Adrian Conlon cd4af67177 Work my way through a bunch of the analysis suggestions.
Signed-off-by: Adrian Conlon <adrian.conlon@gmail.com>
2020-06-22 00:00:15 +01:00

419 lines
14 KiB

// <copyright file="IoRegisters.cs" company="Adrian Conlon">
// Copyright (c) Adrian Conlon. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace EightBit.GameBoy
using System;
public sealed class IoRegisters : EightBit.Ram
public const int BASE = 0xFF00;
// Port/Mode Registers
public const int P1 = 0x0; // R/W Mask5
public const int SB = 0x1; // R/W Mask8
public const int SC = 0x2; // R/W Bit7 | Bit0
// Timer control
public const int DIV = 0x4; // R/W Mask8
public const int TIMA = 0x5; // R/W Mask8
public const int TMA = 0x6; // R/W Mask8
public const int TAC = 0x7; // R/W Mask3
// Interrupt Flags
public const int IF = 0xF; // R/W Mask5
public const int IE = 0xFF; // R/W Mask5
// Sound Registers
public const int NR10 = 0x10; // R/W Mask7
public const int NR11 = 0x11; // R/W Bit7 | Bit6
public const int NR12 = 0x12; // R/W Mask8
public const int NR13 = 0x13; // W 0
public const int NR14 = 0x14; // R/W Bit6
public const int NR21 = 0x16; // R/W Bit7 | Bit6
public const int NR22 = 0x17; // R/W Mask8
public const int NR23 = 0x18; // W 0
public const int NR24 = 0x19; // R/W Bit6
public const int NR30 = 0x1A; // R/W Bit7
public const int NR31 = 0x1B; // R/W Mask8
public const int NR32 = 0x1C; // R/W Bit6 | Bit5
public const int NR33 = 0x1D; // W 0
public const int NR34 = 0x1E; // R/W Bit6
public const int NR41 = 0x20; // R/W Mask6
public const int NR42 = 0x21; // R/W Mask8
public const int NR43 = 0x22; // R/W Mask8
public const int NR44 = 0x23; // R/W Bit6
public const int NR50 = 0x24; // R/W Mask8
public const int NR51 = 0x25; // R/W Mask8
public const int NR52 = 0x26; // R/W Mask8 Mask8
public const int WAVE_PATTERN_RAM_START = 0x30;
public const int WAVE_PATTERN_RAM_END = 0x3F;
// LCD Display Registers
public const int LCDC = 0x40; // R/W Mask8
public const int STAT = 0x41; // R/W Mask7
public const int SCY = 0x42; // R/W Mask8
public const int SCX = 0x43; // R/W Mask8
public const int LY = 0x44; // R Mask8 zeroed
public const int LYC = 0x45; // R/W Mask8
public const int DMA = 0x46; // W 0
public const int BGP = 0x47; // R/W Mask8
public const int OBP0 = 0x48; // R/W Mask8
public const int OBP1 = 0x49; // R/W Mask8
public const int WY = 0x4A; // R/W Mask8
public const int WX = 0x4B; // R/W Mask8
// Boot rom control
public const int BOOT_DISABLE = 0x50;
private readonly Bus bus;
private readonly Register16 divCounter = new Register16(0xab, 0xcc);
private readonly Register16 dmaAddress = new Register16();
private int timerCounter = 0;
private bool dmaTransferActive = false;
private bool scanP15 = false;
private bool scanP14 = false;
private bool p15 = true; // misc keys
private bool p14 = true; // direction keys
private bool p13 = true; // down/start
private bool p12 = true; // up/select
private bool p11 = true; // left/b
private bool p10 = true; // right/a
public IoRegisters(Bus bus)
: base(0x80)
this.bus = bus;
this.bus.ReadingByte += this.Bus_ReadingByte;
this.bus.WrittenByte += this.Bus_WrittenByte;
public event EventHandler<LcdStatusModeEventArgs> DisplayStatusModeUpdated;
public bool BootRomDisabled { get; private set; } = false;
public bool BootRomEnabled => !this.BootRomDisabled;
public int TimerClock => this.TimerControl & (byte)Mask.Two;
public bool TimerEnabled => !this.TimerDisabled;
public bool TimerDisabled => (this.TimerControl & (byte)Bits.Bit2) == 0;
public int TimerClockTicks
switch (this.TimerClock)
case 0b00:
return 1024; // 4.096 Khz
case 0b01:
return 16; // 262.144 Khz
case 0b10:
return 64; // 65.536 Khz
case 0b11:
return 256; // 16.384 Khz
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid timer clock specification");
private ref byte TimerControl => ref this.Reference(TAC);
private ref byte TimerModulo => ref this.Reference(TMA);
private ref byte TimerCounter => ref this.Reference(TIMA);
public void Reset()
this.Poke(NR52, 0xf1);
this.Poke(LCDC, (byte)(LcdcControls.DisplayBackground | LcdcControls.BackgroundCharacterDataSelection | LcdcControls.LcdEnable));
this.divCounter.Word = 0xabcc;
this.timerCounter = 0;
public void TransferDma()
if (this.dmaTransferActive)
this.bus.OAMRAM.Poke(this.dmaAddress.Low, this.bus.Peek(this.dmaAddress));
this.dmaTransferActive = ++this.dmaAddress.Low < 0xa0;
public void TriggerInterrupt(Interrupts cause) => this.Reference(IF) |= (byte)cause;
public void CheckTimers(int cycles)
public void IncrementDIV(int cycles)
this.divCounter.Word += (ushort)cycles;
this.Poke(DIV, this.divCounter.High);
public void IncrementTIMA()
var updated = this.TimerCounter + 1;
if ((updated & (int)Bits.Bit8) != 0)
updated = this.TimerModulo;
this.TimerCounter = Chip.LowByte(updated);
public void IncrementLY() => this.Poke(LY, (byte)((this.Peek(LY) + 1) % GameBoy.Bus.TotalLineCount));
public void ResetLY() => this.Poke(LY, 0);
public void UpdateLcdStatusMode(LcdStatusMode mode)
var current = this.Peek(STAT) & unchecked((byte)~Mask.Two);
this.Poke(STAT, (byte)(current | (int)mode));
public void DisableBootRom() => this.BootRomDisabled = true;
public void EnableBootRom() => this.BootRomDisabled = false;
public void PressRight()
public void ReleaseRight() => this.ControlRightLines(true);
public void PressLeft()
public void ReleaseLeft() => this.ControlLeftLines(true);
public void PressUp()
public void ReleaseUp() => this.ControlUpLines(true);
public void PressDown()
public void ReleaseDown() => this.ControlDownLines(true);
public void PressA()
public void ReleaseA() => this.ControlALines(true);
public void PressB()
public void ReleaseB() => this.ControlBLines(true);
public void PressSelect()
public void ReleaseSelect() => this.ControlSelectLines(true);
public void PressStart()
public void ReleaseStart() => this.ControlStartLines(true);
private void ControlRightLines(bool value) => this.p14 = this.p10 = value;
private void ControlLeftLines(bool value) => this.p14 = this.p11 = value;
private void ControlUpLines(bool value) => this.p14 = this.p12 = value;
private void ControlDownLines(bool value) => this.p14 = this.p13 = value;
private void ControlALines(bool value) => this.p15 = this.p10 = value;
private void ControlBLines(bool value) => this.p15 = this.p11 = value;
private void ControlSelectLines(bool value) => this.p15 = this.p12 = value;
private void ControlStartLines(bool value) => this.p15 = this.p13 = value;
private void OnDisplayStatusModeUpdated(LcdStatusMode mode) => this.DisplayStatusModeUpdated?.Invoke(this, new LcdStatusModeEventArgs(mode));
private void CheckTimer(int cycles)
if (this.TimerEnabled)
this.timerCounter -= cycles;
if (this.timerCounter <= 0)
this.timerCounter += this.TimerClockTicks;
private void ApplyMask(ushort address, byte masking) => this.Poke(address, (byte)(this.Peek(address) | ~masking));
private void TriggerKeypadInterrupt() => this.TriggerInterrupt(Interrupts.KeypadPressed);
private void Bus_WrittenByte(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var address = this.bus.Address.Word;
var value = this.bus.Data;
var port = (ushort)(address - BASE);
switch (port)
case P1:
this.scanP14 = (value & (byte)Bits.Bit4) == 0;
this.scanP15 = (value & (byte)Bits.Bit5) == 0;
case SB: // R/W
case SC: // R/W
case DIV: // R/W
this.Poke(port, 0);
this.timerCounter = this.divCounter.Word = 0;
case TIMA: // R/W
case TMA: // R/W
case TAC: // R/W
case IF: // R/W
case LCDC:
case STAT:
case SCY:
case SCX:
case DMA:
this.dmaAddress.Word = Chip.PromoteByte(value);
this.dmaTransferActive = true;
case LY: // R/O
this.Poke(port, 0);
case BGP:
case OBP0:
case OBP1:
case WY:
case WX:
this.BootRomDisabled = value != 0;
private void Bus_ReadingByte(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var address = this.bus.Address.Word;
var io = (address >= BASE) && (address < 0xff80);
if (io)
var port = (ushort)(address - BASE);
switch (port)
// Port/Mode Registers
case P1:
var directionKeys = this.scanP14 && !this.p14;
var miscKeys = this.scanP15 && !this.p15;
var live = directionKeys || miscKeys;
var rightOrA = (live && !this.p10) ? 0 : Bits.Bit0;
var leftOrB = (live && !this.p11) ? 0 : Bits.Bit1;
var upOrSelect = (live && !this.p12) ? 0 : Bits.Bit2;
var downOrStart = (live && !this.p13) ? 0 : Bits.Bit3;
var lowNibble = (byte)(rightOrA | leftOrB | upOrSelect | downOrStart);
var highNibble = (byte)Chip.PromoteNibble((byte)Mask.Four);
var value = (byte)(lowNibble | highNibble);
this.Poke(port, value);
case SB:
case SC:
this.ApplyMask(port, (byte)(Bits.Bit7 | Bits.Bit0));
// Timer control
case DIV:
case TIMA:
case TMA:
case TAC:
this.ApplyMask(port, (byte)Mask.Three);
// Interrupt Flags
case IF:
this.ApplyMask(port, (byte)Mask.Five);
// LCD Display Registers
case LCDC:
case STAT:
this.ApplyMask(port, (byte)Mask.Seven);
case SCY:
case SCX:
case LY:
case LYC:
case DMA:
case BGP:
case OBP0:
case OBP1:
case WY:
case WX:
this.ApplyMask(port, 0);