2020-07-20 23:47:02 +02:00

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\ *** Block No. 0 Hexblock 0
\\ *** Assembler *** 25may86we
Dieses File enth„lt den 68000-Assembler f<EFBFBD>r volksFORTH-83.
Der Assembler basiert auf dem von Michael Perry f<EFBFBD>r F83 entwik-
kelten, enth„lt aber einige zus„tzliche Features.
Wegen der Heap-Struktur im volksFORTH sind z.B. echte Labels
verwendbar. Aus Geschwindigkeitsgr<EFBFBD>nden enth„lt der Assembler
kaum Fehler<EFBFBD>berpr<EFBFBD>fung, es empfiehlt sich daher, nach getaner
Tat die Code-Worte mit einem Disassembler zu <EFBFBD>berpr<EFBFBD>fen.
Screen $11 enth„lt einen Loadscreen, mit dem man der kompletten
Assembler auf den Heap laden kann, damit er w„hrend der Kompila-
tionszeit zur Verf<EFBFBD>gung steht, aber keinen Platz im Dictionary
verbraucht. Mit CLEAR oder SAVE wird der Assembler entfernt,
wenn er nicht mehr ben”tigt wird.
\ *** Block No. 1 Hexblock 1
\ 68000 Assembler Load Screen 26oct86we
Vocabulary Assembler Assembler also definitions
: end-code context 2- @ context ! ;
' swap | Alias *swap
base @ 4 $11 +thru base !
: reg) size push .l 0 *swap FP DI) ;
: Next .w IP )+ D7 move D7 reg) D6 move D6 reg) jmp
>here next-link @ , next-link ! ;
2 3 +thru Onlyforth
\ *** Block No. 2 Hexblock 2
\ Internal Assembler 09sep86we
$1300 hallot heap dp ! -1 +load
dp !
\ *** Block No. 3 Hexblock 3
\ Extended adressing modes 09sep86we
: R#) ( addr -- ) size push
[ Forth ] dup 0< IF [ Assembler ] .w # D6 move D6 reg)
[ Forth ] exit THEN .w FP D) ;
| : inrange? ( addr -- offset f ) [ Forth ]
>here 2+ - >here 0< IF dup $FFFE >here - < exit THEN
dup >here negate > ;
: pcrel) ( addr -- ) \ pc-relativ adressing mode
inrange? [ Forth ] 0= abort" out of range" pcd) ;
: ;c: 0 recover R#) jsr end-code ] ;
\ *** Block No. 4 Hexblock 4
\ Assembler Forth words 09sep86we
Forth definitions
: Assembler Assembler [ Assembler ] .w ;
: Code Create here dup 2- ! Assembler ;
| : (;code r> last @ name> ! ;
: ;Code 0 ?pairs compile (;code [compile] [ reveal
Assembler ; immediate restrict
: >label ( addr -- ) here | Create swap , immediate
4 hallot >here 4- heap 4 cmove
heap last @ count $1F and + even ! dp !
Does> ( -- addr ) @
state @ IF [compile] Literal THEN ;
: Label [ Assembler ] >here [ Forth ] 1 and
[ Assembler ] >allot >here >label Assembler ;
\ *** Block No. 5 Hexblock 5
\ Code generating primitives 26oct86we
Variable >codes
| Create nrc ] c, , c@ here allot ! c! [
: nonrelocate nrc >codes ! ; nonrelocate
| : >exec Create c,
Does> c@ >codes @ + @ execute ;
| 0 >exec >c, | 2 >exec >, | 4 >exec >c@
| 6 >exec >here | 8 >exec >allot | $0A >exec >!
| $0C >exec >c!
\ *** Block No. 6 Hexblock 6
\ 68000 Meta Assembler 04sep86we
| : ?, IF >, THEN >, ;
| : 2, >, >, ;
8 base !
Variable size
: .b 10000 size ! ;
: .w 30100 size ! ; .w
: .l 24600 size ! ;
| : Sz Constant Does> @ size @ and or ;
00300 | Sz sz3 00400 | Sz sz4
04000 | Sz sz40 30000 | Sz sz300
| : long? size @ 24600 = ;
| : -sz1 long? IF 100 or THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 7 Hexblock 7
\ addressing modes 09sep86we
| : Regs 10 0 DO dup 1001 I * or Constant LOOP drop ;
| : Mode Constant Does> @ *swap 7007 and or ;
0000 Regs D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
0110 Regs A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7
0220 Mode ) \ address register indirect
0330 Mode )+ \ adr reg ind post-increment
0440 Mode -) \ adr reg ind pre-decrement
0550 Mode D) \ adr reg ind displaced
0660 Mode (DI) \ adr reg ind displaced indexed s.u.
0770 Constant #) \ immediate address
1771 Constant L#) \ immediate long address
2772 Constant pcD) \ pc relative displaced
3773 Constant (pcDI) \ pc relative displaced indexed
4774 Constant # \ immediate data
\ *** Block No. 8 Hexblock 8
\ fields and register assignments 08sep86we
| : Field Constant Does> @ and ;
7000 | Field rd 0007 | Field rs
0070 | Field ms 0077 | Field eas
0377 | Field low
| : dn? ( ea -- ea flag ) dup ms 0= ;
| : src ( ea instr -- ea instr' ) over eas or ;
| : dst ( ea instr -- ea instr' ) *swap rd or ;
| : ??dn ( mod -- mod ) dn? 0= abort" needs Data-Register" ;
| : ??an ( mod -- mod ) dup ms 1 =
abort" needs Adress-Register" ;
A6 Constant SP A5 Constant RP A4 Constant IP
A3 Constant FP
\ *** Block No. 9 Hexblock 9
\ extended addressing 09sep86we
: DI) (DI) size @ *swap ;
: pcDI) (pcDI) size @ *swap ;
| : double? ( mode -- flag) dup L#) = *swap
# = long? and or ;
| : index? ( {n} mode -- {m} mode )
dup >r dup 0770 and A0 (DI) = *swap (pcDI) = or
IF size @ >r size !
dup rd 10 * *swap ms IF 100000 or THEN
sz40 *swap low or r> size !
THEN r> ;
| : more? ( ea -- ea flag ) dup ms 0040 > ;
| : ,more ( ea -- ) more?
IF index? double? ?, ELSE drop THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 10 Hexblock A
\ extended addressing extras 09sep86we
| Create extra here 5 dup allot erase \ temporary storage area
| : extra? ( {n} mode -- mode ) more?
IF >r r@ index? double? extra 1+ *swap
IF under ! 2+ ! 2 ELSE ! 1 THEN extra c! r>
ELSE 0 extra !
| : ,extra ( -- ) extra c@ ?dup
IF extra 1+ *swap 1 =
IF @ >, ELSE dup 2+ @ *swap @ 2, THEN extra 5 erase
\ *** Block No. 11 Hexblock B
\ immediates & address register specific 15jan86we
| : Imm Constant Does> @ >r extra? eas r> or
sz3 >, long? ?, ,extra ; ( n ea)
0000 Imm ori 1000 Imm andi
2000 Imm subi 3000 Imm addi
5000 Imm eori 6000 Imm cmpi
| : Immsr Constant Does> @ sz3 2, ; ( n )
001074 Immsr andi>sr
005074 Immsr eori>sr
000074 Immsr ori>sr
| : Iq Constant Does> @ >r extra? eas *swap rs 1000 * or
r> or sz3 >, ,extra ; ( n ea )
050000 Iq addq 050400 Iq subq
| : Ieaa Constant Does> @ dst src sz4 >, ,more ; ( ea an )
150300 Ieaa adda 130300 Ieaa cmpa
040700 Ieaa lea 110300 Ieaa suba
\ *** Block No. 12 Hexblock C
\ shifts, rotates, and bit manipulation 15jan86we
| : Isr Constant Does> @ >r dn?
IF *swap dn? IF r> 40 or >r ELSE drop *swap 1000 * THEN
rd *swap rs or r> or 160000 or sz3 >,
ELSE dup eas 300 or r@ 400 and or r> 70 and 100 * or
160000 or >, ,more
THEN ; ( dm dn ) ( m # dn ) ( ea )
400 Isr asl 000 Isr asr
410 Isr lsl 010 Isr lsr
420 Isr roxl 020 Isr roxr
430 Isr rol 030 Isr ror
| : Ibit Constant does> @ >r extra? dn?
IF rd src 400 ELSE drop dup eas 4000 THEN
or r> or >, ,extra ,more ; ( ea dn ) ( ea n # )
000 Ibit btst 100 Ibit bchg
200 Ibit bclr 300 Ibit bset
\ *** Block No. 13 Hexblock D
\ branch, loop, and set conditionals 15jan86we
| : Setclass ' *swap 0 DO I over execute LOOP drop ;
| : Ibra 400 * 060000 or Constant ( label )
Does> @ *swap >here 2+ - dup abs 200 <
IF low or >, ELSE *swap 2, THEN ;
20 Setclass Ibra bra bsr bhi bls bcc bcs bne beq
bvc bvs bpl bmi bge blt bgt ble
| : Idbr 400 * 050310 or Constant ( label \ dn - )
Does> @ *swap rs or >, >here - >, ;
20 Setclass Idbr dxit dbra dbhi dbls dbcc dbcs dbne dbeq
dbvc dbvs dbpl dbmi dbge dblt dbgt dble
| : Iset 400 * 050300 or Constant ( ea )
Does> @ src >, ,more ;
20 Setclass Iset set sno shi sls scc scs sne seq
svc svs spl smi sge slt sgt sle
\ *** Block No. 14 Hexblock E
\ moves 15jan86we
: move extra? 7700 and src sz300 >,
,more ,extra ; ( ea ea )
: moveq ??dn rd *swap low or 070000 or >, ; ( n dn )
: move>usp ??an rs 047140 or >, ; ( an )
: move<usp ??an rs 047150 or >, ; ( an )
: movem>
extra? eas 044200 or -sz1 >, >, ,extra ; ( n ea )
: movem<
extra? eas 046200 or -sz1 >, >, ,extra ; ( n ea )
: movep dn? IF rd *swap rs or 410 or
ELSE rs rot rd or 610 or THEN -sz1 2, ;
( dm d an ) ( d an dm )
: lmove 7700 and *swap eas or 20000 or >, ;
( long reg move )
\ *** Block No. 15 Hexblock F
\ odds and ends 15jan86we
: cmpm rd *swap rs or 130410 or sz3 >, ; ( an@+ am@+ )
: exg dn? IF *swap dn? IF 140500 ELSE 140610 THEN >r
ELSE *swap dn? IF 140610 ELSE 140510 THEN >r *swap
THEN rs dst r> or >, ; ( rn rm )
: ext ??dn rs 044200 or -sz1 >, ; ( dn )
: swap ??dn rs 044100 or >, ; ( dn )
: stop 47162 2, ; ( n )
: trap 17 and 47100 or >, ; ( n )
: link ??an rs 047120 or 2, ; ( n an )
: unlk ??an rs 047130 or >, ; ( an )
: eor extra? eas dst sz3 130400 or >, ,extra ; ( dn ea )
: cmp ??dn 130000 dst src sz3 >, ,more ; ( ea dn )
\ *** Block No. 16 Hexblock 10
\ arithmetic and logic 15jan86we
| : Ibcd Constant Does> @ dst over rs or *swap ms
IF 10 or THEN >, ; ( dn dm ) ( an@- am@- )
140400 Ibcd abcd 100400 Ibcd sbcd
| : Idd Constant Does> @ dst over rs or *swap ms
IF 10 or THEN sz3 >, ; ( dn dm ) ( an@- am@- )
150400 Idd addx 110400 Idd subx
| : Idea Constant Does> @ >r dn? ( ea dn ) ( dn ea )
IF rd src r> or sz3 >, ,more
ELSE extra? eas dst 400 or r> or sz3 >, ,extra THEN ;
150000 Idea add 110000 Idea sub
140000 Idea and 100000 Idea or
| : Iead Constant Does> @ >r ??dn r> dst src
>, ,more ; ( ea dn)
040600 Iead chk 100300 Iead divu 100700 Iead divs
140300 Iead mulu 140700 Iead muls
\ *** Block No. 17 Hexblock 11
\ arithmetic and control 15jan86we
| : Iea Constant Does> @ src >, ,more ; ( ea )
047200 Iea jsr 047300 Iea jmp
042300 Iea move>ccr
040300 Iea move<sr 043300 Iea move>sr
044000 Iea nbcd 044100 Iea pea
045300 Iea tas
| : Ieas Constant Does> @ src sz3 >, ,more ; ( ea )
041000 Ieas clr 043000 Ieas not
042000 Ieas neg 040000 Ieas negx
045000 Ieas tst
| : Icon Constant Does> @ >, ;
47160 Icon reset 47161 Icon nop
47163 Icon rte 47165 Icon rts
47166 Icon trapv 47167 Icon rtr
\ *** Block No. 18 Hexblock 12
\ structured conditionals +/- 256 bytes 15jan86we
: THEN >here over 2+ - *swap 1+ >c! ;
: IF >, >here 2- ; hex
: ELSE 6000 IF *swap THEN ;
: BEGIN >here ;
: UNTIL >, >here - >here 1- >c! ;
: AGAIN 6000 UNTIL ;
: WHILE IF *swap ;
: DO >here *swap ;
: LOOP dbra ;
6600 Constant 0= 6700 Constant 0<>
6A00 Constant 0< 6B00 Constant 0>=
6C00 Constant < 6D00 Constant >=
6E00 Constant <= 6F00 Constant >
6500 Constant CC 6400 Constant CS