"""The Ophis program lister When displaying an assembled binary for human inspection, it is traditional to mix binary with reconstructed instructions that have all arguments precomputed. This class manages that.""" # Copyright 2002-2014 Michael C. Martin and additional contributors. # You may use, modify, and distribute this file under the MIT # license: See README for details. import sys class Listing(object): """Encapsulates the program listing. Accepts fully formatted instruction strings, or batches of data bytes. Batches of data bytes are assumed to be contiguous unless a divider is explicitly requested.""" def __init__(self, fname): self.listing = [(0, [])] self.filename = fname def listInstruction(self, inst): "Add a preformatted instruction list to the listing." self.listing.append(inst) def listDivider(self, newpc): "Indicate that the next data block will begin at the given PC." self.listing.append((newpc, [])) def listData(self, vals, pc): """Add a batch of data to the listing. If this starts a new batch of data, begin that batch at the listed PC.""" if type(self.listing[-1]) is not tuple: self.listing.append((pc, [])) self.listing[-1][1].extend(vals) def dump(self): if self.filename == "-": out = sys.stdout else: out = open(self.filename, "wt") for x in self.listing: if type(x) is str: print(x, file=out) elif type(x) is tuple: i = 0 pc = x[0] while True: row = x[1][i:i + 16] if row == []: break dataline = " %04X " % (pc + i) dataline += (" %02X" * len(row)) % tuple(row) charline = "" for c in row: if c < 32 or c > 126: charline += "." else: charline += chr(c) print("%-54s |%-16s|" % (dataline, charline), file=out) i += 16 if self.filename != "-": out.close() class NullLister(object): "A dummy Lister that actually does nothing." def listInstruction(self, inst): pass def listDivider(self, newpc): pass def listData(self, vals, pc): pass def dump(self): pass class LabelMapper(object): """Encapsulates the label map. Accepts label names, string representations of program points, and the location.""" def __init__(self, fname): self.labeldata = [] self.filename = fname def mapLabel(self, label, ppt, location): if label.startswith("_"): try: macroarg = int(label[1:], 10) # If that didn't throw, this is a macro argument # and we don't want to track it. return except ValueError: pass if label.startswith("_*"): # This is the caller side of the macro arguments, # and we don't want to track that either. return if label.startswith("*"): # Unprocess anonymous labels label = "*" shortlocs = [] # Filenames tend to become absolute paths for better # error processing, but that's a disaster in these # charts. We split out the leafs here and then re-join # the macro application arrows. for loc in ppt.split('->'): shortloc = loc.split('/')[-1] shortloc = shortloc.split('\\')[-1] shortlocs.append(shortloc) self.labeldata.append((location, label, '->'.join(shortlocs))) def dump(self): if self.filename == "-": out = sys.stdout else: out = open(self.filename, "wt") maxlabellen = 0 self.labeldata.sort() for (loc, label, srcloc) in self.labeldata: if len(label) > maxlabellen: maxlabellen = len(label) formatstr = "$%%04X | %%-%ds | %%s\n" % (maxlabellen) for l in self.labeldata: out.write(formatstr % l) if self.filename != "-": out.close() class NullLabelMapper(object): "A dummy LabelMapper that actually does nothing." def mapLabel(self, label, ppt, location): pass def dump(self): pass