTargetView.shouldCaptureMouse = machine.hasMouse
scanTargetView.shouldUsurpCommand = machine.shouldUsurpCommand
// Bring OpenGL view-holding window on top of the options panel and show the content.
scanTargetView.isHidden = false
// Start forwarding best-effort updates.
func machineSpeakerDidChangeInputClock(_ machine: CSMachine) {
// setupAudioQueueClockRate not only needs blocking access to the machine,
// but may be triggered on an arbitrary thread by a running machine, and that
// running machine may not be able to stop running until it has been called
// (e.g. if it is currently trying to run_until an audio event). Break the
// deadlock with an async dispatch.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
private func setupAudioQueueClockRate() {
// Establish and provide the audio queue, taking advice as to an appropriate sampling rate.
// TODO: this needs to be threadsafe. FIX!
let maximumSamplingRate = CSAudioQueue.preferredSamplingRate()
let selectedSamplingRate = Float64(self.machine.idealSamplingRate(from: NSRange(location: 0, length: NSInteger(maximumSamplingRate))))
let isStereo = self.machine.isStereo
if selectedSamplingRate > 0 {
// [Re]create the audio queue only if necessary.
if self.audioQueue == nil || self.audioQueue.samplingRate != selectedSamplingRate || self.audioQueue != self.machine.audioQueue {
self.machine.audioQueue = nil
self.audioQueue = CSAudioQueue(samplingRate: Float64(selectedSamplingRate), isStereo:isStereo)
self.audioQueue.delegate = self
self.machine.audioQueue = self.audioQueue
self.machine.setAudioSamplingRate(Float(selectedSamplingRate), bufferSize:audioQueue.preferredBufferSize, stereo:isStereo)
/// Responds to the CSAudioQueueDelegate dry-queue warning message by requesting a machine update.
final func audioQueueIsRunningDry(_ audioQueue: CSAudioQueue) {
// MARK: - Pasteboard Forwarding.
/// Forwards any text currently on the pasteboard into the active machine.
func paste(_ sender: Any) {
let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.general
if let string = pasteboard.string(forType: .string), let machine = self.machine {
// MARK: - Runtime Media Insertion.
/// Delegate message to receive drag and drop files.
final func scanTargetView(_ view: CSScanTargetView, didReceiveFileAt URL: URL) {
/// Action for the insert menu command; displays an NSOpenPanel and then segues into the same process
/// as if a file had been received via drag and drop.
@IBAction final func insertMedia(_ sender: AnyObject!) {
let openPanel = NSOpenPanel()
openPanel.message = "Hint: you can also insert media by dragging and dropping it onto the machine's window."
openPanel.beginSheetModal(for: self.windowControllers[0].window!) { (response) in
if response == .OK {
for url in openPanel.urls {
private func insertFile(_ URL: URL) {
// Try to insert media.
let mediaSet = CSMediaSet(fileAt: URL)
if !mediaSet.empty {
mediaSet.apply(to: self.machine)
// Failing that see whether a new machine is required.
// TODO.
if let newMachine = CSStaticAnalyser(fileAt: URL) {
self.interactionMode = .notStarted
// MARK: - Input Management.
/// Upon a resign key, immediately releases all ongoing input mechanisms any currently pressed keys,
/// and joystick and mouse inputs.
func windowDidResignKey(_ notification: Notification) {
if let machine = self.machine {
machine.joystickManager = nil
/// Upon becoming key, attaches joystick input to the machine.
func windowDidBecomeKey(_ notification: Notification) {
if let machine = self.machine {
machine.joystickManager = (DocumentController.shared as! DocumentController).joystickManager
/// Forwards key down events directly to the machine.
func keyDown(_ event: NSEvent) {
if let machine = self.machine {
machine.setKey(event.keyCode, characters: event.characters, isPressed: true)
/// Forwards key up events directly to the machine.
func keyUp(_ event: NSEvent) {
if let machine = self.machine {
machine.setKey(event.keyCode, characters: event.characters, isPressed: false)
/// Synthesies appropriate key up and key down events upon any change in modifiers.
func flagsChanged(_ newModifiers: NSEvent) {
if let machine = self.machine {
machine.setKey(VK_Shift, characters: nil, isPressed: newModifiers.modifierFlags.contains(.shift))
machine.setKey(VK_Control, characters: nil, isPressed: newModifiers.modifierFlags.contains(.control))
machine.setKey(VK_Command, characters: nil, isPressed: newModifiers.modifierFlags.contains(.command))
machine.setKey(VK_Option, characters: nil, isPressed: newModifiers.modifierFlags.contains(.option))
/// Forwards mouse movement events to the mouse.
func mouseMoved(_ event: NSEvent) {
if let machine = self.machine {
machine.addMouseMotionX(event.deltaX, y: event.deltaY)
/// Forwards mouse button down events to the mouse.
func mouseUp(_ event: NSEvent) {
if let machine = self.machine {
machine.setMouseButton(Int32(event.buttonNumber), isPressed: false)
/// Forwards mouse button up events to the mouse.
func mouseDown(_ event: NSEvent) {
if let machine = self.machine {
machine.setMouseButton(Int32(event.buttonNumber), isPressed: true)
// MARK: - MachinePicker Outlets and Actions
@IBOutlet var machinePicker: MachinePicker?
@IBOutlet var machinePickerPanel: NSWindow?
@IBAction func createMachine(_ sender: NSButton?) {
let selectedMachine = machinePicker!.selectedMachine()
self.machinePicker = nil
@IBAction func tableViewDoubleClick(_ sender: NSTableView?) {
@IBAction func cancelCreateMachine(_ sender: NSButton?) {
// MARK: - ROMRequester Outlets and Actions
@IBOutlet var romRequesterPanel: NSWindow?
@IBOutlet var romRequesterText: NSTextField?
@IBOutlet var romReceiverErrorField: NSTextField?
@IBOutlet var romReceiverView: CSROMReceiverView?
private var romRequestBaseText = ""
private func setRomRequesterIsVisible(_ visible : Bool) {
if !visible && self.romRequesterPanel == nil {
if self.romRequesterPanel!.isVisible == visible {
if visible {
self.windowControllers[0].window?.beginSheet(self.romRequesterPanel!, completionHandler: nil)
} else {
func requestRoms() {
// Don't act yet if there's no window controller yet.
if self.windowControllers.count == 0 {
// Load the ROM requester dialogue if it's not already loaded.
if self.romRequesterPanel == nil {
Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("ROMRequester", owner: self, topLevelObjects: nil)
self.romReceiverView!.delegate = self
self.romRequestBaseText = romRequesterText!.stringValue
romReceiverErrorField?.alphaValue = 0.0
// Populate the current absentee list.
// Show the thing.
@IBAction func cancelRequestROMs(_ sender: NSButton?) {
func populateMissingRomList() {
romRequesterText!.stringValue = self.romRequestBaseText + self.missingROMs
func romReceiverView(_ view: CSROMReceiverView, didReceiveFileAt URL: URL) {
// Test whether the file identified matches any of the currently missing ROMs.
// If so then remove that ROM from the missing list and update the request screen.
// If no ROMs are still missing, start the machine.
if CSMachine.attemptInstallROM(URL) {
} else {
showRomReceiverError(error: "Didn't recognise contents of \(URL.lastPathComponent)")
// Yucky ugliness follows; my experience as an iOS developer intersects poorly with
// NSAnimationContext hence the various stateful diplications below. isShowingError
// should be essentially a duplicate of the current alphaValue, and animationCount
// is to resolve my inability to figure out how to cancel scheduled animations.
private var errorText = ""
private var isShowingError = false
private var animationCount = 0
private func showRomReceiverError(error: String) {
// Set or append the new error.
if self.errorText.count > 0 {
self.errorText = self.errorText + "\n" + error
} else {
self.errorText = error
// Apply the new complete text.
romReceiverErrorField!.stringValue = self.errorText
if !isShowingError {
// Schedule the box's appearance.
NSAnimationContext.current.duration = 0.1
romReceiverErrorField?.animator().alphaValue = 1.0
isShowingError = true
// Schedule the box to disappear.
self.animationCount = self.animationCount + 1
let capturedAnimationCount = animationCount
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() + .seconds(2)) {
if self.animationCount == capturedAnimationCount {
NSAnimationContext.current.duration = 1.0
self.romReceiverErrorField?.animator().alphaValue = 0.0
self.isShowingError = false
self.errorText = ""
// MARK: - Joystick-via-the-keyboard selection.
@IBAction func useKeyboardAsPhysicalKeyboard(_ sender: NSMenuItem?) {
machine.inputMode = .keyboardPhysical
@IBAction func useKeyboardAsLogicalKeyboard(_ sender: NSMenuItem?) {
machine.inputMode = .keyboardLogical
@IBAction func useKeyboardAsJoystick(_ sender: NSMenuItem?) {
machine.inputMode = .joystick
/// Determines which of the menu items to enable and disable based on the ability of the
/// current machine to handle keyboard and joystick input, accept new media and whether
/// it has an associted activity window.
override func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ item: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool {
if let menuItem = item as? NSMenuItem {
switch item.action {
case #selector(self.useKeyboardAsPhysicalKeyboard):
if machine == nil || !machine.hasExclusiveKeyboard {
menuItem.state = .off
return false
menuItem.state = machine.inputMode == .keyboardPhysical ? .on : .off
return true
case #selector(self.useKeyboardAsLogicalKeyboard):
if machine == nil || !machine.hasExclusiveKeyboard {
menuItem.state = .off
return false
menuItem.state = machine.inputMode == .keyboardLogical ? .on : .off
return true
case #selector(self.useKeyboardAsJoystick):
if machine == nil || !machine.hasJoystick {
menuItem.state = .off
return false
menuItem.state = machine.inputMode == .joystick ? .on : .off
return true
case #selector(self.insertMedia(_:)):
return self.machine != nil && self.machine.canInsertMedia
default: break
return super.validateUserInterfaceItem(item)
// MARK: - Screenshots.
/// Saves a screenshot of the machine's current display.
@IBAction func saveScreenshot(_ sender: AnyObject!) {
// Grab a date formatter and form a file name.
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateStyle = .short
dateFormatter.timeStyle = .long
let filename = ("Clock Signal Screen Shot " + dateFormatter.string(from: Date()) + ".png").replacingOccurrences(of: "/", with: "-")
.replacingOccurrences(of: ":", with: ".")
let pictursURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .picturesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0]
let url = pictursURL.appendingPathComponent(filename)
// Obtain the machine's current display.
let imageRepresentation = self.machine.imageRepresentation
// Encode as a PNG and save.
let pngData = imageRepresentation.representation(using: .png, properties: [:])
try! pngData?.write(to: url)
// MARK: - Window Title Updates.
private var unadornedWindowTitle = ""
private var mouseIsCaptured = false
private var windowTitleSuffix = ""
private func updateWindowTitle() {
var title = self.unadornedWindowTitle
if windowTitleSuffix != "" {
title += windowTitleSuffix
if mouseIsCaptured {
title += " (press ⌘+control to release mouse)"
self.windowControllers[0].window?.title = title
internal func scanTargetViewDidCaptureMouse(_ view: CSScanTargetView) {
mouseIsCaptured = true
internal func scanTargetViewDidReleaseMouse(_ view: CSScanTargetView) {
mouseIsCaptured = false
// MARK: - Activity Display.
private class LED {
let levelIndicator: NSLevelIndicator
init(levelIndicator: NSLevelIndicator, isPersistent: Bool) {
self.levelIndicator = levelIndicator
self.isPersistent = isPersistent
var isLit = false
var isBlinking = false
var isPersistent = false
private var leds: [String: LED] = [:]
private var activityFader: ViewFader! = nil
func setupActivityDisplay() {
var leds = machine.leds
if leds.count > 0 {
Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("Activity", owner: self, topLevelObjects: nil)
// Inspect the activity panel for indicators.
var activityIndicators: [NSLevelIndicator] = []
var textFields: [NSTextField] = []
if let activityView = self.activityView {
for view in activityView.subviews {
if let levelIndicator = view as? NSLevelIndicator {
if let textField = view as? NSTextField {
// If there are fewer level indicators than LEDs, trim that list.
if activityIndicators.count < leds.count {
leds.removeSubrange(activityIndicators.count ..< leds.count)
// Remove unused views.
for c in leds.count ..< activityIndicators.count {
// Apply labels and create leds entries.
for c in 0 ..< leds.count {
textFields[c].stringValue = leds[c].name
self.leds[leds[c].name] = LED(levelIndicator: activityIndicators[c], isPersistent: leds[c].isPersisent)
// Create a fader.
activityFader = ViewFader(views: [self.activityView!])
// Add view to window, and constrain.
if let superview = activityIndicators[leds.count-1].superview {
activityIndicators[leds.count-1].bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: activityIndicators[leds.count-1].superview!.bottomAnchor, constant: -8.0)
if let windowView = self.volumeView.superview {
let constraints = [
self.activityView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: windowView.rightAnchor),
self.activityView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: windowView.topAnchor),
activityView.layer!.cornerRadius = 5.0
activityView.layer!.maskedCorners = [.layerMinXMinYCorner]
// Show or hide activity view as per current state.
func machine(_ machine: CSMachine, ledShouldBlink ledName: String) {
// If there is such an LED, switch it off for 0.03 of a second; if it's meant
// to be off at the end of that, leave it off. Don't allow the blinks to
// pile up allow there to be only one in flight at a time.
if let led = leds[ledName] {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if !led.isBlinking && led.isLit {
led.levelIndicator.floatValue = 0.0
led.isBlinking = true
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.03) {
led.levelIndicator.floatValue = led.isLit ? 1.0 : 0.0
led.isBlinking = false
func machine(_ machine: CSMachine, led ledName: String, didChangeToLit isLit: Bool) {
// If there is such an LED, switch it appropriately.
if let led = leds[ledName] {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [self] in
// Do nothing for no change of state.
if led.isLit == isLit {
led.levelIndicator.floatValue = isLit ? 1.0 : 0.0
led.isLit = isLit
// Possibly show or hide the activity subview.
self.updateActivityViewVisibility(false, changed: ledName)
private func updateActivityViewVisibility(_ isAppLaunch : Bool = false, changed: String? = nil) {
if let window = self.windowControllers.first?.window, let activityFader = self.activityFader {
// Rules applied below:
// Fullscreen:
// (i) always show activity view if any persistent LEDs are present;
// (ii) otherwise, show activity view only while at least one LED is lit.
// Windowed:
// (i) show while any non-persistent LED is lit;
// (ii) show transiently to indicate a change of state in any persistent LED.
let hasLitLEDs = !self.leds.filter {
$0.value.isLit && (!$0.value.isPersistent || window.styleMask.contains(.fullScreen)) ||
($0.value.isPersistent && window.styleMask.contains(.fullScreen))
let shouldShowTransient = !window.styleMask.contains(.fullScreen) && changed != nil && self.leds[changed!]!.isPersistent
if hasLitLEDs {
} else if shouldShowTransient {
activityFader.showTransiently(for: 1.0)
} else {
activityFader.animateOut(delay: 0.2)
// MARK: - In-window panels (i.e. options, volume).
private var optionsFader: ViewFader! = nil
internal func scanTargetViewDidShowOSMouseCursor(_ view: CSScanTargetView) {
// The OS mouse cursor became visible, so show the volume controls.
internal func scanTargetViewWouldHideOSMouseCursor(_ view: CSScanTargetView) {
// The OS mouse cursor will be hidden, so hide the volume controls.
optionsFader.animateOut(delay: 0.0)
// MARK: - Helpers for fading things in and out.
/// Maintains a list of views and offers in-and-out animations on those,
/// testing current state as necessary and otherwise coordinating with
/// CoreAnimation.
private class ViewFader: NSObject, CAAnimationDelegate {
private var views: [NSView]
init(views: [NSView]) {
self.views = views
for view in views {
view.isHidden = true
func animationDidStop(_ animation: CAAnimation, finished: Bool) {
if finished {
for view in views {
view.isHidden = true
func animateIn() {
for view in views {
view.isHidden = false
func animateOut(delay : TimeInterval) {
// Do nothing if already animating out or invisible.
if views[0].isHidden || views[0].layer?.animation(forKey: "opacity") != nil {
for view in views {
let fadeAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "opacity")
fadeAnimation.beginTime = CACurrentMediaTime() + delay
fadeAnimation.fromValue = 1.0
fadeAnimation.toValue = 0.0
fadeAnimation.duration = 0.2
fadeAnimation.delegate = self
fadeAnimation.fillMode = .forwards
fadeAnimation.isRemovedOnCompletion = false
view.layer!.add(fadeAnimation, forKey: "opacity")
func showTransiently(for period: TimeInterval) {
animateOut(delay: period)
// MARK: - Volume Control.
@IBAction func setVolume(_ sender: NSSlider!) {
if let machine = self.machine {
let linearValue = log2(sender.floatValue)
// The user's selected volume is stored as 1 - volume in the user defaults in order
// to take advantage of the default value being 0.
private func userDefaultsVolume() -> Float {
return 1.0 - UserDefaults.standard.float(forKey: "defaultVolume")
private func setUserDefaultsVolume(_ volume: Float) {
UserDefaults.standard.set(1.0 - volume, forKey: "defaultVolume")