Philip Zembrod cae5f7c94d Get v4th-x16 to work with r41 of x16emu and x16 ROM.
Main change is that c64key? and getkey are implemented through new
Kernal API calls instead of direct reading the keyboard buffer.
A separate intermediate test target for r41 is introduced.
But also the main x16 target is switched to r41 now.
Also, the KEEPEMU env var is introduced to run-in-x16emu.sh
for debugging that has proved its usefulness in cc64 emulator scripts.
2022-07-31 21:56:33 +02:00

235 lines
6.6 KiB

# This Makefile and the build scripts in the emulator/ subdir require
# the file format conversion tools from the tools/ subdir of
# https://github.com/pzembrod/cc64 to be installed.
vf_blk_d64_files = $(wildcard disks/*.d64)
vf_blk_fth_files = $(patsubst %.d64, %.fth, $(vf_blk_d64_files))
vf_fth_files = $(wildcard src/vf-*.fth src/v4th*.fth)
vf_fth_files_petscii = $(patsubst src/%, cbmfiles/%, $(vf_fth_files))
vf_flavours = \
v4thblk-c64 v4thblk-c16+ v4thblk-c16- \
v4th-c64 v4th-c16+ v4th-c16- v4th-x16
vf_binaries = $(patsubst %, cbmfiles/%, $(vf_flavours))
test_files = $(wildcard tests/*.f*)
test_files_petscii = $(patsubst tests/%, cbmfiles/%, $(test_files))
test_logs = $(patsubst %, test-%.log, $(vf_flavours))
test_resuls = $(patsubst %, test-%.result, $(vf_flavours))
# Target to convert all .d64 images into .fth files for easier reading,
# and to update all PETSCII files in cbmfiles to the latest state of
# the corresponding ASCII files in src.
update: $(vf_blk_fth_files) $(vf_fth_files_petscii)
rm -f cbmfiles/*.fr cbmfiles/*.fth cbmfiles/*.log tmp/*
rm -f *.log *.result *.golden
rm -f cbmfiles/c??-testbase
rm -f disks/scratch.d64 emulator/sdcard.img
# Convenience targets
binaries: $(vf_binaries)
test: $(test_resuls)
test64: std64 blk64
blk64: test-v4thblk-c64.result
std64: test-v4th-c64.result
debug-64: emulator/tcbase.T64 emulator/build-vf.sh \
disks/vforth4_2.d64 disks/tc38q.d64 $(vf_fth_files_petscii)
emulator/build-vf.sh v4th-c64 nosave
run-devenv: emulator/devenv.T64
emulator/run-in-vice.sh devenv
run-testbase: emulator/testbase.T64
emulator/run-in-vice.sh testbase
run-testbase16: emulator/testbase16.T64
VICE=xplus4 emulator/run-in-vice.sh testbase16
# Targetcompiler targets
cbmfiles/tcbase: emulator/v4th-c64-4tc.T64 emulator/build-tcbase.sh \
disks/tc38q.d64 disks/file-words.d64 cbmfiles/tc-base.fth
$(vf_binaries): emulator/tcbase.T64 emulator/build-vf.sh \
disks/tc38q.d64 $(vf_fth_files_petscii)
$(vf_binaries): cbmfiles/logtofile.fth
emulator/build-vf.sh v4thblk-c64
emulator/build-vf.sh v4thblk-c16+
emulator/build-vf.sh v4thblk-c16-
emulator/build-vf.sh v4th-c64
emulator/build-vf.sh v4th-c16+
emulator/build-vf.sh v4th-c16-
emulator/build-vf.sh v4th-x16
# Core test targets
$(test_logs): $(test_files_petscii) emulator/run-in-vice.sh
test-v4thblk-c64.log: emulator/v4thblk-c64.T64 disks/empty.d64
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log disks/scratch.d64
cp disks/empty.d64 disks/scratch.d64
DISK9=scratch emulator/run-in-vice.sh v4thblk-c64 \
"include run-blk-tests.fth\n1234567890\n"
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4th-c64.log: emulator/v4th-c64.T64
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
emulator/run-in-vice.sh v4th-c64 \
"include run-std-tests.fth\n1234567890\n"
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4thblk-c16+.log: emulator/v4thblk-c16+.T64 disks/empty.d64
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log disks/scratch.d64
cp disks/empty.d64 disks/scratch.d64
VICE=xplus4 DISK9=scratch emulator/run-in-vice.sh v4thblk-c16+ \
"include run-blk-tests.fth\n1234567890\n"
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4th-c16+.log: emulator/v4th-c16+.T64
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
VICE=xplus4 emulator/run-in-vice.sh v4th-c16+ \
"include run-std-tests.fth\n1234567890\n"
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4thblk-c16-.log: emulator/v4thblk-c16-.T64
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
VICE=xplus4 emulator/run-in-vice.sh v4thblk-c16- \
"include run-min-tests.fth\n1234567890\n"
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4th-c16-.log: emulator/v4th-c16-.T64
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
VICE=xplus4 emulator/run-in-vice.sh v4th-c16- \
"include run-std-tests.fth\n1234567890\n"
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4th-x16.log: cbmfiles/v4th-x16 emulator/sdcard.img
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
emulator/run-in-x16emu.sh v4th-x16 \
"include run-std-tests.fth\n1234567890\n"
mcopy -i emulator/sdcard.img ::TEST.LOG cbmfiles/test.log
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4th-x16-39.log: $(test_files_petscii) emulator/run-in-vice.sh
test-v4th-x16-39.log: cbmfiles/v4th-x16 emulator/sdcard.img
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
emulator/run-in-x16-39.sh v4th-x16 \
"include run-std-tests.fth\n1234567890\n"
mcopy -i emulator/sdcard.img ::TEST.LOG cbmfiles/test.log
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4th-x16-39.golden: test-v4th-x16.golden
cp $< $@
test-v4th-x16-41.log: $(test_files_petscii) emulator/run-in-vice.sh
test-v4th-x16-41.log: cbmfiles/v4th-x16 emulator/sdcard.img
rm -f cbmfiles/test.log
emulator/run-in-x16-41.sh v4th-x16 \
"include run-std-tests.fth\n1234567890\n"
mcopy -i emulator/sdcard.img ::TEST.LOG cbmfiles/test.log
petscii2ascii cbmfiles/test.log $@
test-v4th-x16-41.golden: test-v4th-x16.golden
cp $< $@
test-%.result: test-%.log test-%.golden tests/evaluate-test.sh
rm -f $@
tests/evaluate-test.sh $(basename $@)
emulator/sdcard.img: emulator/sdcard.sfdisk
rm -f $@ $@.tmp
dd if=/dev/zero of=$@.tmp count=64 bs=1M
sfdisk -w always -W always $@.tmp < $<
mformat -i $@.tmp -F
mv $@.tmp $@
test-v4thblk-c64.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double block report-blk)
cat $? > $@
test-v4th-c64.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $? > $@
test-v4thblk-c16+.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double block report-blk)
cat $? > $@
test-v4th-c16+.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $? > $@
test-v4thblk-c16-.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core)
cat $? > $@
test-v4th-c16-.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $? > $@
test-v4th-x16.golden: $(patsubst %, tests/golden/%.golden, \
prelim core coreext double report-noblk)
cat $? > $@
# Rules for building Forth binaries on top of the plain vanilla
# c64-volksforth83.
cbmfiles/devenv: emulator/run-in-vice.sh emulator/build-devenv.sh \
emulator/c64-volksforth83.T64 \
disks/vforth4_1.d64 disks/vforth4_3.d64 disks/file-words.d64
# Generic T64 tape image rule
emulator/%.T64: cbmfiles/%
bin2t64 $< $@
# Generic rule for populating cbmfiles/ with PETSCII text files
cbmfiles/%.fth: src/%.fth
ascii2petscii $< $@
cbmfiles/%.fth: tests/%.fth
ascii2petscii $< $@
cbmfiles/%.fr: tests/%.fr
ascii2petscii $< $@
# Generic rule for converting .d64 blk sources into .fth files.
disks/%.fth: disks/%.d64
ufscr2file $< $@