mirror of https://github.com/catseye/SixtyPical.git synced 2025-02-09 01:30:50 +00:00

Initial import.

This commit is contained in:
Cat's Eye Technologies 2014-03-31 23:14:07 +01:00
commit 650405c2fe
5 changed files with 302 additions and 0 deletions

.hgignore Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
syntax: glob

build.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
mkdir -p bin
ghc src/Main.hs -o bin/sixtypical

eg/compare.60pical Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
reserve byte m_high
reserve byte m_low
reserve byte n_high
reserve byte n_low
routine compare_16_bit {
lda m_high
cmp n_high
beq {
lda m_low
cmp n_low
} else {

eg/simple.60pical Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
assign word fnord 4000
assign byte blerf 4002
reserve byte foo
reserve word bar
routine hello {
lda fnord
cmp blerf
lda foo
routine bye {
lda fnord
cmp bar
routine byee {

src/Main.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
-- encoding: UTF-8
module Main where
--module Sixtype where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-- -- -- -- machine model -- -- -- --
type Address = Int -- LET'S ASSUME THIS IS AT LEAST 16 BITS
type LocationName = String
data Register = A | X | Y -- | MemLoc LocationName
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
allRegisters = [A, X, Y]
-- -- -- -- program model -- -- -- --
data Size = Byte
| Word
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data Decl = Assign LocationName Size Address -- .alias
| Reserve LocationName Size -- .word, .byte
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
type RoutineName = String
data Instruction = LOAD Register LocationName
| COPY Register Register
| CMP Register LocationName
| JSR RoutineName
| IFEQ [Instruction] [Instruction]
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data Routine = Routine RoutineName [Instruction]
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
data Program = Program [Decl] [Routine]
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
-- -- -- -- data-flow-analysis context -- -- -- --
data Usage = Unknown
| Value LocationName -- obviously a bit daft for now
| Retained Register
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
type RoutineContext = Map.Map Register Usage
type ProgramContext = Map.Map RoutineName RoutineContext
-- Utility function:
-- Take 2 routine contexts -- the current routine and a routine that was just
-- JSR'ed to (immediately previously) -- and merge them to create a new
-- context for the current routine.
mergeRoutCtxs routCtx calledRoutCtx =
-- insert the values into routCtx
-- TODO, first compare them
-- TODO, if not equal, 'poison' them
-- TODO, other special cases (eg Unknown)
poison key value routCtxAccum =
case value of
-- if the called routine retains it,
-- we keep our idea of it -- but TODO
-- should we mark it "was retained"?
Retained reg ->
_ ->
Map.insert key value routCtxAccum
Map.foldrWithKey (poison) routCtx calledRoutCtx
-- -- -- -- static analyzer -- -- -- --
checkProgram (Program decls routines) =
checkRoutines routines Map.empty
checkRoutines [] progCtx = progCtx
checkRoutines (rout@(Routine name _) : routs) progCtx =
routCtx = Map.fromList $ map (\reg -> (reg, Retained reg)) allRegisters
routAnalysis = checkRoutine rout progCtx routCtx
progCtx' = Map.insert name routAnalysis progCtx
checkRoutines routs progCtx'
checkRoutine (Routine _ []) progCtx routCtx = routCtx
checkRoutine (Routine name (instr : instrs)) progCtx routCtx =
routCtx' = checkInstr instr progCtx routCtx
checkRoutine (Routine name instrs) progCtx routCtx'
checkInstr (LOAD reg addr) progCtx routCtx =
Map.insert reg (Value addr) routCtx
checkInstr (COPY src dst) progCtx routCtx =
Map.insert dst (Map.findWithDefault Unknown src routCtx) routCtx
checkInstr (JSR name) progCtx routCtx =
case Map.lookup name progCtx of
Just calledRoutCtx ->
mergeRoutCtxs routCtx calledRoutCtx
Nothing ->
error ("can't call routine '" ++ name ++ "' before it is defined")
checkInstr (CMP reg addr) progCtx routCtx =
-- TODO: mark Carry bit as "touched" here
checkInstr (IFEQ b1 b2) progCtx routCtx =
-- TODO: oooh, this one's gonna be fun
checkInstr NOP progCtx routCtx =
-- -- -- -- parser -- -- -- --
Toplevel := {Decl} {Routine}.
Decl := "reserve" Size LocationName
| "assign" Size LocationName Address.
Size := "byte" | "word".
Routine := "routine" RoutineName Block.
Block := "{" {Command} "}".
Command := "beq" Block "else" Block
| "lda" (LocationName | Immediate)
| "txa" | "tax" | "tya" | "tay"
| "cmp" (LocationName | Immediate)
toplevel :: Parser Program
toplevel = do
decls <- many (assign <|> try reserve)
routines <- many routine
return $ Program decls routines
reserve :: Parser Decl
reserve = do
string "reserve"
sz <- size
spaces -- size does not do its own spacesising
name <- locationName
return $ Reserve name sz
assign :: Parser Decl
assign = do
string "assign"
sz <- size
spaces -- size does not do its own spacesising
name <- locationName
addr <- address
return $ Assign name sz addr
size :: Parser Size
size = do
s <- (string "byte") <|> (string "word")
return $ case s of
"byte" -> Byte
"word" -> Word
routine :: Parser Routine
routine = do
string "routine"
name <- routineName
instrs <- block
return (Routine name instrs)
block :: Parser [Instruction]
block = do
string "{"
cs <- many command
string "}"
return cs
command :: Parser Instruction
command = cmp <|> lda <|> beq
cmp :: Parser Instruction
cmp = do
string "cmp"
l <- locationName
return (CMP A l)
lda :: Parser Instruction
lda = do
string "lda"
l <- locationName
return (LOAD A l)
beq :: Parser Instruction
beq = do
string "beq"
b1 <- block
string "else"
b2 <- block
return (IFEQ b1 b2)
routineName :: Parser String
routineName = do
c <- letter
cs <- many (alphaNum <|> char '_')
return (c:cs)
locationName :: Parser String
locationName = do
c <- letter
cs <- many (alphaNum <|> char '_')
return (c:cs)
address :: Parser Address
address = do
digits <- many digit
return (read digits :: Address)
-- -- -- -- driver -- -- -- --
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[filename] -> do
programText <- readFile filename
case parse toplevel "" programText of
Right program -> do
putStrLn $ show $ program
putStrLn $ show $ checkProgram program
Left problem -> do
hPutStrLn stderr (show problem)
exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
_ -> do
putStrLn "Usage: sixtypical filename.60pical"
exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
test = checkProgram [(Routine "wait" [LOAD Y "score", COPY Y A]),
(Routine "main" [LOAD X "score", JSR "wait"])]