\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0 \ include for stream sources for cp/m phz 30aug23 cr .( order) order cr \ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1 \ load screen phz 02sep23 \ onlyforth dos also forth definitions : idos-error? ( n -- f ) 0<> ; : iread-seq ( dosfcb -- f ) $14 bdosa idos-error? ; : cr+ex@ ( fcb -- cr+256*ex ) dup &34 + c@ swap &14 + c@ $100 * + ; : cr+ex! ( cr+256*ex fcb -- ) >r $100 u/mod r@ &14 + c! r> &34 + c! ; \ 1 7 +thru \ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2 \ fib /fib #fib eolf? phz 09okt24 \ context @ dos also context ! \ $50 constant /tib variable tibeof tibeof off $1a constant ctrl-z : eolf? ( c -- f ) \ f=-1: not yet eol; store c and continue \ f=0: eol but not yet eof; return line and flag continue \ f=1: eof: return line and flag eof tibeof off dup #lf = IF drop 0 exit THEN ctrl-z = IF tibeof on 1 ELSE -1 THEN ; \ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3 \ incfile incpos inc-fgetc phz 02sep23 variable incfile variable increc variable rec-offset $80 constant dmabuf | $ff constant dmabuf-last : readrec ( fcb -- f ) dup cr+ex@ increc ! rec-offset off dmabuf dma! drive iread-seq ; : inc-fgetc ( -- c ) rec-offset @ b/rec u< 0= IF incfile @ readrec IF ctrl-z exit THEN THEN rec-offset @ dmabuf + c@ 1 rec-offset +! ; \ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4 \ freadline probe-for-fb phz 25aug23 : freadline ( -- eof ) tib /tib bounds DO inc-fgetc dup eolf? under 0< IF I c! ELSE drop THEN 0< 0= IF I tib - #tib ! ENDLOOP tibeof @ exit THEN LOOP /tib #tib ! ." warning: line exteeds max " /tib . cr ." extra chars ignored" cr BEGIN inc-fgetc eolf? 1+ UNTIL tibeof @ ; | : probe-for-fb ( -- flag ) dmabuf BEGIN dup c@ #lf = IF drop 0 exit THEN 1+ dup dmabuf-last u> UNTIL drop 1 ; \ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5 \ save/restoretib phz 06okt22 $50 constant /stash create stash[ /stash allot here constant ]stash variable stash> stash[ stash> ! : savetib ( -- n ) #tib @ >in @ - dup stash> @ + ]stash u> abort" tib stash overflow" >r tib >in @ + stash> @ r@ cmove r@ stash> +! r> ; : restoretib ( n -- ) dup >r negate stash> +! stash> @ tib r@ cmove r> #tib ! >in off ; \ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6 \ interpret-via-tib inner-include phz 02sep23 : interpret-via-tib BEGIN freadline >r .status >in off interpret r> UNTIL ; : include-inner ( -- ) increc push 0 isfile@ cr+ex! isfile@ readrec Abort" can't read start of file" probe-for-fb IF 1 load exit THEN incfile push isfile@ incfile ! savetib >r interpret-via-tib close r> restoretib ; \ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7 \ include phz 02sep23 : include ( -- ) rec-offset push isfile push fromfile push use cr file? include-inner incfile @ IF increc @ incfile @ cr+ex! incfile @ readrec Abort" error re-reading after include" THEN ; \ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8 \ \ phz 02sep23 : (stashquit stash[ stash> ! incfile off increc off (quit ; : stashrestore ['] (stashquit IS 'quit ; ' stashrestore IS 'restart : \ blk @ IF >in @ negate c/l mod >in +! ELSE #tib @ >in ! THEN ; immediate \ : \needs have 0=exit \ blk @ IF >in @ negate c/l mod >in +! \ ELSE #tib @ >in ! THEN ;