mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 09:30:38 +00:00
Signed-off-by: Adrian Conlon <Adrian.conlon@gmail.com>
1557 lines
74 KiB
1557 lines
74 KiB
namespace EightBit
using System;
// Uses some information from:
// http://www.cpu-world.com/Arch/6809.html
// http://atjs.mbnet.fi/mc6809/Information/6809.htm
// |---------------|-----------------------------------|
// | MPU State | |
// |_______________| MPU State Definition |
// | BA | BS | |
// |_______|_______|___________________________________|
// | 0 | 0 | Normal (running) |
// | 0 | 1 | Interrupt or RESET Acknowledge |
// | 1 | 0 | SYNC Acknowledge |
// | 1 | 1 | HALT Acknowledge |
// |-------|-------|-----------------------------------|
public sealed class MC6809 : BigEndianProcessor
private const byte RESETvector = 0xfe; // RESET vector
private const byte NMIvector = 0xfc; // NMI vector
private const byte SWIvector = 0xfa; // SWI vector
private const byte IRQvector = 0xf8; // IRQ vector
private const byte FIRQvector = 0xf6; // FIRQ vector
private const byte SWI2vector = 0xf4; // SWI2 vector
private const byte SWI3vector = 0xf2; // SWI3 vector
// private const byte RESERVEDvector = 0xf0; // RESERVED vector
private byte cc = 0;
private byte dp = 0;
private PinLevel nmiLine = PinLevel.Low;
private PinLevel firqLine = PinLevel.Low;
private PinLevel haltLine = PinLevel.Low;
private PinLevel baLine = PinLevel.Low;
private PinLevel bsLine = PinLevel.Low;
private bool prefix10 = false;
private bool prefix11 = false;
public MC6809(Bus bus)
: base(bus)
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> ExecutingInstruction;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> ExecutedInstruction;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> RaisingNMI;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> RaisedNMI;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> LoweringNMI;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> LoweredNMI;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> RaisingFIRQ;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> RaisedFIRQ;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> LoweringFIRQ;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> LoweredFIRQ;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> RaisingHALT;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> RaisedHALT;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> LoweringHALT;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> LoweredHALT;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> RaisingBA;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> RaisedBA;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> LoweringBA;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> LoweredBA;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> RaisingBS;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> RaisedBS;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> LoweringBS;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> LoweredBS;
public Register16 D { get; } = new Register16();
public ref byte A => ref this.D.High;
public ref byte B => ref this.D.Low;
public Register16 X { get; } = new Register16();
public Register16 Y { get; } = new Register16();
public Register16 U { get; } = new Register16();
public Register16 S { get; } = new Register16();
public ref byte DP => ref this.dp;
public ref byte CC => ref this.cc;
public bool Halted => this.HALT.Lowered();
public int EntireRegisterSet => this.CC & (byte)StatusBits.EF;
public int FastInterruptMasked => this.CC & (byte)StatusBits.FF;
public int HalfCarry => this.CC & (byte)StatusBits.HF;
public int InterruptMasked => this.CC & (byte)StatusBits.IF;
public int Negative => this.CC & (byte)StatusBits.NF;
public int Zero => this.CC & (byte)StatusBits.ZF;
public int Overflow => this.CC & (byte)StatusBits.VF;
public int Carry => this.CC & (byte)StatusBits.CF;
private bool LS => (this.Carry != 0) || (this.Zero != 0); // (C OR Z)
private bool HI => !this.LS; // !(C OR Z)
private bool LT => ((this.Negative >> 3) ^ (this.Overflow >> 1)) != 0; // (N XOR V)
private bool GE => !this.LT; // !(N XOR V)
private bool LE => (this.Zero != 0) || this.LT; // (Z OR (N XOR V))
private bool GT => !this.LE; // !(Z OR (N XOR V))
public ref PinLevel NMI => ref this.nmiLine;
public ref PinLevel FIRQ => ref this.firqLine;
public ref PinLevel HALT => ref this.haltLine;
public ref PinLevel BA => ref this.baLine;
public ref PinLevel BS => ref this.bsLine;
public void Halt()
public void Proceed()
public override int Step()
if (this.Powered)
this.prefix10 = this.prefix11 = false;
if (this.Halted)
else if (this.RESET.Lowered())
else if (this.NMI.Lowered())
else if (this.FIRQ.Lowered() && (this.FastInterruptMasked == 0))
else if (this.INT.Lowered() && (this.InterruptMasked == 0))
return this.Cycles;
public override int Execute()
var prefixed = this.prefix10 || this.prefix11;
var unprefixed = !prefixed;
if (unprefixed)
if (this.prefix10)
return this.Cycles;
public override void RaisePOWER()
public void RaiseNMI()
public void LowerNMI()
public void RaiseFIRQ()
public void LowerFIRQ()
public void RaiseHALT()
public void LowerHALT()
public void RaiseBA()
public void LowerBA()
public void RaiseBS()
public void LowerBS()
protected override void HandleRESET()
this.DP = 0;
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.IF); // Disable IRQ
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.FF); // Disable FIRQ
this.Jump(this.GetWordPaged(0xff, RESETvector));
protected override void HandleINT()
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.IF); // Disable IRQ
this.Jump(this.GetWordPaged(0xff, IRQvector));
protected override byte Pop() => this.PopS();
protected override void Push(byte value) => this.PushS(value);
private void HandleHALT()
private void HandleNMI()
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.IF); // Disable IRQ
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.FF); // Disable FIRQ
this.Jump(this.GetWordPaged(0xff, NMIvector));
private void HandleFIRQ()
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.IF); // Disable IRQ
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.FF); // Disable FIRQ
this.Jump(this.GetWordPaged(0xff, FIRQvector));
private void OnRaisingNMI() => this.RaisingNMI?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnRaisedNMI() => this.RaisedNMI?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnLoweringNMI() => this.LoweringNMI?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnLoweredNMI() => this.LoweredNMI?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnRaisingFIRQ() => this.RaisingFIRQ?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnRaisedFIRQ() => this.RaisedFIRQ?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnLoweringFIRQ() => this.LoweringFIRQ?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnLoweredFIRQ() => this.LoweredFIRQ?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnRaisingHALT() => this.RaisingHALT?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnRaisedHALT() => this.RaisedHALT?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnLoweringHALT() => this.LoweringHALT?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnLoweredHALT() => this.LoweredHALT?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnRaisingBA() => this.RaisingBA?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnRaisedBA() => this.RaisedBA?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnLoweringBA() => this.LoweringBA?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnLoweredBA() => this.LoweredBA?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnRaisingBS() => this.RaisingBS?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnRaisedBS() => this.RaisedBS?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnLoweringBS() => this.LoweringBS?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnLoweredBS() => this.LoweredBS?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnExecutingInstruction() => this.ExecutingInstruction?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnExecutedInstruction() => this.ExecutedInstruction?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
private static byte SetFlag(byte f, StatusBits flag) => SetFlag(f, (byte)flag);
private static byte SetFlag(byte f, StatusBits flag, int condition) => SetFlag(f, (byte)flag, condition);
private static byte SetFlag(byte f, StatusBits flag, bool condition) => SetFlag(f, (byte)flag, condition);
private static byte ClearFlag(byte f, StatusBits flag) => ClearFlag(f, (byte)flag);
private static byte ClearFlag(byte f, StatusBits flag, int condition) => ClearFlag(f, (byte)flag, condition);
private void Push(Register16 stack, byte value) => this.BusWrite(--stack, value);
private void PushS(byte value) => this.Push(this.S, value);
private void PushWord(Register16 stack, Register16 value)
this.Push(stack, value.Low);
this.Push(stack, value.High);
private byte Pop(Register16 stack) => this.BusRead(stack++);
private byte PopS() => this.Pop(this.S);
private Register16 PopWord(Register16 stack)
var high = this.Pop(stack);
var low = this.Pop(stack);
return new Register16(low, high);
private Register16 RR(int which)
switch (which) {
case 0b00:
return this.X;
case 0b01:
return this.Y;
case 0b10:
return this.U;
case 0b11:
return this.S;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(which), which, "Which does not specify a valid register");
private Register16 Address_relative_byte() => new Register16(this.PC.Word + (sbyte)this.FetchByte());
private Register16 Address_relative_word() => new Register16(this.PC.Word + (short)this.FetchWord().Word);
private Register16 Address_direct() => new Register16(this.FetchByte(), this.DP);
private Register16 Address_extended() => this.FetchWord();
private Register16 Address_indexed()
var type = this.FetchByte();
var r = this.RR((type & (byte)(Bits.Bit6 | Bits.Bit5)) >> 5);
var address = new Register16();
if ((type & (byte)Bits.Bit7) != 0)
switch (type & (byte)Mask.Mask4)
case 0b0000: // ,R+
address.Word = r.Word++;
case 0b0001: // ,R++
address.Word = r.Word;
r.Word += 2;
case 0b0010: // ,-R
address.Word = --r.Word;
case 0b0011: // ,--R
r.Word -= 2;
address.Word = r.Word;
case 0b0100: // ,R
address.Word = r.Word;
case 0b0101: // B,R
address.Word = (ushort)(r.Word + (sbyte)this.B);
case 0b0110: // A,R
address.Word = (ushort)(r.Word + (sbyte)this.A);
case 0b1000: // n,R (eight-bit)
address.Word = (ushort)(r.Word + (sbyte)this.FetchByte());
case 0b1001: // n,R (sixteen-bit)
address.Word = (ushort)(r.Word + (short)this.FetchWord().Word);
case 0b1011: // D,R
address.Word = (ushort)(r.Word + this.D.Word);
case 0b1100: // n,PCR (eight-bit)
address.Word = this.Address_relative_byte().Word;
case 0b1101: // n,PCR (sixteen-bit)
address.Word = this.Address_relative_word().Word;
case 0b1111: // [n]
address.Word = this.Address_extended().Word;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid index type");
var indirect = type & (byte)Bits.Bit4;
if (indirect != 0)
address.Word = this.GetWord(address).Word;
// EA = ,R + 5-bit offset
address = new Register16(r.Word + SignExtend(5, (byte)(type & (byte)Mask.Mask5)));
return address;
private byte AM_immediate_byte() => this.FetchByte();
private byte AM_direct_byte() => this.BusRead(this.Address_direct());
private byte AM_indexed_byte() => this.BusRead(this.Address_indexed());
private byte AM_extended_byte() => this.BusRead(this.Address_extended());
private Register16 AM_immediate_word() => this.FetchWord();
private Register16 AM_direct_word() => this.GetWord(this.Address_direct());
private Register16 AM_indexed_word() => this.GetWord(this.Address_indexed());
private Register16 AM_extended_word() => this.GetWord(this.Address_extended());
private byte AdjustZero(byte datum) => ClearFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.ZF, datum);
private byte AdjustZero(ushort datum) => ClearFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.ZF, datum);
private byte AdjustZero(Register16 datum) => this.AdjustZero(datum.Word);
private byte AdjustNegative(byte datum) => SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.NF, datum & (byte)Bits.Bit7);
private byte AdjustNegative(ushort datum) => SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.NF, datum & (ushort)Bits.Bit15);
private byte AdjustNZ(byte datum)
this.CC = this.AdjustZero(datum);
return this.AdjustNegative(datum);
private byte AdjustNZ(ushort datum)
this.CC = this.AdjustZero(datum);
return this.AdjustNegative(datum);
private byte AdjustNZ(Register16 datum) => this.AdjustNZ(datum.Word);
private byte AdjustCarry(ushort datum) => SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.CF, datum & (ushort)Bits.Bit8); // 8-bit addition
private byte AdjustCarry(uint datum) => SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.CF, (int)(datum & (uint)Bits.Bit16)); // 16-bit addition
private byte AdjustCarry(Register16 datum) => this.AdjustCarry(datum.Word);
private byte AdjustOverflow(byte before, byte data, Register16 after)
var lowAfter = after.Low;
var highAfter = after.High;
return SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.VF, (before ^ data ^ lowAfter ^ (highAfter << 7)) & (int)Bits.Bit7);
private byte AdjustOverflow(ushort before, ushort data, uint after)
var lowAfter = (ushort)(after & (uint)Mask.Mask16);
var highAfter = (ushort)(after >> 16);
return SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.VF, (before ^ data ^ lowAfter ^ (highAfter << 15)) & (int)Bits.Bit15);
private byte AdjustHalfCarry(byte before, byte data, byte after) => SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.HF, (before ^ data ^ after) & (int)Bits.Bit4);
private byte AdjustAddition(byte before, byte data, Register16 after)
var result = after.Low;
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(result);
this.CC = this.AdjustCarry(after);
this.CC = this.AdjustOverflow(before, data, after);
return this.AdjustHalfCarry(before, data, result);
private byte AdjustAddition(ushort before, ushort data, uint after)
var result = new Register16(after & (uint)Mask.Mask16);
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(result);
this.CC = this.AdjustCarry(after);
return this.AdjustOverflow(before, data, after);
private byte AdjustAddition(Register16 before, Register16 data, uint after) => this.AdjustAddition(before.Word, data.Word, after);
private byte AdjustSubtraction(byte before, byte data, Register16 after)
var result = after.Low;
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(result);
this.CC = this.AdjustCarry(after);
return this.AdjustOverflow(before, data, after);
private byte AdjustSubtraction(ushort before, ushort data, uint after)
var result = new Register16(after & (uint)Mask.Mask16);
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(result);
this.CC = this.AdjustCarry(after);
return this.AdjustOverflow(before, data, after);
private byte AdjustSubtraction(Register16 before, Register16 data, uint after) => this.AdjustSubtraction(before.Word, data.Word, after);
private byte Through(byte data)
this.CC = ClearFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.VF);
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(data);
return data;
private Register16 Through(Register16 data)
this.CC = ClearFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.VF);
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(data);
return data;
private byte LD(byte data) => this.Through(data);
private Register16 LD(Register16 data) => this.Through(data);
private byte ST(byte data) => this.Through(data);
private Register16 ST(Register16 data) => this.Through(data);
private void Jump(Register16 destination) => this.Jump(destination.Word);
private bool Branch(ushort destination, bool condition)
if (condition)
return condition;
private bool Branch(Register16 destination, bool condition) => this.Branch(destination.Word, condition);
private void BranchShort(bool condition) => this.Branch(this.Address_relative_byte(), condition);
private void BranchLong(bool condition)
if (this.Branch(this.Address_relative_word(), condition))
private void SaveEntireRegisterState()
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.EF);
private void SavePartialRegisterState()
this.CC = ClearFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.EF);
private void SaveRegisterState() => this.PSH(this.S, this.EntireRegisterSet != 0 ? (byte)Mask.Mask8 : (byte)0b10000001);
private void RestoreRegisterState() => this.PUL(this.S, this.EntireRegisterSet != 0 ? (byte)Mask.Mask8 : (byte)0b10000001);
private ref byte ReferenceTransfer8(int specifier)
switch (specifier)
case 0b1000:
return ref this.A;
case 0b1001:
return ref this.B;
case 0b1010:
return ref this.CC;
case 0b1011:
return ref this.DP;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(specifier), specifier, "Invalid specifier");
private Register16 ReferenceTransfer16(int specifier)
switch (specifier) {
case 0b0000:
return this.D;
case 0b0001:
return this.X;
case 0b0010:
return this.Y;
case 0b0011:
return this.U;
case 0b0100:
return this.S;
case 0b0101:
return this.PC;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(specifier), specifier, "Invalid specifier");
private void ExecuteUnprefixed()
switch (this.OpCode)
case 0x10: this.prefix10 = true; this.Execute(this.FetchByte()); break;
case 0x11: this.prefix11 = true; this.Execute(this.FetchByte()); break;
// ABX
case 0x3a: this.Tick(3); this.X.Word += this.B; break; // ABX (inherent)
// ADC
case 0x89: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.ADC(this.A, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // ADC (ADCA immediate)
case 0x99: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.ADC(this.A, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // ADC (ADCA direct)
case 0xa9: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.ADC(this.A, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // ADC (ADCA indexed)
case 0xb9: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.ADC(this.A, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // ADC (ADCA extended)
case 0xc9: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.ADC(this.B, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // ADC (ADCB immediate)
case 0xd9: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.ADC(this.B, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // ADC (ADCB direct)
case 0xe9: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.ADC(this.B, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // ADC (ADCB indexed)
case 0xf9: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.ADC(this.B, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // ADC (ADCB extended)
// ADD
case 0x8b: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.ADD(this.A, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // ADD (ADDA immediate)
case 0x9b: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.ADD(this.A, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // ADD (ADDA direct)
case 0xab: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.ADD(this.A, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // ADD (ADDA indexed)
case 0xbb: this.Tick(5); this.A = this.ADD(this.A, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // ADD (ADDA extended)
case 0xcb: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.ADD(this.B, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // ADD (ADDB immediate)
case 0xdb: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.ADD(this.B, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // ADD (ADDB direct)
case 0xeb: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.ADD(this.B, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // ADD (ADDB indexed)
case 0xfb: this.Tick(5); this.B = this.ADD(this.B, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // ADD (ADDB extended)
case 0xc3: this.Tick(4); this.D.Word = this.ADD(this.D, this.AM_immediate_word()).Word; break; // ADD (ADDD immediate)
case 0xd3: this.Tick(6); this.D.Word = this.ADD(this.D, this.AM_direct_word()).Word; break; // ADD (ADDD direct)
case 0xe3: this.Tick(6); this.D.Word = this.ADD(this.D, this.AM_indexed_word()).Word; break; // ADD (ADDD indexed)
case 0xf3: this.Tick(7); this.D.Word = this.ADD(this.D, this.AM_extended_word()).Word; break; // ADD (ADDD extended)
// AND
case 0x84: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.AndR(this.A, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // AND (ANDA immediate)
case 0x94: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.AndR(this.A, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // AND (ANDA direct)
case 0xa4: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.AndR(this.A, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // AND (ANDA indexed)
case 0xb4: this.Tick(5); this.A = this.AndR(this.A, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // AND (ANDA extended)
case 0xc4: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.AndR(this.B, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // AND (ANDB immediate)
case 0xd4: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.AndR(this.B, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // AND (ANDB direct)
case 0xe4: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.AndR(this.B, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // AND (ANDB indexed)
case 0xf4: this.Tick(5); this.B = this.AndR(this.B, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // AND (ANDB extended)
case 0x1c: this.Tick(3); this.CC &= this.AM_immediate_byte(); break; // AND (ANDCC immediate)
case 0x08: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.ASL(this.AM_direct_byte())); break; // ASL (direct)
case 0x48: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.ASL(this.A); break; // ASL (ASLA inherent)
case 0x58: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.ASL(this.B); break; // ASL (ASLB inherent)
case 0x68: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.ASL(this.AM_indexed_byte())); break; // ASL (indexed)
case 0x78: this.Tick(7); this.BusWrite(this.ASL(this.AM_extended_byte())); break; // ASL (extended)
// ASR
case 0x07: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.ASR(this.AM_direct_byte())); break; // ASR (direct)
case 0x47: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.ASR(this.A); break; // ASR (ASRA inherent)
case 0x57: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.ASR(this.B); break; // ASR (ASRB inherent)
case 0x67: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.ASR(this.AM_indexed_byte())); break; // ASR (indexed)
case 0x77: this.Tick(7); this.BusWrite(this.ASR(this.AM_extended_byte())); break; // ASR (extended)
// BIT
case 0x85: this.Tick(2); this.BIT(this.A, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // BIT (BITA immediate)
case 0x95: this.Tick(4); this.BIT(this.A, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // BIT (BITA direct)
case 0xa5: this.Tick(4); this.BIT(this.A, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // BIT (BITA indexed)
case 0xb5: this.Tick(5); this.BIT(this.A, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // BIT (BITA extended)
case 0xc5: this.Tick(2); this.BIT(this.B, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // BIT (BITB immediate)
case 0xd5: this.Tick(4); this.BIT(this.B, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // BIT (BITB direct)
case 0xe5: this.Tick(4); this.BIT(this.B, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // BIT (BITB indexed)
case 0xf5: this.Tick(5); this.BIT(this.B, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // BIT (BITB extended)
// CLR
case 0x0f: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.Address_direct(), this.CLR()); break; // CLR (direct)
case 0x4f: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.CLR(); break; // CLR (CLRA implied)
case 0x5f: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.CLR(); break; // CLR (CLRB implied)
case 0x6f: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.Address_indexed(), this.CLR()); break; // CLR (indexed)
case 0x7f: this.Tick(7); this.BusWrite(this.Address_extended(), this.CLR()); break; // CLR (extended)
// CMP
case 0x81: this.Tick(2); this.CMP(this.A, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // CMP (CMPA, immediate)
case 0x91: this.Tick(4); this.CMP(this.A, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // CMP (CMPA, direct)
case 0xa1: this.Tick(4); this.CMP(this.A, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // CMP (CMPA, indexed)
case 0xb1: this.Tick(5); this.CMP(this.A, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // CMP (CMPA, extended)
case 0xc1: this.Tick(2); this.CMP(this.B, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // CMP (CMPB, immediate)
case 0xd1: this.Tick(4); this.CMP(this.B, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // CMP (CMPB, direct)
case 0xe1: this.Tick(4); this.CMP(this.B, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // CMP (CMPB, indexed)
case 0xf1: this.Tick(5); this.CMP(this.B, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // CMP (CMPB, extended)
case 0x8c: this.Tick(4); this.CMP(this.X, this.AM_immediate_word()); break; // CMP (CMPX, immediate)
case 0x9c: this.Tick(6); this.CMP(this.X, this.AM_direct_word()); break; // CMP (CMPX, direct)
case 0xac: this.Tick(6); this.CMP(this.X, this.AM_indexed_word()); break; // CMP (CMPX, indexed)
case 0xbc: this.Tick(7); this.CMP(this.X, this.AM_extended_word()); break; // CMP (CMPX, extended)
// COM
case 0x03: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.COM(this.AM_direct_byte())); break; // COM (direct)
case 0x43: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.COM(this.A); break; // COM (COMA inherent)
case 0x53: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.COM(this.B); break; // COM (COMB inherent)
case 0x63: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.COM(this.AM_indexed_byte())); break; // COM (indexed)
case 0x73: this.Tick(7); this.BusWrite(this.COM(this.AM_extended_byte())); break; // COM (extended)
case 0x3c: this.Tick(11); this.CWAI(this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // CWAI (direct)
// DAA
case 0x19: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.DA(this.A); break; // DAA (inherent)
// DEC
case 0x0a: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.DEC(this.AM_direct_byte())); break; // DEC (direct)
case 0x4a: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.DEC(this.A); break; // DEC (DECA inherent)
case 0x5a: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.DEC(this.B); break; // DEC (DECB inherent)
case 0x6a: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.DEC(this.AM_indexed_byte())); break; // DEC (indexed)
case 0x7a: this.Tick(7); this.BusWrite(this.DEC(this.AM_extended_byte())); break; // DEC (extended)
// EOR
case 0x88: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.EorR(this.A, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // EOR (EORA immediate)
case 0x98: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.EorR(this.A, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // EOR (EORA direct)
case 0xa8: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.EorR(this.A, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // EOR (EORA indexed)
case 0xb8: this.Tick(5); this.A = this.EorR(this.A, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // EOR (EORA extended)
case 0xc8: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.EorR(this.B, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // EOR (EORB immediate)
case 0xd8: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.EorR(this.B, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // EOR (EORB direct)
case 0xe8: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.EorR(this.B, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // EOR (EORB indexed)
case 0xf8: this.Tick(5); this.B = this.EorR(this.B, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // EOR (EORB extended)
// EXG
case 0x1e: this.Tick(8); this.EXG(this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // EXG (R1,R2 immediate)
// INC
case 0x0c: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.INC(this.AM_direct_byte())); break; // INC (direct)
case 0x4c: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.INC(this.A); break; // INC (INCA inherent)
case 0x5c: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.INC(this.B); break; // INC (INCB inherent)
case 0x6c: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.INC(this.AM_indexed_byte())); break; // INC (indexed)
case 0x7c: this.Tick(7); this.BusWrite(this.INC(this.AM_extended_byte())); break; // INC (extended)
// JMP
case 0x0e: this.Tick(6); this.Jump(this.Address_direct()); break; // JMP (direct)
case 0x6e: this.Tick(6); this.Jump(this.Address_indexed()); break; // JMP (indexed)
case 0x7e: this.Tick(7); this.Jump(this.Address_extended()); break; // JMP (extended)
// JSR
case 0x9d: this.Tick(6); this.JSR(this.Address_direct()); break; // JSR (direct)
case 0xad: this.Tick(6); this.JSR(this.Address_indexed()); break; // JSR (indexed)
case 0xbd: this.Tick(7); this.JSR(this.Address_extended()); break; // JSR (extended)
// LD
// LDA
case 0x86: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.LD(this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // LD (LDA immediate)
case 0x96: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.LD(this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // LD (LDA direct)
case 0xa6: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.LD(this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // LD (LDA indexed)
case 0xb6: this.Tick(5); this.A = this.LD(this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // LD (LDA extended)
// LDB
case 0xc6: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.LD(this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // LD (LDB immediate)
case 0xd6: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.LD(this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // LD (LDB direct)
case 0xe6: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.LD(this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // LD (LDB indexed)
case 0xf6: this.Tick(5); this.B = this.LD(this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // LD (LDB extended)
// LDD
case 0xcc: this.Tick(3); this.D.Word = this.LD(this.AM_immediate_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDD immediate)
case 0xdc: this.Tick(5); this.D.Word = this.LD(this.AM_direct_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDD direct)
case 0xec: this.Tick(5); this.D.Word = this.LD(this.AM_indexed_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDD indexed)
case 0xfc: this.Tick(6); this.D.Word = this.LD(this.AM_extended_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDD extended)
// LDU
case 0xce: this.Tick(3); this.U.Word = this.LD(this.AM_immediate_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDU immediate)
case 0xde: this.Tick(5); this.U.Word = this.LD(this.AM_direct_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDU direct)
case 0xee: this.Tick(5); this.U.Word = this.LD(this.AM_indexed_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDU indexed)
case 0xfe: this.Tick(6); this.U.Word = this.LD(this.AM_extended_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDU extended)
// LDX
case 0x8e: this.Tick(3); this.X.Word = this.LD(this.AM_immediate_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDX immediate)
case 0x9e: this.Tick(5); this.X.Word = this.LD(this.AM_direct_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDX direct)
case 0xae: this.Tick(5); this.X.Word = this.LD(this.AM_indexed_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDX indexed)
case 0xbe: this.Tick(6); this.X.Word = this.LD(this.AM_extended_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDX extended)
// LEA
case 0x30: this.Tick(4); this.CC = this.AdjustZero(this.X.Word = this.Address_indexed().Word); break; // LEA (LEAX indexed)
case 0x31: this.Tick(4); this.CC = this.AdjustZero(this.Y.Word = this.Address_indexed().Word); break; // LEA (LEAY indexed)
case 0x32: this.Tick(4); this.S.Word = this.Address_indexed().Word; break; // LEA (LEAS indexed)
case 0x33: this.Tick(4); this.U.Word = this.Address_indexed().Word; break; // LEA (LEAU indexed)
// LSR
case 0x04: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.LSR(this.AM_direct_byte())); break; // LSR (direct)
case 0x44: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.LSR(this.A); break; // LSR (LSRA inherent)
case 0x54: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.LSR(this.B); break; // LSR (LSRB inherent)
case 0x64: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.LSR(this.AM_indexed_byte())); break; // LSR (indexed)
case 0x74: this.Tick(7); this.BusWrite(this.LSR(this.AM_extended_byte())); break; // LSR (extended)
// MUL
case 0x3d: this.Tick(11); this.D.Word = this.MUL(this.A, this.B).Word; break; // MUL (inherent)
// NEG
case 0x00: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.NEG(this.AM_direct_byte())); break; // NEG (direct)
case 0x40: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.NEG(this.A); break; // NEG (NEGA, inherent)
case 0x50: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.NEG(this.B); break; // NEG (NEGB, inherent)
case 0x60: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.NEG(this.AM_indexed_byte())); break; // NEG (indexed)
case 0x70: this.Tick(7); this.BusWrite(this.NEG(this.AM_extended_byte())); break; // NEG (extended)
// NOP
case 0x12: this.Tick(2); break; // NOP (inherent)
// OR
// ORA
case 0x8a: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.OrR(this.A, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // OR (ORA immediate)
case 0x9a: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.OrR(this.A, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // OR (ORA direct)
case 0xaa: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.OrR(this.A, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // OR (ORA indexed)
case 0xba: this.Tick(5); this.A = this.OrR(this.A, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // OR (ORA extended)
// ORB
case 0xca: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.OrR(this.B, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // OR (ORB immediate)
case 0xda: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.OrR(this.B, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // OR (ORB direct)
case 0xea: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.OrR(this.B, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // OR (ORB indexed)
case 0xfa: this.Tick(5); this.B = this.OrR(this.B, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // OR (ORB extended)
case 0x1a: this.Tick(3); this.CC |= this.AM_immediate_byte(); break; // OR (ORCC immediate)
// PSH
case 0x34: this.Tick(5); this.PSH(this.S, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // PSH (PSHS immediate)
case 0x36: this.Tick(5); this.PSH(this.U, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // PSH (PSHU immediate)
// PUL
case 0x35: this.Tick(5); this.PUL(this.S, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // PUL (PULS immediate)
case 0x37: this.Tick(5); this.PUL(this.U, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // PUL (PULU immediate)
// ROL
case 0x09: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.ROL(this.AM_direct_byte())); break; // ROL (direct)
case 0x49: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.ROL(this.A); break; // ROL (ROLA inherent)
case 0x59: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.ROL(this.B); break; // ROL (ROLB inherent)
case 0x69: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.ROL(this.AM_indexed_byte())); break; // ROL (indexed)
case 0x79: this.Tick(7); this.BusWrite(this.ROL(this.AM_extended_byte())); break; // ROL (extended)
// ROR
case 0x06: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.ROR(this.AM_direct_byte())); break; // ROR (direct)
case 0x46: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.ROR(this.A); break; // ROR (RORA inherent)
case 0x56: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.ROR(this.B); break; // ROR (RORB inherent)
case 0x66: this.Tick(6); this.BusWrite(this.ROR(this.AM_indexed_byte())); break; // ROR (indexed)
case 0x76: this.Tick(7); this.BusWrite(this.ROR(this.AM_extended_byte())); break; // ROR (extended)
// RTI
case 0x3B: this.Tick(6); this.RTI(); break; // RTI (inherent)
// RTS
case 0x39: this.Tick(5); this.RTS(); break; // RTS (inherent)
// SBC
case 0x82: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.SBC(this.A, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // SBC (SBCA immediate)
case 0x92: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.SBC(this.A, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // SBC (SBCA direct)
case 0xa2: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.SBC(this.A, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // SBC (SBCA indexed)
case 0xb2: this.Tick(5); this.A = this.SBC(this.A, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // SBC (SBCB extended)
case 0xc2: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.SBC(this.B, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // SBC (SBCB immediate)
case 0xd2: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.SBC(this.B, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // SBC (SBCB direct)
case 0xe2: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.SBC(this.B, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // SBC (SBCB indexed)
case 0xf2: this.Tick(5); this.B = this.SBC(this.B, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // SBC (SBCB extended)
// SEX
case 0x1d: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.SEX(this.B); break; // SEX (inherent)
// ST
// STA
case 0x97: this.Tick(4); this.BusWrite(this.Address_direct(), this.ST(this.A)); break; // ST (STA direct)
case 0xa7: this.Tick(4); this.BusWrite(this.Address_indexed(), this.ST(this.A)); break; // ST (STA indexed)
case 0xb7: this.Tick(5); this.BusWrite(this.Address_extended(), this.ST(this.A)); break; // ST (STA extended)
// STB
case 0xd7: this.Tick(4); this.BusWrite(this.Address_direct(), this.ST(this.B)); break; // ST (STB direct)
case 0xe7: this.Tick(4); this.BusWrite(this.Address_indexed(), this.ST(this.B)); break; // ST (STB indexed)
case 0xf7: this.Tick(5); this.BusWrite(this.Address_extended(), this.ST(this.B)); break; // ST (STB extended)
// STD
case 0xdd: this.Tick(5); this.SetWord(this.Address_direct(), this.ST(this.D)); break; // ST (STD direct)
case 0xed: this.Tick(5); this.SetWord(this.Address_indexed(), this.ST(this.D)); break; // ST (STD indexed)
case 0xfd: this.Tick(6); this.SetWord(this.Address_extended(), this.ST(this.D)); break; // ST (STD extended)
// STU
case 0xdf: this.Tick(5); this.SetWord(this.Address_direct(), this.ST(this.U)); break; // ST (STU direct)
case 0xef: this.Tick(5); this.SetWord(this.Address_indexed(), this.ST(this.U)); break; // ST (STU indexed)
case 0xff: this.Tick(6); this.SetWord(this.Address_extended(), this.ST(this.U)); break; // ST (STU extended)
// STX
case 0x9f: this.Tick(5); this.SetWord(this.Address_direct(), this.ST(this.X)); break; // ST (STX direct)
case 0xaf: this.Tick(5); this.SetWord(this.Address_indexed(), this.ST(this.X)); break; // ST (STX indexed)
case 0xbf: this.Tick(6); this.SetWord(this.Address_extended(), this.ST(this.X)); break; // ST (STX extended)
// SUB
case 0x80: this.Tick(2); this.A = this.SUB(this.A, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // SUB (SUBA immediate)
case 0x90: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.SUB(this.A, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // SUB (SUBA direct)
case 0xa0: this.Tick(4); this.A = this.SUB(this.A, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // SUB (SUBA indexed)
case 0xb0: this.Tick(5); this.A = this.SUB(this.A, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // SUB (SUBA extended)
case 0xc0: this.Tick(2); this.B = this.SUB(this.B, this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // SUB (SUBB immediate)
case 0xd0: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.SUB(this.B, this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // SUB (SUBB direct)
case 0xe0: this.Tick(4); this.B = this.SUB(this.B, this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // SUB (SUBB indexed)
case 0xf0: this.Tick(5); this.B = this.SUB(this.B, this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // SUB (SUBB extended)
case 0x83: this.Tick(4); this.D.Word = this.SUB(this.D, this.AM_immediate_word()).Word; break; // SUB (SUBD immediate)
case 0x93: this.Tick(6); this.D.Word = this.SUB(this.D, this.AM_direct_word()).Word; break; // SUB (SUBD direct)
case 0xa3: this.Tick(6); this.D.Word = this.SUB(this.D, this.AM_indexed_word()).Word; break; // SUB (SUBD indexed)
case 0xb3: this.Tick(7); this.D.Word = this.SUB(this.D, this.AM_extended_word()).Word; break; // SUB (SUBD extended)
// SWI
case 0x3f: this.Tick(10); this.SWI(); break; // SWI (inherent)
case 0x13: this.Tick(4); this.Halt(); break; // SYNC (inherent)
// TFR
case 0x1f: this.Tick(6); this.TFR(this.AM_immediate_byte()); break; // TFR (immediate)
// TST
case 0x0d: this.Tick(6); this.TST(this.AM_direct_byte()); break; // TST (direct)
case 0x4d: this.Tick(2); this.TST(this.A); break; // TST (TSTA inherent)
case 0x5d: this.Tick(2); this.TST(this.B); break; // TST (TSTB inherent)
case 0x6d: this.Tick(6); this.TST(this.AM_indexed_byte()); break; // TST (indexed)
case 0x7d: this.Tick(7); this.TST(this.AM_extended_byte()); break; // TST (extended)
// Branching
case 0x16: this.Tick(5); this.Jump(this.Address_relative_word()); break; // BRA (LBRA relative)
case 0x17: this.Tick(9); this.JSR(this.Address_relative_word()); break; // BSR (LBSR relative)
case 0x20: this.Tick(3); this.Jump(this.Address_relative_byte()); break; // BRA (relative)
case 0x21: this.Tick(3); this.Address_relative_byte(); break; // BRN (relative)
case 0x22: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.HI); break; // BHI (relative)
case 0x23: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.LS); break; // BLS (relative)
case 0x24: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.Carry == 0); break; // BCC (relative)
case 0x25: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.Carry != 0); break; // BCS (relative)
case 0x26: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.Zero == 0); break; // BNE (relative)
case 0x27: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.Zero != 0); break; // BEQ (relative)
case 0x28: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.Overflow == 0); break; // BVC (relative)
case 0x29: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.Overflow != 0); break; // BVS (relative)
case 0x2a: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.Negative == 0); break; // BPL (relative)
case 0x2b: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.Negative != 0); break; // BMI (relative)
case 0x2c: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.GE); break; // BGE (relative)
case 0x2d: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.LT); break; // BLT (relative)
case 0x2e: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.GT); break; // BGT (relative)
case 0x2f: this.Tick(3); this.BranchShort(this.LE); break; // BLE (relative)
case 0x8d: this.Tick(7); this.JSR(this.Address_relative_byte()); break; // BSR (relative)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown op-code");
private void Execute10()
switch (this.OpCode)
// CMP
case 0x83: this.Tick(5); this.CMP(this.D, this.AM_immediate_word()); break; // CMP (CMPD, immediate)
case 0x93: this.Tick(7); this.CMP(this.D, this.AM_direct_word()); break; // CMP (CMPD, direct)
case 0xa3: this.Tick(7); this.CMP(this.D, this.AM_indexed_word()); break; // CMP (CMPD, indexed)
case 0xb3: this.Tick(8); this.CMP(this.D, this.AM_extended_word()); break; // CMP (CMPD, extended)
case 0x8c: this.Tick(5); this.CMP(this.Y, this.AM_immediate_word()); break; // CMP (CMPY, immediate)
case 0x9c: this.Tick(7); this.CMP(this.Y, this.AM_direct_word()); break; // CMP (CMPY, direct)
case 0xac: this.Tick(7); this.CMP(this.Y, this.AM_indexed_word()); break; // CMP (CMPY, indexed)
case 0xbc: this.Tick(8); this.CMP(this.Y, this.AM_extended_word()); break; // CMP (CMPY, extended)
// LD
// LDS
case 0xce: this.Tick(4); this.S.Word = this.LD(this.AM_immediate_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDS immediate)
case 0xde: this.Tick(6); this.S.Word = this.LD(this.AM_direct_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDS direct)
case 0xee: this.Tick(6); this.S.Word = this.LD(this.AM_indexed_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDS indexed)
case 0xfe: this.Tick(7); this.S.Word = this.LD(this.AM_extended_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDS extended)
// LDY
case 0x8e: this.Tick(4); this.Y.Word = this.LD(this.AM_immediate_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDY immediate)
case 0x9e: this.Tick(6); this.Y.Word = this.LD(this.AM_direct_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDY direct)
case 0xae: this.Tick(6); this.Y.Word = this.LD(this.AM_indexed_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDY indexed)
case 0xbe: this.Tick(7); this.Y.Word = this.LD(this.AM_extended_word()).Word; break; // LD (LDY extended)
// Branching
case 0x21: this.Tick(5); this.Address_relative_word(); break; // BRN (LBRN relative)
case 0x22: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.HI); break; // BHI (LBHI relative)
case 0x23: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.LS); break; // BLS (LBLS relative)
case 0x24: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.Carry == 0); break; // BCC (LBCC relative)
case 0x25: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.Carry != 0); break; // BCS (LBCS relative)
case 0x26: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.Zero == 0); break; // BNE (LBNE relative)
case 0x27: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.Zero != 0); break; // BEQ (LBEQ relative)
case 0x28: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.Overflow == 0); break; // BVC (LBVC relative)
case 0x29: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.Overflow != 0); break; // BVS (LBVS relative)
case 0x2a: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.Negative == 0); break; // BPL (LBPL relative)
case 0x2b: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.Negative != 0); break; // BMI (LBMI relative)
case 0x2c: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.GE); break; // BGE (LBGE relative)
case 0x2d: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.LT); break; // BLT (LBLT relative)
case 0x2e: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.GT); break; // BGT (LBGT relative)
case 0x2f: this.Tick(5); this.BranchLong(this.LE); break; // BLE (LBLE relative)
// STS
case 0xdf: this.Tick(6); this.SetWord(this.Address_direct(), this.ST(this.S)); break; // ST (STS direct)
case 0xef: this.Tick(6); this.SetWord(this.Address_indexed(), this.ST(this.S)); break; // ST (STS indexed)
case 0xff: this.Tick(7); this.SetWord(this.Address_extended(), this.ST(this.S)); break; // ST (STS extended)
// STY
case 0x9f: this.Tick(6); this.SetWord(this.Address_direct(), this.ST(this.Y)); break; // ST (STY direct)
case 0xaf: this.Tick(6); this.SetWord(this.Address_indexed(), this.ST(this.Y)); break; // ST (STY indexed)
case 0xbf: this.Tick(7); this.SetWord(this.Address_extended(), this.ST(this.Y)); break; // ST (STY extended)
// SWI
case 0x3f: this.Tick(11); this.SWI2(); break; // SWI (SWI2 inherent)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown 10 prefixed op-code");
private void Execute11()
switch (this.OpCode)
// CMP
case 0x83: this.Tick(5); this.CMP(this.U, this.AM_immediate_word()); break; // CMP (CMPU, immediate)
case 0x93: this.Tick(7); this.CMP(this.U, this.AM_direct_word()); break; // CMP (CMPU, direct)
case 0xa3: this.Tick(7); this.CMP(this.U, this.AM_indexed_word()); break; // CMP (CMPU, indexed)
case 0xb3: this.Tick(8); this.CMP(this.U, this.AM_extended_word()); break; // CMP (CMPU, extended)
case 0x8c: this.Tick(5); this.CMP(this.S, this.AM_immediate_word()); break; // CMP (CMPS, immediate)
case 0x9c: this.Tick(7); this.CMP(this.S, this.AM_direct_word()); break; // CMP (CMPS, direct)
case 0xac: this.Tick(7); this.CMP(this.S, this.AM_indexed_word()); break; // CMP (CMPS, indexed)
case 0xbc: this.Tick(8); this.CMP(this.S, this.AM_extended_word()); break; // CMP (CMPS, extended)
// SWI
case 0x3f: this.Tick(11); this.SWI3(); break; // SWI (SWI3 inherent)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown 11 prefixed op-code");
private byte ADC(byte operand, byte data) => this.ADD(operand, data, (byte)this.Carry);
private byte ADD(byte operand, byte data, byte carry = 0)
var addition = new Register16(operand + data + carry);
this.CC = this.AdjustAddition(operand, data, addition);
return addition.Low;
private Register16 ADD(Register16 operand, Register16 data)
var addition = (uint)(operand.Word + data.Word);
this.CC = this.AdjustAddition(operand, data, addition);
return new Register16(addition & (uint)Mask.Mask16);
private byte AndR(byte operand, byte data) => this.Through((byte)(operand & data));
private byte ASL(byte operand)
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.CF, operand & (byte)Bits.Bit7);
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(operand <<= 1);
var overflow = this.Carry ^ (this.Negative >> 3);
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.VF, overflow);
return operand;
private byte ASR(byte operand)
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.CF, operand & (byte)Bits.Bit0);
var result = (byte)((operand >> 1) | (int)Bits.Bit7);
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(result);
return result;
private void BIT(byte operand, byte data) => this.AndR(operand, data);
private byte CLR()
this.CC = ClearFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.CF);
return this.Through((byte)0U);
private void CMP(byte operand, byte data) => this.SUB(operand, data);
private void CMP(Register16 operand, Register16 data) => this.SUB(operand, data);
private byte COM(byte operand)
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.CF);
return this.Through((byte)~operand);
private void CWAI(byte data)
this.CC &= data;
private byte DA(byte operand)
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.CF, operand > 0x99);
var lowAdjust = (this.HalfCarry != 0) || (Chip.LowNibble(operand) > 9);
var highAdjust = (this.Carry != 0) || (operand > 0x99);
if (lowAdjust)
operand += 6;
if (highAdjust)
operand += 0x60;
return this.Through(operand);
private byte DEC(byte operand)
var subtraction = new Register16(operand - 1);
var result = subtraction.Low;
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(result);
this.CC = this.AdjustOverflow(operand, 1, subtraction);
return result;
private byte EorR(byte operand, byte data) => this.Through((byte)(operand ^ data));
private void EXG(byte data)
var specifier1 = Chip.HighNibble(data);
var type1 = specifier1 & (int)Bits.Bit3; // transfer type, part 1
var specifier2 = Chip.LowNibble(data);
var type2 = specifier2 & (int)Bits.Bit3; // transfer type, part 2
if (type1 != type2)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(data), data, "Type specifications do not match");
if (type1 == 0)
ref var register1 = ref this.ReferenceTransfer8(specifier1);
ref var register2 = ref this.ReferenceTransfer8(specifier2);
(register1, register2) = (register2, register1);
var register1 = this.ReferenceTransfer16(specifier1);
var register2 = this.ReferenceTransfer16(specifier2);
(register1.Word, register2.Word) = (register2.Word, register1.Word);
private byte INC(byte operand)
var addition = new Register16(operand + 1);
var result = addition.Low;
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(result);
this.CC = this.AdjustOverflow(operand, 1, addition);
this.CC = this.AdjustHalfCarry(operand, 1, result);
return result;
private void JSR(ushort address) => this.Call(address);
private void JSR(Register16 address) => this.JSR(address.Word);
private byte LSR(byte operand)
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.CF, operand & (byte)Bits.Bit0);
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(operand >>= 1);
return operand;
private Register16 MUL(byte first, byte second)
var result = new Register16(first * second);
this.CC = this.AdjustZero(result);
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.CF, result.Low & (byte)Bits.Bit7);
return result;
private byte NEG(byte operand)
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.VF, operand == (byte)Bits.Bit7);
var result = new Register16(0 - operand);
operand = result.Low;
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(operand);
this.CC = this.AdjustCarry(result);
return operand;
private byte OrR(byte operand, byte data) => this.Through((byte)(operand | data));
private void PSH(Register16 stack, byte data)
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit7) != 0)
this.PushWord(stack, this.PC);
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit6) != 0)
// Pushing to the S stack means we must be pushing U
this.PushWord(stack, object.ReferenceEquals(stack, this.S) ? this.U : this.S);
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit5) != 0)
this.PushWord(stack, this.Y);
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit4) != 0)
this.PushWord(stack, this.X);
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit3) != 0)
this.Push(stack, this.DP);
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit2) != 0)
this.Push(stack, this.B);
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit1) != 0)
this.Push(stack, this.A);
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit0) != 0)
this.Push(stack, this.CC);
private void PUL(Register16 stack, byte data)
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit0) != 0)
this.CC = this.Pop(stack);
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit1) != 0)
this.A = this.Pop(stack);
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit2) != 0)
this.B = this.Pop(stack);
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit3) != 0)
this.DP = this.Pop(stack);
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit4) != 0)
this.X.Word = this.PopWord(stack).Word;
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit5) != 0)
this.Y.Word = this.PopWord(stack).Word;
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit6) != 0)
// Pulling from the S stack means we must be pulling U
(object.ReferenceEquals(stack, this.S) ? this.U : this.S).Word = this.PopWord(stack).Word;
if ((data & (byte)Bits.Bit7) != 0)
this.PC.Word = this.PopWord(stack).Word;
private byte ROL(byte operand)
var carryIn = this.Carry;
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.CF, operand & (byte)Bits.Bit7);
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.VF, ((operand & (byte)Bits.Bit7) >> 7) ^ ((operand & (byte)Bits.Bit6) >> 6));
var result = (byte)((operand << 1) | carryIn);
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(result);
return result;
private byte ROR(byte operand)
var carryIn = this.Carry;
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.CF, operand & (byte)Bits.Bit0);
var result = (byte)((operand >> 1) | (carryIn << 7));
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(result);
return result;
private void RTI() => this.RestoreRegisterState();
private void RTS() => this.Return();
private byte SBC(byte operand, byte data) => this.SUB(operand, data, (byte)this.Carry);
private byte SUB(byte operand, byte data, byte carry = 0)
var subtraction = new Register16(operand - data - carry);
this.CC = this.AdjustSubtraction(operand, data, subtraction);
return subtraction.Low;
private Register16 SUB(Register16 operand, Register16 data)
var subtraction = (uint)(operand.Word - data.Word);
this.CC = this.AdjustSubtraction(operand, data, subtraction);
return new Register16(subtraction & (uint)Mask.Mask16);
private byte SEX(byte from)
this.CC = this.AdjustNZ(from);
return (from & (byte)Bits.Bit7) != 0 ? (byte)Mask.Mask8 : (byte)0;
private void SWI()
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.IF); // Disable IRQ
this.CC = SetFlag(this.CC, StatusBits.FF); // Disable FIRQ
this.Jump(this.GetWordPaged(0xff, SWIvector));
private void SWI2()
this.Jump(this.GetWordPaged(0xff, SWI2vector));
private void SWI3()
this.Jump(this.GetWordPaged(0xff, SWI3vector));
private void TFR(byte data)
var specifier1 = Chip.HighNibble(data);
var type1 = specifier1 & (int)Bits.Bit3; // transfer type, part 1
var specifier2 = Chip.LowNibble(data);
var type2 = specifier2 & (int)Bits.Bit3; // transfer type, part 2
if (type1 != type2)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(data), data, "Type specifications do not match");
if (type1 == 0)
ref var register1 = ref this.ReferenceTransfer8(specifier1);
ref var register2 = ref this.ReferenceTransfer8(specifier2);
register2 = register1;
var register1 = this.ReferenceTransfer16(specifier1);
var register2 = this.ReferenceTransfer16(specifier2);
register2.Word = register1.Word;
private void TST(byte data) => this.CMP(data, 0);
} |