Michael Martin 364b39edfb First draft of listfile support.
The .listfile pragma and the -l command line option will select the
output file for the listing.
2013-04-13 19:57:24 -07:00

81 lines
2.5 KiB

"""The Ophis program lister
When displaying an assembled binary for human inspection, it is
traditional to mix binary with reconstructed instructions that
have all arguments precomputed. This class manages that."""
# Copyright 2002-2012 Michael C. Martin and additional contributors.
# You may use, modify, and distribute this file under the MIT
# license: See README for details.
import sys
class Listing(object):
"""Encapsulates the program listing. Accepts fully formatted
instruction strings, or batches of data bytes. Batches of data
bytes are assumed to be contiguous unless a divider is explicitly
def __init__(self, fname):
self.listing = [(0, [])]
self.filename = fname
def listInstruction(self, inst):
"Add a preformatted instruction list to the listing."
def listDivider(self, newpc):
"Indicate that the next data block will begin at the given PC."
self.listing.append((newpc, []))
def listData(self, vals, pc):
"""Add a batch of data to the listing. If this starts a new
batch of data, begin that batch at the listed PC."""
if type(self.listing[-1]) is not tuple:
self.listing.append((pc, []))
def dump(self):
if self.filename == "-":
out = sys.stdout
out = file(self.filename, "w")
for x in self.listing:
if type(x) is str:
print>>out, x
elif type(x) is tuple:
i = 0
pc = x[0]
while True:
row = x[1][i:i + 16]
if row == []:
dataline = " %04X " % (pc + i)
dataline += (" %02X" * len(row)) % tuple(row)
charline = ""
for c in row:
if c < 31 or c > 127:
charline += "."
charline += chr(c)
print>>out, "%-54s |%-16s|" % (dataline, charline)
i += 16
if self.filename != "-":
class NullLister(object):
"A dummy Lister that actually does nothing."
def listInstruction(self, inst):
def listDivider(self, newpc):
def listData(self, vals, pc):
def dump(self):