Adrian.Conlon c803387023 A few modifications:
1) Simplify REFRESH register handling via bit fields.
2) Use static methods in the Z80 emulator, if at all possible
3) Use a decoded opcode lookup, rather than decoding per instruction

Signed-off-by: Adrian.Conlon <adrian.conlon@gmail.com>
2017-06-26 23:22:32 +01:00

387 lines
8.5 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include "IntelProcessor.h"
#include "InputOutput.h"
#include "Signal.h"
namespace EightBit {
class Z80 : public IntelProcessor {
struct refresh_t {
bool high : 1;
uint8_t variable : 7;
uint8_t asUint8() const {
return (high << 7) | variable;
static refresh_t fromUint8(uint8_t value) {
refresh_t returned;
returned.high = (value & Bit7) != 0;
returned.variable = value & Mask7;
return returned;
struct opcode_decoded_t {
int x;
int y;
int z;
int p;
int q;
static opcode_decoded_t decode(uint8_t opcode) {
opcode_decoded_t returned;
returned.x = (opcode & 0b11000000) >> 6;
returned.y = (opcode & 0b00111000) >> 3;
returned.z = (opcode & 0b00000111);
returned.p = (returned.y & 0b110) >> 1;
returned.q = (returned.y & 1);
return returned;
enum StatusBits {
SF = Bit7,
ZF = Bit6,
YF = Bit5,
HC = Bit4,
XF = Bit3,
PF = Bit2,
VF = Bit2,
NF = Bit1,
CF = Bit0,
Z80(Memory& memory, InputOutput& ports);
Signal<Z80> ExecutingInstruction;
void di();
void ei();
int interruptMaskable(uint8_t value) { return interrupt(true, value); }
int interruptMaskable() { return interruptMaskable(0); }
int interruptNonMaskable() { return interrupt(false, 0); }
int interrupt(bool maskable, uint8_t value);
int execute(uint8_t opcode);
int step();
// Mutable access to processor!!
virtual register16_t& AF() override {
return m_accumulatorFlags[m_accumulatorFlagsSet];
virtual register16_t& BC() override {
return m_registers[m_registerSet][BC_IDX];
virtual register16_t& DE() override {
return m_registers[m_registerSet][DE_IDX];
virtual register16_t& HL() override {
return m_registers[m_registerSet][HL_IDX];
register16_t& IX() { return m_ix; }
uint8_t& IXH() { return IX().high; }
uint8_t& IXL() { return IX().low; }
register16_t& IY() { return m_iy; }
uint8_t& IYH() { return IY().high; }
uint8_t& IYL() { return IY().low; }
refresh_t& REFRESH() { return m_refresh; }
uint8_t& IV() { return iv; }
int& IM() { return m_interruptMode; }
bool& IFF1() { return m_iff1; }
bool& IFF2() { return m_iff2; }
bool& M1() { return m1; }
void exx() {
m_registerSet ^= 1;
void exxAF() {
m_accumulatorFlagsSet = !m_accumulatorFlagsSet;
virtual void reset();
virtual void initialise();
InputOutput& m_ports;
enum { BC_IDX, DE_IDX, HL_IDX };
std::array<std::array<register16_t, 3>, 2> m_registers;
int m_registerSet;
std::array<register16_t, 2> m_accumulatorFlags;
int m_accumulatorFlagsSet;
register16_t m_ix;
register16_t m_iy;
refresh_t m_refresh;
uint8_t iv;
int m_interruptMode;
bool m_iff1;
bool m_iff2;
bool m1;
bool m_prefixCB;
bool m_prefixDD;
bool m_prefixED;
bool m_prefixFD;
int8_t m_displacement;
bool m_displaced;
std::array<opcode_decoded_t, 0x100> m_decodedOpcodes;
int fetchExecute() {
M1() = true;
return execute(fetchByte());
void incrementRefresh() {
uint8_t& DISPLACED() {
m_memory.ADDRESS().word = MEMPTR().word = (m_prefixDD ? IX() : IY()).word + m_displacement;
return m_memory.reference();
uint8_t& R(int r) {
switch (r) {
case 0:
return B();
case 1:
return C();
case 2:
return D();
case 3:
return E();
case 4:
return HL2().high;
case 5:
return HL2().low;
case 6:
if (m_displaced) {
m_displacement = fetchByte();
return DISPLACED();
m_memory.ADDRESS() = HL();
return m_memory.reference();
case 7:
return A();
throw std::logic_error("Unhandled registry mechanism");
uint8_t& R2(int r) {
switch (r) {
case 0:
return B();
case 1:
return C();
case 2:
return D();
case 3:
return E();
case 4:
return H();
case 5:
return L();
case 6:
m_memory.ADDRESS() = HL();
return m_memory.reference();
case 7:
return A();
throw std::logic_error("Unhandled registry mechanism");
register16_t& RP(int rp) {
switch (rp) {
case 3:
return SP();
case HL_IDX:
return HL2();
return m_registers[m_registerSet][rp];
register16_t& HL2() {
if (m_displaced) {
if (m_prefixDD)
return IX();
// Must be FD prefix
return IY();
return HL();
register16_t& RP2(int rp) {
switch (rp) {
case 3:
return AF();
case HL_IDX:
return HL2();
return m_registers[m_registerSet][rp];
void addViaMemptr(register16_t& hl, register16_t operand) {
MEMPTR().word = hl.word + 1;
add(hl, operand);
void sbcViaMemptr(register16_t& hl, register16_t operand) {
MEMPTR().word = hl.word + 1;
sbc(hl, operand);
void adcViaMemptr(register16_t& hl, register16_t operand) {
MEMPTR().word = hl.word + 1;
adc(hl, operand);
static void adjustHalfCarryAdd(uint8_t& f, uint8_t before, uint8_t value, int calculation) {
setFlag(f, HC, calculateHalfCarryAdd(before, value, calculation));
static void adjustHalfCarrySub(uint8_t& f, uint8_t before, uint8_t value, int calculation) {
setFlag(f, HC, calculateHalfCarrySub(before, value, calculation));
static void adjustOverflowAdd(uint8_t& f, uint8_t before, uint8_t value, uint8_t calculation) {
adjustOverflowAdd(f, before & SF, value & SF, calculation & SF);
static void adjustOverflowAdd(uint8_t& f, int beforeNegative, int valueNegative, int afterNegative) {
auto overflow = (beforeNegative == valueNegative) && (beforeNegative != afterNegative);
setFlag(f, VF, overflow);
static void adjustOverflowSub(uint8_t& f, uint8_t before, uint8_t value, uint8_t calculation) {
adjustOverflowSub(f, before & SF, value & SF, calculation & SF);
static void adjustOverflowSub(uint8_t& f, int beforeNegative, int valueNegative, int afterNegative) {
auto overflow = (beforeNegative != valueNegative) && (beforeNegative != afterNegative);
setFlag(f, VF, overflow);
static void subtract(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value, int carry = 0);
void executeCB(int x, int y, int z);
void executeED(int x, int y, int z, int p, int q);
void executeOther(int x, int y, int z, int p, int q);
static void postIncrement(uint8_t& f, uint8_t value);
static void postDecrement(uint8_t& f, uint8_t value);
void retn();
void reti();
bool jrConditionalFlag(uint8_t& f, int flag);
bool returnConditionalFlag(uint8_t& f, int flag);
bool jumpConditionalFlag(uint8_t& f, int flag);
bool callConditionalFlag(uint8_t& f, int flag);
void sbc(register16_t& operand, register16_t value);
void adc(register16_t& operand, register16_t value);
void add(register16_t& operand, register16_t value);
static void add(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value, int carry = 0);
void adc(uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value);
static void sub(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value, int carry = 0);
void sbc(uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value);
static void andr(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value);
static void xorr(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value);
static void orr(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand, uint8_t value);
static void compare(uint8_t& f, uint8_t check, uint8_t value);
static uint8_t& rlc(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand);
static uint8_t& rrc(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand);
static uint8_t& rl(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand);
static uint8_t& rr(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand);
static uint8_t& sla(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand);
static uint8_t& sra(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand);
static uint8_t& sll(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand);
static uint8_t& srl(uint8_t& f, uint8_t& operand);
static uint8_t& bit(uint8_t& f, int n, uint8_t& operand);
static uint8_t& res(int n, uint8_t& operand);
static uint8_t& set(int nit, uint8_t& operand);
void daa();
void scf();
void ccf();
void cpl();
void xhtl(register16_t& operand);
void xhtl();
void blockCompare(uint8_t a, uint8_t& f);
void cpi(uint8_t a, uint8_t& f);
bool cpir();
void cpd(uint8_t a, uint8_t& f);
bool cpdr();
void blockLoad(register16_t source, register16_t destination);
void ldi();
bool ldir();
void ldd();
bool lddr();
void ini();
bool inir();
void ind();
bool indr();
void blockOut();
void outi();
bool otir();
void outd();
bool otdr();
void neg();
void rrd();
void rld();
void writePort() {
m_ports.write(m_memory.ADDRESS().low, m_memory.DATA());
void readPort() {