mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 09:31:02 +00:00
2177 lines
134 KiB
2177 lines
134 KiB
\ *** Block No. 0 Hexblock 0
\\ volksFORTH CP/M 2.2 rev. 3.80a 18Nov87
Entwicklung des volksFORTH-83 von
K. Schleisiek, B. Pennemann,
G. Rehfeld, D. Weineck, U. Hoffmann
Anpassung fuer Intel 8080 und CP/M 2.2 von U. Hoffmann
Dieses File enthaelt den kompletten Sourcetext des Kern-Systems
fuer die Intel 8080-CPU und die Anpassung an CP/M 2.2 und CP/M+.
Mit Hilfe eines Target-Compilers wird daraus das volksFORTH-
System erzeugt, daher finden sich an einigen Stellen Anweisungen
an den Target-Compiler, die fuer das Verstaendnis des Systems
nicht wichtig sind.
Version 3.80a enthaelt gegenueber 3.80 einige Aenderungen, ins-
besondere die Bdos-Schnittstelle fuer Disk-IO im Kern.
\ *** Block No. 1 Hexblock 1
\ CP/M 2.2 volksForth Load Screen 27Nov87
$9000 displace !
Target definitions $100 here!
1 $74 +thru \ Standard 8080-System
cr .( unresolved: ) .unresolved ( ' .blk is .status )
save-target KERNEL.COM
\ *** Block No. 2 Hexblock 2
\ FORTH Preamble and ID uho 19May2005
nop 0 jmp here 2- >label >boot
nop 0 jmp here 2- >label >cold
nop 0 jmp here 2- >label >restart
here dup origin!
\ Hier beginnen die Kaltstartwerte der Benutzervariablen
6 rst 0 jmp end-code \ for multitasker
$100 allot
| Create logo ," volksFORTH-83 rev. 3.80a"
\ *** Block No. 3 Hexblock 3
\ Assembler Labels Next Forth-Register 29Jun86
Label dpush D push Label hpush H push
Label >next
IP ldax IP inx A L mov IP ldax IP inx A H mov
Label >next1
M E mov H inx M D mov xchg pchl
Variable RP
Variable UP
\ IP in BC
\ W in DE
\ SP in SP
Variable IPsave
\ *** Block No. 4 Hexblock 4
\ Assembler Macros 20Oct86
Compiler Assembler also definitions Forth
: Next T >next jmp [ Forth ] ;
T hpush Forth Constant hpush T dpush Forth Constant dpush
T >next Forth Constant >next
: rpush ( reg -- ) RP lhld H dcx DUP M mov ( high )
H dcx 1+ M mov ( low ) RP shld [ Forth ] ;
: rpop ( reg -- ) RP lhld M over 1+ mov ( low ) H inx
M swap mov ( high ) H inx RP shld [ Forth ] ;
\ rpush und rpop gehen nicht mit HL
: mvx ( src dest -- )
2dup mov ( high ) 1+ swap 1+ swap mov ( low ) [ Forth ] ;
\ *** Block No. 5 Hexblock 5
\ recover ;c: noop 20Oct86
Create recover Assembler
W pop IP rpush W IP mvx
Next end-code
Compiler Assembler also definitions Forth
: ;c: 0 T recover call end-code ] [ Forth ] ;
| Code di di Next end-code
| Code ei ei Next end-code
Code noop >next here 2- ! end-code
\ *** Block No. 6 Hexblock 6
\ User variables 04Oct87
Constant origin 8 uallot drop \ Multitasker
\ Felder: entry link spare SPsave
\ Laenge kompatibel zum 68000 und 6502 volksFORTH
User s0
User r0
User dp
User offset 0 offset !
User base $0A base !
User output
User input
User errorhandler \ pointer for Abort" -code
User voc-link
User udp \ points to next free addr in User
\ *** Block No. 7 Hexblock 7
\ manipulate system pointers 11Jun86
Code sp@ ( -- addr) 0 H lxi SP dad hpush jmp end-code
Code sp! ( addr --) H pop sphl Next end-code
Code up@ ( -- addr) UP lhld hpush jmp end-code
Code up! ( addr --) H pop UP shld Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 8 Hexblock 8
\ manipulate returnstack 11Jun86
Code rp@ ( -- addr ) RP lhld hpush jmp end-code
Code rp! ( addr -- ) H pop RP shld Next end-code
Code >r ( 16b -- ) D pop D rpush Next end-code restrict
Code r> ( -- 16b ) D rpop D push Next end-code restrict
\ *** Block No. 9 Hexblock 9
\ r@ rdrop exit unnest ?exit 07Oct87
Code r@ ( -- 16b )
RP lhld M E mov H inx M D mov D push Next end-code
Code rdrop
RP lhld H inx H inx RP shld Next end-code restrict
Code exit Label >exit IP rpop Next end-code
Code unnest >exit here 2- !
Code ?exit ( flag -- )
H pop H A mov L ora >exit jnz Next end-code
Code 0=exit ( flag -- )
H pop H A mov L ora >exit jz Next end-code
\ : ?exit ( flag -- ) IF rdrop THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 10 Hexblock A
\ execute perform 11Jun86 18Nov87
Code execute ( cfa -- )
H pop >Next1 jmp end-code
Code perform ( 'cfa -- )
H pop M A mov H inx M H mov A L mov >Next1 jmp
: perform ( addr -- ) @ execute ;
\ *** Block No. 11 Hexblock B
\ c@ c! ctoggle 07Oct87
Code c@ ( addr -- 8b )
H pop M L mov 0 H mvi hpush jmp end-code
Code c! ( 16b addr -- )
H pop D pop E M mov Next end-code
Code flip ( 16b1 -- 16b2 )
H pop H A mov L H mov A L mov Hpush jmp end-code
Code ctoggle ( 8b addr -- )
H pop D pop M A mov E xra A M mov Next end-code
: ctoggle ( 8b addr --) under c@ xor swap c! ;
\ *** Block No. 12 Hexblock C
\ @ ! 2@ 2! 11Jun86 18Nov87
Code @ ( addr -- 16b ) H pop Label fetch
M E mov H inx M D mov D push Next end-code
Code ! ( 16b addr -- )
H pop D pop E M mov H inx D M mov Next end-code
Code 2@ ( addr -- 32b ) H pop H push
H inx H inx M E mov H inx M D mov H pop D push
M E mov H inx M D mov D push Next end-code
Code 2! ( 32b addr -- ) H pop
D pop E M mov H inx D M mov H inx
D pop E M mov H inx D M mov Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 13 Hexblock D
\ +! drop swap 11Jun86 18Nov87
Code +! ( 16b addr -- ) H pop
Label +store D pop
M A mov E add A M mov H inx
M A mov D adc A M mov Next end-code
\ : +! ( n addr -- ) under @ + swap ! ;
Code drop ( 16b -- ) H pop Next end-code
Code swap ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b2 16b1 )
H pop xthl hpush jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 14 Hexblock E
\ dup ?dup 16May86
Code dup ( 16b -- 16b 16b )
H pop H push hpush jmp end-code
Code ?dup ( 16b -- 16b 16b / false)
H pop H A mov L ora 0<> ?[ H push ]?
hpush jmp end-code
: ?dup ( 16b -- 16b 16b / false) dup IF dup THEN ;
: dup ( 16b -- 16b 16b ) sp@ @ ;
\ *** Block No. 15 Hexblock F
\ over rot nip under 11Jun86
Code over ( 16b1 16b2 - 16b1 16b2 16b1 )
D pop H pop H push dpush jmp end-code
Code rot ( 16b1 16b2 16b3 - 16b2 16b3 16b1 )
D pop H pop xthl dpush jmp end-code
Code nip ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b2)
H pop D pop hpush jmp end-code
Code under ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b2 16b1 16b2)
H pop D pop H push dpush jmp end-code
: over >r swap r> swap ;
: rot >r dup r> swap ;
: nip swap drop ;
: under swap over ;
\ *** Block No. 16 Hexblock 10
\ -rot pick roll -roll 11Jun86
Code -rot ( 16b1 16b2 16b3 -- 16b3 16b1 16b2 )
H pop D pop xthl H push D push Next end-code
Code pick ( n -- 16b.n )
H pop H dad SP dad
M E mov H inx M D mov D push Next end-code
: roll ( n -- )
dup >r pick sp@ dup 2+ r> 1+ 2* cmove> drop ;
: -roll ( n -- ) >r dup sp@ dup 2+
dup 2+ swap r@ 2* cmove r> 1+ 2* + ! ;
: -rot ( 16b1 16b2 16b3 -- 16b3 16b1 16b2 ) rot rot ;
: pick ( n -- 16b.n ) 1+ 2* sp@ + @ ;
\ *** Block No. 17 Hexblock 11
\ double word stack manipulation 09May86
Code 2swap ( 32b1 32b2 -- 32b2 32b1)
H pop D pop xthl H push
5 H lxi SP dad M A mov D M mov A D mov
H dcx M A mov E M mov A E mov H pop dpush jmp
Code 2drop ( 32b -- ) H pop H pop Next end-code
Code 2dup ( 32b -- 32b 32b)
H pop D pop D push H push dpush jmp end-code
: 2swap ( 32b1 32b2 -- 32b2 32b1) rot >r rot r> ;
: 2drop ( 32b -- ) drop drop ;
: 2dup ( 32b -- 32b 32b) over over ;
\ *** Block No. 18 Hexblock 12
\ + and or xor not 09May86
Code + ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
H pop D pop D dad hpush jmp end-code
Code or ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b3 )
H pop D pop H A mov D ora A H mov
L A mov E ora A L mov hpush jmp end-code
Code and ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b3 )
H pop D pop H A mov D ana A H mov
L A mov E ana A L mov hpush jmp end-code
Code xor ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b3 )
H pop D pop H A mov D xra A H mov
L A mov E xra A L mov hpush jmp end-code
Code not ( 16b1 -- 16b2 ) H pop Label >not
H A mov cma A H mov L A mov cma A L mov
hpush jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 19 Hexblock 13
\ - negate 16May86
Code - ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
D pop H pop
L A mov E sub A L mov
H A mov D sbb A H mov hpush jmp end-code
Code negate ( n1 -- n2 )
H pop H dcx >not jmp end-code
: - ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) negate + ;
\ *** Block No. 20 Hexblock 14
\ dnegate d+ 10Mar86 18Nov87
Code dnegate ( d1 -- -d1 ) H pop
Label >dnegate
D pop A sub E sub A E mov 0 A mvi D sbb
A D mov 0 A mvi L sbb A L mov 0 A mvi H sbb
A H mov dpush jmp end-code
Code d+ ( d1 d2 -- d3)
6 H lxi SP dad M E mov C M mov H inx
M D mov B M mov B pop H pop D dad xchg
H pop L A mov C adc A L mov H A mov B adc
A H mov B pop dpush jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 21 Hexblock 15
\ 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 6+ 1- 2- 4- 27Apr86
Code 1+ ( n1 -- n2 ) H pop H inx hpush jmp end-code
Code 2+ ( n1 -- n2 )
H pop H inx H inx hpush jmp end-code
Code 3+ ( n1 -- n2 )
H pop H inx H inx H inx hpush jmp end-code
Code 4+ ( n1 -- n2 )
H pop 4 D lxi D dad hpush jmp end-code
| Code 6+ ( n1 -- n2 )
H pop 6 D lxi D dad hpush jmp end-code
Code 1- ( n1 -- n2 ) H pop H dcx hpush jmp end-code
Code 2- ( n1 -- n2 )
H pop H dcx H dcx hpush jmp end-code
Code 4- ( n1 -- n2 )
H pop -4 D lxi D dad hpush jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 22 Hexblock 16
\ number Constants 07Oct87
-1 Constant true 0 Constant false
0 ( -- 0 ) Constant 0
1 ( -- 1 ) Constant 1
2 ( -- 2 ) Constant 2
3 ( -- 3 ) Constant 3
4 ( -- 4 ) Constant 4
-1 ( -- -1 ) Constant -1
Code on ( addr -- ) H pop $FF A mvi
Label set A M mov H inx A M mov Next
Code off ( addr -- ) H pop A xra set jmp end-code
\ : on ( addr -- ) true swap ! ;
\ : off ( addr -- ) false swap ! ;
\ *** Block No. 23 Hexblock 17
\ words for number literals 16May86
Code lit ( -- 16b )
IP ldax A L mov IP inx IP ldax A H mov IP inx
hpush jmp end-code
Code clit ( -- 8b )
IP ldax A L mov 0 H mvi IP inx hpush jmp
: Literal ( 16b -- )
dup $FF00 and IF compile lit , exit THEN
compile clit c, ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 24 Hexblock 18
\ comparision words 18Nov87
Label (u< ( HL,DE -> HL u< DE c,z )
H A mov D cmp rnz L A mov E cmp ret
Label (< ( HL,DE -> HL < DE c,z )
H A mov D xra (u< jp D A mov H cmp ret
Label yes true H lxi hpush jmp
Code u< ( u1 u2 -- flag ) D pop H pop
Label uless (u< call yes jc
Label no false H lxi hpush jmp
Code < ( n1 n2 -- flag ) D pop H pop
Label less (< call yes jc no jmp end-code
Code u> ( u1 u2 -- flag ) H pop D pop uless jmp end-code
Code > ( n1 n2 -- flag ) H pop D pop less jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 25 Hexblock 19
\ comparision words 18Nov87
Code 0< ( n1 n2 -- flag ) H pop
Label negative H dad yes jc no jmp end-code
Code 0> ( n -- flag ) H pop H A mov A ora no jm
L ora yes jnz no jmp end-code
Code 0= ( n -- flag ) H pop
Label zero= H A mov L ora yes jz no jmp end-code
Code 0<> ( n -- flag )
H pop H A mov L ora yes jnz no jmp end-code
Code = ( n1 n2 -- flag ) H pop D pop
L A mov E cmp no jnz
H A mov D cmp no jnz yes jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 26 Hexblock 1A
\\ comparision words high level 18Nov87
: 0< ( n1 -- flag ) 8000 and 0<> ;
: > ( n1 n2 -- flag ) swap < ;
: 0> ( n -- flag ) negate 0< ;
: 0<> ( n -- flag ) 0= not ;
: u> ( u1 u2 -- flag ) swap u< ;
: = ( n1 n2 -- flag ) - 0= ;
: uwithin ( u1 [low up[ -- flag ) over - -rot - u> ;
| : minimax ( n1 n2 flag -- n3 ) rdrop IF swap THEN drop ;
: min ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) 2dup > minimax ;
: max ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) 2dup < minimax ;
: umax ( u1 u2 -- u3 ) 2dup u< minimax ;
: umin ( u1 u2 -- u3 ) 2dup u> minimax ;
: extend ( n -- d ) dup 0< ;
: dabs ( d -- ud ) extend IF dnegate THEN ;
: abs ( n -- u) extend IF negate THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 27 Hexblock 1B
\ uwthin double number comparison words 18Nov87
Code uwithin ( u1 [low up[ -- flag ) H pop D pop xthl
(u< call cs ?[ H pop no jmp ]?
D pop (u< call yes jc no jmp end-code
Code d0= ( d -- flag ) H pop
H A mov L ora H pop no jnz zero= jmp end-code
: d= ( d1 d2 -- flag ) rot = -rot = and ;
: d< ( d1 d2 -- flag )
rot 2dup = IF 2drop u< exit THEN > nip nip ;
: d0= ( d -- flag ) or 0= ;
\ *** Block No. 28 Hexblock 1C
\ minimum maximum 18Nov87
Code umax ( u1 u2 -- u3 )
H pop D pop (u< call
Label minimax cs ?[ xchg ]? hpush jmp end-code
Code umin ( u1 u2 -- u3 )
H pop D pop (u< call cmc minimax jmp end-code
Code max ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
H pop D pop (< call minimax jmp end-code
Code min ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
H pop D pop (< call cmc minimax jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 29 Hexblock 1D
\ sign extension absolute values 18Nov87
Code extend ( n -- d ) H pop H push negative jmp end-code
Code abs ( a -- u ) H pop H A mov A ora
hpush jp H dcx >not jmp end-code
Code dabs ( d -- ud ) H pop H A mov A ora
hpush jp >dnegate jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 30 Hexblock 1E
\ branch ?branch 20Nov87
Code branch ( -- ) Label >branch
IP H mvx M E mov H inx M D mov H dcx
D dad H IP mvx Next end-code
Code ?branch ( fl -- )
H pop H A mov L ora >branch jz
IP inx IP inx Next end-code
: branch r> dup @ + >r ;
\ *** Block No. 31 Hexblock 1F
\ loop primitives 11Jun86 20Nov87
Code bounds ( start count -- limit start )
H pop D pop D dad H push D push Next end-code
Code endloop
RP lhld 6 D lxi D dad RP shld next end-code restrict
\\ dodo puts "index | limit | adr.of.DO" on return-stack
: bounds ( start count -- limit start ) over + swap ;
| : dodo rdrop r> 2+ dup >r rot >r swap >r >r ;
: (do ( limit start -- ) over - dodo ; restrict
: (?do ( limit start -- ) over - ?dup IF dodo THEN
r> dup @ + >r drop ; restrict
\ *** Block No. 32 Hexblock 20
\ loop primitives 20Nov87
Code (do ( limit start -- ) H pop D pop
Label >do
L A mov E sub A L mov
H A mov D sbb A H mov
H push IP inx IP inx
RP lhld H dcx IP M mov H dcx IP' M mov
H dcx D M mov H dcx E M mov
D pop H dcx D M mov H dcx E M mov RP shld
Next end-code restrict
Code (?do ( limit start -- ) H pop D pop
H A mov D cmp >do jnz
L A mov E cmp >do jnz >branch jmp
end-code restrict
\ *** Block No. 33 Hexblock 21
\ (loop (+loop 14May86 20Nov87
Code (loop
RP lhld M inr 0= ?[ H inx M inr >next jz ]?
Label doloop RP lhld 4 D lxi D dad
M IP' mov H inx M IP mov Next
end-code restrict
Code (+loop
RP lhld D pop
M A mov E add A M mov H inx
M A mov D adc A M mov
rar D xra doloop jp Next
end-code restrict
\ *** Block No. 34 Hexblock 22
\ loop indices 06May86 20Nov87
Code I ( -- n )
RP lhld
Label >I M E mov H inx M D mov D push
H inx M E mov H inx M D mov H pop D dad
hpush jmp
Code J ( -- n )
RP lhld 6 D lxi D dad >I jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 35 Hexblock 23
\ interpretive conditionals UH 25Jan88
| Create: remove>> r> rp! ;
| : >>r ( addr len -- addr ) r> over rp@ under swap - dup rp!
swap >r remove>> >r swap >r dup >r swap cmove r> ;
| Variable saved-dp 0 saved-dp !
| Variable level 0 level !
| : +level ( -- ) level @ IF 1 level +! exit THEN state @ ?exit
1 level ! here saved-dp ! ] ;
| : -level ( -- ) state @ 0= Abort" unstructured"
level @ 0=exit -1 level +! level @ ?exit compile unnest
[compile] [ saved-dp @ here over dp ! over - >>r >r ;
\ *** Block No. 36 Hexblock 24
\ resolve loops and branches UH 25Jan88
: >mark ( -- addr ) here 0 , ;
: +>mark ( acf -- addr ) +level , >mark ;
: >resolve ( addr -- ) here over - swap ! -level ;
: <mark ( -- addr ) +level here ;
: <resolve ( addr -- ) here - , -level ;
: ?pairs ( n1 n2 -- ) - Abort" unstructured" ;
\ *** Block No. 37 Hexblock 25
\ case? 14May86
Code case? ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b1 false / true )
H pop D pop
H A mov D cmp 0= ?[ L A mov E cmp yes jz ]?
D push no jmp end-code
: case? ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b1 false / true )
over = dup IF nip THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 38 Hexblock 26
\ Branching UH 25Jan88
: IF ['] ?branch +>mark 1 ; immediate
: THEN abs 1 ?pairs >resolve ; immediate
: ELSE 1 ?pairs ['] branch +>mark swap
>resolve -1 ; immediate
: BEGIN <mark 2 ; immediate
: WHILE 2 ?pairs 2 ['] ?branch +>mark
-2 2swap ; immediate
| : (reptil <resolve
BEGIN dup -2 = WHILE drop >resolve REPEAT ;
: REPEAT 2 ?pairs compile branch (reptil ; immediate
: UNTIL 2 ?pairs compile ?branch (reptil ; immediate
\ *** Block No. 39 Hexblock 27
\ Loops UH 25Jan88
: DO ['] (do +>mark 3 ; immediate
: ?DO ['] (?do +>mark 3 ; immediate
: LOOP 3 ?pairs compile (loop compile endloop >resolve ;
: +LOOP 3 ?pairs compile (+loop compile endloop >resolve ;
RP lhld 4 D lxi D dad M E mov H inx M D mov
H inx RP shld xchg H dcx M D mov H dcx M E mov
D dad H IP mvx Next end-code restrict
\\ Returnstack: calladr | index limit | adr of DO
: LEAVE endloop r> 2- dup @ + >r ; restrict
\ *** Block No. 40 Hexblock 28
\ um* 16May86
Label (um* 0 H lxi ( 0=Teil-Produkt )
4 C mvi ( Schleifen-Zaehler )
[[ H dad ( Schiebe HL 24 bits nach links )
ral cs ?[ D dad 0 aci ]?
H dad ral cs ?[ D dad 0 aci ]?
C dcr 0= ?] ret
Code um* ( u1 u2 -- ud )
D pop H pop B push H B mov L A mov (um* call
H push A H mov B A mov H B mov (um* call
D pop D C mov B dad 0 aci L D mov H L mov
A H mov B pop dpush jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 41 Hexblock 29
\ m* * 2* 2/ 16May86
: m* ( n1 n2 -- d ) dup 0< dup >r IF negate THEN
swap dup 0< IF negate r> not >r THEN
um* r> IF dnegate THEN ;
: * ( n1 n2 - prod ) um* drop ;
Code 2* ( n -- 2*n ) H pop H dad hpush jmp end-code
Code 2/ ( n -- n/2 )
H pop H A mov rlc rrc rar A H mov
L A mov rar A L mov hpush jmp end-code
: 2* ( n -- 2*n ) 2 * ;
: 2/ ( n -- n/2 ) 2 / ;
\ *** Block No. 42 Hexblock 2A
\ um/mod 14May86
Label usl0
A E mov H A mov C sub A H mov E A mov B sbb
cs ?[ H A mov C add A H mov E A mov D dcr rz
Label usla
H dad ral usl0 jnc
A E mov H A mov C sub A H mov E A mov B sbb
]? L inr D dcr usla jnz ret
Label usbad -1 H lxi B pop H push hpush jmp
Code um/mod ( d1 n1 -- rem quot )
IP H mvx B pop D pop xthl xchg
L A mov C sub H A mov B sbb usbad jnc
H A mov L H mov D L mov 8 D mvi D push
usla call D pop H push E L mov usla call
A D mov H E mov B pop C H mov B pop
D push hpush jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 43 Hexblock 2B
\ m/mod 16May86
: m/mod ( d n -- mod quot)
dup >r abs over 0< IF under + swap THEN
um/mod r@ 0< IF negate over IF swap r@ + swap 1-
THEN THEN rdrop ;
\ *** Block No. 44 Hexblock 2C
\ /mod / mod */mod */ u/mod ud/mod 16May86
: /mod ( n1 n2 -- rem quot ) >r extend r> m/mod ;
: / ( n1 n2 -- quot ) /mod nip ;
: mod ( n1 n2 -- rem ) /mod drop ;
: */mod ( n1 n2 n3 -- rem quot ) >r m* r> m/mod ;
: */ ( n1 n2 n3 -- quot ) */mod nip ;
: u/mod ( u1 u2 -- urem uquot ) 0 swap um/mod ;
: ud/mod ( ud1 u2 -- urem udquot ) >r 0 r@ um/mod r> swap >r
um/mod r> ;
\ *** Block No. 45 Hexblock 2D
\ cmove cmove> 16May86 18Nov87
Code cmove ( from to count -- ) IP H mvx IPsave shld
B pop D pop H pop
Label (cmove
[[ B A mov C ora 0= not ?[[
M A mov H INX D stax D inx B dcx
]]? IPsave lhld H IP mvx Next end-code
Code cmove> ( from to count -- ) IP H mvx IPsave shld
B pop D pop H pop
Label (cmove>
B dad H dcx xchg B dad H dcx xchg
[[ B A mov C ora 0= not ?[[
M A mov H dcx D stax D dcx B dcx
]]? IPsave lhld H IP mvx Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 46 Hexblock 2E
\ move place count 17Oct86 18Nov87
Code move ( from to quan -- )
IP H mvx Ipsave shld B pop D pop H pop
Label domove (u< call (cmove jnc (cmove> jmp end-code
| Code (place ( addr len to -- len to ) IP H mvx Ipsave shld
D pop B pop H pop
B push D push D inx domove jmp end-code
: place ( addr len to -- ) (place c! ;
Code count ( adr -- adr+1 len ) H pop M E mov 0 D mvi
H inx H push D push Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 47 Hexblock 2F
\ fill erase 18Nov87
Code fill ( addr quan 8b -- )
IP H mvx IPsave shld D pop B pop H pop
[[ B A mov C ora 0<> ?[[
E M mov H inx B dcx
]]? IPsave lhld H IP mvx Next end-code
: erase ( addr quan --) 0 fill ;
\\ : fill ( addr quan 8b -- )
swap ?dup IF >r over c! dup 1+ r> 1- cmove exit THEN 2drop ;
: count ( adr -- adr+1 len ) dup 1+ swap c@ ;
: move ( from to quan -- )
>r 2dup u< IF r> cmove> exit THEN r> cmove ;
: place ( addr len to --) over >r rot over 1+ r> move c! ;
\ *** Block No. 48 Hexblock 30
\ here allot , c, pad compile 11Jun86 18Nov87
Code here ( -- addr ) user' dp D lxi
UP lhld D dad fetch jmp end-code
Code allot ( n -- ) user' dp D lxi
UP lhld D dad +store jmp end-code
: , ( 16b -- ) here ! 2 allot ;
: c, ( 8b -- ) here c! 1 allot ;
: pad ( -- addr ) here $42 + ;
: compile r> dup 2+ >r @ , ; restrict
\ : here ( -- addr ) dp @ ;
\ : allot ( n -- ) dp +! ;
\ *** Block No. 49 Hexblock 31
\ input strings 11Jun86
Variable #tib 0 #tib !
Variable >tib here >tib ! $50 allot
Variable >in 0 >in !
Variable blk 0 blk !
Variable span 0 span !
: tib ( -- addr ) >tib @ ;
: query ( -- ) tib $50 expect span @ #tib ! >in off blk off ;
\ *** Block No. 50 Hexblock 32
\\ scan skip /string 16May86 18Nov87
: scan ( addr0 len0 char -- addr1 len1 ) >r
BEGIN dup WHILE over c@ r@ - WHILE 1- swap 1+ swap REPEAT
rdrop ;
: skip ( addr len del -- addr1 len1 ) >r
BEGIN dup WHILE over c@ r@ = WHILE 1- swap 1+ swap REPEAT
rdrop ;
: /string ( addr0 len0 +n - addr1 len1 )
over umin rot over + -rot - ;
\ *** Block No. 51 Hexblock 33
\ skip scan 18Nov87
Label done H push B push IPsave lhld H IP mvx Next
Code skip ( addr len del -- addr1 len1 )
IP H mvx IPsave shld D pop B pop H pop
[[ B A mov C ora done jz
M A mov E cmp done jnz H inx B dcx ]] end-code
Code scan ( addr len chr -- addr1 len1 )
IP H mvx IPsave shld D pop B pop H pop
[[ B A mov C ora done jz
M A mov E cmp done jz H inx B dcx ]] end-code
Code /string ( addr0 len0 +n - addr1 len1 ) H pop D pop
D push (u< call cs ?[ xchg ]? H pop xthl D dad xthl
L A mov E sub A L mov H A mov D sbb A H mov
Hpush jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 52 Hexblock 34
\ capitalize ohne Umlaute !! 16May86UH 25Jan88
Variable caps 0 caps !
Label ?capital caps lda A ana rz
Label (capital ( e --> A,E ) E A mov Ascii a cpi rc
Ascii z 1+ cpi rnc Ascii a Ascii A - sui A E mov ret
Code capital ( char -- char') D pop
(capital call D push Next end-code
Code upper ( addr len -- ) D pop E D mov H pop D inr
[[ D dcr >next jz M E mov (capital call E M mov H inx ]]
\\ : capital ( char -- char')
dup Ascii a [ Ascii z 1+ ] Literal uwithin not ?exit
[ Ascii a Ascii A - ] Literal - ;
: upper ( addr len -- ) bounds ?DO I c@ capital I c! LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 53 Hexblock 35
\ (word 16May86
Code (word ( char adr0 len0 -- addr )
IP H mvx IPsave shld B pop B dcx D pop
>in lhld D dad xchg xthl xchg H push >in lhld
C A mov L sub A L mov B A mov H sbb A H mov
cs ?[ B inx C A mov >in sta B A mov >in 1+ sta
D pop H pop D push
][ H inx H B mvx H pop
[[ B A mov C ora 0<>
?[[ M A mov E cmp 0= ?[[ H inx B dcx ]]? ]?
H push
[[ B A mov C ora 0<>
?[[ M A mov E cmp 0<> ?[[ H inx B dcx ]]? ]?
xchg H pop xthl
E A mov L sub A L mov D A mov H sbb A H mov
\ *** Block No. 54 Hexblock 36
\ (word Part2 16May86
B A mov C ora 0<> ?[ H inx ]? >in shld ]?
H pop E A mov L sub A C mov D A mov H sbb A B mov
H push user' dp D lxi UP lhld D dad
M A mov H inx M H mov A L mov D pop H push
C M mov H inx
[[ B A mov C ora 0<>
?[[ D ldax A M mov H inx D inx B dcx ]]? bl M mvi
IPsave lhld H IP mvx Next end-code
: (word ( char adr0 len0 -- addr )
rot >r over swap >in @ /string
r@ skip over swap r> scan >r rot over swap - r> 0<> -
>in ! over - here dup >r place bl r@ count + c! r> ;
\ *** Block No. 55 Hexblock 37
\ source word parse name 20Oct86UH 25Jan88
Variable loadfile
: source ( -- addr len ) blk @ ?dup
IF loadfile @ (block b/blk exit THEN tib #tib @ ;
: word ( char -- addr ) source (word ;
: parse ( char -- addr len )
>r source >in @ /string over swap r> scan >r
over - dup r> 0<> - >in +! ;
: name ( -- addr ) bl word dup count upper exit ;
\ *** Block No. 56 Hexblock 38
\ state Ascii ," "lit (" " 18Nov87
Variable state 0 state !
: Ascii ( char -- n )
bl word 1+ c@ state @ IF [compile] Literal THEN ; immediate
Code "lit RP lhld M E mov H inx M D mov H dcx
D push D ldax D inx E add A M mov H inx
D A mov 0 aci A M mov Next end-code
: ," Ascii " parse here over 1+ allot place ;
: (" "lit ; restrict
: " compile (" ," align ; immediate restrict
\ : "lit r> r> under count + even >r >r ; restrict
\ *** Block No. 57 Hexblock 39
\ ." ( .( \ \\ hex decimal 07Oct87
: (." "lit count type ; restrict
: ." compile (." ," align ; immediate restrict
: ( ascii ) parse 2drop ; immediate
: .( ascii ) parse type ; immediate
: \ >in @ negate c/l mod >in +! ; immediate
: \\ b/blk >in ! ; immediate
: \needs name find nip 0=exit [compile] \ ;
: hex $10 base ! ;
: decimal $0A base ! ;
\ *** Block No. 58 Hexblock 3A
\ number conversion: digit? 16May86 18Nov87
Code digit? ( char -- n true : false )
user' base D lxi UP lhld D dad
D pop E A mov Ascii 0 sui no jc
$0A cpi cs not ?[ Ascii A Ascii 0 - cpi no jc
Ascii A Ascii 9 - 1- sui ]?
M cmp no jnc
0 H mvi A L mov H push yes jmp end-code
: digit? ( char -- digit true/ false ) dup Ascii 9 >
IF [ Ascii A Ascii 9 - 1- ] Literal - dup Ascii 9 > and THEN
Ascii 0 - dup base @ u< dup ?exit nip ;
\ *** Block No. 59 Hexblock 3B
\ number conversion: accumulate convert 11Jun86
| : end? ( -- flag ) >in @ 0= ;
| : char ( addr0 -- addr1 char ) count -1 >in +! ;
| : previous ( addr0 -- addr0 char ) 1- count ;
: accumulate ( +d0 adr digit - +d1 adr )
swap >r swap base @ um* drop rot base @ um* d+ r> ;
: convert ( +d1 addr0 -- +d2 addr2 )
1+ BEGIN count digit? WHILE accumulate REPEAT 1- ;
\ *** Block No. 60 Hexblock 3C
\ number conversion: ?nonum punctuation? 07Oct87
| : ?nonum ( flag -- exit if true ) 0=exit
rdrop 2drop drop rdrop false ;
| : punctuation? ( char -- flag )
Ascii , over = swap Ascii . = or ;
\ *** Block No. 61 Hexblock 3D
\ number conversion: fixbase? 07Oct87
| : fixbase? ( char - char false / newbase true ) capital
Ascii & case? IF $0A true exit THEN
Ascii $ case? IF $10 true exit THEN
Ascii H case? IF $10 true exit THEN
Ascii % case? IF 2 true exit THEN false ;
\ *** Block No. 62 Hexblock 3E
\ number conversion: ?num ?dpl 07Oct87
Variable dpl -1 dpl !
| : ?num ( flag -- exit if true ) 0=exit
rdrop drop r> IF dnegate THEN
rot drop dpl @ 1+ ?dup ?exit drop true ;
| : ?dpl dpl @ -1 = ?exit 1 dpl +! ;
\ *** Block No. 63 Hexblock 3F
\ number conversion: number? number 11Jun86
: number? ( string - string false / n 0< / d 0> )
base push >in push dup count >in ! dpl on
0 >r ( +sign) 0.0 rot end? ?nonum char
Ascii - case? IF rdrop true >r end? ?nonum char THEN
fixbase? IF base ! end? ?nonum char THEN
BEGIN digit? 0= ?nonum
BEGIN accumulate ?dpl end? ?num char digit? 0= UNTIL
previous punctuation? 0= ?nonum dpl off end? ?num char
: number ( string -- d )
number? ?dup 0= Abort" ?" 0< IF extend THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 64 Hexblock 40
\ hide reveal immediate restrict 11Jun86
Variable last 0 last !
| : last? ( -- false / acf true) last @ ?dup ;
: hide last? IF 2- @ current @ ! THEN ;
: reveal last? IF 2- current @ ! THEN ;
: Recursive reveal ; immediate restrict
| : flag! ( 8b --)
last? IF under c@ or over c! THEN drop ;
: immediate $40 flag! ;
: restrict $80 flag! ;
\ *** Block No. 65 Hexblock 41
\ clearstack hallot heap heap? 04Sep86
Code clearstack
user' s0 D lxi UP lhld D dad M E mov H inx M D mov
xchg sphl Next end-code
: hallot ( quan -- )
s0 @ over - swap sp@ 2+ dup rot - dup s0 !
2 pick over - di move clearstack ei s0 ! ;
: heap ( -- addr ) s0 @ 6 + ;
: heap? ( addr -- flag ) heap up@ uwithin ;
| : heapmove ( from -- from )
dup here over - dup hallot
heap swap cmove heap over - last +! reveal ;
\ *** Block No. 66 Hexblock 42
\ Does> ; 11Jun86 20Nov87
Label (dodoes>
IP rpush IP pop W inx W push Next end-code
: (;code r> last @ name> ! ;
: Does>
compile (;code $CD ( 8080-Call ) c,
compile (dodoes> ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 67 Hexblock 43
\ ?head | alignments 20Oct86 18Nov87
Variable ?head 0 ?head !
: | ?head @ ?exit -1 ?head ! ;
\ machen nichts beim 8080:
: even ( addr -- addr1 ) ; immediate
: align ( -- ) ; immediate
: halign ( -- ) ; immediate
Variable warning 0 warning !
| : exists? warning @ ?exit last @ current @
(find nip 0=exit space last @ .name ." exists " ?cr ;
\ *** Block No. 68 Hexblock 44
\ warning Create 20Oct86 18Nov87
Defer makeview ' 0 Is makeview
: (create ( string -- ) align here
swap count $1F and here 4+ place makeview , current @ @ ,
here last ! here c@ 1+ allot align exists?
?head @ IF 1 ?head +! dup , \ Pointer to Code
halign heapmove $20 flag! dup dp !
THEN drop reveal 0 ,
;Code W inx W push Next end-code
: Create name count 1 $20 uwithin not
Abort" invalid name" 1- (create ;
\ *** Block No. 69 Hexblock 45
\ nfa? 30Jun86
Code nfa? ( thread cfa -- nfa / false )
D pop H pop
[[ M A mov H inx M H mov A L mov
H ora Hpush jz H push H inx H inx H push D push
M A mov H inx $1F ani A E mov 0 D mvi D dad
D pop xthl M A mov H pop $20 ani
0<> ?[ M A mov H inx M H mov A L mov ]?
H A mov D cmp 0= ?[ L A mov E cmp ]?
H pop 0= ?] H inx H inx Hpush jmp
: nfa? ( thread cfa -- nfa / false)
>r BEGIN @ dup 0= IF rdrop exit THEN dup 2+ name> r@ =
UNTIL 2+ rdrop ;
\ *** Block No. 70 Hexblock 46
\ >name name> >body .name 30Jun86 07Oct87
: >name ( cfa -- nfa / false ) voc-link
BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup 4 - swap nfa?
?dup IF -rot 2drop exit THEN REPEAT nip ;
Code (name> ( nfa -- cfa ) H pop M A mov H inx $1F ani
A E mov 0 D mvi D dad hpush jmp end-code
\ : (name> ( nfa -- cfa ) count $1F and + ;
: name> ( nfa -- cfa ) dup (name> swap c@ $20 and IF @ THEN ;
: >body ( cfa -- pfa ) 2+ ; : body> ( pfa -- cfa ) 2- ;
: .name ( nfa -- ) ?dup IF dup heap? IF ." |" THEN
count $1F and type ELSE ." ???" THEN space ;
\ *** Block No. 71 Hexblock 47
\ : ; Constant Variable 07Nov87
: Create: Create hide current @ context ! 0 ] ;
: : Create: ;Code IP rpush W inx W IP mvx Next end-code
: ; 0 ?pairs compile unnest [compile] [ reveal ;
immediate restrict
: Constant ( n -- ) Create , ;Code
W inx xchg M E mov H inx M D mov D push Next
: Variable Create 0 , ;
\ *** Block No. 72 Hexblock 48
\ uallot User Alias Defer 11Jun86 18Nov87
: uallot ( quan -- offset ) even dup udp @ +
$FF u> Abort" Userarea full" udp @ swap udp +! ;
: User Create 2 uallot c,
;Code W inx W ldax A E mov 0 D mvi
UP lhld D dad hpush jmp end-code
: Alias ( cfa -- ) Create last @ dup c@ $20 and
IF -2 allot ELSE $20 flag! THEN (name> ! ;
| : crash true Abort" crash" ;
: Defer Create ['] crash ,
;Code W inx xchg M E mov H inx M D mov
xchg >next1 jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 73 Hexblock 49
\ vp current context also toss 11Jun86
Create vp $10 allot Variable current
: context ( -- adr ) vp dup @ + 2+ ;
| : thru.vocstack ( -- from to ) vp 2+ context ;
\ "Only Forth also Assembler" gives
\ vp: countword = 6 | Only | Forth | Assembler |
: also vp @ $0A > Error" Vocabulary stack full"
context @ 2 vp +! context ! ;
: toss vp @ IF -2 vp +! THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 74 Hexblock 4A
\ Vocabulary Forth Only Onlyforth 24Nov85 18Nov87
: Vocabulary
Create 0 , 0 , here voc-link @ , voc-link !
Does> context ! ;
\ | Name | Code | Thread | Coldthread | Voc-link |
Vocabulary Forth
Vocabulary Root
: Only vp off Root also ;
: Onlyforth Only Forth also definitions ;
\ *** Block No. 75 Hexblock 4B
\ definitions order words 10Oct87 20Nov87
| : init-vocabularys voc-link @
BEGIN dup 2- @ over 4- ! @ ?dup 0= UNTIL ;
: definitions context @ current ! ;
| : .voc ( adr -- ) @ 2- >name .name ;
: order vp 4+ context DO I .voc -2 +LOOP
2 spaces current .voc ;
: words context @
BEGIN @ dup stop? 0= and
WHILE ?cr dup 2+ .name space
REPEAT drop ;
\ *** Block No. 76 Hexblock 4C
\ found -text 11Jun86
| : found ( nfa -- cfa n )
dup c@ >r (name> r@ $20 and IF @ THEN
-1 r@ $80 and IF 1- THEN
r> $40 and IF negate THEN ;
: -text ( adr1 u adr2 -- false:gleich/+1:str1>str2/-1:str1<str2)
over bounds DO drop 1+ dup 1- c@ I c@ - dup
IF dup abs / LEAVE THEN LOOP nip ;
| Variable string | Variable strlen
: (find ( string thread -- str false/NFA true )
>r count $1F and strlen ! string !
BEGIN r> ?dup WHILE dup @ >r 2+ dup c@ $1F and strlen @ =
IF dup 1+ strlen @ string @ -text 0= ?dup IF rdrop exit THEN
THEN drop REPEAT string @ 1- false ;
\ *** Block No. 77 Hexblock 4D
\ (find 11Jun86
Code (find ( str thr - str false/ NFA true )
H pop D pop IP push D ldax $1F ani A C mov D inx
Label findloop
M A mov H inx M H mov A L mov
H A mov L ora 0= ?[ IP pop D dcx D push no jmp ]?
H push H inx H inx M A mov $1F ani C cmp
0<> ?[ H pop findloop jmp ]?
D push H inx C B mov B inr
[[ B dcr 0<> ?[[
D ldax M cmp 0<> ?[ D pop H pop findloop jmp ]?
H inx D inx ]]?
D pop H pop H inx H inx IP pop H push yes jmp
\\ HL: thread, nfa DE: string C: strlen B: counter
\ *** Block No. 78 Hexblock 4E
\ find ' [compile] ['] nullstring? 18Nov87
: find ( string -- cfa n / string false )
context dup @ over 2- @ = IF 2- THEN
BEGIN under @ (find IF nip found exit THEN
over vp 2+ u> WHILE swap 2- REPEAT nip false ;
: ' ( -- cfa ) name find ?exit Error" ?" ;
: [compile] ' , ; immediate restrict
: ['] ' [compile] Literal ; immediate restrict
: nullstring? ( string -- string false / true )
dup c@ 0= dup 0=exit nip ;
\ *** Block No. 79 Hexblock 4F
\ notfound 17Oct86UH 25Jan88
: no.extensions ( string -- )
state @ IF Abort" ?" THEN Error" ?" ;
Defer notfound ' no.extensions Is notfound
\ *** Block No. 80 Hexblock 50
\ interpret interpreter compiler parser UH 25Jan88
Defer parser
: interpret ( -- )
BEGIN ?stack name nullstring? ?exit parser REPEAT ;
| : interpreter ( str -- ) find ?dup
IF 1 and IF execute exit THEN Error" compile only" THEN
number? ?exit notfound ;
' interpreter Is parser
| : compiler ( str -- ) find ?dup
IF 0> IF execute exit THEN , exit THEN
number? ?dup IF 0> IF swap [compile] Literal THEN
[compile] Literal exit THEN notfound ;
\ *** Block No. 81 Hexblock 51
\ [ ] UH 25Jan88
: [ ['] interpreter Is Parser state off ; immediate
: ] ['] compiler Is Parser state on ;
\ *** Block No. 82 Hexblock 52
\ Is 09May86UH 25Jan88
: (is r> dup 2+ >r @ ! ;
| : def? ( cfa -- )
@ [ ' notfound @ ] Literal - Abort" not deferred" ;
: Is ( adr -- ) ' dup def? >body
state @ IF compile (is , exit THEN ! ; immediate
\ *** Block No. 83 Hexblock 53
\ ?stack 30Jun86
| : stackfull ( -- ) depth $20 > Abort" tight stack"
reveal last? IF dup heap? IF name> ELSE 4- THEN (forget THEN
true Abort" Dictionary full" ;
Code ?stack
UP lhld user' dp D lxi D dad M E mov H inx M D mov
0 H lxi SP dad L A mov E sub H A mov D sbb
0= ?[ ;c: stackfull ; Assembler ]? H push
UP lhld user' s0 D lxi D dad M E mov H inx M D mov
H pop D A mov H cmp c0= ?[ 0= ?[ E A mov L cmp ]? ]?
>next jnc ;c: true abort" Stack empty" ;
: ?stack sp@ here - 100 u< IF stackfull THEN
sp@ s0 @ u> Abort" Stack empty" ;
\ *** Block No. 84 Hexblock 54
\ .status push load 20Oct86
Defer .status ' noop Is .status
| Create: pull r> r> ! ;
: push ( addr -- ) r> swap dup >r @ >r pull >r >r ;
: (load ( blk offset -- )
isfile push loadfile push fromfile push blk push >in push
>in ! blk ! isfile@ loadfile ! .status interpret ;
: load ( blk --) ?dup 0=exit 0 (load ;
\ *** Block No. 85 Hexblock 55
\ +load thru +thru --> rdepth depth 20Oct86
: +load ( offset --) blk @ + load ;
: thru ( from to --) 1+ swap DO I load LOOP ;
: +thru ( off0 off1 --) 1+ swap DO I +load LOOP ;
: --> 1 blk +! >in off .status ; immediate
: rdepth ( -- +n) r0 @ rp@ 2+ - 2/ ;
: depth ( -- +n) sp@ s0 @ swap - 2/ ;
\ *** Block No. 86 Hexblock 56
\ quit (quit abort UH 25Jan88
: (prompt ( -- )
state @ IF cr ." ] " ELSE ." ok" cr THEN .status ;
Defer prompt ' (prompt Is prompt
: (quit BEGIN prompt query interpret REPEAT ;
Defer 'quit ' (quit Is 'quit
: quit r0 @ rp! level off [compile] [ 'quit ;
: standardi/o [ output ] Literal output 4 cmove ;
Defer 'abort ' noop Is 'abort
: abort end-trace clearstack 'abort standardi/o quit ;
\ *** Block No. 87 Hexblock 57
\ (error Abort" Error" 20Oct86 18Nov87
Variable scr 1 scr ! Variable r# 0 r# !
: (error ( string -- ) standardi/o space here .name
count type space ?cr
blk @ ?dup IF scr ! >in @ r# ! THEN quit ;
' (error errorhandler !
: (abort" "lit swap IF >r clearstack r>
errorhandler perform exit THEN drop ; restrict
| : (err" "lit swap IF errorhandler perform exit THEN
drop ; restrict
: Abort" compile (abort" ," align ; immediate restrict
: Error" compile (err" ," align ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 88 Hexblock 58
\ -trailing 30Jun86 18Nov87
Code -trailing ( addr n1 -- addr n2 )
D pop H pop H push
D dad xchg D dcx
Label -trail H A mov L ora hpush jz
D ldax BL cpi hpush jnz
H dcx D dcx -trail jmp end-code
: -trailing ( addr n1 -- addr n2)
2dup bounds ?DO 2dup + 1- c@ bl - IF LEAVE THEN 1- LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 89 Hexblock 59
\ space spaces 30Jun86
$20 Constant bl
: space bl emit ;
: spaces ( u --) 0 ?DO space LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 90 Hexblock 5A
\ hold <# #> sign # #s 17Oct86
| : hld ( -- addr) pad 2- ;
: hold ( char -- ) -1 hld +! hld @ c! ;
: <# hld hld ! ;
: #> ( 32b -- addr +n ) 2drop hld @ hld over - ;
: sign ( n -- ) 0< IF Ascii - hold THEN ;
: # ( +d1 -- +d2) base @ ud/mod rot 9 over <
IF [ Ascii A Ascii 9 - 1- ] Literal + THEN Ascii 0 + hold ;
: #s ( +d -- 0 0 ) BEGIN # 2dup d0= UNTIL ;
\ *** Block No. 91 Hexblock 5B
\ print numbers 24Dec83
: d.r -rot under dabs <# #s rot sign #>
rot over max over - spaces type ;
: .r swap extend rot d.r ;
: u.r 0 swap d.r ;
: d. 0 d.r space ;
: . extend d. ;
: u. 0 d. ;
\ *** Block No. 92 Hexblock 5C
\ .s list c/l l/s 05Oct87
: .s sp@ s0 @ over - $20 umin bounds ?DO I @ u. 2 +LOOP ;
$40 Constant c/l \ Screen line length
$10 Constant l/s \ lines per screen
: list ( blk -- )
scr ! ." Scr " scr @ u.
l/s 0 DO
cr I 2 .r space scr @ block I c/l * + c/l -trailing type
LOOP cr ;
\ *** Block No. 93 Hexblock 5D
\ multitasker primitives 20Nov87
Code end-trace \ patch Next to its original state
$0A A mvi ( IP ldax ) >next sta
$6F03 H lxi ( IP inx A L mov ) >next 1+ shld Next end-code
Code pause >next here 2- ! end-code
: lock ( addr -- ) dup @ up@ = IF drop exit THEN
BEGIN dup @ WHILE pause REPEAT up@ swap ! ;
: unlock ( addr -- ) dup lock off ;
Label wake H pop H dcx UP shld
6 D lxi D dad M A mov H inx M H mov A L mov sphl
H pop RP shld IP pop Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 94 Hexblock 5E
\ buffer mechanism 20Oct86 07Oct87
User isfile 0 isfile ! \ addr of file control block
Variable fromfile 0 fromfile !
Variable prev 0 prev ! \ Listhead
| Variable buffers 0 buffers ! \ Semaphor
$408 Constant b/buf \ physikalische Groesse
$400 Constant b/blk
\\ Struktur eines Buffers: 0 : link
2 : file
4 : blocknummer
6 : statusflags
8 : Data ... 1 Kb ...
Statusflag bits : 15 1 -> updated
file : -1 -> empty buffer, 0 -> no fcb, direct access
else addr of fcb ( system dependent )
\ *** Block No. 95 Hexblock 5F
\ search for blocks in memory 30Jun86
| Variable pred
\ DE:blk BC:file HL:bufadr
Label thisbuffer? ( Zero = this buffer )
H push H inx H inx M A mov C cmp 0=
?[ H inx M A mov B cmp 0= ?[ H inx M A mov E cmp
0= ?[ H inx M A mov D cmp ]? ]? ]? H pop ret
Code (core? ( blk file -- adr\blk file )
IP H mvx Ipsave shld
user' offset D lxi UP lhld D dad
M E mov H inx M D mov
B pop H pop H push B push D dad xchg
prev lhld
thisbuffer? call 0= ?[
\ *** Block No. 96 Hexblock 60
\ search for blocks in memory 30Jun86
Label blockfound
D pop D pop 8 D lxi D dad H push ' exit @ jmp ]?
[[ pred shld
M A mov H inx M H mov A L mov
H ora 0= ?[ IPsave lhld H IP mvx Next ]?
thisbuffer? call 0= ?]
xchg pred lhld D ldax A M mov
H inx D inx D ldax A M mov D dcx
prev lhld xchg E M mov H inx D M mov
H dcx prev shld
blockfound jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 97 Hexblock 61
\ (core? 29Jun86
| : this? ( blk file bufadr -- flag )
dup 4+ @ swap 2+ @ d= ;
| : (core? ( blk file -- dataaddr / blk file )
BEGIN over offset @ + over prev @ this?
IF rdrop 2drop prev @ 8 + exit THEN
2dup >r offset @ + >r prev @
BEGIN dup @ ?dup 0= IF rdrop rdrop drop exit THEN
dup r> r> 2dup >r >r rot this? 0=
dup @ rot ! prev @ over ! prev ! rdrop rdrop
\ *** Block No. 98 Hexblock 62
\ (diskerr 29Jul86 07Oct87
: (diskerr
." error! r to retry " key $FF and
capital Ascii R = not Abort" aborted" ;
Defer diskerr
' (diskerr Is diskerr
Defer r/w
\ *** Block No. 99 Hexblock 63
\ backup emptybuf readblk 20Oct86
| : backup ( bufaddr -- ) dup 6+ @ 0<
IF 2+ dup @ 1+ \ buffer empty if file = -1
IF input push output push standardi/o
BEGIN dup 6+ over 2+ @ 2 pick @ 0 r/w
WHILE ." write " diskerr
REPEAT THEN 4+ dup @ $7FFF and over ! THEN drop ;
: emptybuf ( bufaddr -- ) 2+ dup on 4+ off ;
| : readblk ( blk file addr -- blk file addr )
dup emptybuf
input push output push standardi/o >r
BEGIN over offset @ + over r@ 8 + -rot 1 r/w
WHILE ." read " diskerr REPEAT r> ;
\ *** Block No. 100 Hexblock 64
\ take mark updates? core? 10Mar86 19Nov87
| : take ( -- bufaddr) prev
BEGIN dup @ WHILE @ dup 2+ @ -1 = UNTIL
buffers lock dup backup ;
| : mark ( blk file bufaddr -- blk file )
2+ >r 2dup r@ ! offset @ + r@ 2+ ! r> 4+ off
buffers unlock ;
| : updates? ( -- bufaddr / flag)
prev BEGIN @ dup WHILE dup 6+ @ 0< UNTIL ;
: core? ( blk file -- addr /false ) (core? 2drop false ;
\ *** Block No. 101 Hexblock 65
\ block & buffer manipulation 20Oct86 18Nov87
: (buffer ( blk file -- addr )
BEGIN (core? take mark REPEAT ;
: (block ( blk file -- addr )
BEGIN (core? take readblk mark REPEAT ;
Code isfile@ ( -- addr ) user' isfile D lxi
UP lhld D dad fetch jmp end-code
: buffer ( blk -- addr ) isfile@ (buffer ;
: block ( blk -- addr ) isfile@ (block ;
\ : isfile@ ( -- addr ) isfile @ ;
\ *** Block No. 102 Hexblock 66
\ block & buffer manipulation 05Oct87
: update $80 prev @ 6+ 1+ ( Byte-Order! ) c! ;
Defer save-dos-buffers
: save-buffers ( -- ) buffers lock
BEGIN updates? ?dup WHILE backup REPEAT save-dos-buffers
buffers unlock ;
: empty-buffers ( -- ) buffers lock prev
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup emptybuf REPEAT buffers unlock ;
: flush save-buffers empty-buffers ;
\ *** Block No. 103 Hexblock 67
\ Allocating buffers 10Oct87
$10000 Constant limit Variable first
: allotbuffer ( -- )
first @ r0 @ - b/buf 2+ u< ?exit
b/buf negate first +! first @ dup emptybuf
prev @ over ! prev ! ;
: freebuffer ( -- ) first @ limit b/buf - u<
IF first @ backup prev
BEGIN dup @ first @ - WHILE @ REPEAT
first @ @ swap ! b/buf first +! THEN ;
: all-buffers BEGIN first @ allotbuffer first @ = UNTIL ;
| : init-buffers prev off limit first ! all-buffers ;
\ *** Block No. 104 Hexblock 68
\ endpoints of forget 01Jul86
| : |? ( nfa -- flag ) c@ $20 and ;
| : forget? ( adr nfa -- flag ) \ code in heap or above adr ?
name> under 1+ u< swap heap? or ;
| : endpoints ( addr -- addr symb )
heap voc-link @ >r
BEGIN r> @ ?dup \ through all Vocabs
WHILE dup >r 4- >r \ link on returnstack
BEGIN r> @ >r over 1- dup r@ u< \ until link or
swap r@ 2+ name> u< and \ code under adr
WHILE r@ heap? [ 2dup ] UNTIL \ search for name in heap
r@ 2+ |? IF over r@ 2+ forget?
IF r@ 2+ (name> 2+ umax THEN \ then update symb
\ *** Block No. 105 Hexblock 69
\ remove, -words, -tasks 20Oct86
: remove ( dic sym thread - dic sym )
BEGIN dup @ ?dup \ unlink forg. words
WHILE dup heap?
IF 2 pick over u> ELSE 3 pick over 1+ u< THEN
IF @ over ! ( unlink word) ELSE nip THEN REPEAT drop ;
| : remove-words ( dic sym -- dic sym )
voc-link BEGIN @ ?dup
WHILE dup >r 4- remove r> REPEAT ;
| : remove-tasks ( dic -- ) up@
BEGIN 2+ dup @ up@ - WHILE 2dup @ swap here uwithin
IF dup @ 2+ @ over ! 2-
\ *** Block No. 106 Hexblock 6A
\ remove-vocs trim 20Oct86 07Oct87
| : remove-vocs ( dic symb -- dic symb )
voc-link remove thru.vocstack
DO 2dup I @ -rot uwithin
IF [ ' Forth 2+ ] Literal I ! THEN -2 +LOOP
2dup current @ -rot uwithin
IF [ ' Forth 2+ ] Literal current ! THEN ;
Defer custom-remove ' noop Is custom-remove
| : trim ( dic symb -- )
over remove-tasks remove-vocs remove-words
custom-remove heap swap - hallot dp ! 0 last ! ;
\ *** Block No. 107 Hexblock 6B
\ deleting words from dict. 01Jul86 18Nov87
: clear here dup up@ trim dp ! ;
: (forget ( adr --) dup heap? Abort" is symbol"
endpoints trim ;
: forget ' dup [ dp ] Literal @ u< Abort" protected"
>name dup heap?
IF name> ELSE 4- THEN (forget ;
: empty [ dp ] Literal @ up@ trim
[ udp ] Literal @ udp ! ;
\ *** Block No. 108 Hexblock 6C
\ save bye stop? ?cr 18Nov87
: save here up@ trim
voc-link @ BEGIN dup 4- @ over 2- ! @ ?dup 0= UNTIL
up@ origin $100 cmove ;
: bye flush empty (bye ;
| : end? key #cr = IF true rdrop THEN ;
: stop? ( -- flag ) key? IF end? end? THEN false ;
: ?cr col c/l u> 0=exit cr ;
\ *** Block No. 109 Hexblock 6D
\ in/output structure 07Jun86
| : Out: Create dup c, 2+ Does> c@ output @ + perform ;
: Output: Create: Does> output ! ;
0 Out: emit Out: cr Out: type Out: del
Out: page Out: at Out: at? drop
: row ( -- row) at? drop ;
: col ( -- col) at? nip ;
| : In: Create dup c, 2+ Does> c@ input @ + perform ;
: Input: Create: Does> input ! ;
0 In: key In: key? In: decode In: expect drop
\ *** Block No. 110 Hexblock 6E
\ Alias only definitionen 18Nov87
Root definitions Forth
: seal [ ' Root >body ] Literal off ; \ "erase" Root Vocab.
' Only Alias Only
' Forth Alias Forth
' words Alias words
' also Alias also
' definitions Alias definitions
Host Target
\ *** Block No. 111 Hexblock 6F
\ 'restart 'cold 22Oct86 10Oct87
Defer 'restart ' noop Is 'restart
| : (restart ['] (quit Is 'quit drvinit 'restart
[ errorhandler ] Literal @ errorhandler !
['] noop Is 'abort clearstack
standardi/o interpret quit ;
Defer 'cold ' noop Is 'cold
| : (cold origin up@ $100 cmove $80 count
$50 umin >r tib r@ move r> #tib ! >in off blk off
init-vocabularys init-buffers flush 'cold
Onlyforth page &24 spaces logo count type cr (restart ;
\ *** Block No. 112 Hexblock 70
\ cold bootsystem 20Oct86
Code cold here >cold !
s0 lhld 6 D lxi D dad origin D lxi $3F C mvi
[[ D ldax A M mov H inx D inx C dcr 0= ?]
' (cold >body IP lxi
Label bootsystem
s0 lhld 6 D lxi D dad UP shld
user' s0 D lxi D dad
M E mov H inx M D mov xchg sphl
user' r0 D lxi UP lhld D dad
M E mov H inx M D mov xchg RP shld
$C3 ( jmp ) A mvi $30 sta wake H lxi $31 shld ( Tasker )
\ *** Block No. 113 Hexblock 71
\ restart boot 20Oct86
Code restart here >restart !
' (restart >body IP lxi bootsystem jmp end-code
Label boot here >boot ! \ find link to Main:
s0 lhld 6 D lxi D dad H B mvx origin D lxi
[[ [[ xchg H inx H inx M E mov H inx M D mov
D A mov B cmp 0= ?] E A mov C cmp 0= ?] H B mvx
6 lhld 0 L mvi ' limit >body shld
-$1100 D lxi D dad r0 shld \ set initial RP
-$400 D lxi D dad s0 shld \ set initial SP
6 D lxi D dad xchg B H mvx
D M mov H dcx E M mov \ set link to Maintask
>cold 2- jmp
\ *** Block No. 114 Hexblock 72
\ "search 05Mar88
Label notfound H pop H pop
IPsave lhld H IP mvx False H lxi hpush jmp
Code "search ( text tlen buf blen -- addr tf / ff )
IP H mvx IPsave shld D pop H pop xthl
H A mov L ora notfound jz
E A mov L sub A C mov D A mov H sbb A B mov notfound jc
B inx D pop xthl M A mov xthl H push xchg
Label scanfirst
A E mov ?capital call E D mov
[[ M E mov H inx B A mov C ora notfound jz B dcx
?capital call E A mov D cmp 0= ?]
B D mvx B pop xchg xthl xchg H push B push D push
\ *** Block No. 115 Hexblock 73
\ "search part 2 27Nov87
Label match
B dcx B A mov C ora 0<> ?[
D inx D ldax D push A E mov ?capital call E D mov
M E mov H inx ?capital call E A mov D cmp D pop
match jz H pop B pop D pop
M A mov xthl B push H B mvx xchg scanfirst jmp ]?
D pop D pop H pop D pop H dcx H push
IPsave lhld H IP mvx True H lxi hpush jmp
\ *** Block No. 116 Hexblock 74
\ Rest of Standard-System 04Oct87 07Oct87
2 +load \ Operating System
Host ' Transient 8 + @ Transient Forth Context @ 6 + !
Target Forth also definitions
Vocabulary Assembler Assembler definitions
Transient Assembler
>Next Constant >Next
hpush Constant hpush
dpush Constant dpush
Target Forth also definitions
: forth-83 ; \ last word in Dictionary
\ *** Block No. 117 Hexblock 75
\ System patchup 04Oct87
$EF00 r0 !
$EB00 s0 !
s0 @ 6 + origin 2+ ! \ link Maintask to itself
\ s0 und r0 werden beim Booten neu an die Speichergroesse
\ angepasst. Ebenso der Multi-Tasker-Link auf die Maintask
here dp !
Host Tudp @ Target udp !
Host Tvoc-link @ Target voc-link !
Host move-threads
\ *** Block No. 118 Hexblock 76
\ System dependent Load-Screen 20Nov87
1 +load \ CP/M interface
2 4 +thru \ Character IO
5 7 +thru \ Default Disk IO
8 +load \ Postlude
\ 9 +load \ Index
\ *** Block No. 119 Hexblock 77
\ CP/M-Interface 05Oct87
Vocabulary Dos Dos definitions also
Label >bios pchl
Code biosa ( arg fun -- res )
1 lhld D pop D dcx D dad D dad D dad
D pop IP push D IP mvx >bios call
Label back
IP pop 0 H mvi A L mov Hpush jmp end-code
Code bdosa ( arg fun -- res )
H pop D pop IP push L C mov 5 call back jmp
: bios ( arg fun -- ) biosa drop ;
: bdos ( arg fun -- ) bdosa drop ;
\ *** Block No. 120 Hexblock 78
\ Character-IO Constants Character input 05Oct87
Target Dos also
$08 Constant #bs $0D Constant #cr
$0A Constant #lf $1B Constant #esc
$09 Constant #tab $7F Constant #del
$07 Constant #bel $0C Constant #ff
: con! ( c -- ) 4 bios ;
: (key? ( -- ? ) 0 2 biosa 0= not ;
: getkey ( -- c ) 0 3 biosa ;
: (key ( -- c ) BEGIN pause (key? UNTIL getkey ;
\ *** Block No. 121 Hexblock 79
\ Character output 07Oct87 UH 27Feb88
| Code ?ctrl ( c -- c' ) H pop L A mov
$20 cpi cs ?[ $80 ori ]? A L mov Hpush jmp end-code
: (emit ( c -- ) ?ctrl con! pause ;
: (cr #cr con! #lf con! ;
: (del #bs con! bl con! #bs con! ;
: (at? ( -- row col ) 0 0 ;
: tipp ( addr len -- ) 0 ?DO count emit LOOP drop ;
Output: display [ here output ! ]
(emit (cr tipp (del noop 2drop (at? ;
\ *** Block No. 122 Hexblock 7A
\ Line input 04Oct87
| : backspace ( addr pos1 -- addr pos2 ) dup 0=exit (del 1- ;
: (decode ( addr pos1 key -- addr pos2 )
#bs case? IF backspace exit THEN
#del case? IF backspace exit THEN
#cr case? IF dup span ! space exit THEN
dup emit >r 2dup + r> swap c! 1+ ;
: (expect ( addr len -- ) span ! 0
BEGIN span @ over u> WHILE key decode REPEAT 2drop ;
Input: keyboard [ here input ! ]
(key (key? (decode (expect ;
\ *** Block No. 123 Hexblock 7B
\ Default Disk Interface: Constants and Primitives 18Nov87
$80 Constant b/rec b/blk b/rec / Constant rec/blk
Dos definitions
' 2- | Alias dosfcb> ' 2+ | Alias >dosfcb
: dos-error? ( n -- f ) $FF = ;
$5C Constant fcb
: reset ( -- ) 0 &13 bdos ;
: openfile ( fcb -- f ) &15 bdosa dos-error? ;
: closefile ( fcb -- f ) &16 bdosa dos-error? ;
: dma! ( dma -- ) &26 bdos ;
: rec@ ( fcb -- f ) &33 bdosa ;
: rec! ( fcb -- f ) &34 bdosa ;
\ *** Block No. 124 Hexblock 7C
\ Default Disk Interface: open and close 20Nov87
Target Dos also Defer drvinit Dos definitions
| Variable opened
: default ( -- ) opened off
fcb 1+ c@ bl = ?exit $80 count here place #tib off
fcb dup dosfcb> dup isfile ! fromfile !
openfile Abort" default file not found!" opened on ;
' default Is drvinit
: close-default ( -- ) opened @ not ?exit
fcb closefile Abort" can't close default-file!" ;
' close-default Is save-dos-buffers
\ *** Block No. 125 Hexblock 7D
\ Default Disk Interface: read/write 14Feb88
Target Dos also
| : rec# ( 'dosfcb -- 'rec# ) &33 + ;
: (r/w ( adr blk file r/wf -- flag ) >r
dup 0= Abort" no Direct Disk IO supported! " >dosfcb
swap rec/blk * over rec# 0 over 2+ c! !
r> rot b/blk bounds
DO I dma! 2dup IF rec@ drop
ELSE rec! IF 2drop true endloop exit THEN THEN
over rec# 0 over 2+ c! 1 swap +!
b/rec +LOOP 2drop false ;
' (r/w Is r/w
\ *** Block No. 126 Hexblock 7E
\ Postlude 20Nov87
Defer postlude
| : (bye ( -- ) postlude 0 0 bdos ;
| : #pages ( -- n ) here $100 - $100 u/mod swap 0=exit 1+ ;
: .size ( -- ) base push decimal
cr ." Size: &" #pages u. ." Pages" ;
' .size Is postlude
\ *** Block No. 127 Hexblock 7F
\ index findex 20Nov87
| : range ( from to -- to+1 from )
2dup > IF swap THEN 1+ swap ;
: index ( from to --)
range DO cr I 4 .r I space block c/l type