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synced 2025-03-17 08:30:35 +00:00
Beginnings of using word tables
This commit is contained in:
@ -168,6 +168,66 @@ Copy command: immediate -> word
= .data
= .space position 2
Copy command: word -> word
| reserve word position1
| reserve word position2
| routine main {
| copy position1 position2
| }
= main:
= lda position1
= sta position2
= lda position1+1
= sta position2+1
= rts
= .data
= .space position1 2
= .space position2 2
Copy command: word -> word indexed
| reserve word loc
| reserve word[4] locs
| routine main {
| ldy #0
| copy loc locs, y
| }
= main:
= ldy #0
= lda loc
= sta locs_lo, y
= lda loc+1
= sta locs_hi, y
= rts
= .data
= .space loc 2
= .space locs_lo 4
= .space locs_hi 4
Copy command: word INDEXED -> word
| reserve word loc
| reserve word[4] locs
| routine main {
| ldx #0
| copy locs, x loc
| }
= main:
= ldx #0
= lda locs_lo, x
= sta loc
= lda locs_hi, x
= sta loc+1
= rts
= .data
= .space loc 2
= .space locs_lo 4
= .space locs_hi 4
`main` is always emitted first.
| reserve word position
@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ reserve word delta
reserve byte value
reserve word compare_target
reserve byte[16] actor_pos_hi
reserve byte[16] actor_pos_lo
reserve word[16] actor_pos
reserve vector dispatch_state
reserve vector dispatch_logic
@ -141,12 +140,13 @@ routine init_game {
ldy #0
repeat bne {
lda #$04
sta actor_pos_hi, y
// *** this is broken ***
sta >actor_pos, y
asl .a
asl .a
sta actor_pos_lo, y
sta <actor_pos, y
cpy #8
@ -214,10 +214,7 @@ routine state_play_game {
repeat bne {
stx save_x
lda actor_pos_hi, x
sta >position
lda actor_pos_lo, x
sta <position
copy actor_pos, x position
cpx #0
if beq {
@ -228,10 +225,8 @@ routine state_play_game {
jsr indirect_jsr_logic
ldx save_x
lda >position
sta actor_pos_hi, x
lda <position
sta actor_pos_lo, x
copy position actor_pos, x
cpx #8
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ noIndexedAccessOfNonTables p@(Program decls routines) =
checkInstr j@(COPY _ (Indexed (NamedLocation sz g) reg)) =
case lookupDecl p g of
Just (Assign _ (Table Byte _) _) -> j
Just (Reserve _ (Table Byte _) _) -> j
Just (Assign _ (Table _ _) _) -> j
Just (Reserve _ (Table _ _) _) -> j
Just _ -> (COPY A A)
Nothing -> (COPY A A)
checkInstr other = other
@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ emitDecl p (Reserve name (Table Byte size) vals) =
showList [val] = show val
showList (val:vals) = (show val) ++ ", " ++ (showList vals)
emitDecl p (Reserve name (Table Word size) []) =
".space " ++ name ++ "_lo " ++ (show size) ++ "\n" ++
".space " ++ name ++ "_hi " ++ (show size)
emitDecl p (Reserve name typ [])
| typ == Byte = ".space " ++ name ++ " 1"
| typ == Word = ".space " ++ name ++ " 2"
@ -98,6 +102,28 @@ emitInstr p r (COPY A (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (Table Byte _)) label) Y)) =
emitInstr p r (COPY (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (Table Byte _)) label) X) A) = "lda " ++ label ++ ", x"
emitInstr p r (COPY (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (Table Byte _)) label) Y) A) = "lda " ++ label ++ ", y"
emitInstr p r (COPY (NamedLocation (Just st1) src) (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (Table st2 _)) dst) reg))
| (st1 == Vector && st2 == Vector) || (st1 == Word && st2 == Word) =
"lda " ++ src ++ "\n" ++
" sta " ++ dst ++ "_lo, " ++ r ++ "\n" ++
" lda " ++ src ++ "+1\n" ++
" sta " ++ dst ++ "_hi, " ++ r
r = case reg of
X -> "x"
Y -> "y"
emitInstr p r (COPY (Indexed (NamedLocation (Just (Table st1 _)) src) reg) (NamedLocation (Just st2) dst))
| (st1 == Vector && st2 == Vector) || (st1 == Word && st2 == Word) =
"lda " ++ src ++ "_lo, " ++ r ++ "\n" ++
" sta " ++ dst ++ "\n" ++
" lda " ++ src ++ "_hi, " ++ r ++ "\n" ++
" sta " ++ dst ++ "+1"
r = case reg of
X -> "x"
Y -> "y"
emitInstr p r (COPY A (IndirectIndexed (NamedLocation st label) Y)) = "sta (" ++ label ++ "), y"
emitInstr p r (COPY (IndirectIndexed (NamedLocation st label) Y) A) = "lda (" ++ label ++ "), y"
@ -575,13 +575,21 @@ copy_general_statement :: Parser Instruction
copy_general_statement = do
string "copy"
src <- (try immediate <|> try direct_location)
srcI <- many index
lhs <- return $ case (src, srcI) of
((Immediately s), []) -> (Immediate s)
((Directly s), []) -> (NamedLocation Nothing s)
((Directly s), [reg]) -> (Indexed (NamedLocation Nothing s) reg)
dst <- direct_location
return $ case (src, dst) of
(Immediately s, Directly d) ->
(COPY (Immediate s) (NamedLocation Nothing d))
(Directly s, Directly d) ->
(COPY (NamedLocation Nothing s) (NamedLocation Nothing d))
dstI <- many index
rhs <- return $ case (dst, dstI) of
((Directly d), []) -> (NamedLocation Nothing d)
((Directly d), [reg]) -> (Indexed (NamedLocation Nothing d) reg)
return $ COPY lhs rhs
copy_routine_statement :: Parser Instruction
copy_routine_statement = do
@ -112,8 +112,10 @@ fillOutNamedLocationTypes p@(Program decls routines) =
getType A = Byte
getType X = Byte
getType Y = Byte
getType (Immediate x) =
getType (Immediate x) = -- TODO! allow promotion!
if x > 255 then Word else Byte
getType (Indexed t _) =
getType t
getType _ = Byte
typeMatch x y constructor =
@ -126,7 +128,10 @@ fillOutNamedLocationTypes p@(Program decls routines) =
(True, _, _) -> constructor rx ry
(_, Byte, (Table Byte _)) -> constructor rx ry
(_, (Table Byte _), Byte) -> constructor rx ry
_ -> error ("incompatible types '" ++ (show typeRx) ++ "' and '" ++ (show typeRy) ++ "'")
(_, Word, (Table Word _)) -> constructor rx ry
(_, (Table Word _), Word) -> constructor rx ry
_ -> error ("incompatible types '" ++ (show typeRx) ++ "' and '" ++ (show typeRy) ++ "'" ++
" " ++ (show rx) ++ "," ++ (show ry))
resolve (NamedLocation Nothing name) =
case lookupDecl p name of
Just decl ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user