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synced 2025-02-20 02:28:58 +00:00
527 lines
19 KiB
527 lines
19 KiB
;; ;;
;; "BootProg" Loader v 1.5 by Alexey Frunze (c) 2000-2015 ;;
;; 2-clause BSD license. ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; This is a version of boot12.asm fully ready for a 1.44MB 3"5 floppy. ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; How to Compile: ;;
;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;;
;; nasm flp144.asm -f bin -o flp144.bin ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; Features: ;;
;; ~~~~~~~~~ ;;
;; - FAT12 supported ;;
;; ;;
;; - Loads a 16-bit executable file in the MS-DOS .COM or .EXE format ;;
;; from the root directory of a disk and transfers control to it ;;
;; (the "ProgramName" variable holds the name of the file to be loaded) ;;
;; ;;
;; - Prints an error if the file isn't found or couldn't be read ;;
;; (the "RE" message stands for "Read Error", ;;
;; the "NF" message stands for "file Not Found") ;;
;; and waits for a key to be pressed, then executes the Int 19h ;;
;; instruction and lets the BIOS continue bootstrap. ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; Known Limitations: ;;
;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;;
;; - Works only on the 1st MBR partition which must be a PRI DOS partition ;;
;; with FAT12 (File System ID: 1) ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; Known Bugs: ;;
;; ~~~~~~~~~~~ ;;
;; - All bugs are fixed as far as I know. The boot sector has been tested ;;
;; on the following types of diskettes: ;;
;; - 360KB 5"25 ;;
;; - 1.2MB 5"25 ;;
;; - 1.44MB 3"5 ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; Memory Layout: ;;
;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;;
;; The diagram below shows the typical memory layout. The actual location ;;
;; of the boot sector and its stack may be lower than A0000H if the BIOS ;;
;; reserves memory for its Extended BIOS Data Area just below A0000H and ;;
;; reports less than 640 KB of RAM via its Int 12H function. ;;
;; ;;
;; physical address ;;
;; +------------------------+ 00000H ;;
;; | Interrupt Vector Table | ;;
;; +------------------------+ 00400H ;;
;; | BIOS Data Area | ;;
;; +------------------------+ 00500H ;;
;; | PrtScr Status / Unused | ;;
;; +------------------------+ 00600H ;;
;; | Loaded Image | ;;
;; +------------------------+ nnnnnH ;;
;; | Available Memory | ;;
;; +------------------------+ A0000H - 512 - 2KB ;;
;; | 2KB Boot Stack | ;;
;; +------------------------+ A0000H - 512 ;;
;; | Boot Sector | ;;
;; +------------------------+ A0000H ;;
;; | Video RAM | ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; Boot Image Startup (register values): ;;
;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;;
;; dl = BIOS boot drive number (e.g. 0, 80H) ;;
;; cs:ip = program entry point ;;
;; ss:sp = program stack (don't confuse with boot sector's stack) ;;
;; COM program defaults: cs = ds = es = ss = 50h, sp = 0, ip = 100h ;;
;; EXE program defaults: ds = es = 50h, other stuff depends on EXE header ;;
;; Magic numbers: ;;
;; si = 16381 (prime number 2**14-3) ;;
;; di = 32749 (prime number 2**15-19) ;;
;; bp = 65521 (prime number 2**16-15) ;;
;; The magic numbers let the program know whether it has been loaded by ;;
;; this boot sector or by MS-DOS, which may be handy for universal, bare- ;;
;; metal and MS-DOS programs. ;;
;; ;;
[BITS 16]
;;? equ 0
ImageLoadSeg equ 60h ; <=07Fh because of "push byte ImageLoadSeg" instructions
[SECTION .text]
[ORG 0]
;; Boot sector starts here ;;
jmp short start ; MS-DOS/Windows checks for this jump
bsOemName DB "BootProg" ; 0x03
;; BPB starts here ;;
bpbBytesPerSector DW 512 ; 0x0B
bpbSectorsPerCluster DB 1 ; 0x0D
bpbReservedSectors DW 1 ; 0x0E
bpbNumberOfFATs DB 2 ; 0x10
bpbRootEntries DW 224 ; 0x11
bpbTotalSectors DW 2880 ; 0x13
bpbMedia DB 0F0h ; 0x15
bpbSectorsPerFAT DW 9 ; 0x16
bpbSectorsPerTrack DW 18 ; 0x18
bpbHeadsPerCylinder DW 2 ; 0x1A
bpbHiddenSectors DD 0 ; 0x1C
bpbTotalSectorsBig DD 0 ; 0x20
;; BPB ends here ;;
bsDriveNumber DB 0 ; 0x24
bsUnused DB 0 ; 0x25
bsExtBootSignature DB 29H ; 0x26
bsSerialNumber DD 11223344h ; 0x27
bsVolumeLabel DB "NO NAME " ; 0x2B
bsFileSystem DB "FAT12 " ; 0x36
;; Boot sector code starts here ;;
;; How much RAM is there? ;;
int 12h ; get conventional memory size (in KBs)
shl ax, 6 ; and convert it to 16-byte paragraphs
;; Reserve memory for the boot sector and its stack ;;
sub ax, 512 / 16 ; reserve 512 bytes for the boot sector code
mov es, ax ; es:0 -> top - 512
sub ax, 2048 / 16 ; reserve 2048 bytes for the stack
mov ss, ax ; ss:0 -> top - 512 - 2048
mov sp, 2048 ; 2048 bytes for the stack
;; Copy ourselves to top of memory ;;
mov cx, 256
mov si, 7C00h
xor di, di
mov ds, di
rep movsw
;; Jump to the copy ;;
push es
push byte main
push cs
pop ds
mov [bsDriveNumber], dl ; store BIOS boot drive number
;; Reserve memory for the FAT12 image (6KB max) ;;
;; and load it in its entirety ;;
mov ax, [bpbBytesPerSector]
shr ax, 4 ; ax = sector size in paragraphs
mov cx, [bpbSectorsPerFAT] ; cx = FAT size in sectors
mul cx ; ax = FAT size in paragraphs
mov di, ss
sub di, ax
mov es, di
xor bx, bx ; es:bx -> buffer for the FAT
mov ax, [bpbHiddenSectors]
mov dx, [bpbHiddenSectors+2]
add ax, [bpbReservedSectors]
adc dx, bx ; dx:ax = LBA
call ReadSector
;; Reserve memory for the root directory ;;
;; and load it in its entirety ;;
mov bx, ax
mov di, dx ; save LBA to di:bx
mov ax, 32
mov si, [bpbRootEntries]
mul si
div word [bpbBytesPerSector]
mov cx, ax ; cx = root directory size in sectors
mov al, [bpbNumberOfFATs]
mul word [bpbSectorsPerFAT]
add ax, bx
adc dx, di ; dx:ax = LBA
push es ; push FAT segment (2nd parameter)
push byte ImageLoadSeg
pop es
xor bx, bx ; es:bx -> buffer for root directory
call ReadSector
add ax, cx
adc dx, bx ; adjust LBA for cluster data
push dx
push ax ; push LBA for data (1st parameter)
;; Look for the COM/EXE file to load and run ;;
mov di, bx ; es:di -> root entries array
mov dx, si ; dx = number of root entries
mov si, ProgramName ; ds:si -> program name
;; Looks for a file/dir by its name ;;
;; Input: DS:SI -> file name (11 chars) ;;
;; ES:DI -> root directory array ;;
;; DX = number of root entries ;;
;; Output: SI = cluster number ;;
mov cx, 11
cmp byte [es:di], ch
je FindNameFailed ; end of root directory
repe cmpsb
je FindNameFound
add di, 32
dec dx
jnz FindNameCycle ; next root entry
jmp ErrFind
mov si, [es:di+1Ah] ; si = cluster no.
;; Load the entire file ;;
;; Reads a FAT12 cluster ;;
;; Inout: ES:BX -> buffer ;;
;; SI = cluster no ;;
;; Output: SI = next cluster ;;
;; ES:BX -> next addr ;;
mov bp, sp
lea ax, [si-2]
xor ch, ch
mov cl, [bpbSectorsPerCluster]
; cx = sector count
mul cx
add ax, [bp]
adc dx, [bp+1*2]
; dx:ax = LBA
call ReadSector
mov ax, [bpbBytesPerSector]
shr ax, 4 ; ax = paragraphs per sector
mul cx ; ax = paragraphs read
mov cx, es
add cx, ax
mov es, cx ; es:bx updated
mov ax, 3
mul si
shr ax, 1
xchg ax, si ; si = cluster * 3 / 2
push ds
mov ds, [bp+2*2] ; ds = FAT segment
mov si, [si] ; si = next cluster
pop ds
jnc ReadClusterEven
shr si, 4
and si, 0FFFh ; mask cluster value
cmp si, 0FF8h
jc ReadNextCluster ; if not End Of File
;; Type detection, .COM or .EXE? ;;
push byte ImageLoadSeg
pop ds
mov ax, ds ; ax=ds=seg the file is loaded to
cmp word [0], 5A4Dh ; "MZ" signature?
je RelocateEXE ; yes, it's an EXE program
;; Setup and run a .COM program ;;
sub ax, 10h ; "org 100h" stuff :)
mov es, ax
mov ds, ax
mov ss, ax
xor sp, sp
push es
push word 100h
jmp short Run
;; Relocate, setup and run a .EXE program ;;
add ax, [08h] ; ax = image base
mov cx, [06h] ; cx = reloc items
mov bx, [18h] ; bx = reloc table pointer
jcxz RelocationDone
mov di, [bx] ; di = item ofs
mov dx, [bx+2] ; dx = item seg (rel)
add dx, ax ; dx = item seg (abs)
push ds
mov ds, dx ; ds = dx
add [di], ax ; fixup
pop ds
add bx, 4 ; point to next entry
loop ReloCycle
mov bx, ax
add bx, [0Eh]
mov ss, bx ; ss for EXE
mov sp, [10h] ; sp for EXE
add ax, [16h] ; cs
push ax
push word [14h] ; ip
mov dl, [cs:bsDriveNumber] ; pass the BIOS boot drive
;; Set the magic numbers so the program knows that it ;;
;; has been loaded by this bootsector and not by MS-DOS ;;
mov si, 16381 ; prime number 2**14-3
mov di, 32749 ; prime number 2**15-19
mov bp, 65521 ; prime number 2**16-15
;; All done, transfer control to the program now ;;
;; Reads a sector using BIOS Int 13h fn 2 ;;
;; Input: DX:AX = LBA ;;
;; CX = sector count ;;
;; ES:BX -> buffer address ;;
;; Output: CF = 1 if error ;;
mov di, 5 ; attempts to read
div word [bpbSectorsPerTrack]
; ax = LBA / SPT
; dx = LBA % SPT = sector - 1
mov cx, dx
inc cx
; cx = sector no.
xor dx, dx
div word [bpbHeadsPerCylinder]
; ax = (LBA / SPT) / HPC = cylinder
; dx = (LBA / SPT) % HPC = head
mov ch, al
; ch = LSB 0...7 of cylinder no.
shl ah, 6
or cl, ah
; cl = MSB 8...9 of cylinder no. + sector no.
mov dh, dl
; dh = head no.
mov dl, [bsDriveNumber]
; dl = drive no.
mov ax, 201h
; al = sector count = 1
; ah = 2 = read function no.
int 13h ; read sectors
jnc ReadSectorDone ; CF = 0 if no error
xor ah, ah ; ah = 0 = reset function
int 13h ; reset drive
dec di
jnz ReadSectorRetry ; extra attempt
jmp short ErrRead
dec cx
jz ReadSectorDone2 ; last sector
add bx, [bpbBytesPerSector] ; adjust offset for next sector
add ax, 1
adc dx, 0 ; adjust LBA for next sector
jmp short ReadSectorNext
;; Error Messaging Code ;;
mov si, MsgErrRead
jmp short Error
mov si, MsgErrFind
mov ah, 0Eh
mov bx, 7
int 10h ; 1st char
int 10h ; 2nd char
xor ah, ah
int 16h ; wait for a key...
mov dl, [bsDriveNumber] ; restore BIOS boot drive number
int 19h ; bootstrap
;; String constants ;;
MsgErrRead db "RE"
MsgErrFind db "NF"
;; Fill free space with zeroes ;;
times (512-13-($-$$)) db 0
;; Name of the file to load and run ;;
ProgramName db "FORTH COM" ; name and extension each must be
; padded with spaces (11 bytes total)
;; End of the sector ID ;;
dw 0AA55h ; BIOS checks for this ID