Screen 0 not modified 0 \ 28 jun 88 1 2 DOS loads higher level file functions which go beyond 3 including a screen file. Calls to MS-DOS are implemented 4 and used for directory manipulation. These functions may 5 not work for versions before MS-DOS 3.0. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Screen 1 not modified 0 \ MS-DOS file handli cas 09jun20 1 Onlyforth \needs Assembler 2 loadfrom asm.fb 2 3 : fswap isfile@ fromfile @ isfile ! fromfile ! ; 4 5 $80 Constant dta 6 7 | : COMSPEC ( -- string ) [ dos ] 8 $2C @ ( DOS-environment:seg) 8 ds@ filename &60 lmove 9 filename counted &60 min filename place filename ; 10 11 1 &12 +thru .( MS-DOS functions loaed ) cr 12 13 Onlyforth 14 15 Screen 2 not modified 0 \ moving blocks ks 04 okt 87 1 2 | : full? ( -- flag ) prev BEGIN @ dup @ 0= UNTIL 6 + @ 0< ; 3 4 : used? ( blk -- f ) 5 block count b/blk 1- swap skip nip 0<> ; 6 7 | : (copy ( from to -- ) 8 full? IF save-buffers THEN isfile@ fromfile @ - 9 IF dup used? Abort" target block not empty" THEN 10 dup isfile@ core? IF prev @ emptybuf THEN 11 isfile@ 0= IF offset @ + THEN 12 isfile@ rot fromfile @ (block 6 - 2! update ; 13 14 15 Screen 3 not modified 0 \ moving blocks ks 04 okt 87 1 2 | : blkmove ( from to quan -- ) 3 arguments save-buffers 3 >r over r@ + over u> >r 2dup u< r> and 4 IF r@ r@ d+ r> 0 ?DO -1 -2 d+ 2dup (copy LOOP 5 ELSE r> 0 ?DO 2dup (copy 1 1 d+ LOOP 6 THEN save-buffers 2drop ; 7 8 : copy ( from to -- ) 1 blkmove ; 9 10 : convey ( blk1 blk2 to.blk -- ) 11 3 arguments >r 2dup swap - >r 12 fswap dup capacity 1- > isfile@ 0<> and 13 fswap r> r@ + capacity 1- > isfile@ 0<> and or >r 14 1+ over - dup 0> not r> or Abort" nein" r> swap blkmove ; 15 Screen 4 not modified 0 \ MORE extending forth files ks 10 okt 87 1 Dos also definitions 2 3 | : addblock ( blk -- ) dup buffer dup b/blk blank 4 isfile@ f.size dup 2@ b/blk 0 d+ rot 2! 5 swap isfile@ fblock! ; 6 7 Forth definitions 8 9 : more ( n -- ) 1 arguments isfile@ 10 IF capacity swap bounds ?DO I addblock LOOP close exit 11 THEN drop ; 12 13 14 15 Screen 5 not modified 0 \ file eof? create dta-addressing ks 03 apr 88 1 Dos definitions 2 3 : ftime ( -- mm hh ) 4 isfile@ f.time @ $20 u/mod nip $40 u/mod ; 5 6 : fdate ( -- dd mm yy ) 7 isfile@ @ $20 u/mod $10 u/mod &80 + ; 8 9 : .when base push decimal 10 fdate rot 3 .r ." ." swap 2 .r ." ." 2 .r 11 ftime 3 .r ." :" 2 .r ; 12 13 14 15 Screen 6 not modified 0 \ ks 20mar88 1 2 : (.fcb ( fcb -- ) 3 dup .file ?dup 0=exit pushfile 4 isfile ! &13 tab ." is" 5 isfile@ f.handle @ 2 .r 6 isfile@ f.size 2@ 7 d.r .when 7 space isfile@ count type ; 8 9 Forth definitions 10 11 : files file-link 12 BEGIN @ dup WHILE cr dup (.fcb stop? UNTIL drop ; 13 14 : ?file isfile@ (.fcb ; 15 Screen 7 not modified 0 \ dir make makefile ks 25 okt 87 1 Forth definitions 2 3 : killfile close 4 isfile@ filename >asciz ~unlink drop ; 5 6 : emptyfile isfile@ 0=exit 7 isfile@ filename >asciz 0 ~creat ?diskerror 8 isfile@ f.handle ! isfile@ f.size 4 erase ; 9 10 : make close name isfile@ fname! emptyfile ; 11 12 : makefile File last @ name> execute emptyfile ; 13 14 15 Screen 8 not modified 0 \ getpath ks 10 okt 87 1 Dos definitions 2 3 | &40 Constant pathlen 4 | Create pathes 0 c, pathlen allot 5 6 | : (setpath ( string -- ) count 7 dup pathlen u> Abort" path too long" pathes place ; 8 9 | : getpath ( +n -- string / ff ) 10 >r 0 pathes count r> 0 11 DO rot drop Ascii ; skip stash Ascii ; scan LOOP 12 drop over - ?dup 13 IF here place here dup count + 1- c@ 14 ?" :\" ?exit Ascii \ here append exit 15 THEN 0= ; Screen 9 not modified 0 \ pathsearch .path path ks 09 okt 87 1 2 : pathsearch ( string -- asciz *f ) dup >r 3 (fsearch dup 0= IF rdrop exit THEN 2drop 0 0 4 BEGIN drop 1+ dup getpath ?dup 0= 5 IF drop r> filename >asciz 2 exit THEN 6 r@ count 2 pick attach (fsearch 7 0= UNTIL nip rdrop false ; 8 9 ' pathsearch Is fsearch 10 11 Forth definitions 12 13 : .path pathes count type ; 14 15 : path name nullstring? IF .path exit THEN (setpath ; Screen 10 not modified 0 \ call another executable file ks 04 aug 87 1 Dos definitions 2 3 | Create cpb 0 , \ inherit parent environment 4 dta , ds@ , $5C , ds@ , $6C , ds@ , Label ssave 0 , 5 6 | Code ~exec ( asciz -- *f ) 7 I push R push U push S ssave #) mov cpb # R mov 8 $4B00 # A mov $21 int C: D mov D D: mov D S: mov 9 D E: mov ssave #) S mov CS not 10 ?[ A A xor A push $2F # A+ mov $21 int E: A mov 11 A D: mov C: A mov A E: mov R I mov dta # W mov 12 $40 # C mov rep movs A D: mov A pop 13 ]? A W xchg dta # D mov $1A # A+ mov $21 int 14 W D mov U pop R pop I pop Next 15 end-code Screen 11 not modified 0 \ calling MS-DOS thru forth interpreter ks 19 mr 88 1 2 | : execute? ( extension -- *f ) 3 count filename count Ascii . scan drop swap 4 2dup 1+ erase move filename 1+ ~exec ; 5 6 : fcall ( string -- ) count filename place ds@ cpb 4+ ! 7 " .EXE" execute? dup IF drop " .COM" execute? THEN 8 ?diskerror ; 9 10 : fdos ( string -- ) 11 dta $80 erase " /c " count dta place count dta attach 12 status push status off .status COMSPEC fcall curat? at ; 13 14 15 Screen 12 not modified 0 \ einige MS-DOS Funktionen msdos call ks 10 okt 87 1 2 : dos: Create ," Does> count here place 3 Ascii " parse here attach here fdos ; 4 5 Forth definitions 6 7 dos: dir dir " 8 dos: ren ren " 9 dos: md md " 10 dos: cd cd " 11 dos: rd rd " 12 dos: fcopy copy " 13 dos: delete del " 14 dos: ftype type " 15 Screen 13 not modified 0 \ msdos call ks 23 okt 88 1 2 : msdos savevideo status push status off .status 3 flush dta off COMSPEC fcall restorevideo ; 4 5 : call name source >in @ /string c/l umin 6 dta place dta dta >asciz drop [compile] \ 7 status push status off .status fcall curat? at ; 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Screen 14 not modified 0 \ time date ks 19 mr 88 1 Dos definitions 2 3 : ftime ( -- mm hh ) 4 open isfile@ f.time @ $20 u/mod nip $40 u/mod ; 5 6 : fdate ( -- dd mm yy ) 7 open isfile@ @ $20 u/mod $10 u/mod &80 + ; 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Screen 15 not modified 0 \ ~lseek position? ks 10 okt 87 1 Dos definitions 2 3 Code ~lseek ( d handle method -- d' ) 4 R W mov D A mov R pop C pop D pop 5 $42 # A+ mov $21 int W R mov CS not 6 ?[ A push Next ]? A D xchg ;c: ?diskerror ; 7 8 Forth definitions 9 10 : position? ( -- dfaddr ) 11 isfile@ f.handle @ 0= Abort" file not open" 12 0 0 isfile@ f.handle @ 1 ~lseek ; 13 14 15 Screen 16 not modified 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Screen 17 not modified 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15