Emitting Ophis from SixtyPical Programs ======================================= -> Tests for functionality "Emit ASM for SixtyPical program" -> Functionality "Emit ASM for SixtyPical program" is implemented by -> shell command "bin/sixtypical emit %(test-file)" | reserve word vword | reserve byte vbyte | assign byte table table 1024 | routine main { | lda #4 | ldx #0 | ldy #$FF | lda vbyte | lda table, x | lda table, y | lda (vword), y | lda vword | inc vbyte | tax | inx | dex | stx vbyte | tay | iny | dey | sty vbyte | cmp vbyte | cmp #30 | cmp vword | ldx vbyte | cpx vbyte | cpx #31 | txa | ldy vbyte | cpy vbyte | cpy #32 | tya | sta vbyte | sta table, x | sta table, y | sta (vword), y | sta vword | dec vbyte | clc | cld | clv | sec | sed | adc #8 | adc vbyte | and #8 | and vbyte | sbc #8 | sbc vbyte | ora #8 | ora vbyte | } = main: = lda #4 = ldx #0 = ldy #255 = lda vbyte = lda table, x = lda table, y = lda (vword), y = lda vword = lda vword+1 = inc vbyte = tax = inx = dex = stx vbyte = tay = iny = dey = sty vbyte = cmp vbyte = cmp #30 = cmp vword = cmp vword+1 = ldx vbyte = cpx vbyte = cpx #31 = txa = ldy vbyte = cpy vbyte = cpy #32 = tya = sta vbyte = sta table, x = sta table, y = sta (vword), y = sta vword = sta vword+1 = dec vbyte = clc = cld = clv = sec = sed = adc #8 = adc vbyte = and #8 = and vbyte = sbc #8 = sbc vbyte = ora #8 = ora vbyte = rts = = vword: .word 0 = vbyte: .byte 0 = .alias table 1024 | assign byte screen $0400 | routine main { | lda screen | cmp screen | if beq { | tax | } else { | tay | } | sta screen | } = main: = lda screen = cmp screen = BEQ _label_1 = tay = jmp _past_1 = _label_1: = tax = _past_1: = sta screen = rts = = .alias screen 1024 | assign byte screen 1024 | reserve byte zero | routine main { | ldy zero | repeat bne { | inc screen | dey | cpy zero | } | sty screen | } = main: = ldy zero = = _repeat_1: = inc screen = dey = cpy zero = BNE _repeat_1 = sty screen = rts = = .alias screen 1024 = zero: .byte 0 Nested ifs. | routine main { | if beq { | if bcc { | lda #0 | } else { | if bvs { | lda #1 | } else { | lda #2 | } | } | } else { | lda #3 | } | } = main: = BEQ _label_3 = lda #3 = jmp _past_3 = _label_3: = BCC _label_2 = BVS _label_1 = lda #2 = jmp _past_1 = _label_1: = lda #1 = _past_1: = jmp _past_2 = _label_2: = lda #0 = _past_2: = _past_3: = rts Installing an interrupt handler (at the Kernal level, i.e. with CINV) | assign byte screen 1024 | assign vector cinv 788 | reserve vector save_cinv | | routine main { | sei { | copy vector cinv to save_cinv | copy routine our_cinv to cinv | } | } | | routine our_cinv { | inc screen | jmp save_cinv | } = main: = sei = lda cinv = sta save_cinv = lda cinv+1 = sta save_cinv+1 = lda #our_cinv = sta cinv+1 = cli = rts = = our_cinv: = inc screen = jmp (save_cinv) = rts = = .alias screen 1024 = .alias cinv 788 = save_cinv: .word 0