SixtyPical ========== SixtyPical is a very low-level programming language, similar to 6502 assembly, with static analysis through abstract interpretation. In practice, this means it catches things like * you forgot to clear carry before adding something to the accumulator * a subroutine that you call trashes a register you thought was preserved and suchlike. It is a **work in progress**, currently at the **proof-of-concept** stage. The current released version of SixtyPical is 0.5. The current development version of SixtyPical, unreleased as of this writing, is 0.6-PRE. Documentation ------------- * Design Goals — coming soon. * [SixtyPical specification](doc/ * [SixtyPical history]( * [Literate test suite for SixtyPical syntax](tests/SixtyPical * [Literate test suite for SixtyPical execution](tests/SixtyPical * [Literate test suite for SixtyPical analysis](tests/SixtyPical * [Literate test suite for SixtyPical compilation](tests/SixtyPical * [6502 Opcodes used/not used in SixtyPical](doc/6502 TODO ---- For 0.6: * declared `inputs` `outputs` `trashes` on the `vector` type... * we need to get these 3 things onto the type, and also onto routine types * `goto` (tail call) a routine or a vector. * A more involved demo for the C64 — one that sets up an interrupt. For 0.7: * `word` type. * `trash` instruction. * zero-page memory locations. * indirect addressing. At some point... * `interrupt` routines. * add line number (or at least routine name) to error messages. * 6502-mnemonic aliases (`sec`, `clc`) * other handy aliases (`eq` for `z`, etc.) * have `copy` instruction able to copy a constant to a user-def mem loc, etc. * add absolute addressing in shl/shr, absolute-indexed for add, sub, etc. * check and disallow recursion.