CR CR SOURCE TYPE ( Preliminary test ) CR SOURCE ( These lines test SOURCE, TYPE, CR and parenthetic comments ) TYPE CR ( The next line of output should be blank to test CR ) SOURCE TYPE CR CR ( It is now assumed that SOURCE, TYPE, CR and comments work. SOURCE and ) ( TYPE will be used to report test passes until something better can be ) ( defined to report errors. Until then reporting failures will depend on the ) ( system under test and will usually be via reporting an unrecognised word ) ( or possibly the system crashing. Tests will be numbered by #n from now on ) ( to assist fault finding. Test successes will be indicated by ) ( 'Pass: #n ...' and failures by 'Error: #n ...' ) ( Initial tests of >IN +! and 1+ ) ( Check that n >IN +! acts as an interpretive IF, where n >= 0 ) ( Pass #1: testing 0 >IN +! ) 0 >IN +! SOURCE TYPE CR ( Pass #2: testing 1 >IN +! ) 1 >IN +! xSOURCE TYPE CR ( Pass #3: testing 1+ ) 1 1+ >IN +! xxSOURCE TYPE CR ( Test results can now be reported using the >IN +! trick to skip ) ( 1 or more characters ) ( The value of BASE is unknown so it is not safe to use digits > 1, therefore ) ( it will be set it to binary and then decimal, this also tests @ and ! ) ( Pass #4: testing @ ! BASE ) 0 1+ 1+ BASE ! BASE @ >IN +! xxSOURCE TYPE CR ( Set BASE to decimal ) 1010 BASE ! ( Pass #5: testing decimal BASE ) BASE @ >IN +! xxxxxxxxxxSOURCE TYPE CR ( Now in decimal mode and digits >1 can be used ) ( A better error reporting word is needed, much like .( which can't ) ( be used as it is in the Core Extension word set, similarly PARSE can't be ) ( used either, only WORD is available to parse a message and must be used ) ( in a colon definition. Therefore a simple colon definition is tested next ) ( Pass #6: testing : ; ) : .SRC SOURCE TYPE CR ; 6 >IN +! xxxxxx.SRC ( Pass #7: testing number input ) 19 >IN +! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.SRC ( VARIABLE is now tested as one will be used instead of DROP e.g. Y ! ) ( Pass #8: testing VARIABLE ) VARIABLE Y 2 Y ! Y @ >IN +! xx.SRC : MSG 41 WORD COUNT ; ( 41 is the ASCII code for right parenthesis ) ( The next tests MSG leaves 2 items on the data stack ) ( Pass #9: testing WORD COUNT ) 5 MSG abcdef) Y ! Y ! >IN +! xxxxx.SRC ( Pass #10: testing WORD COUNT ) MSG ab) >IN +! xxY ! .SRC ( For reporting success .MSG( is now defined ) : .MSG( MSG TYPE ; .MSG( Pass #11: testing WORD COUNT .MSG) CR ( To define an error reporting word, = 2* AND will be needed, test them first ) ( This assumes 2's complement arithmetic ) 1 1 = 1+ 1+ >IN +! x.MSG( Pass #12: testing = returns all 1's for true) CR 1 0 = 1+ >IN +! x.MSG( Pass #13: testing = returns 0 for false) CR 1 1 = -1 = 1+ 1+ >IN +! x.MSG( Pass #14: testing -1 interpreted correctly) CR 1 2* >IN +! xx.MSG( Pass #15: testing 2*) CR -1 2* 1+ 1+ 1+ >IN +! x.MSG( Pass #16: testing 2*) CR -1 -1 AND 1+ 1+ >IN +! x.MSG( Pass #17: testing AND) CR -1 0 AND 1+ >IN +! x.MSG( Pass #18: testing AND) CR 6 -1 AND >IN +! xxxxxx.MSG( Pass #19: testing AND) CR ( Define ~ to use as a 'to end of line' comment. \ cannot be used as it a ) ( Core Extension word ) : ~ ( -- ) SOURCE >IN ! Y ! ; ( Rather than relying on a pass message test words can now be defined to ) ( report errors in the event of a failure. For convenience words ?T~ and ) ( ?F~ are defined together with a helper ?~~ to test for TRUE and FALSE ) ( Usage is: ?T~ Error #n: ) ( Success makes >IN index the ~ in ?T~ or ?F~ to skip the error message. ) ( Hence it is essential there is only 1 space between ?T~ and Error ) : ?~~ ( -1 | 0 -- ) 2* >IN +! ; : ?F~ ( f -- ) 0 = ?~~ ; : ?T~ ( f -- ) -1 = ?~~ ; ( Errors will be counted ) VARIABLE #ERRS 0 #ERRS ! : Error 1 #ERRS +! -6 >IN +! .MSG( CR ; : Pass -1 #ERRS +! 1 >IN +! Error ; ~ Pass is defined solely to test Error -1 ?F~ Pass #20: testing ?F~ ?~~ Pass Error -1 ?T~ Error #1: testing ?T~ ?~~ ~ 0 0 = 0= ?F~ Error #2: testing 0= 1 0 = 0= ?T~ Error #3: testing 0= -1 0 = 0= ?T~ Error #4: testing 0= 0 0 = ?T~ Error #5: testing = 0 1 = ?F~ Error #6: testing = 1 0 = ?F~ Error #7: testing = -1 1 = ?F~ Error #8: testing = 1 -1 = ?F~ Error #9: testing = -1 0< ?T~ Error #10: testing 0< 0 0< ?F~ Error #11: testing 0< 1 0< ?F~ Error #12: testing 0< DEPTH 1+ DEPTH = ?~~ Error #13: testing DEPTH ~ Up to now whether the data stack was empty or not hasn't mattered as ~ long as it didn't overflow. Now it will be emptied - also ~ removing any unreported underflow DEPTH 0< 0= 1+ >IN +! ~ 0 0 >IN ! Remove any underflow DEPTH 0= 1+ >IN +! ~ Y ! 0 >IN ! Empty the stack DEPTH 0= ?T~ Error #14: data stack not emptied 4 -5 SWAP 4 = SWAP -5 = = ?T~ Error #15: testing SWAP 111 222 333 444 DEPTH 4 = ?T~ Error #16: testing DEPTH 444 = SWAP 333 = = DEPTH 3 = = ?T~ Error #17: testing SWAP DEPTH 222 = SWAP 111 = = DEPTH 1 = = ?T~ Error #18: testing SWAP DEPTH DEPTH 0= ?T~ Error #19: testing DEPTH = 0 ~ From now on the stack is expected to be empty after a test so ~ ?~ will be defined to include a check on the stack depth. Note ~ that ?~~ was defined and used earlier instead of ?~ to avoid ~ (irritating) redefinition messages that many systems display had ~ ?~ simply been redefined : ?~ ( -1 | 0 -- ) DEPTH 1 = AND ?~~ ; ~ -1 test success, 0 test failure 123 -1 ?~ Pass #21: testing ?~ Y ! ~ equivalent to DROP ~ Testing the remaining Core words used in the Hayes tester, with the above ~ definitions these are straightforward 1 DROP DEPTH 0= ?~ Error #20: testing DROP 123 DUP = ?~ Error #21: testing DUP 123 ?DUP = ?~ Error #22: testing ?DUP 0 ?DUP 0= ?~ Error #23: testing ?DUP 123 111 + 234 = ?~ Error #24: testing + 123 -111 + 12 = ?~ Error #25: testing + -123 111 + -12 = ?~ Error #26: testing + -123 -111 + -234 = ?~ Error #27: testing + -1 NEGATE 1 = ?~ Error #28: testing NEGATE 0 NEGATE 0= ?~ Error #29: testing NEGATE 987 NEGATE -987 = ?~ Error #30: testing NEGATE HERE DEPTH SWAP DROP 1 = ?~ Error #31: testing HERE CREATE TST1 HERE TST1 = ?~ Error #32: testing CREATE HERE 16 ALLOT HERE TST1 NEGATE + 16 = ?~ Error #33: testing ALLOT -16 ALLOT HERE TST1 = ?~ Error #34: testing ALLOT 0 CELLS 0= ?~ Error #35: testing CELLS 1 CELLS ALLOT HERE TST1 NEGATE + VARIABLE CSZ CSZ ! CSZ @ 0= 0= ?~ Error #36: testing CELLS 3 CELLS CSZ @ DUP 2* + = ?~ Error #37: testing CELLS -3 CELLS CSZ @ DUP 2* + + 0= ?~ Error #38: testing CELLS : TST2 ( f -- n ) DUP IF 1+ THEN ; 0 TST2 0= ?~ Error #39: testing IF THEN 1 TST2 2 = ?~ Error #40: testing IF THEN : TST3 ( n1 -- n2 ) IF 123 ELSE 234 THEN ; 0 TST3 234 = ?~ Error #41: testing IF ELSE THEN 1 TST3 123 = ?~ Error #42: testing IF ELSE THEN : TST4 ( -- n ) 0 5 0 DO 1+ LOOP ; TST4 5 = ?~ Error #43: testing DO LOOP : TST5 ( -- n ) 0 10 0 DO I + LOOP ; TST5 45 = ?~ Error #44: testing I : TST6 ( -- n ) 0 10 0 DO DUP 5 = IF LEAVE ELSE 1+ THEN LOOP ; TST6 5 = ?~ Error #45: testing LEAVE : TST7 ( -- n1 n2 ) 123 >R 234 R> ; TST7 NEGATE + 111 = ?~ Error #46: testing >R R> : TST8 ( -- ch ) [CHAR] A ; TST8 65 = ?~ Error #47: testing [CHAR] : TST9 ( -- ) [CHAR] s [CHAR] s [CHAR] a [CHAR] P 4 0 DO EMIT LOOP ; TST9 .MSG( #22: testing EMIT) CR : TST10 ( -- ) S" Pass #23: testing S" TYPE [CHAR] " EMIT CR ; TST10 ~ The Hayes core test uses CONSTANT before it is tested therefore ~ we test CONSTANT here 1234 CONSTANT CTEST CTEST 1234 = ?~ Error #48: testing CONSTANT ~ The Hayes tester uses some words from the Core extension word set ~ These will be conditionally defined following definition of a ~ word called ?DEFINED to determine whether these are already defined VARIABLE TIMM1 0 TIMM1 ! : TIMM2 123 TIMM1 ! ; IMMEDIATE : TIMM3 TIMM2 ; TIMM1 @ 123 = ?~ Error #49: testing IMMEDIATE : ?DEFINED ( "name" -- 0 | -1 ) 32 WORD FIND SWAP DROP 0= 0= ; ?DEFINED SWAP ?~ Error #50: testing FIND ?DEFINED ?DEFINED <> 0= ?~ Error #51 testing FIND ?DEFINED ?DEFINED \ ?~ : \ ~ ; IMMEDIATE \ Error #52: testing \ : TIMM4 \ Error #53: testing \ is IMMEDIATE ; ~ TRUE and FALSE are defined as colon definitions as they have been used ~ more than CONSTANT above ?DEFINED TRUE ?~ : TRUE 1 NEGATE ; ?DEFINED FALSE ?~ : FALSE 0 ; ?DEFINED HEX ?~ : HEX 16 BASE ! ; TRUE -1 = ?~ Error #54: testing TRUE FALSE 0= ?~ Error #55: testing FALSE 10 HEX 0A = ?~ Error #56: testing HEX AB 0A BASE ! 171 = ?~ Error #57: testing hex number ~ Delete the ~ on the next 2 lines to check the final error report ~ Error #998: testing a deliberate failure ~ Error #999: testing a deliberate failure ~ Describe the messages that should be seen. The previously defined .MSG( ~ can be used for text messages CR .MSG( Results: ) CR CR .MSG( Pass messages #1 to #23 should be displayed above) CR .MSG( and no error messages) CR ~ Finally display a message giving the number of tests that failed. ~ This is complicated by the fact that untested words including .( ." and . ~ cannot be used. Also more colon definitions shouldn't be defined than are ~ needed. To display a number, note that the number of errors will have ~ one or two digits at most and an interpretive loop can be used to ~ display those. CR 0 #ERRS @ ~ Loop to calculate the 10's digit (if any) DUP NEGATE 9 + 0< NEGATE >IN +! ( -10 + SWAP 1+ SWAP 0 >IN ! ) ~ Display the error count SWAP ?DUP 0= 1+ >IN +! ( 48 + EMIT ( ) 48 + EMIT .MSG( test) #ERRS @ 1 = 1+ >IN +! ~ .MSG( s) .MSG( failed out of 57 additional tests) CR CR CR .MSG( --- End of Preliminary Tests --- ) CR