mirror of https://github.com/catseye/SixtyPical.git synced 2025-02-16 15:30:26 +00:00

reserved storage locations can have initial values.

This commit is contained in:
Cat's Eye Technologies 2014-04-11 20:35:45 +01:00
parent 2fb9621a04
commit aacfb02375
7 changed files with 59 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -122,9 +122,10 @@ an added `foldr` or two would not be unwelcome...
* Initial values for reserved, incl. tables
* Initial values for reserved tables
* give length for tables, must be there for reserved, if no init val
* Character tables ("strings" to everybody else)
* Put uninitialized `reserve`d data in uninitialized data segment
* Addressing modes — indexed mode on more instructions
* `jsr (vector)`
* `jmp routine`

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@ -69,6 +69,17 @@ to all routines.
| }
= True
An address declared with `reserve` may be given an initial value.
| reserve byte lives : 3
| routine main {
| sta lives
| }
| routine died {
| dec lives
| }
= True
An address may be declared with `locate`, which is like `.alias` in an
assembler, with the understanding that the value will be treated "like an
address." This is generally an address into the operating system or hardware

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@ -36,29 +36,29 @@ Emitting an `if`.
Emitting a `repeat`.
| assign byte screen 1024
| reserve byte zero
| reserve byte four : $04
| routine main {
| ldy zero
| ldy four
| repeat bne {
| inc screen
| dey
| cpy zero
| cpy four
| }
| sty screen
| }
= main:
= ldy zero
= ldy four
= _repeat_1:
= inc screen
= dey
= cpy zero
= cpy four
= BNE _repeat_1
= sty screen
= rts
= .alias screen 1024
= zero: .byte 0
= four: .byte 4
Nested ifs.

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ noIndexedAccessOfNonTables p@(Program decls routines) =
checkInstr j@(COPY _ (Indexed (NamedLocation sz g) reg)) =
case lookupDecl p g of
Just (Assign _ ByteTable _) -> j
Just (Reserve _ ByteTable) -> j
Just (Reserve _ ByteTable _) -> j
Just _ -> (COPY A A)
Nothing -> (COPY A A)
checkInstr other = other

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@ -20,9 +20,15 @@ emitDecls p (decl:decls) =
emitDecl p decl ++ "\n" ++ emitDecls p decls
emitDecl p (Assign name _ addr) = ".alias " ++ name ++ " " ++ (show addr)
emitDecl p (Reserve name Byte) = name ++ ": .byte 0"
emitDecl p (Reserve name Word) = name ++ ": .word 0"
emitDecl p (Reserve name Vector) = name ++ ": .word 0"
emitDecl p (Reserve name typ value)
| typ == Byte = name ++ ": .byte " ++ val
| typ == Word = name ++ ": .word " ++ val
| typ == Vector = name ++ ": .word " ++ val
val = case value of
(Just v) -> (show v)
Nothing -> "0"
emitDecl p (External name addr) = ".alias " ++ name ++ " " ++ (show addr)
emitDecl p d = error (
"Internal error: sixtypical doesn't know how to " ++

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ data StorageLocation = A
-- -- -- -- program model -- -- -- --
data Decl = Assign LocationName StorageType Address -- .alias
| Reserve LocationName StorageType -- .word, .byte
| Reserve LocationName StorageType (Maybe DataValue) -- .word, .byte
| External RoutineName Address
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ programSummary p@(Program decls routs) =
getRoutineName (Routine name _ _) = name
getDeclLocationName (Assign name _ _) = name
getDeclLocationName (Reserve name _) = name
getDeclLocationName (Reserve name _ _) = name
getDeclLocationType (Assign _ t _) = t
getDeclLocationType (Reserve _ t) = t
getDeclLocationType (Reserve _ t _) = t
isLocationDecl (Assign _ _ _) = True
isLocationDecl (Reserve _ _) = True
isLocationDecl (Reserve _ _ _) = True
isLocationDecl _ = False
declaredLocationNames (Program decls _) =

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@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ import SixtyPical.Model
Toplevel := {Decl} {Routine}.
Decl := "reserve" StorageType LocationName
| "assign" StorageType LocationName Address
Decl := "reserve" StorageType LocationName [":" Literal]
| "assign" StorageType LocationName Literal
| "external" RoutineName Address.
StorageType := "byte" | "word" | "vector".
StorageType := "byte" | "word" | "byte table" | "vector".
Routine := "routine" RoutineName ["outputs" "(" {LocationName} ")"] Block.
Block := "{" {Command} "}".
Command := "if" Branch Block "else" Block
@ -68,7 +68,11 @@ reserve = do
sz <- storage_type
name <- location_name
return $ Reserve name sz
value <- option Nothing (do{ string ":";
x <- literal_data_value;
return $ Just x })
return $ Reserve name sz value
assign :: Parser Decl
assign = do
@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ assign = do
sz <- storage_type
name <- location_name
addr <- address
addr <- literal_address
return $ Assign name sz addr
external :: Parser Decl
@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ external = do
string "external"
name <- routineName
addr <- address
addr <- literal_address
return $ External name addr
get_storage "byte" = Byte
@ -196,7 +200,7 @@ register_location = do
immediate :: Parser AddressingModality
immediate = do
string "#"
v <- data_value
v <- literal_data_value
return $ Immediately v
addressing_mode :: String -> (AddressingModality -> [StorageLocation] -> Instruction) -> Parser Instruction
@ -585,37 +589,29 @@ named_location = do
name <- location_name
return (NamedLocation Nothing name)
address = hex_address <|> decimal_address
literal_address = do
a <- literal_value
return (a :: Address)
hex_address :: Parser Address
hex_address = do
literal_data_value = do
a <- literal_value
return (a :: DataValue)
literal_value = hex_literal <|> decimal_literal
hex_literal :: Parser Int
hex_literal = do
char '$'
digits <- many hexDigit
let ((d, _):_) = readHex digits
return (d :: Address)
return d
decimal_address :: Parser Address
decimal_address = do
decimal_literal :: Parser Int
decimal_literal = do
digits <- many digit
return (read digits :: Address)
data_value = hex_data_value <|> decimal_data_value
hex_data_value :: Parser DataValue
hex_data_value = do
char '$'
digits <- many hexDigit
let ((d, _):_) = readHex digits
return (d :: DataValue)
decimal_data_value :: Parser DataValue
decimal_data_value = do
digits <- many digit
return (read digits :: DataValue)
return $ read digits
-- -- -- driver -- -- --