mirror of https://github.com/catseye/SixtyPical.git synced 2024-06-15 14:29:32 +00:00

No duplicate routine names check.

This commit is contained in:
Cat's Eye Technologies 2014-04-02 13:18:01 +01:00
parent f9f8cfc0ca
commit 180efe281d
2 changed files with 45 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -9,26 +9,6 @@ allTrue = foldl (&&) True
trueOrDie message test =
if test then True else error message
routineDeclared routName (Program _ routines) =
elem routName (map (getRoutineName) routines)
getRoutineName (Routine name _) = name
getDeclLocationName (Assign name _ _) = name
getDeclLocationName (Reserve name _) = name
locationDeclared locName (Program decls _) =
elem locName (map (getDeclLocationName) decls)
lookupDecl (Program [] _) _ = Nothing
lookupDecl (Program (decl:decls) routs) name =
(getDeclLocationName decl) == name
Just decl
lookupDecl (Program decls routs) name
-- in the following, we mean Named locations
routineUsedLocations (Routine _ instrs) = blockUsedLocations instrs
@ -59,13 +39,11 @@ allUsedLocationsDeclared p@(Program _ routines) =
isUnique [] = True
isUnique (x:xs) = (not (x `elem` xs)) && isUnique xs
noDuplicateDecls p@(Program decls routines) =
isUnique (map (getDeclLocationName) decls)
noDuplicateDecls program =
isUnique $ declaredLocationNames program
noDuplicateRoutines p@(Program decls routines) =
isUnique (map (getRoutineName) routines)
getRoutineName (Routine name _) = name
noDuplicateRoutines program =
isUnique $ declaredRoutineNames program
-- wow. efficiency is clearly our watchword
-- (and sarcasm is our backup watchword)

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@ -85,6 +85,35 @@ data Routine = Routine RoutineName [Instruction]
data Program = Program [Decl] [Routine]
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
-- -- -- accessors and helpers -- -- --
getRoutineName (Routine name _) = name
getDeclLocationName (Assign name _ _) = name
getDeclLocationName (Reserve name _) = name
isLocationDecl (Assign _ _ _) = True
isLocationDecl (Reserve _ _) = True
isLocationDecl _ = False
declaredLocationNames (Program decls _) =
map (getDeclLocationName) (filter (isLocationDecl) decls)
locationDeclared locName p =
elem locName $ declaredLocationNames p
getDeclRoutineName (External name _) = name
isRoutineDecl (External _ _) = True
isRoutineDecl _ = False
declaredRoutineNames (Program decls routines) =
map (getRoutineName) routines ++
map (getDeclRoutineName) (filter (isRoutineDecl) decls)
routineDeclared routName p =
elem routName (declaredRoutineNames p)
mapBlock :: (Instruction -> Instruction) -> [Instruction] -> [Instruction]
mapBlock = map
@ -98,3 +127,15 @@ mapRoutines f (rout:routs) =
mapProgramRoutines :: (Instruction -> Instruction) -> Program -> Program
mapProgramRoutines f (Program decls routs) = Program decls $ mapRoutines f routs
lookupDecl (Program [] _) _ = Nothing
lookupDecl (Program (decl:decls) routs) name =
(getDeclLocationName decl) == name
Just decl
lookupDecl (Program decls routs) name