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; petulant.p65 - The PETulant Cursor, a "display hack" for the Commodore 64
; Originally written by Chris Pressey sometime in the late 1980's
; Rewritten in P65 assembly and released March 2008
; This work is part of the public domain.
; ----- BEGIN petulant.p65 -----
; PRG file header
.org 0
.word $02a7
.org $02a7
; ----- Constants -----
.alias cinv $0314 ; hw irq interrupt, 60x per second
.alias blnon $cf ; was last cursor blink on or off?
.alias color $286 ; current foreground colour for text
.alias vic $d000 ; base address of VIC-II chip
.alias border vic+$20 ; colour of border of the screen
.alias background vic+$21 ; colour of background of the screen
; ----- Start of Program -----
start: sei ; disable interrupts
lda cinv ; save low byte of existing handler
sta savecinv
lda cinv+1 ; save high byte
sta savecinv+1
lda #<newcinv ; install new interrupt handler
sta cinv
lda #>newcinv
sta cinv+1
cli ; re-enable interrupts
newcinv: lda blnon ; is the cursor on?
beq cursor_off
cursor_on: lda color ; yes, get its colour
jmp egress
cursor_off: lda background ; no, get the background colour
egress: sta border ; colour the border
jmp (savecinv) ; continue pre-existing interrupt handler
; ----- Uninitialized Data -----
.space savecinv 2
; ----- END of petulant.p65 -----