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synced 2025-02-27 03:28:59 +00:00
273 lines
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273 lines
17 KiB
\ *** Block No. 0 Hexblock 0
\\ *** Tools *** 25may86we
In diesem File sind die wichtigsten Debugging-Tools enthalten.
Dazu geh<EFBFBD>ren ein einfacher Decompiler, ein Speicherdump und
der Tracer (s. Kapitel im Handbuch)
Vor allem der Tracer hat sich als sehr sinnvolles Werkzeug bei
der Fehlerbek<EFBFBD>mpfung entwickelt. Normalerweise sind Fehlerquel-
len beim Tracen sofort auffindbar, manchmal allerdings auch
nicht ganz so schnell ...
\ *** Block No. 1 Hexblock 1
\ Loadscreen for simple decompiler 26oct86we
Onlyforth Vocabulary Tools Tools also definitions
1 5 +thru
6 +load \ Tracer
\ *** Block No. 2 Hexblock 2
\ Tools for decompiling 26oct86we
| : ?: dup 4 u.r ." :" ;
| : @? dup @ 6 u.r ;
| : c? dup c@ 3 .r ;
: s ( adr - adr+ )
?: space c? 3 spaces dup 1+ over c@ type
dup c@ + 1+ even ;
: n ( adr - adr+2 ) ?: @? 2 spaces dup @ >name .name 2+ ;
: k ( adr - adr+2 ) ?: 5 spaces @? 2+ ;
: b ( adr - adr+1) ?: @? dup @ over + 5 u.r 2+ ;
\ *** Block No. 3 Hexblock 3
\ Tools for decompiling 26oct86we
: d ( adr n - adr+n)
2dup swap ?: swap 0 DO c? 1+ LOOP 2 spaces -rot type ;
: c ( adr - adr+1) 1 d ;
: dump ( adr n -) bounds ?DO cr I 10 d drop stop? IF LEAVE
\ dekompiliere String Name Konstant Char Branch Dump
\ = = = = = =
\ *** Block No. 4 Hexblock 4
\ General Dump Utility - Output 26oct86we
| : .2 ( n -- ) 0 <# # # #> type space ;
| : .6 ( d -- ) <# # # # # # # #> type ;
| : d.2 ( addr len -- ) bounds ?DO I c@ .2 LOOP ;
| : emit. ( char -- ) $7F and
dup bl $7E uwithin not IF drop Ascii . THEN emit ;
| : dln ( addr --- )
cr dup 6 u.r 2 spaces 8 2dup d.2 space
over + 8 d.2 space $10 bounds ?DO I c@ EMIT. LOOP ;
| : ?.n ( n1 n2 -- n1 )
2dup = IF ." \/" drop ELSE 2 .r THEN space ;
| : ?.a ( n1 n2 -- n1 )
2dup = IF ." v" drop ELSE 1 .r THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 5 Hexblock 5
\ Longdump basics 24aug86we
| : ld.2 ( hiaddr loaddr len -- hiaddr )
bounds ?DO I over lc@ .2 LOOP ;
| : ldln ( hiaddr loaddr -- )
cr dup >r over .6 2 spaces
r@ 8 ld.2 space r@ 8 + 8 ld.2 space
r> $10 bounds ?DO I over lc@ emit. LOOP drop ;
| : .head ( addr len -- addr' len' )
swap dup -$10 and swap $0F and cr 8 spaces
8 0 DO I ?.n LOOP space $10 8 DO I ?.n LOOP
space $10 0 DO I ?.a LOOP rot + ;
\ *** Block No. 6 Hexblock 6
\ Dump and Fill Memory Utility 10sep86we
Forth definitions
: ldump ( laddr len -- )
base push hex >r swap r> .head
bounds ?DO dup I ldln stop? IF LEAVE THEN
I $FFF0 = IF 1+ THEN $10 +LOOP drop ;
: dump ( addr len -- )
base push hex .head
bounds ?DO I dln stop? IF LEAVE THEN $10 +LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 7 Hexblock 7
\ Trace Loadscreen 26oct86we
Onlyforth \needs Tools Vocabulary Tools
Tools also definitions
\needs cpush 1 +load
\needs >absaddr : >absaddr 0 forthstart d+ ;
2 8 +thru
\ *** Block No. 8 Hexblock 8
\ throw status on Return-Stack 26oct86we
| Create: cpull
rp@ count 2dup + even rp! r> swap cmove ;
: cpush ( addr len --) r> -rot over >r
rp@ over 2+ - even dup rp! place cpull >r >r ;
\ *** Block No. 9 Hexblock 9
\ Variables do-trace 10sep86we
| Variable (W \ Variable for saving W
| Variable <ip \ start of trace trap range
| Variable ip> \ end of trace trap range
| Variable nest? \ True if NEST shall performed
| Variable newnext \ Address of new Next for tracing
| Variable last' \ holds adr of position in traced word
| Variable #spaces \ for indenting nested trace
| Variable trap? \ True if trace is allowed
\ *** Block No. 10 Hexblock A
\ install Tracer 11sep86we
Label trnext 0 # D6 move .l 0 D6 FP DI) jmp end-code
Label (do-trace newnext R#) D0 move D0 trnext 2+ R#) move
.w trnext # D6 move .l D6 reg) A0 lea A0 D5 move
.w UP R#) D6 move
.l ' next-link >body c@ D6 FP DI) D6 .w move
BEGIN .l D6 reg) A1 lea .w D6 tst 0<>
WHILE .w &10 # A1 suba .l D5 A0 move
A0 )+ A1 )+ move A0 )+ A1 )+ move
.w 2 A1 addq A1 ) D6 move
REPEAT rts end-code
Code do-trace \ opposite of end-trace
(do-trace bsr Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 11 Hexblock B
\ reenter tracer 04sep86we
| : oneline .status space query interpret -&82 allot
rdrop ( delete quit from tracenext ) ;
| Code (step
RP )+ D7 move .l D7 IP lmove FP IP adda
.w (W R#) D7 move -1 # trap? R#) move
Label fnext
D7 reg) D6 move D6 reg) jmp end-code
| Create: nextstep (step ;
: (debug ( addr -- ) \ start tracing at addr
dup <ip ! BEGIN 1+ dup @ ['] unnest = UNTIL 2+ ip> ! ;
\ *** Block No. 12 Hexblock C
\ check trace conditions 10sep86we
Label tracenext tracenext newnext !
IP )+ D7 move
trap? R#) tst fnext beq
.b nest? R#) D0 move \ byte order!!
0= IF .l IP D0 move FP D0 sub
.w <ip R#) D0 cmp fnext bcs
ip> R#) D0 cmp fnext bhi
ELSE .b 0 # nest? R#) move THEN \ low byte still set
\ one trace condition satisfied
.w D7 (W R#) move trap? R#) clr
\ *** Block No. 13 Hexblock D
\ tracer display 26oct86we
;c: nest? @
IF nest? off r> ip> push <ip push dup 2- (debug
#spaces push 1 #spaces +! >r THEN
r@ nextstep >r input push output push standardi/o
2- dup last' !
cr #spaces @ spaces dup 5 u.r @ dup 6 u.r 2 spaces
>name .name $1C col - 0 max spaces .s
state push blk push >in push ['] 'quit >body push
[ ' >interpret >body ] Literal push
#tib push tib #tib @ cpush r0 push rp@ r0 !
&82 allot ['] oneline Is 'quit quit ;
\ *** Block No. 14 Hexblock E
\ DEBUG with errorchecking 11sep86we
| : traceable ( cfa -- adr)
recursive dup @
['] : @ case? ?exit
['] key @ case? IF >body c@ Input @ + @ traceable exit THEN
['] type @ case? IF >body c@ Output @ + @ traceable exit THEN
['] r/w @ case? IF >body @ traceable exit THEN
drop dup @ @ $4EAB = IF @ 4+ exit THEN \ 68000 voodoo code
>name .name ." can't be DEBUGged" quit ;
: nest \ trace next high-level word executed
last' @ @ traceable drop nest? on ;
: unnest \ ends tracing of actual word
<ip on ip> off ; \ clears trap range
\ *** Block No. 15 Hexblock F
\ misc. words for tracing bp 9Mar86
: endloop \ sets trap range next current word
last' @ 4+ <ip ! ; \ used to skip LOOPs, REPEATs, ...
' end-trace Alias unbug
Forth definitions
: debug ( --) \ reads a word
' traceable Tools (debug
nest? off trap? on #spaces off do-trace ;
: trace' ( --) \ traces fol. word
debug <ip perform end-trace ;