TODO for SixtyPical =================== Language -------- ### Save values to other-than-the-stack Allow save a to temp_a { ... } Which uses some other storage location instead of the stack. A local non-static would be a good candidate for such. At any rate, the location must not be writeable by anything that is called from within the block. So, probably just restrict this to local non-statics. ### Copy byte to/from table Do we want a `copy bytevar, table + x` instruction? We don't currently have one. You have to `ld a`, `st a`. I think maybe we should have one. ### Character literals For goodness sake, let the programmer say `'A'` instead of `65`. ### Character set mapping Not all computers think `'A'` should be `65`. Allow the character set to be mapped. Probably copy what Ophis does. ### Pointers into non-byte tables Right now you cannot get a pointer into a non-byte (for instance, word or vector) table. Word and vector tables are stored as two byte tables in memory. This is useful for indexed access, but makes pointer access more difficult. Laying them out for pointer access would make indexed access more difficult. ### Saving non-byte values Right now you cannot save a word value. There doesn't seem to be a hugely pressing reason why not. Analysis -------- ### Forbid recursion What happens if a routine calls itself, directly or indirectly? Many constraints might be violated in this case. We should probably disallow recursion by default. (Which means assembling the callgraph in all cases.) ### Analyze memory usage If you define two variables that occupy the same address, an analysis error ought to be raised. (But there should also be a way to annotate this as intentional. Intentionally making two tables overlap could be valuable. However, the analysis will probably completely miss this fact.) Optimization ------------ ### Space optimization of local non-statics If there are two routines A and B, and A never calls B (even indirectly), and B never calls A (even indirectly), then their non-static locals can be allocated at the same space. This is not just an impressive trick -- in the presence of local pointers, which use up a word in zero-page, which we consider a precious resource, it allow those zero-page locations to be re-used. Implementation -------------- ### Filename and line number in analysis error messages For analysis errors, there is a line number, but it's the line of the routine after the routine in which the analysis error occurred. Fix this. Blue-skying ----------- ### Pointers associated globally with a table(?) We have `point into` blocks, but we would also like to sometimes pass a pointer around to different routines, and have them all "know" what table it operates on. We could associate every pointer variable with a specific table variable, in its declaration. This makes some things simple, and would allow us to know what table a pointer is supposed to point into, even if that pointer was passed into our routine. One drawback is that it would limit each pointer to be used only on one table. Since a pointer basically represents a zero-page location, and since those are a relatively scarce resource, we would prefer if a single pointer could be used to point into different tables at different times. These can co-exist with general, non-specific-table-linked `pointer` variables. If we have local pointers and space optimization for local non-statics, though, these don't add as much.