mirror of https://github.com/catseye/SixtyPical.git synced 2025-02-16 15:30:26 +00:00

Parse (at the very least) decls for word and vector tables.

This commit is contained in:
Cat's Eye Technologies 2014-04-12 21:54:00 +01:00
parent cac23cc7d0
commit 16d6a54fb5
6 changed files with 37 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -129,6 +129,22 @@ of a sequence of bytes, it must be the same length as the table is declared.
| }
? initial table incorrect size
We can also define word and vector tables. These are each stored as two
byte tables, one table of low bytes and one table of high bytes.
| reserve word[100] words
| reserve vector[100] vectors
| routine main {
| lda #$04
| sta <words
| // sta <words, y
| lda #$00
| sta >words
| // sta >words, y
| // copy routine main to vectors, y
| }
= True
An address may be declared with `locate`, which is like `.alias` in an
assembler, with the understanding that the value will be treated "like an
address." This is generally an address into the operating system or hardware

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@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ noIndexedAccessOfNonTables p@(Program decls routines) =
checkInstr j@(COPY _ (Indexed (NamedLocation sz g) reg)) =
case lookupDecl p g of
Just (Assign _ (ByteTable _) _) -> j
Just (Reserve _ (ByteTable _) _) -> j
Just (Assign _ (Table Byte _) _) -> j
Just (Reserve _ (Table Byte _) _) -> j
Just _ -> (COPY A A)
Nothing -> (COPY A A)
checkInstr other = other
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ consistentInitialTableSizes p@(Program decls routines) =
inconsistentTableSizes == 0
checkDecl (Reserve _ (ByteTable sz) []) acc = acc
checkDecl (Reserve _ (ByteTable sz) vals) acc =
checkDecl (Reserve _ (Table _ sz) []) acc = acc
checkDecl (Reserve _ (Table _ sz) vals) acc =
case sz == (length vals) of
True -> acc
False -> acc + 1

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@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ emitDecl p (Reserve name typ [val])
| typ == Word = name ++ ": .word " ++ (show val)
| typ == Vector = name ++ ": .word " ++ (show val)
emitDecl p (Reserve name (ByteTable size) []) =
emitDecl p (Reserve name (Table Byte size) []) =
".space " ++ name ++ " " ++ (show size)
emitDecl p (Reserve name (ByteTable size) vals) =
emitDecl p (Reserve name (Table Byte size) vals) =
name ++ ": .byte " ++ (showList vals)
showList [] = ""
@ -92,11 +92,11 @@ emitInstr p r (COPY A Y) = "tay"
emitInstr p r (COPY X A) = "txa"
emitInstr p r (COPY Y A) = "tya"
emitInstr p r (COPY A (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (ByteTable _)) label) X)) = "sta " ++ label ++ ", x"
emitInstr p r (COPY A (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (ByteTable _)) label) Y)) = "sta " ++ label ++ ", y"
emitInstr p r (COPY A (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (Table Byte _)) label) X)) = "sta " ++ label ++ ", x"
emitInstr p r (COPY A (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (Table Byte _)) label) Y)) = "sta " ++ label ++ ", y"
emitInstr p r (COPY (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (ByteTable _)) label) X) A) = "lda " ++ label ++ ", x"
emitInstr p r (COPY (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (ByteTable _)) label) Y) A) = "lda " ++ label ++ ", y"
emitInstr p r (COPY (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (Table Byte _)) label) X) A) = "lda " ++ label ++ ", x"
emitInstr p r (COPY (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (Table Byte _)) label) Y) A) = "lda " ++ label ++ ", y"
emitInstr p r (COPY A (IndirectIndexed (NamedLocation st label) Y)) = "sta (" ++ label ++ "), y"
emitInstr p r (COPY (IndirectIndexed (NamedLocation st label) Y) A) = "lda (" ++ label ++ "), y"

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type LocationName = String
data StorageType = Byte
| Word
| Vector
| ByteTable DataValue
| Table StorageType DataValue
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data StorageLocation = A

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Decl ::= "reserve" StorageType LocationName [":" InitialValue]
| "assign" StorageType LocationName Literal
| "external" RoutineName Address.
InitialValue ::= Literal | StringLiteral | "(" {Literal} ")".
StorageType ::= "byte" ["[" Literal "]"] | "word" | "vector".
StorageType ::= ("byte" | "word" | "vector") ["[" Literal "]"].
Routine ::= "routine" RoutineName ["outputs" "(" {LocationName} ")"] Block.
Block ::= "{" {Decl} {Command} "}".
Command ::= "if" Branch Block "else" Block
@ -99,20 +99,20 @@ storage s t = do
return t
byte_table :: Parser StorageType
byte_table = do
string "byte"
table :: StorageType -> Parser StorageType
table typ = do
string "["
size <- literal_data_value
string "]"
return $ ByteTable size
return $ Table typ size
storage_type :: Parser StorageType
storage_type = (try $ byte_table) <|> (storage "byte" Byte) <|>
(storage "word" Word) <|> (storage "vector" Vector)
storage_type = do
typ <- (storage "byte" Byte) <|> (storage "word" Word) <|>
(storage "vector" Vector)
option typ (table typ)
initial_value :: Parser [DataValue]
initial_value =

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@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ fillOutNamedLocationTypes p@(Program decls routines) =
case (typeRx == typeRy, typeRx, typeRy) of
(True, _, _) -> constructor rx ry
(_, Byte, (ByteTable _)) -> constructor rx ry
(_, (ByteTable _), Byte) -> constructor rx ry
(_, Byte, (Table Byte _)) -> constructor rx ry
(_, (Table Byte _), Byte) -> constructor rx ry
_ -> error ("incompatible types '" ++ (show typeRx) ++ "' and '" ++ (show typeRy) ++ "'")
resolve (NamedLocation Nothing name) =
case lookupDecl p name of