2024-10-09 04:20:07 +02:00

223 lines
6.3 KiB

\ *** Block No. 104, Hexblock 68
\ endpoints of forget 01Jul86
| : |? ( nfa -- flag ) c@ $20 and ;
| : forget? ( adr nfa -- flag ) \ code in heap or above adr ?
name> under 1+ u< swap heap? or ;
| : endpoints ( addr -- addr symb )
heap voc-link @ >r
BEGIN r> @ ?dup \ through all Vocabs
WHILE dup >r 4- >r \ link on returnstack
BEGIN r> @ >r over 1- dup r@ u< \ until link or
swap r@ 2+ name> u< and \ code under adr
WHILE r@ heap? [ 2dup ] UNTIL \ search for name in heap
r@ 2+ |? IF over r@ 2+ forget?
IF r@ 2+ (name> 2+ umax THEN \ then update symb
\ *** Block No. 105, Hexblock 69
\ remove, -words, -tasks 20Oct86
: remove ( dic sym thread - dic sym )
BEGIN dup @ ?dup \ unlink forg. words
WHILE dup heap?
IF 2 pick over u> ELSE 3 pick over 1+ u< THEN
IF @ over ! ( unlink word) ELSE nip THEN REPEAT drop ;
| : remove-words ( dic sym -- dic sym )
voc-link BEGIN @ ?dup
WHILE dup >r 4- remove r> REPEAT ;
| : remove-tasks ( dic -- ) up@
BEGIN 2+ dup @ up@ - WHILE 2dup @ swap here uwithin
IF dup @ 2+ @ over ! 2-
\ *** Block No. 106, Hexblock 6a
\ remove-vocs trim 20Oct86 07Oct87
| : remove-vocs ( dic symb -- dic symb )
voc-link remove thru.vocstack
DO 2dup I @ -rot uwithin
IF [ ' Forth 2+ ] Literal I ! THEN -2 +LOOP
2dup current @ -rot uwithin
IF [ ' Forth 2+ ] Literal current ! THEN ;
Defer custom-remove ' noop Is custom-remove
| : trim ( dic symb -- )
over remove-tasks remove-vocs remove-words
custom-remove heap swap - hallot dp ! 0 last ! ;
\ *** Block No. 107, Hexblock 6b
\ deleting words from dict. 01Jul86 18Nov87
: clear here dup up@ trim dp ! ;
: (forget ( adr --) dup heap? Abort" is symbol"
endpoints trim ;
: forget ' dup [ dp ] Literal @ u< Abort" protected"
>name dup heap?
IF name> ELSE 4- THEN (forget ;
: empty [ dp ] Literal @ up@ trim
[ udp ] Literal @ udp ! ;
\ *** Block No. 108, Hexblock 6c
\ save bye stop? ?cr 18Nov87
: save here up@ trim
voc-link @ BEGIN dup 4- @ over 2- ! @ ?dup 0= UNTIL
up@ origin $100 cmove ;
: bye flush empty (bye ;
| : end? key #cr = IF true rdrop THEN ;
: stop? ( -- flag ) key? IF end? end? THEN false ;
: ?cr col c/l u> 0=exit cr ;
\ *** Block No. 109, Hexblock 6d
\ in/output structure 07Jun86
| : Out: Create dup c, 2+ Does> c@ output @ + perform ;
: Output: Create: Does> output ! ;
0 Out: emit Out: cr Out: type Out: del
Out: page Out: at Out: at? drop
: row ( -- row) at? drop ;
: col ( -- col) at? nip ;
| : In: Create dup c, 2+ Does> c@ input @ + perform ;
: Input: Create: Does> input ! ;
0 In: key In: key? In: decode In: expect drop
\ *** Block No. 110, Hexblock 6e
\ Alias only definitionen 18Nov87
Root definitions Forth
: seal [ ' Root >body ] Literal off ; \ "erase" Root Vocab.
' Only Alias Only
' Forth Alias Forth
' words Alias words
' also Alias also
' definitions Alias definitions
Host Target
\ *** Block No. 111, Hexblock 6f
\ 'restart 'cold 22Oct86 10Oct87
Defer 'restart ' noop Is 'restart
| : (restart ['] (quit Is 'quit drvinit 'restart
[ errorhandler ] Literal @ errorhandler !
['] noop Is 'abort clearstack
standardi/o interpret quit ;
Defer 'cold ' noop Is 'cold
| : (cold origin up@ $100 cmove $80 count
$50 umin >r tib r@ move r> #tib ! >in off blk off
init-vocabularys init-buffers flush 'cold
Onlyforth page &24 spaces logo count type cr (restart ;
\ *** Block No. 112, Hexblock 70
\ cold bootsystem 20Oct86
Code cold here >cold !
s0 lhld 6 D lxi D dad origin D lxi $3F C mvi
[[ D ldax A M mov H inx D inx C dcr 0= ?]
' (cold >body IP lxi
Label bootsystem
s0 lhld 6 D lxi D dad UP shld
user' s0 D lxi D dad
M E mov H inx M D mov xchg sphl
user' r0 D lxi UP lhld D dad
M E mov H inx M D mov xchg RP shld
$C3 ( jmp ) A mvi $30 sta wake H lxi $31 shld ( Tasker )
\ *** Block No. 113, Hexblock 71
\ restart boot 20Oct86
Code restart here >restart !
' (restart >body IP lxi bootsystem jmp end-code
Label boot here >boot ! \ find link to Main:
s0 lhld 6 D lxi D dad H B mvx origin D lxi
[[ [[ xchg H inx H inx M E mov H inx M D mov
D A mov B cmp 0= ?] E A mov C cmp 0= ?] H B mvx
6 lhld 0 L mvi ' limit >body shld
-$1100 D lxi D dad r0 shld \ set initial RP
-$400 D lxi D dad s0 shld \ set initial SP
6 D lxi D dad xchg B H mvx
D M mov H dcx E M mov \ set link to Maintask
>cold 2- jmp
\ *** Block No. 114, Hexblock 72
\ "search 05Mar88
Label notfound H pop H pop
IPsave lhld H IP mvx False H lxi hpush jmp
Code "search ( text tlen buf blen -- addr tf / ff )
IP H mvx IPsave shld D pop H pop xthl
H A mov L ora notfound jz
E A mov L sub A C mov D A mov H sbb A B mov notfound jc
B inx D pop xthl M A mov xthl H push xchg
Label scanfirst
A E mov ?capital call E D mov
[[ M E mov H inx B A mov C ora notfound jz B dcx
?capital call E A mov D cmp 0= ?]
B D mvx B pop xchg xthl xchg H push B push D push
\ *** Block No. 115, Hexblock 73
\ "search part 2 27Nov87
Label match
B dcx B A mov C ora 0<> ?[
D inx D ldax D push A E mov ?capital call E D mov
M E mov H inx ?capital call E A mov D cmp D pop
match jz H pop B pop D pop
M A mov xthl B push H B mvx xchg scanfirst jmp ]?
D pop D pop H pop D pop H dcx H push
IPsave lhld H IP mvx True H lxi hpush jmp