{Sample of how to create a very basic assembler tool, using the unit pic16utils.} unit Unit1; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, P6502utils; type { TForm1 } TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Memo1: TMemo; Memo2: TMemo; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private pic: TP6502; function CaptureComma(var lin: string): boolean; function ExtractNumber(var lin: string; out num: word): boolean; function ExtractString(var lin: string; var str: string): boolean; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.lfm} { TForm1 } function TForm1.ExtractString(var lin: string; var str: string): boolean; var tmp: String; i: Integer; begin Result := true; lin := trim(lin); //trim if lin='' then begin Application.MessageBox('Expected identifier.',''); Result := false; exit; end; tmp := ''; i:=1; while lin[i] in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z'] do begin tmp += lin[i]; inc(i); end; lin := copy(lin,i,100); lin := trim(lin); //trim str := tmp; if str = '' then begin //No string found exit(false); end; end; function TForm1.ExtractNumber(var lin: string; out num: word): boolean; var tmp: String; i: Integer; begin Result := true; lin := trim(lin); //trim if lin='' then begin Application.MessageBox('Expected number.',''); Result := false; exit; end; tmp := ''; i:=1; while lin[i] in ['$','0'..'9','x','X'] do begin tmp += lin[i]; inc(i); end; lin := copy(lin,i,100); lin := trim(lin); //trim if LowerCase( copy(tmp,1,2)) = '0x' then num := StrToInt('$' + copy(tmp,3,100)) else num := StrToInt(tmp); end; function TForm1.CaptureComma(var lin: string): boolean; begin Result := true; lin := trim(lin); //trim if lin='' then begin Application.MessageBox('Expected comma.',''); Result := false; exit; end; if lin[1]<>',' then begin Application.MessageBox('Expected comma.',''); Result := false; exit; end; lin := copy(lin,2,100); lin := trim(lin); //trim end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var l: String; idInst: TP6502Inst; Inst: String; lin, Par: String; n: word; begin pic.iRam:=0; //Start to code at $0000 pic.MsjError:=''; //Clear error for lin in Memo1.Lines do begin l := lin; //crea copia para modificar if trim(l) = '' then continue; if not ExtractString(l, Inst) then begin //extract mnemonic Application.MessageBox('Syntax Error',''); exit; end; //Find mnemonic, and parameters idInst := pic.FindOpcode(Inst); if idInst = i_Inval then begin Application.MessageBox(PChar('Invalid Opcode: '+ Inst),''); exit; end; //Extract parameters if l = '' then begin //No parameters. Must be Implicit pic.codAsm(idInst, aImplicit , 0); if pic.MsjError<>'' then begin Application.MessageBox(PChar(lin + ':' + pic.MsjError),''); exit; end; end else if ExtractString(l, Par) then begin //extract mnemonic //It's a string if Par = 'A' then begin //Accumulator mode pic.codAsm(idInst, aAcumulat , 0); if pic.MsjError<>'' then begin Application.MessageBox(PChar(lin + ':' + pic.MsjError),''); exit; end; end else begin Application.MessageBox(PChar(lin + ': Syntax error' ),''); end; end else if ExtractNumber(l, n) then begin //There is a number if n<256 then begin //Zero page. Although could be ,X pic.codAsm(idInst, aZeroPage , 0); if pic.MsjError<>'' then begin Application.MessageBox(PChar(lin + ':' + pic.MsjError),''); exit; end; end else begin //Absolute. Although could be ,X pic.codAsm(idInst, aAbsolute , 0); if pic.MsjError<>'' then begin Application.MessageBox(PChar(lin + ':' + pic.MsjError),''); exit; end; end; end else begin //Not a string, nor a number, nor empty Application.MessageBox('Syntax Error',''); exit; end; end; pic.GenHex(Application.ExeName + '.hex'); Memo2.Lines.LoadFromFile(Application.ExeName + '.hex'); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin pic := TP6502.Create; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin pic.Destroy; end; end.