mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 11:31:35 +00:00
Merge pull request #39 from pzembrod/msdos-file
First MSDOS VolksForth version with and without block words: volksFORTH 3.9.1-MSDOS
This commit is contained in:
@ -162,31 +162,31 @@ emulator/sdcard.img: emulator/sdcard.sfdisk
test-v4thblk-c64.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double block report-blk)
cat $? > $@
cat $^ > $@
test-v4th-c64.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $? > $@
cat $^ > $@
test-v4thblk-c16+.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double block report-blk)
cat $? > $@
cat $^ > $@
test-v4th-c16+.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $? > $@
cat $^ > $@
test-v4thblk-c16-.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core)
cat $? > $@
cat $^ > $@
test-v4th-c16-.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $? > $@
cat $^ > $@
test-v4th-x16.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $? > $@
cat $^ > $@
# Rules for building Forth binaries on top of the plain vanilla
# c64-volksforth83.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ fbfiles_uppercase = $(wildcard src/*.FB tests/*.FB)
fthfiles_caseconverted = $(patsubst %.fb, %.fth, \
$(shell ../../tools/echo-tolower.py $(fbfiles_uppercase)))
test: incltest.result logtest.result test-min.result \
test: incltest.result logtest.result test-std.result test-blk.result \
incltest-volks4th.result test-volks4th-min.result
fth: $(fthfiles) $(fthfiles_caseconverted)
@ -24,14 +24,27 @@ metafile.com: v4thfile.com src/meta.fb src/mk-meta.fth tests/log2file.fb
dos2unix -n OUTPUT.LOG metafile.log
grep -F 'Metacompiler saved as metafile.com' metafile.log
v4th.com: metafile.com src/meta.fb src/mk-v4th.fth \
src/vf86core.fth src/vf86dos.fth
v4th.com: metafile.com src/meta.fb src/v4th.fth src/vf86core.fth \
src/vf86dos.fth src/vf86file.fth src/vf86end.fth
rm -f v4th.com V4TH.COM OUTPUT.LOG
FORTHPATH="f:\\;f:\\src;f:\\tests" ./emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh \
metafile.com "include mk-v4th.fth"
metafile.com "include v4th.fth"
dos2unix -n OUTPUT.LOG v4th.log
mv V4TH.COM v4th.com
grep -F 'unresolved:' v4th.log
grep -F 'new kernel written as v4th.com' v4th.log
grep -i 'unresolved:.*[^ ]' v4th.log && exit 1 || true
v4thblk.com: metafile.com src/meta.fb src/v4thblk.fth src/vf86core.fth \
src/vf86dos.fth src/vf86file.fth src/vf86bufs.fth src/vf86end.fth
rm -f v4thblk.com V4THBLK.COM OUTPUT.LOG
FORTHPATH="f:\\;f:\\src;f:\\tests" ./emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh \
metafile.com "include v4thblk.fth"
dos2unix -n OUTPUT.LOG v4thblk.log
mv V4THBLK.COM v4thblk.com
grep -F 'unresolved:' v4thblk.log
grep -F 'new kernel written as v4thblk.com' v4thblk.log
grep -i 'unresolved:.*[^ ]' v4thblk.log && exit 1 || true
# o4th for old volks4th - the new v4th is built with precompiled
# metacompiler metafile.com and mk-v4th.fth which writes a compile log.
@ -60,22 +73,90 @@ logappendtest.log: v4thfile.com tests/logapp.fth
prepsrcs = asm.fb extend.fb multi.vid dos.fb include.fb
prepfths = asm.fb extend.fb multi.vid dos.fb include.fb 86asm.fth \
t86asm.fth extend2.fth multivid.fth dos2.fth dos3.fth
incltest.log: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4th.com $(prepsrcs) log2file.fb \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4thblk.com $(prepsrcs) log2file.fb \
rm -f dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG
(cd dosfiles && ../emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh \
v4th.com "include include.fb include incltest.fth")
v4thblk.com "include incltest.fth")
dos2unix -n dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG $@
test-min.log: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4th.com $(prepsrcs)) \
test-std.log: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4th.com $(prepfths)) \
$(patsubst tests/%, dosfiles/%, $(wildcard tests/*.*))
rm -f dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG
(cd dosfiles && ../emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh v4th.com \
"include testprep.fb include test-min.fth")
"include logprep.fth include test-std.fth")
dos2unix -n dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG $@
test-blk.log: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4thblk.com $(prepfths)) \
$(patsubst tests/%, dosfiles/%, $(wildcard tests/*.*))
rm -f dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG
(cd dosfiles && ../emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh v4thblk.com \
"include logprep.fth include test-blk.fth")
dos2unix -n dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG $@
forthblkdos: v4thblk.dos v4thblk.forth
forthdos: forthblkdos v4thfile.dos v4thfile.forth v4th0.dos v4th0.forth
v4th0.dos: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4th.com $(prepfths)) \
$(patsubst tests/%, dosfiles/%, $(wildcard tests/*.*))
rm -f dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG
(cd dosfiles && ../emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh v4th.com \
"include logprep.fth include vocdos.fth")
dos2unix -n dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG output.log
tr " " "\n" <output.log | sort >$@
v4th0.forth: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4th.com $(prepfths)) \
$(patsubst tests/%, dosfiles/%, $(wildcard tests/*.*))
rm -f dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG
(cd dosfiles && ../emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh v4th.com \
"include logprep.fth include vocforth.fth")
dos2unix -n dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG output.log
tr " " "\n" <output.log | sort >$@
v4thblk.dos: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4thblk.com $(prepfths)) \
$(patsubst tests/%, dosfiles/%, $(wildcard tests/*.*))
rm -f dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG
(cd dosfiles && ../emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh v4thblk.com \
"include logprep.fth include vocdos.fth")
dos2unix -n dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG output.log
tr " " "\n" <output.log | sort >$@
v4thblk.forth: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4thblk.com $(prepfths)) \
$(patsubst tests/%, dosfiles/%, $(wildcard tests/*.*))
rm -f dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG
(cd dosfiles && ../emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh v4thblk.com \
"include logprep.fth include vocforth.fth")
dos2unix -n dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG output.log
tr " " "\n" <output.log | sort >$@
v4thfile.dos: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4thfile.com $(prepfths)) \
$(patsubst tests/%, dosfiles/%, $(wildcard tests/*.*))
rm -f dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG
(cd dosfiles && ../emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh v4thfile.com \
"include log2file.fth include vocdos.fth")
dos2unix -n dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG output.log
tr " " "\n" <output.log | sort >$@
v4thfile.forth: \
$(patsubst %, dosfiles/%, v4thfile.com $(prepfths)) \
$(patsubst tests/%, dosfiles/%, $(wildcard tests/*.*))
rm -f dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG
(cd dosfiles && ../emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh v4thfile.com \
"include log2file.fth include vocforth.fth")
dos2unix -n dosfiles/OUTPUT.LOG output.log
tr " " "\n" <output.log | sort >$@
incltest-volks4th.log: v4thfile.com tests/log2file.fb tests/incltest.fth
@ -95,15 +176,19 @@ run-editor: volks4th.com emulator/run-in-dosbox.sh
test-min.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, prelim core)
cat $? > $@
cat $^ > $@
test-std.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $? > $@
prelim core coreplus coreext doubltst report-noblk)
cat $^ > $@
test-blk.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreplus coreext doubltst block report-blk)
cat $^ > $@
test-volks4th-min.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
volks4th-prelim core)
cat $? > $@
cat $^ > $@
%.golden: tests/golden/%.golden
@ -25,8 +25,16 @@ kernels with build-in .fth interface.
** Binary make targets
=make v4th.com=
builds the new minimal VolksForth kernel v4th.com from
.fth sources using metafile.com.
builds the new minimal VolksForth kernel v4th.com
from .fth sources using metafile.com. v4th.com does not have the block
words and the buffer mechanism anymore. The only way to load code from
files is via =include filename.fth=.
=make v4thblk.com=
builds the new minimal VolksForth kernel v4thblk.com
from .fth sources using metafile.com. v4thblk.com contains the block
words and the buffer mechanism and can load and include both .fth
stream sources and .fb block sources.
=make metafile.com=
builds the metacompiler with included .fth file interface.
@ -47,8 +55,13 @@ adds the .fth file interface to the old volks4th binary.
=make test=
runs all current tests.
=make test-min.result=
runs v4th.com through the initial minimal set of unit tests.
=make test-std.result=
runs v4th.com through the standard set of unit tests, without the block
tests, of course
=make test-blk.result=
runs v4thblk.com through full set of unit tests, including the block
=make test-volks4th-min.result=
runs the same initial minimal set of unit tests on v4thfile.com
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ 8086 Assembler cas 10nov05
\ This 8086 Assembler was written by Klaus Schleisiek.
\ Assembler Definitions are created with the definig word
\ CODE and closed with the word END-CODE.
\ The 8086 Registers naming and usage in volksFORTH
\ Intel vForth Used for 8bit-Register
\ AX A free A+ A-
\ DX D topmost Stackitem D+ D-
\ CX C free C+ C-
\ BX R Returnstack Pointer R+ R-
\ BP U User Pointer
\ SP S Stack Pointer
\ SI I Instruction Pointer
\ DI W Word Pointer, mostly free
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ 8086 Assembler loadscreen cas 10nov05
| : u2/ ( 16b -- 15b ) 2/ $7FFF and ;
| : 8* ( 15b -- 16b ) 2* 2* 2* ;
| : 8/ ( 16b -- 13b ) u2/ 2/ 2/ ;
Vocabulary Assembler
Assembler also definitions
\ 3 &21 thru clear .( Assembler loaded ) cr
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ Code generating primitives cas 10nov05
Variable >codes \ points at table of execution vectors
| Create nrc ] c, , here ! c! [
: nonrelocate nrc >codes ! ; nonrelocate
| : >exec ( n -- n+2 ) Create dup c, 2+
Does> c@ >codes @ + perform ;
0 | >exec >c, | >exec >, | >exec >here
| >exec >! | >exec >c! drop
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ 8086 Registers cas 10nov05
0 Constant A 1 Constant C 2 Constant D 3 Constant R
4 Constant S 5 Constant U 6 Constant I 7 Constant W
' I Alias SI ' W Alias DI ' R Alias BX
8 Constant A- 9 Constant C- $A Constant D- $B Constant R-
$C Constant A+ $D Constant C+ $E Constant D+ $F Constant R+
' R- Alias B- ' R+ Alias B+
$100 Constant E: $101 Constant C:
$102 Constant S: $103 Constant D:
| Variable isize ( specifies Size by prefix)
| : Size: ( n -- ) Create c, Does> c@ isize ! ;
0 Size: byte 1 Size: word word 2 Size: far
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ 8086 Assembler System variables cas 10nov05
| Variable direction \ 0 reg>EA, -1 EA>reg
| Variable size \ 1 word, 0 byte, -1 undefined
| Variable displaced \ 1 direct, 0 nothing, -1 displaced
| Variable displacement
| : setsize isize @ size ! ;
| : long? ( n -- f ) $FF80 and dup 0< not ?exit $FF80 xor ;
| : wexit rdrop word ;
| : moderr word true Abort" invalid" ;
| : ?moderr ( f -- ) 0=exit moderr ;
| : ?word size @ 1- ?moderr ;
| : far? ( -- f ) size @ 2 = ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ 8086 addressing modes cas 10nov05
| Create (EA 7 c, 0 c, 6 c, 4 c, 5 c,
| : () ( 8b1 -- 8b2 )
3 - dup 4 u> over 1 = or ?moderr (EA + c@ ;
-1 Constant # $C6 Constant #) -1 Constant C*
: ) ( u1 -- u2 )
() 6 case? IF 0 $86 exit THEN $C0 or ;
: I) ( u1 u2 -- u3 ) + 9 - dup 3 u> ?moderr $C0 or ;
: D) ( n u1 -- n u2 )
() over long? IF $40 ELSE $80 THEN or ;
: DI) ( n u1 u2 -- n u3 )
I) over long? IF $80 ELSE $40 THEN xor ;
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ 8086 Registers and addressing modes cas 10nov05
| : displaced? ( [n] u1 -- [n] u1 f )
dup #) = IF 1 exit THEN
dup $C0 and dup $40 = swap $80 = or ;
| : displace ( [n] u1 -- u1 ) displaced? ?dup 0=exit
displaced @ ?moderr displaced ! swap displacement ! ;
| : rmode ( u1 -- u2 ) 1 size ! dup 8 and 0=exit
size off $FF07 and ;
| : mmode? ( 9b - 9b f) dup $C0 and ;
| : rmode? ( 8b1 - 8b1 f) mmode? $C0 = ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ 8086 decoding addressing modes cas 10nov05
| : 2address ( [n] source [displ] dest -- 15b / [n] 16b )
size on displaced off dup # = ?moderr mmode?
IF displace False ELSE rmode True THEN direction !
>r # case? IF r> $80C0 xor size @ 1+ ?exit setsize exit
THEN direction @
IF r> 8* >r mmode? IF displace
ELSE dup 8/ 1 and size @ = ?moderr $FF07 and THEN
ELSE rmode 8*
THEN r> or $C0 xor ;
| : 1address ( [displ] 9b -- 9b )
# case? ?moderr size on displaced off direction off
mmode? IF displace setsize ELSE rmode THEN $C0 xor ;
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ 8086 assembler cas 10nov05
| : immediate? ( u -- u f ) dup 0< ;
| : nonimmediate ( u -- u ) immediate? ?moderr ;
| : r/m 7 and ;
| : reg $38 and ;
| : ?akku ( u -- u ff / tf ) dup r/m 0= dup 0=exit nip ;
| : smode? ( u1 -- u1 ff / u2 tf ) dup $F00 and
IF dup $100 and IF dup r/m 8* swap reg 8/
or $C0 or direction off
THEN True exit
THEN False ;
\ *** Block No. 10, Hexblock a
\ 8086 Registers and addressing modes cas 10nov05
| : w, size @ or >c, ;
| : dw, size @ or direction @ IF 2 xor THEN >c, ;
| : ?word, ( u1 f -- ) IF >, exit THEN >c, ;
| : direct, displaced @ 0=exit
displacement @ dup long? displaced @ 1+ or ?word, ;
| : r/m, >c, direct, ;
| : data, size @ ?word, ;
\ *** Block No. 11, Hexblock b
\ 8086 Arithmetic instructions cas 10nov05
| : Arith: ( code -- ) Create ,
Does> @ >r 2address immediate?
IF rmode? IF ?akku IF r> size @
IF 5 or >c, >, wexit THEN
4 or >c, >c, wexit THEN THEN
r@ or $80 size @ or r> 0<
IF size @ IF 2 pick long? 0= IF 2 or size off THEN
THEN THEN >c, >c, direct, data, wexit
THEN r> dw, r/m, wexit ;
$8000 Arith: add $0008 Arith: or
$8010 Arith: adc $8018 Arith: sbb
$0020 Arith: and $8028 Arith: sub
$0030 Arith: xor $8038 Arith: cmp
\ *** Block No. 12, Hexblock c
\ 8086 move push pop cas 10nov05
: mov [ Forth ] 2address immediate?
IF rmode? IF r/m $B0 or size @ IF 8 or THEN
>c, data, wexit
THEN $C6 w, r/m, data, wexit
THEN 6 case? IF $A2 dw, direct, wexit THEN
smode? IF $8C direction @ IF 2 or THEN >c, r/m, wexit
THEN $88 dw, r/m, wexit ;
| : pupo [ Forth ] >r 1address ?word
smode? IF reg 6 r> IF 1+ THEN or >c, wexit THEN
rmode? IF r/m $50 or r> or >c, wexit THEN
r> IF $8F ELSE $30 or $FF THEN >c, r/m, wexit ;
: push 0 pupo ; : pop 8 pupo ;
\ *** Block No. 13, Hexblock d
\ 8086 inc & dec , effective addresses cas 10nov05
| : inc/dec [ Forth ] >r 1address rmode?
IF size @ IF r/m $40 or r> or >c, wexit THEN
THEN $FE w, r> or r/m, wexit ;
: dec 8 inc/dec ; : inc 0 inc/dec ;
| : EA: ( code -- ) Create c, [ Forth ]
Does> >r 2address nonimmediate
rmode? direction @ 0= or ?moderr r> c@ >c, r/m, wexit ;
$C4 EA: les $8D EA: lea $C5 EA: lds
\ *** Block No. 14, Hexblock e
\ 8086 xchg segment prefix cas 10nov05
: xchg [ Forth ] 2address nonimmediate rmode?
IF size @ IF dup r/m 0=
IF 8/ true ELSE dup $38 and 0= THEN
IF r/m $90 or >c, wexit THEN
THEN THEN $86 w, r/m, wexit ;
| : 1addr: ( code -- ) Create c, [ Forth ]
Does> c@ >r 1address $F6 w, r> or r/m, wexit ;
$10 1addr: com $18 1addr: neg
$20 1addr: mul $28 1addr: imul
$38 1addr: idiv $30 1addr: div
: seg ( 8b -) [ Forth ]
$100 xor dup $FFFC and ?moderr 8* $26 or >c, ;
\ *** Block No. 15, Hexblock f
\ 8086 test not neg mul imul div idiv cas 10nov05
: test [ Forth ] 2address immediate?
IF rmode? IF ?akku IF $A8 w, data, wexit THEN THEN
$F6 w, r/m, data, wexit
THEN $84 w, r/m, wexit ;
| : in/out [ Forth ] >r 1address setsize
$C2 case? IF $EC r> or w, wexit THEN
6 - ?moderr $E4 r> or w, displacement @ >c, wexit ;
: out 2 in/out ; : in 0 in/out ;
: int 3 case? IF $CC >c, wexit THEN $CD >c, >c, wexit ;
\ *** Block No. 16, Hexblock 10
\ 8086 shifts and string instructions cas 10nov05
| : Shifts: ( code -- ) Create c, [ Forth ]
Does> c@ >r C* case? >r 1address
r> direction ! $D0 dw, r> or r/m, wexit ;
$00 Shifts: rol $08 Shifts: ror
$10 Shifts: rcl $18 Shifts: rcr
$20 Shifts: shl $28 Shifts: shr
$38 Shifts: sar ' shl Alias sal
| : Str: ( code -- ) Create c,
Does> c@ setsize w, wexit ;
$A6 Str: cmps $AC Str: lods $A4 Str: movs
$AE Str: scas $AA Str: stos
\ *** Block No. 17, Hexblock 11
\ implied 8086 instructions cas 10nov05
: Byte: ( code -- ) Create c, Does> c@ >c, ;
: Word: ( code -- ) Create , Does> @ >, ;
$37 Byte: aaa $AD5 Word: aad $AD4 Word: aam
$3F Byte: aas $98 Byte: cbw $F8 Byte: clc
$FC Byte: cld $FA Byte: cli $F5 Byte: cmc
$99 Byte: cwd $27 Byte: daa $2F Byte: das
$F4 Byte: hlt $CE Byte: into $CF Byte: iret
$9F Byte: lahf $F0 Byte: lock $90 Byte: nop
$9D Byte: popf $9C Byte: pushf $9E Byte: sahf
$F9 Byte: stc $FD Byte: std $FB Byte: sti
$9B Byte: wait $D7 Byte: xlat
$C3 Byte: ret $CB Byte: lret
$F2 Byte: rep $F2 Byte: 0<>rep $F3 Byte: 0=rep
\ *** Block No. 18, Hexblock 12
\ 8086 jmp call conditions cas 10nov05
| : jmp/call >r setsize # case? [ Forth ]
IF far? IF r> IF $EA ELSE $9A THEN >c, swap >, >, wexit
THEN >here 2+ - r>
IF dup long? 0= IF $EB >c, >c, wexit THEN $E9
ELSE $E8 THEN >c, 1- >, wexit
THEN 1address $FF >c, $10 or r> +
far? IF 8 or THEN r/m, wexit ;
: call 0 jmp/call ; : jmp $10 jmp/call ;
$71 Constant OS $73 Constant CS
$75 Constant 0= $77 Constant >=
$79 Constant 0< $7B Constant PE
$7D Constant < $7F Constant <=
$E2 Constant C0= $E0 Constant ?C0=
: not 1 [ Forth ] xor ;
\ *** Block No. 19, Hexblock 13
\ 8086 conditional branching cas 10nov05
: +ret $C2 >c, >, ;
: +lret $CA >c, >, ;
| : ?range dup long? abort" out of range" ;
: ?[ >, >here 1- ;
: ]? >here over 1+ - ?range swap >c! ;
: ][ $EB ?[ swap ]? ;
: ?[[ ?[ swap ;
: [[ >here ;
: ?] >c, >here 1+ - ?range >c, ;
: ]] $EB ?] ;
: ]]? ]] ]? ;
\ *** Block No. 20, Hexblock 14
\ Next user' end-code ;c: cas 10nov05
: Next lods A W xchg W ) jmp
>here next-link @ >, next-link ! ;
: u' ' >body c@ ;
Forth definitions
\needs end-code : end-code toss also ;
Assembler definitions
: ;c: recover # call last off end-code 0 ] ;
\ *** Block No. 21, Hexblock 15
\ 8086 Assembler, Forth words cas 10nov05
: Assembler Assembler [ Assembler ] wexit ;
: ;code 0 ?pairs compile (;code
reveal [compile] [ Assembler ; immediate
: Code Create [ Assembler ] >here dup 2- >! Assembler ;
: >label ( addr -- )
here | Create immediate swap , 4 hallot
here 4 - heap 4 cmove heap last @ (name> ! dp !
Does> ( -- addr ) @ state @ 0=exit [compile] Literal ;
: Label [ Assembler ] >here >label Assembler ;
clear .( Assembler loaded ) cr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ 28 jun 88
\ This file is a pure .fth-version of dos.fb.
\ DOS loads higher level file functions which go beyond
\ including a screen file. Calls to MS-DOS are implemented
\ and used for directory manipulation. These functions may
\ not work for versions before MS-DOS 3.0.
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ MS-DOS file handli cas 09jun20
Onlyforth \needs Assembler 2 loadfrom asm.fb
: fswap isfile@ fromfile @ isfile ! fromfile ! ;
$80 Constant dta
| : COMSPEC ( -- string ) [ dos ]
$2C @ ( DOS-environment:seg) 8 ds@ filename &60 lmove
filename counted &60 min filename place filename ;
\ 1 &12 +thru .( MS-DOS functions loaed ) cr
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ moving blocks ks 04 okt 87
| : full? ( -- flag ) prev BEGIN @ dup @ 0= UNTIL 6 + @ 0< ;
: used? ( blk -- f )
block count b/blk 1- swap skip nip 0<> ;
| : (copy ( from to -- )
full? IF save-buffers THEN isfile@ fromfile @ -
IF dup used? Abort" target block not empty" THEN
dup isfile@ core? IF prev @ emptybuf THEN
isfile@ 0= IF offset @ + THEN
isfile@ rot fromfile @ (block 6 - 2! update ;
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ moving blocks ks 04 okt 87
| : blkmove ( from to quan -- ) 3 arguments save-buffers
>r over r@ + over u> >r 2dup u< r> and
IF r@ r@ d+ r> 0 ?DO -1 -2 d+ 2dup (copy LOOP
ELSE r> 0 ?DO 2dup (copy 1 1 d+ LOOP
THEN save-buffers 2drop ;
: copy ( from to -- ) 1 blkmove ;
: convey ( blk1 blk2 to.blk -- )
3 arguments >r 2dup swap - >r
fswap dup capacity 1- > isfile@ 0<> and
fswap r> r@ + capacity 1- > isfile@ 0<> and or >r
1+ over - dup 0> not r> or Abort" nein" r> swap blkmove ;
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ MORE extending forth files ks 10 okt 87
Dos also definitions
| : addblock ( blk -- ) dup buffer dup b/blk blank
isfile@ f.size dup 2@ b/blk 0 d+ rot 2!
swap isfile@ fblock! ;
Forth definitions
: more ( n -- ) 1 arguments isfile@
IF capacity swap bounds ?DO I addblock LOOP close exit
THEN drop ;
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ file eof? create dta-addressing ks 03 apr 88
Dos definitions
: ftime ( -- mm hh )
isfile@ f.time @ $20 u/mod nip $40 u/mod ;
: fdate ( -- dd mm yy )
isfile@ f.date @ $20 u/mod $10 u/mod &80 + ;
: .when base push decimal
fdate rot 3 .r ." ." swap 2 .r ." ." 2 .r
ftime 3 .r ." :" 2 .r ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ ks 20mar88
: (.fcb ( fcb -- )
dup .file ?dup 0=exit pushfile
isfile ! &13 tab ." is"
isfile@ f.handle @ 2 .r
isfile@ f.size 2@ 7 d.r .when
space isfile@ f.name count type ;
Forth definitions
: files file-link
BEGIN @ dup WHILE cr dup (.fcb stop? UNTIL drop ;
: ?file isfile@ (.fcb ;
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ dir make makefile ks 25 okt 87
Forth definitions
: killfile close
isfile@ f.name filename >asciz ~unlink drop ;
: emptyfile isfile@ 0=exit
isfile@ f.name filename >asciz 0 ~creat ?diskerror
isfile@ f.handle ! isfile@ f.size 4 erase ;
: make close name isfile@ fname! emptyfile ;
: makefile File last @ name> execute emptyfile ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ getpath ks 10 okt 87
Dos definitions
| &40 Constant pathlen
| Create pathes 0 c, pathlen allot
| : (setpath ( string -- ) count
dup pathlen u> Abort" path too long" pathes place ;
| : getpath ( +n -- string / ff )
>r 0 pathes count r> 0
DO rot drop Ascii ; skip stash Ascii ; scan LOOP
drop over - ?dup
IF here place here dup count + 1- c@
?" :\" ?exit Ascii \ here append exit
THEN 0= ;
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ pathsearch .path path ks 09 okt 87
: pathsearch ( string -- asciz *f ) dup >r
(fsearch dup 0= IF rdrop exit THEN 2drop 0 0
BEGIN drop 1+ dup getpath ?dup 0=
IF drop r> filename >asciz 2 exit THEN
r@ count 2 pick attach (fsearch
0= UNTIL nip rdrop false ;
' pathsearch Is fsearch
Forth definitions
: .path pathes count type ;
: path name nullstring? IF .path exit THEN (setpath ;
\ *** Block No. 10, Hexblock a
\ call another executable file ks 04 aug 87
Dos definitions
| Create cpb 0 , \ inherit parent environment
dta , ds@ , $5C , ds@ , $6C , ds@ , Label ssave 0 ,
| Code ~exec ( asciz -- *f )
I push R push U push S ssave #) mov cpb # R mov
$4B00 # A mov $21 int C: D mov D D: mov D S: mov
D E: mov ssave #) S mov CS not
?[ A A xor A push $2F # A+ mov $21 int E: A mov
A D: mov C: A mov A E: mov R I mov dta # W mov
$40 # C mov rep movs A D: mov A pop
]? A W xchg dta # D mov $1A # A+ mov $21 int
W D mov U pop R pop I pop Next
\ *** Block No. 11, Hexblock b
\ calling MS-DOS thru forth interpreter ks 19 mr 88
| : execute? ( extension -- *f )
count filename count Ascii . scan drop swap
2dup 1+ erase move filename 1+ ~exec ;
: fcall ( string -- ) count filename place ds@ cpb 4+ !
" .EXE" execute? dup IF drop " .COM" execute? THEN
?diskerror ;
: fdos ( string -- )
dta $80 erase " /c " count dta place count dta attach
status push status off .status COMSPEC fcall curat? at ;
\ *** Block No. 12, Hexblock c
\ einige MS-DOS Funktionen msdos call ks 10 okt 87
: dos: Create ," Does> count here place
Ascii " parse here attach here fdos ;
Forth definitions
dos: dir dir "
dos: ren ren "
dos: md md "
dos: cd cd "
dos: rd rd "
dos: fcopy copy "
dos: delete del "
dos: ftype type "
\ *** Block No. 13, Hexblock d
\ msdos call ks 23 okt 88
: msdos savevideo status push status off .status
flush dta off COMSPEC fcall restorevideo ;
: call name source >in @ /string c/l umin
dta place dta dta >asciz drop [compile] \
status push status off .status fcall curat? at ;
.( MS-DOS functions loaed ) cr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ 28 jun 88
\ This file is an .fth-version of dos.fb without the block-related
\ words.
\ DOS loads higher level file functions which go beyond
\ including a screen file. Calls to MS-DOS are implemented
\ and used for directory manipulation. These functions may
\ not work for versions before MS-DOS 3.0.
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ MS-DOS file handli cas 09jun20
Onlyforth \needs Assembler 2 loadfrom asm.fb
: fswap isfile@ fromfile @ isfile ! fromfile ! ;
$80 Constant dta
| : COMSPEC ( -- string ) [ dos ]
$2C @ ( DOS-environment:seg) 8 ds@ filename &60 lmove
filename counted &60 min filename place filename ;
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ file eof? create dta-addressing ks 03 apr 88
Dos also definitions
: ftime ( -- mm hh )
isfile@ f.time @ $20 u/mod nip $40 u/mod ;
: fdate ( -- dd mm yy )
isfile@ f.date @ $20 u/mod $10 u/mod &80 + ;
: .when base push decimal
fdate rot 3 .r ." ." swap 2 .r ." ." 2 .r
ftime 3 .r ." :" 2 .r ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ ks 20mar88
: (.fcb ( fcb -- )
dup .file ?dup 0=exit pushfile
isfile ! &13 tab ." is"
isfile@ f.handle @ 2 .r
isfile@ f.size 2@ 7 d.r .when
space isfile@ f.name count type ;
Forth definitions
: files file-link
BEGIN @ dup WHILE cr dup (.fcb stop? UNTIL drop ;
: ?file isfile@ (.fcb ;
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ dir make makefile ks 25 okt 87
Forth definitions
: killfile close
isfile@ f.name filename >asciz ~unlink drop ;
: emptyfile isfile@ 0=exit
isfile@ f.name filename >asciz 0 ~creat ?diskerror
isfile@ f.handle ! isfile@ f.size 4 erase ;
: make close name isfile@ fname! emptyfile ;
: makefile File last @ name> execute emptyfile ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ getpath ks 10 okt 87
Dos definitions
| &40 Constant pathlen
| Create pathes 0 c, pathlen allot
| : (setpath ( string -- ) count
dup pathlen u> Abort" path too long" pathes place ;
| : getpath ( +n -- string / ff )
>r 0 pathes count r> 0
DO rot drop Ascii ; skip stash Ascii ; scan LOOP
drop over - ?dup
IF here place here dup count + 1- c@
?" :\" ?exit Ascii \ here append exit
THEN 0= ;
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ pathsearch .path path ks 09 okt 87
: pathsearch ( string -- asciz *f ) dup >r
(fsearch dup 0= IF rdrop exit THEN 2drop 0 0
BEGIN drop 1+ dup getpath ?dup 0=
IF drop r> filename >asciz 2 exit THEN
r@ count 2 pick attach (fsearch
0= UNTIL nip rdrop false ;
' pathsearch Is fsearch
Forth definitions
: .path pathes count type ;
: path name nullstring? IF .path exit THEN (setpath ;
\ *** Block No. 10, Hexblock a
\ call another executable file ks 04 aug 87
Dos definitions
| Create cpb 0 , \ inherit parent environment
dta , ds@ , $5C , ds@ , $6C , ds@ , Label ssave 0 ,
| Code ~exec ( asciz -- *f )
I push R push U push S ssave #) mov cpb # R mov
$4B00 # A mov $21 int C: D mov D D: mov D S: mov
D E: mov ssave #) S mov CS not
?[ A A xor A push $2F # A+ mov $21 int E: A mov
A D: mov C: A mov A E: mov R I mov dta # W mov
$40 # C mov rep movs A D: mov A pop
]? A W xchg dta # D mov $1A # A+ mov $21 int
W D mov U pop R pop I pop Next
\ *** Block No. 11, Hexblock b
\ calling MS-DOS thru forth interpreter ks 19 mr 88
| : execute? ( extension -- *f )
count filename count Ascii . scan drop swap
2dup 1+ erase move filename 1+ ~exec ;
: fcall ( string -- ) count filename place ds@ cpb 4+ !
" .EXE" execute? dup IF drop " .COM" execute? THEN
?diskerror ;
: fdos ( string -- )
dta $80 erase " /c " count dta place count dta attach
status push status off .status COMSPEC fcall curat? at ;
\ *** Block No. 12, Hexblock c
\ einige MS-DOS Funktionen msdos call ks 10 okt 87
: dos: Create ," Does> count here place
Ascii " parse here attach here fdos ;
Forth definitions
dos: dir dir "
dos: ren ren "
dos: md md "
dos: cd cd "
dos: rd rd "
dos: fcopy copy "
dos: delete del "
dos: ftype type "
\ *** Block No. 13, Hexblock d
\ msdos call ks 23 okt 88
: msdos savevideo status push status off .status
flush dta off COMSPEC fcall restorevideo ;
: call name source >in @ /string c/l umin
dta place dta dta >asciz drop [compile] \
status push status off .status fcall curat? at ;
.( MS-DOS functions loaed ) cr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ ks 11 mai 88
\ This file is a pure .fth-version of extend.fb.
\ It contains definitions needed for several further system
\ and application files.
\ Among others there are MSDOS specific commands such as allocating
\ memory outside the Forth core 64k memory segment, some routines
\ that make using the video display easier, and some string
\ manipulation words.
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ loadscreen for often used words ks cas 25sep16
Onlyforth \needs Assembler include t86asm.fth
' save-buffers Alias sav
' name &12 + Constant 'name
' page Alias cls
\ 1 8 +thru
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ Postkernel words ks 22 dez 87
: blank ( addr quan -- ) bl fill ;
Code stash ( u1 u2 -- u1 u1 u2 )
S W mov W ) push Next end-code
\ : stash ( u1 u2 -- u1 u1 u2 ) over swap ;
: >expect ( addr len -- ) stash expect span @ over place ;
: .field ( addr len quan -- )
over - >r type r> 0 max spaces ;
: tab ( n -- ) col - 0 max spaces ;
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ postkernel ks 08 mär 89
\ hier sollte END-CODE eigentlich aehem, also z.B. -TRANSIENT
\needs end-code : end-code toss also ;
: u? ( addr -- ) @ u. ;
: adr ' >body state @ 0=exit [compile] Literal ; immediate
: Abort( ( f -- ) IF [compile] .( true abort" !" THEN
[compile] ( ;
: arguments ( n -- )
depth 1- > Error" zu wenige Parameter" ;
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ MS-DOS memory management
Code lallocate ( pages -- seg ff / rest err# )
R push D R mov $48 # A+ mov $21 int CS
?[ A D xchg A pop R push A R xchg
][ R pop A push 0 # D mov ]? Next end-code
Code lfree ( seg -- err# )
E: push D E: mov $49 # A+ mov $21 int CS
?[ A D xchg ][ 0 # D mov ]? E: pop Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ postkernel ks 03 aug 87
c/row c/col * 2* Constant c/dis \ characters per display
Code video@ ( -- seg ) D push R D mov $F # A+ mov
$10 int R D xchg 0 # D- mov 7 # A- cmp
0= ?[ $B0 # D+ mov ][ $B8 # D+ add ]? Next
: savevideo ( -- seg / ff )
[ c/dis b/seg /mod swap 0<> - ] Literal lallocate
IF drop false exit THEN video@ 0 2 pick 0 c/dis lmove ;
: restorevideo ( seg -- ) ?dup 0=exit
dup 0 video@ 0 c/dis lmove lfree drop ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ string operators append attach ks 21 jun 87
| : .stringoverflow true Abort" String zu lang" ;
Code append ( char addr -- )
D W mov D pop W ) A- mov 1 # A- add CS
?[ ;c: .stringoverflow ; Assembler ]?
A- W ) mov 0 # A+ mov A W add
D- W ) mov D pop Next end-code
Code attach ( addr len addr1 -- ) D W mov C pop
I D mov I pop W ) A- mov A- A+ mov C- A+ add CS
?[ ;c: .stringoverflow ; Assembler ]?
A+ W ) mov A+ A+ xor A+ C+ mov A W add W inc
rep byte movs D I mov D pop Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ string operators append attach detract ks 21 jun 87
\ : append ( char addr -- )
\ under count + c! dup c@ 1+ swap c! ;
\ : attach ( addr len addr.to -- )
\ >r under r@ count + swap move r@ c@ + r> c! ;
\ : detract ( addr -- char )
\ dup c@ 1- dup 0> and over c!
\ count >r dup count -rot swap r> cmove ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ ?" string operator ks 09 feb 88
\ : (?" ( 8b -- index ) "lit under count rot
\ scan IF swap - exit THEN 2drop false ;
| Create months ," janfebmäraprmaijunjulaugsepoktnovdez"
: >months ( n -- addr len ) 3 * 2- months + 3 ;
| Code (?" ( 8b -- index )
A D xchg I ) C- mov 0 # C+ mov C I add
I W mov I inc std 0<>rep byte scas cld
0= ?[ C inc ]? C D mov Next
: ?" compile (?" ," align ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ Conditional compilation ks 12 dez 88
| Defer cond
: .THEN ; immediate
: .ELSE ( -- ) 0
BEGIN name nullstring? IF drop exit THEN
find IF cond -1 case? ?exit ELSE drop THEN
REPEAT ; immediate
: .IF ( f -- ) ?exit [compile] .ELSE ; immediate
| : (cond ( n cfa -- n' )
['] .THEN case? IF 1- exit THEN
['] .ELSE case? IF dup 0= + exit THEN
['] .IF = 0=exit 1+ ; ' (cond is cond
.( Systemerweiterung geladen) cr
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
logopen output.log
\ : .blk|tib
\ blk @ ?dup IF ." Blk " u. ?cr exit THEN
\ incfile @ IF tib #tib @ cr type THEN ;
\ ' .blk|tib Is .status
2 loadfrom META.fb
use kernel.fb
new v4th.com Onlyforth Target definitions
\ 4 &110 thru \ Standard 8088-System
include vf86core.fth
\ &112 &146 thru \ MS-DOS interface
include vf86dos.fth
: forth-83 ; \ last word in Dictionary
0 ' limit >body ! $DFF6 s0 ! $E77C r0 !
s0 @ s0 2- ! here dp !
Host tudp @ Target udp !
Host tvoc-link @ Target voc-link !
Host tnext-link @ Target next-link !
Host tfile-link @ Target Forth file-link !
Host T move-threads H
save-buffers cr .( unresolved: ) .unresolved
flush \ close n4th.com
cr .( new kernel written as v4th.com) cr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ This file is a pure .fth-version of multi.vid.
\ This display interface uses BIOS call $10 functions for a fast
\ display interface. A couple of state variables is contained
\ in a vector that is task specific such that different tasks
\ may use different windows. For simplicity windows always
\ span the whole width of the screen. They can be defined by
\ top and bottom line. This mechanism is used for a convenient
\ status display line on the bottom of the screen.
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ Multitsking display interface loadscreen ks phz 31jan22
Onlyforth \needs Assembler include t86asm.fth
User area area off \ points at active window
Variable status \ to switch status on/off
| Variable cursor \ points at area with active cursor
\ 1 8 +thru .( Multitasking display driver loaded ) cr
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ Multitsking display interface ks 6 sep 86
: Area: Create 0 , 0 , 7 c, Does> area ! ;
\ | col | row | top | bot | att |
Area: terminal terminal area @ cursor !
: (area Create dup c, 1+ Does> c@ area @ + ;
0 | (area ccol | (area crow | (area ctop
| (area cbot (area catt drop
: window ( topline botline -- ) cbot c! ctop c! ;
: full 0 c/col 2- window ; full
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ Multitask (type (emit ks 20 dez 87
Code (type ( addr len -- ) W pop I push R push
u' area U D) I mov U push D U mov
$F # A+ mov $10 int u' catt I D) R- mov
3 # A+ mov $10 int C push D push $E0E # C mov
1 # A+ mov $10 int I ) D mov 1 # C mov
U inc [[ U dec 0= not ?[[ 2 # A+ mov $10 int
D- inc ' c/row >body #) D- cmp 0= not
?[[ W ) A- mov W inc 9 # A+ mov $10 int ]]? ]?
D I ) mov D pop cursor #) I cmp 0= ?[ I ) D mov ]?
2 # A+ mov $10 int C pop 1 # A+ mov $10 int U pop
R pop I pop D pop ' pause #) jmp end-code
: (emit ( char -- ) sp@ 1 (type drop ;
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ Multitask (at (at? ks 04 aug 87
Code (at ( row col -- ) A pop A- D+ mov
u' area U D) W mov D W ) mov cursor #) W cmp 0=
?[ R push U push $F # A+ mov $10 int
2 # A+ mov $10 int U pop R pop
]? D pop Next end-code
Code (at? ( -- row col )
D push u' area U D) W mov W ) D mov
D+ A- mov 0 # A+ mov A+ D+ mov A push Next
Code curat? ( -- row col ) D push R push
$F # A+ mov $10 int 3 # A+ mov $10 int
R pop 0 # A mov D+ A- xchg A push Next
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ cur! curshape setpage ks 28 jun 87
: cur! \ set cursor into current task's window
area @ cursor ! (at? (at ; cur!
Code curshape ( top bot -- ) D C mov D pop
D- C+ mov 1 # A+ mov $10 int D pop Next
Code setpage ( n -- )
$503 # A mov D- A- and $10 int D pop Next
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ Multitask normal invers blankline ks 01 nov 88
: normal 7 catt c! ; : invers $70 catt c! ;
: underline 1 catt c! ; : bright $F catt c! ;
Code blankline D push R push U push $F # A+ mov
$10 int u' area U D) W mov u' catt W D) R- mov
3 # A+ mov $10 int C push D push
$E0E # C mov 1 # A+ mov $10 int W ) D mov
2 # A+ mov $10 int ' c/row >body #) C mov
D- C- sub bl # A- mov 9 # A+ mov
C- C- or 0= not ?[ $10 int ]?
D pop 2 # A+ mov $10 int \ set cursor back
C pop 1 # A+ mov $10 int \ cursor visible again
U pop R pop D pop ' pause #) jmp end-code
| : lineerase ( line# -- ) 0 (at blankline ;
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ Multitask (del scroll (cr (page ks 04 okt 87
: (del (at? ?dup
IF 1- 2dup (at bl (emit (at exit THEN drop ;
Code scroll D push R push U push
u' area U D) W mov u' catt W D) R+ mov
u' ctop W D) D mov D- C+ mov 0 # C- mov
' c/row >body #) D- mov D- dec $601 # A mov
$10 int U pop R pop D pop Next
: (cr (at? drop 1+ dup cbot c@ u>
IF scroll drop cbot c@ THEN lineerase ;
: (page ctop c@ cbot c@ DO I lineerase -1 +LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ Multitask status display ks 10 okt 87
' (emit ' display 2 + ! ' (cr ' display 4 + !
' (type ' display 6 + ! ' (del ' display 8 + !
' (page ' display &10 + !
' (at ' display &12 + ! ' (at? ' display &14 + !
: .base base @ decimal dup 2 .r base ! ;
: .sp ( n -- ) ." s" depth swap 1+ - 2 .r ;
: (.drv ( n -- ) Ascii A + emit ." : " ;
: .dr ." " drv (.drv ;
: .scr blk @ IF ." Blk" blk ELSE ." Scr" scr THEN
@ 5 .r ;
: .space ." Dic" s0 @ here $100 + - 6 u.r ;
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ statuszeile ks ks 04 aug 87
| : fstat ( n -- ) .base .sp
.space .scr .dr file? 2 spaces order ;
| Area: statusline
statusline c/col 1- dup window page invers terminal
: (.status output @ display area @ statusline
status @ IF (at? drop 0 (at 2 fstat blankline
ELSE normal page invers
THEN area ! output ! ;
' (.status Is .status
: bye status off .status bye ;
.( Multitasking display driver loaded ) cr
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\ conditional Assembler compiler cas 10nov05
: maybe-include-tmp-asm ( addr -- ) hide last off dp !
" ASSEMBLER" find nip ?exit here $1800 + sp@ u>
IF display cr ." Assembler won't fit" abort THEN
here sp@ $1800 - dp !
dp ! ;
maybe-include-tmp-asm 86asm.fth
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
\ with build log:
' noop alias \log
\ without build log:
\ ' \ alias \log
\log logopen output.log
\ : .blk|tib
\ blk @ ?dup IF ." Blk " u. ?cr exit THEN
\ incfile @ IF tib #tib @ cr type THEN ;
\ ' .blk|tib Is .status
2 loadfrom META.fb
new v4th.com Onlyforth Target definitions
include vf86core.fth
include vf86dos.fth
include vf86file.fth
include vf86end.fth
\log logclose
\log logreopen
cr .( new kernel written as v4th.com) cr
\log logclose
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
\ with build log:
' noop alias \log
\ without build log:
\ ' \ alias \log
\log logopen output.log
\ : .blk|tib
\ blk @ ?dup IF ." Blk " u. ?cr exit THEN
\ incfile @ IF tib #tib @ cr type THEN ;
\ ' .blk|tib Is .status
2 loadfrom META.fb
new v4thblk.com Onlyforth Target definitions
include vf86core.fth
include vf86dos.fth
include vf86file.fth
include vf86bufs.fth
include vf86end.fth
\log logclose
\log logreopen
cr .( new kernel written as v4thblk.com) cr
\log logclose
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
\ *** Block No. 90, Hexblock 5a
\ Struktur der Blockpuffer ks 04 jul 87
\ 0 : link zum naechsten Puffer
\ 2 : file 0 = direct access
\ -1 = leer,
\ sonst adresse eines file control blocks
\ 4 : blocknummer
\ 6 : statusflags Vorzeichenbit kennzeichnet update
\ 8 : Data ... 1 Kb ...
Forth definitions
\ *** Block No. 91, Hexblock 5b
\ buffer mechanism ks 04 okt 87
Variable prev prev off \ Listhead of the buffers' list
| Variable buffers buffers off \ Semaphor
$408 Constant b/buf \ physikalische Groesse
$400 Constant b/blk \ bytes/block
Defer r/w \ physikalischer Diskzugriff
\ *** Block No. 92, Hexblock 5c
\ (core? ks 28 mai 87
Code (core? ( blk file -- dataaddr / blk file )
A pop A push D D or 0= ?[ u' offset U D) A add ]?
prev #) W mov 2 W D) D cmp 0=
?[ 4 W D) A cmp 0=
?[ 8 W D) D lea A pop ' exit @ # jmp ]? ]?
[[ [[ W ) C mov C C or 0= ?[ Next ]?
C W xchg 4 W D) A cmp 0= ?] 2 W D) D cmp 0= ?]
W ) A mov prev #) D mov D W ) mov W prev #) mov
8 W D) D lea C W mov A W ) mov A pop
' exit @ # jmp
\ *** Block No. 93, Hexblock 5d
\ (core? ks 31 oct 86
\ | : this? ( blk file bufadr -- flag )
\ dup 4+ @ swap 2+ @ d= ;
\ .( (core?: offset is handled differently in code! )
\ | : (core? ( blk file -- dataaddr / blk file )
\ BEGIN over offset @ + over prev @ this?
\ IF rdrop 2drop prev @ 8 + exit THEN
\ 2dup >r offset @ + >r prev @
\ BEGIN dup @ ?dup 0= IF rdrop rdrop drop exit THEN
\ dup r> r> 2dup >r >r rot this? 0=
\ dup @ rot ! prev @ over ! prev ! rdrop rdrop
\ *** Block No. 94, Hexblock 5e
\ backup emptybuf readblk ks 23 jul 87
| : backup ( bufaddr -- ) dup 6+ @ 0<
IF 2+ dup @ 1+ \ buffer empty if file = -1
IF BEGIN dup 6+ over 2+ @ 2 pick @ 0 r/w
WHILE 1 ?diskerror REPEAT
THEN 4+ dup @ $7FFF and over ! THEN
drop ;
: emptybuf ( bufaddr -- ) 2+ dup on 4+ off ;
| : readblk ( blk file addr -- blk file addr )
dup emptybuf >r
BEGIN 2dup 0= offset @ and +
over r@ 8 + -rot 1 r/w
WHILE 2 ?diskerror REPEAT r> ;
\ *** Block No. 95, Hexblock 5f
\ take mark updates? full? core? ks 04 jul 87
| : take ( -- bufaddr) prev
BEGIN dup @ WHILE @ dup 2+ @ -1 = UNTIL
buffers lock dup backup ;
| : mark ( blk file bufaddr -- blk file ) 2+ >r
2dup r@ ! over 0= offset @ and + r@ 2+ !
r> 4+ off buffers unlock ;
| : updates? ( -- bufaddr / flag)
prev BEGIN @ dup WHILE dup 6+ @ 0< UNTIL ;
: core? ( blk file -- addr /false ) (core? 2drop false ;
\ *** Block No. 96, Hexblock 60
\ block & buffer manipulation ks 01 okt 87
: (buffer ( blk file -- addr )
BEGIN (core? take mark REPEAT ;
: (block ( blk file -- addr )
BEGIN (core? take readblk mark REPEAT ;
: buffer ( blk -- addr ) isfile@ (buffer ;
: block ( blk -- addr ) isfile@ (block ;
: (blk-source ( -- addr len ) blk @ ?dup
IF loadfile @ (block b/blk exit THEN tib #tib @ ;
' (blk-source IS source
\ *** Block No. 97, Hexblock 61
\ block & buffer manipulation ks 02 okt 87
: update $80 prev @ 6+ 1+ ( Byte-Order! ) c! ;
: (save-buffers buffers lock
BEGIN updates? ?dup WHILE backup REPEAT buffers unlock ;
' (save-buffers IS save-buffers
: (empty-buffers buffers lock prev
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup emptybuf REPEAT buffers unlock ;
' (empty-buffers IS empty-buffers
Dos definitions
\ *** Block No. 137, Hexblock 89
\ /block *block ks 02 okt 87
Code /block ( d -- rest blk ) A D xchg C pop
C D mov A shr D rcr A shr D rcr D+ D- mov
A- D+ xchg $3FF # C and C push Next
\ : /block ( d -- rest blk ) b/blk um/mod ;
Code *block ( blk -- d ) A A xor D+ D- xchg D+ A+ xchg
A+ sal D rcl A+ sal D rcl A push Next
\ : *block ( blk -- d ) b/blk um* ;
\ *** Block No. 138, Hexblock 8a
\ fblock@ fblock! ks 19 mär 88
Dos definitions
| : ?beyond ( blk -- blk ) dup 0< 0=exit 9 ?diskerror ;
| : fblock ( addr blk fcb -- seg:addr quan fcb )
fcb ! ?beyond dup *block fcb @ fseek ds@ -rot
fcb @ f.size 2@ /block rot - ?beyond
IF drop b/blk THEN fcb @ ;
: fblock@ ( addr blk fcb -- ) fblock lfgets drop ;
: fblock! ( addr blk fcb -- ) fblock lfputs ;
\ *** Block No. 139, Hexblock 8b
\ (r/w flush ks 18 mär 88
Forth definitions
: (r/w ( addr blk fcb r/wf -- *f ) over fcb ! over
IF IF fblock@ false exit THEN fblock! false exit
THEN >r drop /drive ?drive
r> IF block@ exit THEN block! ;
' (r/w Is r/w
Dos definitions
| : filebuffer? ( fcb -- fcb bufaddr / fcb ff )
prev BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup 2+ @ = UNTIL ;
: (flush-file-buffers ( fcb -- )
BEGIN filebuffer? ?dup
WHILE dup backup emptybuf REPEAT drop ;
' (flush-file-buffers IS flush-file-buffers
\ *** Block No. 81, Hexblock 51
Forth definitions
\ +load thru +thru --> rdepth depth ks 26 jul 87
: (load ( blk offset -- ) isfile@ >r
loadfile @ >r fromfile @ >r blk @ >r >in @ >r
>in ! blk ! isfile@ loadfile ! .status interpret
r> >in ! r> blk ! r> fromfile ! r> loadfile !
r> isfile ! ;
: load ( blk -- ) ?dup 0=exit 0 (load ;
' load IS include-load
: +load ( offset -- ) blk @ + load ;
: thru ( from to -- ) 1+ swap DO I load LOOP ;
: +thru ( off0 off1 -- ) 1+ swap DO I +load LOOP ;
: --> 1 blk +! >in off .status ; immediate
: loadfrom ( n -- ) pushfile use load close ;
: \\ b/blk >in ! ; immediate
: list ( scr -- ) dup capacity u<
IF scr ! ." Scr " scr @ .
." Dr " drv . isfile@ .file
l/s 0 DO cr I 2 .r space scr @ block
I c/l * + c/l -trailing type
LOOP cr exit
THEN 9 ?diskerror ;
: view 'file list ;
: help 'file capacity 2/ + list ;
\ *** Block No. 122, Hexblock 7a
\ Disk capacities ks 08 aug 88
Dos definitions
6 Constant #drives
Create capacities $4B0 , $4B0 , $1B31 , $1B31 , $1B0F , 0 ,
| Code ?capacity ( +n -- cap ) D shl capacities # W mov
D W add W ) D mov Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 123, Hexblock 7b
\ MS-dos disk handlers direct access ks 31 jul 87
| Code block@ ( addr blk drv -- ff )
D- A- mov D pop C pop R push U push
I push C R mov 2 # C mov D shl $25 int
Label end-r/w I pop I pop U pop R pop 0 # D mov
CS ?[ D+ A+ mov A error# #) mov D dec ]? Next
| Code block! ( addr blk drv -- ff ) D- A- mov D pop
C pop R push U push I push C R mov 2 # C mov
D shl $26 int end-r/w # jmp
\ *** Block No. 124, Hexblock 7c
\ MS-dos disk handlers direct access ks cas 18jul20
| : ?drive ( +n -- +n ) dup #drives u< ?exit
Error" beyond drive capacity" ;
: /drive ( blk1 -- blk2 drive ) 0 swap #drives 0
DO dup I ?capacity under u< IF drop LEAVE THEN
- swap 1+ swap LOOP swap ;
: blk/drv ( -- capacity ) drv ?capacity ;
Forth definitions
: >drive ( blk1 +n -- blk2 ) ?drive
0 swap drv 2dup u> dup >r 0= IF swap THEN
?DO I ?capacity + LOOP r> IF negate THEN - ;
\ *** Block No. 143, Hexblock 8f
\ drive drv capacity drivenames ks 18 mär 88
: drive ( n -- ) isfile@ IF ~select exit THEN
?drive offset off 0 ?DO I ?capacity offset +! LOOP ;
: drv ( -- n )
isfile@ IF ~disk? exit THEN offset @ /drive nip ;
: capacity ( -- n ) isfile@ ?dup
IF dup f.handle @ 0= IF dup freset THEN
f.size 2@ /block swap 0<> - exit THEN blk/drv ;
| : Drv: Create c, Does> c@ drive ;
0 Drv: A: 1 Drv: B: 2 Drv: C: 3 Drv: D:
4 Drv: E: 5 Drv: F: 6 Drv: G: 7 Drv: H:
\ *** Block No. 98, Hexblock 62
\ Allocating buffers ks 31 oct 86
: allotbuffer ( -- )
first @ r0 @ - b/buf 2+ u< ?exit
b/buf negate first +! first @ dup emptybuf
prev @ over ! prev ! ;
: freebuffer ( -- ) first @ limit b/buf - u<
IF first @ backup prev
BEGIN dup @ first @ - WHILE @ REPEAT
first @ @ swap ! b/buf first +! THEN ;
: all-buffers BEGIN first @ allotbuffer first @ = UNTIL ;
| : (init-buffers prev off limit first ! all-buffers ;
' (init-buffers IS init-buffers
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Create origin here origin! here $100 0 fill
$E9 int end-code -4 , $FC allot
\ this is the multitasker initialization in the user area
| Create logo ," volksFORTH-83 rev. 3.81.41"
| Create logo ," volksFORTH-83 rev. 3.9.1-MSDOS"
@ -819,8 +819,9 @@ Label domove I W cmp moveup CS ?]
\ input strings ks 23 dez 87
$84 Constant /tib
Variable #tib #tib off
Variable >tib here >tib ! $50 allot
Variable >tib here >tib ! /tib allot
Variable >in >in off
Variable blk blk off
Variable span span off
@ -954,8 +955,11 @@ swap ]? C >in #) add
Variable loadfile loadfile off
: source ( -- addr len ) blk @ ?dup
IF loadfile @ (block b/blk exit THEN tib #tib @ exit ;
defer source
: (source ( -- addr len ) tib #tib @ ;
' (source IS source
: word ( char -- addr ) source (word ;
@ -996,8 +1000,9 @@ swap ]? C >in #) add
: ( Ascii ) parse 2drop ; immediate
: .( Ascii ) parse type ; immediate
: \ >in @ negate c/l mod >in +! ; immediate
: \\ b/blk >in ! ; immediate
: \ blk @ IF >in @ negate c/l mod >in +!
ELSE #tib @ >in ! THEN ; immediate
: have ( <name> -- f ) name find nip 0<> ; immediate
: \needs have 0=exit [compile] \ ;
@ -1451,26 +1456,6 @@ Target Forth also definitions
Defer .status ' noop Is .status
: (load ( blk offset -- ) isfile@ >r
loadfile @ >r fromfile @ >r blk @ >r >in @ >r
>in ! blk ! isfile@ loadfile ! .status interpret
r> >in ! r> blk ! r> fromfile ! r> loadfile !
r> isfile ! ;
: load ( blk -- ) ?dup 0=exit 0 (load ;
\ *** Block No. 81, Hexblock 51
\ +load thru +thru --> rdepth depth ks 26 jul 87
: +load ( offset -- ) blk @ + load ;
: thru ( from to -- ) 1+ swap DO I load LOOP ;
: +thru ( off0 off1 -- ) 1+ swap DO I +load LOOP ;
: --> 1 blk +! >in off .status ; immediate
: rdepth ( -- +n ) r0 @ rp@ 2+ - 2/ ;
@ -1600,14 +1585,6 @@ Target Forth also definitions
&64 Constant c/l \ Screen line length
&16 Constant l/s \ lines per screen
: list ( scr -- ) dup capacity u<
IF scr ! ." Scr " scr @ .
." Dr " drv . isfile@ .file
l/s 0 DO cr I 2 .r space scr @ block
I c/l * + c/l -trailing type
LOOP cr exit
THEN 9 ?diskerror ;
@ -1631,176 +1608,9 @@ Target Forth also definitions
$E9 4 * >label >taskINT
\ *** Block No. 90, Hexblock 5a
\ Struktur der Blockpuffer ks 04 jul 87
\ 0 : link zum naechsten Puffer
\ 2 : file 0 = direct access
\ -1 = leer,
\ sonst adresse eines file control blocks
\ 4 : blocknummer
\ 6 : statusflags Vorzeichenbit kennzeichnet update
\ 8 : Data ... 1 Kb ...
\ *** Block No. 91, Hexblock 5b
\ buffer mechanism ks 04 okt 87
Variable isfile isfile off \ addr of file control block
Variable fromfile fromfile off \ fcb in kopieroperationen
Variable prev prev off \ Listhead
| Variable buffers buffers off \ Semaphor
$408 Constant b/buf \ physikalische Groesse
$400 Constant b/blk \ bytes/block
Defer r/w \ physikalischer Diskzugriff
Variable error# error# off \ Nummer des letzten Fehlers
Defer ?diskerror \ Fehlerbehandlung
\ *** Block No. 92, Hexblock 5c
\ (core? ks 28 mai 87
Code (core? ( blk file -- dataaddr / blk file )
A pop A push D D or 0= ?[ u' offset U D) A add ]?
prev #) W mov 2 W D) D cmp 0=
?[ 4 W D) A cmp 0=
?[ 8 W D) D lea A pop ' exit @ # jmp ]? ]?
[[ [[ W ) C mov C C or 0= ?[ Next ]?
C W xchg 4 W D) A cmp 0= ?] 2 W D) D cmp 0= ?]
W ) A mov prev #) D mov D W ) mov W prev #) mov
8 W D) D lea C W mov A W ) mov A pop
' exit @ # jmp
\ *** Block No. 93, Hexblock 5d
\ (core? ks 31 oct 86
\ | : this? ( blk file bufadr -- flag )
\ dup 4+ @ swap 2+ @ d= ;
\ .( (core?: offset is handled differently in code! )
\ | : (core? ( blk file -- dataaddr / blk file )
\ BEGIN over offset @ + over prev @ this?
\ IF rdrop 2drop prev @ 8 + exit THEN
\ 2dup >r offset @ + >r prev @
\ BEGIN dup @ ?dup 0= IF rdrop rdrop drop exit THEN
\ dup r> r> 2dup >r >r rot this? 0=
\ dup @ rot ! prev @ over ! prev ! rdrop rdrop
\ *** Block No. 94, Hexblock 5e
\ backup emptybuf readblk ks 23 jul 87
| : backup ( bufaddr -- ) dup 6+ @ 0<
IF 2+ dup @ 1+ \ buffer empty if file = -1
IF BEGIN dup 6+ over 2+ @ 2 pick @ 0 r/w
WHILE 1 ?diskerror REPEAT
THEN 4+ dup @ $7FFF and over ! THEN
drop ;
: emptybuf ( bufaddr -- ) 2+ dup on 4+ off ;
| : readblk ( blk file addr -- blk file addr )
dup emptybuf >r
BEGIN 2dup 0= offset @ and +
over r@ 8 + -rot 1 r/w
WHILE 2 ?diskerror REPEAT r> ;
\ *** Block No. 95, Hexblock 5f
\ take mark updates? full? core? ks 04 jul 87
| : take ( -- bufaddr) prev
BEGIN dup @ WHILE @ dup 2+ @ -1 = UNTIL
buffers lock dup backup ;
| : mark ( blk file bufaddr -- blk file ) 2+ >r
2dup r@ ! over 0= offset @ and + r@ 2+ !
r> 4+ off buffers unlock ;
| : updates? ( -- bufaddr / flag)
prev BEGIN @ dup WHILE dup 6+ @ 0< UNTIL ;
: core? ( blk file -- addr /false ) (core? 2drop false ;
\ *** Block No. 96, Hexblock 60
\ block & buffer manipulation ks 01 okt 87
: (buffer ( blk file -- addr )
BEGIN (core? take mark REPEAT ;
: (block ( blk file -- addr )
BEGIN (core? take readblk mark REPEAT ;
Code isfile@ ( -- addr )
D push isfile #) D mov Next end-code
\ : isfile@ ( -- addr ) isfile @ ;
: buffer ( blk -- addr ) isfile@ (buffer ;
: block ( blk -- addr ) isfile@ (block ;
\ *** Block No. 97, Hexblock 61
\ block & buffer manipulation ks 02 okt 87
: update $80 prev @ 6+ 1+ ( Byte-Order! ) c! ;
: save-buffers buffers lock
BEGIN updates? ?dup WHILE backup REPEAT buffers unlock ;
: empty-buffers buffers lock prev
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup emptybuf REPEAT buffers unlock ;
: flush file-link
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup fclose REPEAT
save-buffers empty-buffers ;
\ *** Block No. 98, Hexblock 62
\ Allocating buffers ks 31 oct 86
$10000 Constant limit Variable first
: allotbuffer ( -- )
first @ r0 @ - b/buf 2+ u< ?exit
b/buf negate first +! first @ dup emptybuf
prev @ over ! prev ! ;
: freebuffer ( -- ) first @ limit b/buf - u<
IF first @ backup prev
BEGIN dup @ first @ - WHILE @ REPEAT
first @ @ swap ! b/buf first +! THEN ;
: all-buffers BEGIN first @ allotbuffer first @ = UNTIL ;
| : init-buffers prev off limit first ! all-buffers ;
\ *** Block No. 99, Hexblock 63
@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
Forth definitions
Defer save-buffers ' noop IS save-buffers
Defer init-buffers ' noop IS init-buffers
Defer empty-buffers ' noop IS empty-buffers
Defer flush-file-buffers ( fcb -- )
' drop IS flush-file-buffers
Variable isfile isfile off \ addr of file control block
Variable fromfile fromfile off \ fcb in kopieroperationen
Code isfile@ ( -- addr )
D push isfile #) D mov Next end-code
\ : isfile@ ( -- addr ) isfile @ ;
Variable error# error# off \ Nummer des letzten Fehlers
Defer ?diskerror \ Fehlerbehandlung
\ *** Block No. 112, Hexblock 70
\ lc@ lc! l@ l! special 8088 operators ks 27 oct 86
@ -188,67 +209,10 @@
\ *** Block No. 122, Hexblock 7a
\ Disk capacities ks 08 aug 88
Vocabulary Dos Dos also definitions
6 Constant #drives
Create capacities $4B0 , $4B0 , $1B31 , $1B31 , $1B0F , 0 ,
| Code ?capacity ( +n -- cap ) D shl capacities # W mov
D W add W ) D mov Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 123, Hexblock 7b
\ MS-dos disk handlers direct access ks 31 jul 87
| Code block@ ( addr blk drv -- ff )
D- A- mov D pop C pop R push U push
I push C R mov 2 # C mov D shl $25 int
Label end-r/w I pop I pop U pop R pop 0 # D mov
CS ?[ D+ A+ mov A error# #) mov D dec ]? Next
| Code block! ( addr blk drv -- ff ) D- A- mov D pop
C pop R push U push I push C R mov 2 # C mov
D shl $26 int end-r/w # jmp
\ *** Block No. 124, Hexblock 7c
\ MS-dos disk handlers direct access ks cas 18jul20
| : ?drive ( +n -- +n ) dup #drives u< ?exit
Error" beyond drive capacity" ;
: /drive ( blk1 -- blk2 drive ) 0 swap #drives 0
DO dup I ?capacity under u< IF drop LEAVE THEN
- swap 1+ swap LOOP swap ;
: blk/drv ( -- capacity ) drv ?capacity ;
Forth definitions
: >drive ( blk1 +n -- blk2 ) ?drive
0 swap drv 2dup u> dup >r 0= IF swap THEN
?DO I ?capacity + LOOP r> IF negate THEN - ;
\ *** Block No. 125, Hexblock 7d
\ MS-DOS file access ks 18 mär 88
Dos definitions
Vocabulary Dos Dos also definitions
| Variable fcb fcb off \ last fcb accessed
| Variable prevfile \ previous active file
@ -386,16 +350,9 @@ b/fcb Host ' tb/fcb >body !
: fname! ( string fcb -- ) f.name >r count
dup fnamelen < not Abort" file name too long" r> place ;
| : filebuffer? ( fcb -- fcb bufaddr / fcb ff )
prev BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup 2+ @ = UNTIL ;
| : flushfile ( fcb -- )
BEGIN filebuffer? ?dup
WHILE dup backup emptybuf REPEAT drop ;
: fclose ( fcb -- ) ?dup 0=exit
dup f.handle @ ?dup 0= IF drop exit THEN
over flushfile ~close f.handle off ;
over flush-file-buffers ~close f.handle off ;
\ *** Block No. 133, Hexblock 85
@ -473,62 +430,16 @@ Assembler [[ W R xchg C pop D pop
: file! ( 8b dfaddr fcb -- ) dup >r fseek r> fputc ;
\ *** Block No. 137, Hexblock 89
\ /block *block ks 02 okt 87
Code /block ( d -- rest blk ) A D xchg C pop
C D mov A shr D rcr A shr D rcr D+ D- mov
A- D+ xchg $3FF # C and C push Next
\ : /block ( d -- rest blk ) b/blk um/mod ;
Code *block ( blk -- d ) A A xor D+ D- xchg D+ A+ xchg
A+ sal D rcl A+ sal D rcl A push Next
\ : *block ( blk -- d ) b/blk um* ;
\ *** Block No. 138, Hexblock 8a
\ fblock@ fblock! ks 19 mär 88
Dos definitions
| : ?beyond ( blk -- blk ) dup 0< 0=exit 9 ?diskerror ;
| : fblock ( addr blk fcb -- seg:addr quan fcb )
fcb ! ?beyond dup *block fcb @ fseek ds@ -rot
fcb @ f.size 2@ /block rot - ?beyond
IF drop b/blk THEN fcb @ ;
: fblock@ ( addr blk fcb -- ) fblock lfgets drop ;
: fblock! ( addr blk fcb -- ) fblock lfputs ;
\ *** Block No. 139, Hexblock 8b
\ (r/w flush ks 18 mär 88
Forth definitions
: (r/w ( addr blk fcb r/wf -- *f ) over fcb ! over
IF IF fblock@ false exit THEN fblock! false exit
THEN >r drop /drive ?drive
r> IF block@ exit THEN block! ;
' (r/w Is r/w
| : setfiles ( fcb -- ) isfile@ prevfile !
dup isfile ! fromfile ! ;
: direct 0 setfiles ;
: flush file-link
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup fclose REPEAT
save-buffers empty-buffers ;
\ *** Block No. 140, Hexblock 8c
@ -580,33 +491,13 @@ Assembler [[ W R xchg C pop D pop
: from isfile push use ;
: loadfrom ( n -- ) pushfile use load close ;
: include 1 loadfrom ;
\ Old pure-block-file include:
\ : include 1 loadfrom ;
\ *** Block No. 143, Hexblock 8f
\ drive drv capacity drivenames ks 18 mär 88
: drive ( n -- ) isfile@ IF ~select exit THEN
?drive offset off 0 ?DO I ?capacity offset +! LOOP ;
: drv ( -- n )
isfile@ IF ~disk? exit THEN offset @ /drive nip ;
: capacity ( -- n ) isfile@ ?dup
IF dup f.handle @ 0= IF dup freset THEN
f.size 2@ /block swap 0<> - exit THEN blk/drv ;
| : Drv: Create c, Does> c@ drive ;
0 Drv: A: 1 Drv: B: 2 Drv: C: 3 Drv: D:
4 Drv: E: 5 Drv: F: 6 Drv: G: 7 Drv: H:
\ *** Block No. 144, Hexblock 90
\ lfsave savefile savesystem ks 10 okt 87
@ -652,9 +543,6 @@ Assembler [[ W R xchg C pop D pop
| : 'file ( -- scr ) r> scr push isfile push >r
[ Dos ] ' @view >file isfile ! ;
: view 'file list ;
: help 'file capacity 2/ + list ;
| : remove? ( dic symb addr -- dic symb addr f )
2 pick over 1+ u< ;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
: forth-83 ; \ last word in Dictionary
0 ' limit >body ! $DFF6 s0 ! $E77C r0 !
s0 @ s0 2- ! here dp !
Host tudp @ Target udp !
Host tvoc-link @ Target voc-link !
Host tnext-link @ Target next-link !
Host tfile-link @ Target Forth file-link !
Host T move-threads H
save-buffers cr .( unresolved: ) .unresolved
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
variable tibeof tibeof off
: eolf? ( c -- f )
\ f=-1: not yet eol; store c and continue
\ f=0: eol but not yet eof; return line and flag continue
\ f=1: eof: return line and flag eof
tibeof off
dup #lf = IF drop 0 exit THEN
-1 = IF tibeof on 1 ELSE -1 THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\ incfile incpos inc-fgetc phz 06feb22
variable incfile
variable incpos 2 allot
: inc-fgetc ( -- c )
incfile @ f.handle @ 0= IF
incpos 2@ incfile @ fseek THEN
incfile @ fgetc
incpos 2@ 1. d+ incpos 2! ;
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ freadline probe-for-fb phz 06feb22
: freadline ( -- eof )
tib /tib bounds DO
inc-fgetc dup eolf? under 0< IF I c! ELSE drop THEN
0< 0= IF I tib - #tib ! ENDLOOP tibeof @ exit THEN
LOOP /tib #tib !
." warning: line exteeds max " /tib . cr
." extra chars ignored" cr
BEGIN inc-fgetc eolf? 1+ UNTIL tibeof @ ;
| : probe-for-fb ( -- flag )
\ probes whether current file looks like a block file
/tib 2+ 0 DO isfile@ fgetc #lf = IF ENDLOOP false exit THEN
LOOP true ;
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ save/restoretib phz 16jan22
$50 constant /stash
create stash[ /stash allot here constant ]stash
variable stash> stash[ stash> !
: savetib ( -- n )
#tib @ >in @ - dup stash> @ + ]stash u>
abort" tib stash overflow" >r
tib >in @ + stash> @ r@ cmove
r@ stash> +! r> ;
: restoretib ( n -- )
dup >r negate stash> +! stash> @ tib r@ cmove
r> #tib ! >in off ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ interpret-via-tib include phz 06feb22
: interpret-via-tib
BEGIN freadline >r .status >in off interpret
r> UNTIL ;
Defer include-load
| : block-not-implemented 1 abort" block file access not implemented" ;
' block-not-implemented IS include-load
: include ( -- )
pushfile use cr file?
probe-for-fb isfile@ freset IF 1 include-load close exit THEN
incfile push isfile@ incfile !
incpos push incpos off incpos 2+ dup push off
savetib >r interpret-via-tib close r> restoretib ;
: (stashquit stash[ stash> ! (quit ;
: stashrestore ['] (stashquit IS 'quit ;
' stashrestore IS 'restart
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
\ - errorreport.fth has been loaded prior to this file
\ - utilities.fth has been loaded prioir to this file
\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
use empty.fb
TESTING Block word set
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
blocktest.fth**=== NOT TESTED === *******Scr 21 Dr 1
FLUSH exists
BLOCK.FTH **=== NOT TESTED === ******* Scr 21 Dr 5 EMPTY.FB
0 Should show a (mostly) blank screen
@ -16,16 +16,7 @@ blocktest.fth**=== NOT TESTED === *******Scr 21 Dr 1
Scr 20 Dr 1
Scr 20 Dr 5 EMPTY.FB
0 List of the First test block
@ -42,16 +33,7 @@ Scr 20 Dr 1
Scr 29 Dr 1
Scr 29 Dr 5 EMPTY.FB
0 List of the Last test block
@ -68,16 +50,7 @@ Scr 29 Dr 1
Scr 25 Dr 1
Scr 25 Dr 5 EMPTY.FB
@ -93,18 +66,9 @@ Scr 25 Dr 1
24 End of Screen
Scr 21 Dr 1
0 Should show another (mostly) blank scree
15 End of Screen
Scr 21 Dr 5 EMPTY.FB
0 Should show another (mostly) blank screen
@ -120,15 +84,6 @@ Scr 21 Dr 1
*** | exists Given Characters per Line: 41
*** | exists Given Characters per Line: 64
End of Block word tests
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
utilities.fth ?DEFTEST1 exists
Test utilities loaded
COREEXT.FTH **************
Output from .(
You should see -9876: -9876
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
You should see 2345: 2345
End of additional Core tests
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
DOUBLTST.FTH *****************
End of Double-Number word tests
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
include extend2.fth
\needs drv : drv 2 ; \ showing C: if drv isn't defined
include multivid.fth
\ : .blk|tib
\ blk @ ?dup IF ." Blk " u. ?cr exit THEN
\ incfile @ IF tib #tib @ cr type THEN ;
\ ' .blk|tib Is .status
\ include dos2.fth
include dos3.fth
include log2file.fth
@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ include file to bundle what test-*.fth need phz 30jan22\ on top of kernel.com \ loadscreen to prepare kernel.com for test-*.fth phz 31jan22 include multi.vid \ include asm.fb \ include extend.fb : arguments ( n -- ) depth 1- > Error" too few params" ; : blank ( addr count -- ) bl fill ; include dos.fb include include.fb include log2file.fb
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\ include file to bundle what test-*.fth need phz 30jan22
\ on top of kernel.com
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ loadscreen to prepare kernel.com for test-*.fth phz 31jan22
include multi.vid
\ include asm.fb
\ include extend.fb
: arguments ( n -- )
depth 1- > Error" too few params" ;
: blank ( addr count -- ) bl fill ;
include dos.fb
include include.fb
include log2file.fb
@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
include log2file.fth
logopen test.log
logopen output.log
include ans-shim.fth
: \vf [compile] \ ; immediate
include prelimtest.fth
include prelim.fth
include tester.fth
\ 1 verbose !
include core.fr
include coreplustest.fth
include coreplus.fth
include utilities.fth
include errorreport.fth
include util.fth
include errorrep.fth
include coreexttest.fth
include doubletest.fth
1 drive include blocktest.fth
include coreext.fth
include doubltst.fth
: flush logclose flush logreopen ;
include block.fth
dos s0:notdone
@ -10,6 +10,5 @@ include tester.fth
\ 1 verbose !
include core.fr
\ include coreplus.fth
@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
\ : .blk|tib
\ blk @ ?dup IF ." Blk " u. ?cr exit THEN
\ incfile @ IF tib #tib @ cr type THEN ;
include log2file.fth
logopen output.log
include ans-shim.fth
: \vf [compile] \ ; immediate
include prelimtest.fth
include prelim.fth
include tester.fth
\ 1 verbose !
include core.fr
@ -15,7 +19,10 @@ include util.fth
include errorrep.fth
include coreext.fth
include double.fth
\ ' .blk|tib Is .status
include doubltst.fth
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
logopen output.log
forth also dos words
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
logopen output.log
forth words
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user