mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 21:30:59 +00:00
Extract screens $8 and $7e to $94 from vforth4_2.fth and make vf-c16 build
independent of vforth4_2.d64, i.e. now for C16 VolksForth sources are fully text-file based, too, like for the C64 already. Only transient TC part still comes from tc38q.d64
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
8 fthpage
\ ram rom jsr NormJsr f.C16+ clv12.4.87)
Assembler also definitions
\ C16+Macros for Bankswitching
: ram $ff3f sta ; : rom $ff3e sta ;
' Jsr Alias NormJsr Defer Jsr
: C16+Jsr dup $c000 u>
IF rom NormJsr ram ELSE NormJsr THEN ;
' C16+Jsr Is Jsr
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ hex
\ load transient part of target compiler
2 drive 27 30 thru
1 drive
Onlyforth hex
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ include vf-pr-target.fth
\ The actual volksForth sources
include vf-sys-indep.fth
$7E $93 thru \ CBM-Interface
include vf-sys-c16.fth
include vf-finalize.fth
include vf-pr-target.fth
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ hex
\ load transient part of target compiler
2 drive 27 30 thru
1 drive
Onlyforth hex
@ -27,15 +26,11 @@ cr .( Host is: )
include vf-pr-target.fth
\ The actual volksForth sources
\ including some initial C16 tweaks
Assembler also definitions
\needs C16+Jsr 8 load
' C16+Jsr Is Jsr
\ including an initial C16+ tweak
include vf-c16+jsr.fth
include vf-sys-indep.fth
$7E $93 thru \ CBM-Interface
(c16+ $94 load ) \ c16init RamIRQ
include vf-sys-c16.fth
include vf-finalize.fth
include vf-pr-target.fth
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
\ *** Block No. 126, Hexblock 7e
7e fthpage
\ CBM-Labels 05nov87re
$FFA5 >label ACPTR
$FFC6 >label CHKIN
$FFC9 >label CHKOUT
$FFD2 >label CHROUT
$FF81 >label CINT
$FFA8 >label CIOUT
$FFC3 >label CLOSE
$FFE4 >label GETIN
$FF84 >label IOINIT
$FFB1 >label LISTEN
$FFC0 >label OPEN
$FFF0 >label PLOT
$FF8A >label RESTOR
$FF93 >label SECOND
$FFE1 >label STOP
$FFB4 >label TALK
$FF96 >label TKSA
$FFEA >label UDTIM
$FFAE >label UNLSN
$FFAB >label UNTLK
$FFCF >label CHRIN
$FF99 >label MEMTOP
\ *** Block No. 128, Hexblock 80
80 fthpage
\ C16-Labels clv13.4.87)
0ff4c >label ConOut
09a >label MsgFlg
099 >label OutDev
098 >label InDev
0ff19 >label BrdCol
0ff15 >label BkgCol
0540 >label PenCol
09d >label PrgEnd
0b2 >label IOBeg
0cb >label CurFlg
0cf >label InsCnt
0540 >label KeyRep
055d >label PKeys
\ *** Block No. 129, Hexblock 81
81 fthpage
\ C16 c64key? getkey
Code c64key? ( -- flag)
0ef lda 055d ora
0<> ?[ 0FF # lda ]? pha
Push jmp end-code
Code getkey ( -- 8b)
0ebdd jsr
0A0 # cmp 0= ?[ bl # lda ]?
Push0A jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 130, Hexblock 82
82 fthpage
\ C16 curon curoff
Code curon \ --
0ca lda clc 0c8 adc 0ff0d sta
0c9 lda 0 # adc 0b # sbc 0ff0c sta
next jmp end-code
Code curoff \ --
0ff # lda ff0c sta 0ff0d sta Next jmp
\ *** Block No. 131, Hexblock 83
83 fthpage
( #bs #cr ..keyboard clv12.4.87)
: c64key ( -- 8b)
curon BEGIN pause c64key? UNTIL
curoff getkey ;
14 Constant #bs 0D Constant #cr
: c64decode
( addr cnt1 key -- addr cnt2)
#bs case? IF dup IF del 1- THEN
exit THEN
#cr case? IF dup span ! exit THEN
>r 2dup + r@ swap c! r> emit 1+ ;
: c64expect ( addr len1 -- )
span ! 0
BEGIN dup span @ u<
WHILE key decode
REPEAT 2drop space ;
Input: keyboard [ here input ! ]
c64key c64key? c64decode c64expect ;
\ *** Block No. 132, Hexblock 84
84 fthpage
( con! printable? clv11.4.87)
Code con! ( 8b --) SP X) lda
Label (con! ConOut jsr SP 2inc
Label (con!end CurFlg stx InsCnt stx
1 # ldy ;c: pause ;
Label (printable? \ for CBM-Code !
\ CS is printable
80 # cmp CC ?[ bl # cmp rts ]?
0E0 # cmp CC ?[ 0C0 # cmp rts ]?
clc rts end-code
Code printable? ( 8b -- 8b flag)
SP X) lda (printable? jsr CS ?[ dex ]?
txa PushA jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 133, Hexblock 85
85 fthpage
( emit cr del page at at? clv11.4.87)
Code c64emit ( 8b -- )
SP X) lda (printable? jsr
CC ?[ Ascii . # lda ]?
(con! jmp end-code
: c64cr #cr con! ;
: c64del 9D con! space 9D con! ;
: c64page 93 con! ;
Code c64at ( row col --)
2 # lda Setup jsr
N 2+ ldx N ldy clc PLOT jsr
(C16 \ ) 0D3 ldy 0D1 )Y lda 0CE sta
xyNext jmp end-code
Code c64at? ( -- row col)
SP 2dec txa SP )Y sta
sec PLOT jsr
28 # cpy tya CS ?[ 28 # sbc ]?
pha txa 0 # ldx SP X) sta pla
Push0A jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 134, Hexblock 86
86 fthpage
( type display (bye clv11.4.87)
Code c64type ( adr len -- )
2 # lda Setup jsr 0 # ldy
[[ N cpy 0<>
?[[ N 2+ )Y lda (printable? jsr
CC ?[ Ascii . # lda ]?
ConOut jsr iny ]]?
(con!end jmp end-code
Output: display [ here output ! ]
c64emit c64cr c64type c64del c64page
c64at c64at? ;
(C64 | Create (bye $FCE2 here 2- ! )
(C16- | Create (bye $FF52 here 2- ! )
(C16+ | CODE (bye rom $FF52 jmp end-code )
\ *** Block No. 135, Hexblock 87
87 fthpage
\ b/blk drive >drive drvinit clv14:2x87
400 Constant b/blk
0AA Constant blk/drv
Variable (drv 0 (drv !
| : disk ( -- dev.no ) (drv @ 8 + ;
: drive ( drv# -- )
blk/drv * offset ! ;
: >drive ( block drv# -- block' )
blk/drv * + offset @ - ;
: drv? ( block -- drv# )
offset @ + blk/drv / ;
: drvinit noop ;
\ *** Block No. 136, Hexblock 88
88 fthpage
( i/o busoff 10may85we)
Variable i/o 0 i/o ! \ Semaphore
Code busoff ( --) CLRCHN jsr
Label unlocki/o 1 # ldy 0 # ldx
;c: i/o unlock ;
Label nodevice 0 # ldx 1 # ldy
;c: busoff buffers unlock
true Abort" no device" ;
\ *** Block No. 137, Hexblock 89
89 fthpage
\ ?device clv12jul87
Label (?dev
90 stx (C16 $ae sta ( ) LISTEN jsr
\ because of error in OS
60 # lda SECOND jsr UNLSN jsr
90 lda 0<> ?[ pla pla nodevice jmp ]?
rts end-code
Code (?device ( dev --)
SP X) lda (?dev jsr SP 2inc
unlocki/o jmp end-code
: ?device ( dev -- )
i/o lock (?device ;
Code (busout ( dev 2nd -- )
MsgFlg stx 2 # lda Setup jsr
N 2+ lda (?dev jsr
N 2+ lda LISTEN jsr
N lda 60 # ora SECOND jsr
N 2+ ldx OutDev stx
xyNext jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 138, Hexblock 8a
8a fthpage
\ busout/open/close/in clv12jul87
: busout ( dev 2nd -- )
i/o lock (busout ;
: busopen ( dev 2nd -- )
0F0 or busout ;
: busclose ( dev 2nd -- )
0E0 or busout busoff ;
Code (busin ( dev 2nd -- )
MsgFlg stx 2 # lda Setup jsr
N 2+ lda (?dev jsr
N 2+ lda TALK jsr
N lda 60 # ora (C16 $ad sta ( )
TKSA jsr
\ because of error in old C16 OS
N 2+ ldx InDev stx
xyNext jmp end-code
: busin ( dev 2nd -- )
i/o lock (busin ;
\ *** Block No. 139, Hexblock 8b
8b fthpage
( bus-!/type/@/input derror? 24feb85re)
Code bus! ( 8b --)
SP X) lda CIOUT jsr (xydrop jmp
: bustype ( adr n --)
bounds ?DO I c@ bus! LOOP pause ;
Code bus@ ( -- 8b)
ACPTR jsr Push0A jmp end-code
: businput ( adr n --)
bounds ?DO bus@ I c! LOOP pause ;
: derror? ( -- flag )
disk $F busin bus@ dup Ascii 0 -
IF BEGIN emit bus@ dup #cr = UNTIL
0= cr THEN 0= busoff ;
\ *** Block No. 140, Hexblock 8c
8c fthpage
( s#>s+t x,x 28may85re)
165 | Constant 1.t
1EA | Constant 2.t
256 | Constant 3.t
| : (s#>s+t ( sector# -- sect track)
dup 1.t u< IF 15 /mod exit THEN
3 + dup 2.t u< IF 1.t - 13 /mod 11 +
exit THEN
dup 3.t u< IF 2.t - 12 /mod 18 +
exit THEN
3.t - 11 /mod 1E + ;
| : s#>t+s ( sector# -- track sect )
(s#>s+t 1+ swap ;
| : x,x ( sect track -- adr count)
base push decimal
0 <# #s drop Ascii , hold #s #> ;
\ *** Block No. 141, Hexblock 8d
8d fthpage
( readsector writesector 28may85re)
100 | Constant b/sek
: readsector ( adr tra# sect# -- flag)
disk 0F busout
" u1:13,0," count bustype
x,x bustype busoff pause
derror? ?exit
disk 0D busin b/sek businput busoff
false ;
: writesector ( adr tra# sect# -- flag)
rot disk 0F busout
" b-p:13,0" count bustype busoff
disk 0D busout b/sek bustype busoff
disk 0F busout
" u2:13,0," count bustype
x,x bustype busoff pause derror? ;
\ *** Block No. 142, Hexblock 8e
8e fthpage
( 1541r/w 28may85re)
: diskopen ( -- flag)
disk 0D busopen Ascii # bus! busoff
derror? ;
: diskclose ( -- )
disk 0D busclose busoff ;
: 1541r/w ( adr blk file r/wf -- flag)
swap Abort" no file"
-rot blk/drv /mod dup (drv ! 3 u>
IF . ." beyond capacity" nip exit THEN
diskopen IF drop nip exit THEN
0 swap 2* 2* 4 bounds
DO drop 2dup I rot
IF s#>t+s readsector
ELSE s#>t+s writesector THEN
>r b/sek + r> dup IF LEAVE THEN
LOOP -rot 2drop diskclose ;
' 1541r/w Is r/w
\ *** Block No. 143, Hexblock 8f
8f fthpage
\ index findex ink-pot 05nov87re
: index ( from to --)
1+ swap DO
cr I 2 .r I block 1+ 25 type
: findex ( from to --)
diskopen IF 2drop exit THEN
1+ swap DO cr I 2 .r
pad dup I 2* 2* s#>t+s readsector
>r 1+ 25 type
r> stop? or IF LEAVE THEN
LOOP diskclose ;
Create ink-pot
\ border bkgnd pen 0
(C64 6 c, 6 c, 3 c, 0 c, ) \ Forth
(C64 0E c, 6 c, 3 c, 0 c, ) \ Edi
(C64 6 c, 6 c, 3 c, 0 c, ) \ User
(C16 f6 c, 0f6 c, 03 c, 0 c, ) \ Forth
(C16 0eE c, 0f6 c, 03 c, 0 c, ) \ Edi
(C16 0f6 c, 0f6 c, 03 c, 0 c, ) \ User
\ *** Block No. 146, Hexblock 92
92 fthpage
\ C16:Init 01oct87clv/re)
Code init-system $F7 # ldx txs
xyNext jmp end-code
$fcb3 >label IRQ \ normal IRQ
$fffe >label >IRQ \ 6502-Ptr to IRQ
\ selfmodifying code:
Label RAMIRQ \ the new IRQ
rom RAMIRQ $15 + sta RAMIRQ $17 + stx
( +9) RAMIRQ $1b + $100 u/mod # lda pha
# lda pha
( +f) tsx $103 ,x lda pha \ flags
( +14) 0 # lda 0 # ldx IRQ jmp
( +1b) ram rti end-code
\ *** Block No. 147, Hexblock 93
93 fthpage
\ C16:..Init 01oct87clv/re)
Label first-init
\ will be called in ROM first time
\ later called from RAM
sei rom
RAMIRQ $100 u/mod \ new IRQ
# lda >IRQ 1+ sta \ .. install
# lda >IRQ sta
$FF84 normJsr $FF8A normJsr
\ CIAs init. and set I/O-Vectors
ink-pot lda BrdCol sta \ border
ink-pot 1+ lda BkgCol sta \ backgrnd
ink-pot 2+ lda PenCol sta \ pen
$80 # lda KeyRep sta \ repeat all keys
$FF13 lda 04 # ora $FF13 sta \ low/upp
ram cli rts end-code
first-init dup bootsystem 1+ !
warmboot 1+ !
Code c64init first-init jsr
xyNext jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 148, Hexblock 94
94 fthpage
\ C16-Pushkeys C64-like 01oct87clv/re)
Label InitPKs \ Pushkeys: Daten
00 c, 00 c, \ curr. numb Char, currPtr
01 c, 01 c, 01 c, 01 c, \ StrLength
01 c, 01 c, 01 c, 01 c, \ "
85 c, 86 c, 87 c, 89 c, \ Content
8a c, 8b c, 8c c, 88 c, \ "
here InitPKs - >label InitPKlen
Code C64fkeys \ Pushkeys a la C64
InitPKlen # ldx
[[ dex 0>= ?[[
InitPKs ,X lda PKeys ,x sta ]]?
xyNext jmp end-code
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ Create ink-pot
\ *** Block No. 144, Hexblock 90
90 fthpage
\ restore 05nov87re
\ C64 restore
Label asave 0 c, Label 1save 0 c,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user