diff --git a/6502/C64/RELEASE_NOTES.md b/6502/C64/RELEASE_NOTES.md index db12bbf..baefb05 100644 --- a/6502/C64/RELEASE_NOTES.md +++ b/6502/C64/RELEASE_NOTES.md @@ -22,7 +22,33 @@ The latest release zip file `volksforth-6502-c64-release.zip` contains * `v4th*.fth` - the binaries' main files * `vf-*.fth` - sources from which VolksForth kernels are compiled - * further Forth sources + * `6502asm.fth` - the 6502 assembler, needed to compile Code words + * `trns6502asm.fth` - the transient 6502 assembler. It lives on the + heap and is removed by `clear`. This allows building applications that + have code words but don't carry the assembler itself after saving. + * `tmp6502asm.fth` - like the transient 6502 assembler, but living on the + tmpheap instead of the heap. See below for tmpheap. + * `rom-ram-sys.fth` + * `tracer.fth` - the debugger + * `tasker.fth` - the multitasker + * `multitask.fth` - the small bit of assembly code needed by tasker.fth + * `taskdemo.fth` - a C64/C16 demo of the tasker + * `x16input-tsk.fth`- The usual v4th X16 keyboard input uses the regular + screen editor for line input, so no task switches happen during line input. + This input implementation allows task switches during input but uses Kernal + variables and has a cursor bug after backspace. + * `cbmopen.fth` - Forth words for Kernal channel I/O + * `lists.fth` - two list utility words + * `profiler.fth` - *** [4d2023-04](https://forth-ev.de/wiki/res/lib/exe/fetch.php/vd-archiv:4d2023-04.pdf) (English) + * `tmpheap.fth` - the reference implementation of the tmpheap design + as described at + [SVFIG 04-2021](https://www.forth.org/svfig/kk/04-2021.html), in the + [4d2021-03](https://forth-ev.de/wiki/res/lib/exe/fetch.php/vd-archiv:4d2021-03.pdf) (German) and used + in [cc64](https://github.com/pzembrod/cc64/blob/master/src/cc64/cc64.fth#L11) + * `x16tmpheap.fth` - a X16 tmpheap implementation that uses banked ram + * `notmpheap.fth` - a null implementation that redirects the tmpheap + to the regular VolksForth heap + * `tc-base.fth` - loadfile for the resident part of the target compiler * `src_petscii/` - the files from `src/` converted to PETSCII