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synced 2024-12-25 18:30:21 +00:00
i.e. sets of keys that don't amount to an entire keyboard in the modern sense. Experimentally used by the Master System for its reset key.
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// Keyboard.cpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 29/11/2017.
// Copyright 2017 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#include "Keyboard.hpp"
uint16_t MSX::KeyboardMapper::mapped_key_for_key(Inputs::Keyboard::Key key) {
#define BIND(source, dest) case Inputs::Keyboard::Key::source: return MSX::Key::dest
switch(key) {
BIND(k0, Key0); BIND(k1, Key1); BIND(k2, Key2); BIND(k3, Key3); BIND(k4, Key4);
BIND(k5, Key5); BIND(k6, Key6); BIND(k7, Key7); BIND(k8, Key8); BIND(k9, Key9);
BIND(Q, KeyQ); BIND(W, KeyW); BIND(E, KeyE); BIND(R, KeyR); BIND(T, KeyT);
BIND(Y, KeyY); BIND(U, KeyU); BIND(I, KeyI); BIND(O, KeyO); BIND(P, KeyP);
BIND(A, KeyA); BIND(S, KeyS); BIND(D, KeyD); BIND(F, KeyF); BIND(G, KeyG);
BIND(H, KeyH); BIND(J, KeyJ); BIND(K, KeyK); BIND(L, KeyL);
BIND(Z, KeyZ); BIND(X, KeyX); BIND(C, KeyC); BIND(V, KeyV);
BIND(B, KeyB); BIND(N, KeyN); BIND(M, KeyM);
BIND(F1, KeyF1); BIND(F2, KeyF2); BIND(F3, KeyF3); BIND(F4, KeyF4); BIND(F5, KeyF5);
BIND(F12, KeyStop);
BIND(F10, KeyDelete); BIND(F9, KeyInsert); BIND(F8, KeyHome);
BIND(Delete, KeyDelete); BIND(Insert, KeyInsert); BIND(Home, KeyHome);
BIND(Escape, KeyEscape);
BIND(Tab, KeyTab); BIND(CapsLock, KeyCaps);
BIND(LeftControl, KeyControl); BIND(RightControl, KeyControl);
BIND(LeftShift, KeyShift); BIND(RightShift, KeyShift);
BIND(LeftMeta, KeyCode); BIND(RightMeta, KeyGraph);
BIND(LeftOption, KeyCode); BIND(RightOption, KeySelect);
BIND(Semicolon, KeySemicolon);
BIND(Quote, KeyQuote);
BIND(OpenSquareBracket, KeyLeftSquareBracket);
BIND(CloseSquareBracket, KeyRightSquareBracket);
BIND(Hyphen, KeyMinus);
BIND(Equals, KeyEquals);
BIND(Left, KeyLeft);
BIND(Right, KeyRight);
BIND(Up, KeyUp);
BIND(Down, KeyDown);
BIND(FullStop, KeyFullStop);
BIND(Comma, KeyComma);
BIND(ForwardSlash, KeyForwardSlash);
BIND(BackSlash, KeyBackSlash);
BIND(BackTick, KeyGrave);
BIND(Enter, KeyEnter);
BIND(Space, KeySpace);
BIND(BackSpace, KeyBackspace);
default: break;
#undef BIND
return KeyboardMachine::MappedMachine::KeyNotMapped;