mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 19:49:57 +00:00
902 lines
56 KiB
902 lines
56 KiB
\ *** Block No. 0 Hexblock 0
\ *** Block No. 1 Hexblock 1
\ Target compiler loadscr ks cas 09jun20
Onlyforth \needs Assembler 2 loadfrom asm.fb
: c+! ( 8b addr -- ) dup c@ rot + swap c! ;
' find $22 + @ Alias found
: search ( string 'vocab -- acf n / string ff )
dup @ [ ' Forth @ ] Literal - Abort" no vocabulary"
>body (find IF found exit THEN false ;
3 &27 thru Onlyforth savesystem meta.com
cr .( Metacompiler saved as META.COM )
\ *** Block No. 2 Hexblock 2
\ Predefinitions loadscreen ks 30 apr 88
&28 load
cr .( Predefinitions geladen ...) cr
\ *** Block No. 3 Hexblock 3
\ Target header pointers ks 29 jun 87
Variable tfile tfile off \ handle of target file
Variable tdp tdp off \ target dp
Variable displace displace off \ diplacement of code
Variable ?thead ?thead off \ for headerless code
Variable tlast tlast off \ last name in target
Variable glast' glast' off \ acf of latest ghost
Variable tdoes> tdoes> off \ code addr of last does
Variable tdodo tdodo off \ location of dodo
Variable >in: >in: off \ last :-def
Variable tvoc tvoc off \
Variable tvoc-link tvoc-link off \ voc-link in target
Variable tnext-link tnext-link off \ link for tracer
\ *** Block No. 4 Hexblock 4
\ Target header pointers ks 10 okt 87
: there ( -- taddr ) tdp @ ;
: new pushfile makefile isfile@ tfile !
tvoc-link off tnext-link off
$100 tdp ! $100 displace ! ;
\ *** Block No. 5 Hexblock 5
\ Ghost-creating ks 07 dez 87
0 | Constant <forw> 0 | Constant <res>
| Create gname $21 allot
| : >heap ( from quan -- ) \ heap over - 1 and + \ align
dup hallot heap swap cmove ;
: symbolic ( string -- cfa.ghost )
count dup 1 $1F uwithin not Abort" invalid Gname"
gname place BL gname append align here >r makeview ,
state @ IF context ELSE current THEN @ @ dup @ ,
gname count under here place 1+ allot align
here r@ - <forw> , 0 , 0 , r@ here over - >heap
heap 2+ rot ! r> dp ! heap + ;
\ *** Block No. 6 Hexblock 6
\ ghost words ks 07 dez 87
: gfind ( string -- cfa tf / string ff )
>r 1 r@ c+! r@ find -1 r> c+! ;
: ghost ( -- cfa ) name gfind ?exit symbolic ;
: gdoes> ( cfa.ghost -- cfa.does )
4 + dup @ IF @ exit THEN
here <forw> , 0 , dup 4 >heap
dp ! heap swap ! heap ;
\ *** Block No. 7 Hexblock 7
\ ghost utilities ks 29 jun 87
: g' ( -- acf ) name gfind 0= Abort" ?T?" ;
: '. g' dup @ <forw> case?
IF ." forw" ELSE <res> - Abort" ??" ." res" THEN
2+ dup @ 5 u.r 2+ @ ?dup
IF dup @ <forw> case?
IF ." fdef" ELSE <res> - Abort" ??" ." rdef" THEN
2+ @ 5 u.r THEN ;
' ' Alias h'
\ *** Block No. 8 Hexblock 8
\ .unresolved ks 29 jun 87
| : forward? ( cfa -- cfa / exit&true )
dup @ <forw> = 0=exit dup 2+ @ 0=exit drop true rdrop ;
| : unresolved? ( addr -- f ) 2+
dup count $1F and + 1- c@ bl =
IF name> forward? 4+ @ dup IF forward? THEN
THEN drop false ;
| : unresolved-words ( thread -- )
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup unresolved?
IF dup 2+ .name ?cr THEN REPEAT ;
: .unresolved voc-link @
BEGIN dup 4 - unresolved-words @ ?dup 0= UNTIL ;
\ *** Block No. 9 Hexblock 9
\ Extending Vocabularys for Target-Compilation ks 29 jun 87
Vocabulary Ttools
Vocabulary Defining
: Vocabulary Vocabulary 0 , here tvoc @ , tvoc ! ;
Vocabulary Transient tvoc off
Root definitions
: T Transient ; immediate
: H Forth ; immediate
: D Defining ; immediate
Forth definitions
\ *** Block No. 10 Hexblock A
\ Image and byteorder ks 02 jul 87
| Code >byte ( 16b -- 8b- 8b+ ) A A xor
D- A- xchg D+ D- xchg A push Next end-code
| Code byte> ( 8b- 8b+ -- 16b )
A pop D- D+ mov A- D- xchg Next end-code
| : >target ( addr1 -- daddr fcb ) displace @ - 0 tfile @ ;
Transient definitions
: c@ ( addr -- 8b ) [ Dos ]
>target file@ dup 0< Abort" nie abgespeichert" ;
: c! ( 8b addr -- ) [ Dos ] >target file! ;
\ *** Block No. 11 Hexblock B
\ Transient primitives ks 09 jul 87
: @ ( addr -- n ) H dup T c@ swap 1+ c@ byte> ;
: ! ( n addr -- ) H >r >byte r@ 1+ T c! r> c! H ;
: cmove ( from.mem to.target quan -- ) [ Dos ]
>r >target fseek ds@ swap r> tfile @ lfputs ;
\ bounds ?DO dup c@ I T c! H 1+ LOOP drop ;
: here ( -- taddr ) H tdp @ ;
: here! ( taddr -- ) H tdp ! ;
: allot ( n -- ) H tdp +! ;
: c, ( 8b -- ) T here c! 1 allot H ;
: , ( 16b -- ) T here ! 2 allot H ;
: align ( -- ) H ; immediate
: even ( addr1 -- addr2 ) H ; immediate
: halign H ; immediate
\ *** Block No. 12 Hexblock C
\ Transient primitives ks 29 jun 87
: count ( addr1 -- addr2 len ) H dup 1+ swap T c@ H ;
: ," H here ," here over dp !
over - T here swap dup allot cmove H ;
: fill ( addr quan 8b -- ) H
-rot bounds ?DO dup I T c! H LOOP drop ;
: erase ( addr quan -- ) H 0 T fill H ;
: blank ( addr quan -- ) H bl T fill H ;
: move-threads H tvoc @ tvoc-link @
BEGIN over ?dup
WHILE 2- @ over 2- T ! @ H swap @ swap REPEAT
Error" some undef. Target-Vocs left" drop ;
\ *** Block No. 13 Hexblock D
\ Resolving ks 29 jun 87
Forth definitions
: resolve ( cfa.ghost cfa.target -- ) over dup @ <res> =
IF space dup >name .name ." exists " ?cr
2+ ! drop exit THEN >r >r 2+ @ ?dup
IF BEGIN dup T @ H 2dup = Abort" resolve loop"
r@ rot T ! H ?dup 0= UNTIL
THEN r> r> <res> over ! 2+ ! ;
: resdoes> ( acf.ghost acf.target -- ) swap gdoes>
dup @ <res> = IF 2+ ! exit THEN swap resolve ;
here 2+ 0 ] Does> dup @ there rot ! T , H ; ' <forw> >body !
here 2+ 0 ] Does> @ T , H ; ' <res> >body !
\ *** Block No. 14 Hexblock E
\ compiling names into targ. ks 10 okt 87
| : tlatest ( -- addr ) current @ 6 + ;
: (theader ?thead @ IF 1 ?thead +! exit THEN
>in @ bl word swap >in ! dup count upper
dup c@ 1 $20 uwithin not Abort" inval. Tname"
blk @ $8400 or T align , H
there tlatest @ T , H tlatest ! there tlast !
there over c@ 1+ dup T allot cmove align H ;
: theader tlast off
(theader ghost dup glast' ! there resolve ;
\ *** Block No. 15 Hexblock F
\ prebuild defining words ks 29 jun 87
| : (prebuild >in @ Create >in !
r> dup 2+ >r @ here 2- ! ;
| : tpfa, there , ;
: prebuild ( addr check# -- check# ) 0 ?pairs
dup IF compile (prebuild dup , THEN
compile theader ghost gdoes> ,
IF compile tpfa, THEN 0 ; immediate
: dummy 0 ;
: DO> [compile] Does> here 3 - compile @ 0 ] ;
\ *** Block No. 16 Hexblock 10
\ Constructing defining words in Host kks 07 dez 87
| : defcomp ( string -- ) dup ['] Defining search ?dup
IF 0> IF nip execute exit THEN drop dup THEN
find ?dup IF 0< IF nip , exit THEN THEN
drop ['] Forth search ?dup
IF 0< IF , exit THEN execute exit THEN
number? ?dup 0= Abort" ?"
0> IF swap [compile] Literal THEN [compile] Literal ;
| : definter ( string -- ) dup ['] Defining search ?dup
IF 0< IF nip execute exit THEN THEN drop
find ?dup IF 1 and 0= Abort" compile only" execute exit
THEN number? 0= Error" ?" ;
\ *** Block No. 17 Hexblock 11
\ Constructing defining words in Host ks 22 dez 87
| : (;tcode r> @ tlast @ T count + ! H ;
Defining definitions
: ] H ] ['] defcomp Is parser ;
: [ H [compile] [ ['] definter Is parser ; immediate
: ; H [compile] ; [compile] \\ ; immediate
: Does> H compile (;tcode tdoes> @ ,
[compile] ; -2 allot [compile] \\ ; immediate
D ' Does> Alias ;Code immediate H
\ *** Block No. 18 Hexblock 12
\ reinterpreting defining words ks 22 dez 87
Forth definitions
: ?reinterpret ( f -- ) 0=exit
state @ >r >in @ >r adr parser @ >r
>in: @ >in ! : D ] H interpret
r> Is parser r> >in ! r> state ! ;
: undefined? ( -- f ) glast' @ 4+ @ 0= ;
| : flag! ( 8b -- ) tlast @ ?dup 0= IF drop exit THEN
dup T c@ rot or swap c! H ;
| : nfa? ( acf alf -- anf / acf ff )
BEGIN dup WHILE 2dup 2+ T count $1F and + even H =
IF 2+ nip exit THEN T @ H REPEAT ;
\ *** Block No. 19 Hexblock 13
\ the 8086 Assembler ks 29 jun 87
| Create relocate ] T c, , here ! c! H [
Transient definitions
: Assembler H [ Assembler ] relocate >codes ! Assembler ;
: >label ( 16b -- ) H >in @ name gfind rot >in !
IF over resolve dup THEN drop Constant ;
: Label T here >label Assembler H ;
: Code H theader T here 2+ , Assembler H ;
\ *** Block No. 20 Hexblock 14
( Transient primitives ks 17 dec 83 )
' exit Alias exit ' load Alias load
' / Alias / ' thru Alias thru
' swap Alias swap ' * Alias *
' dup Alias dup ' drop Alias drop
' /mod Alias /mod ' rot Alias rot
' -rot Alias -rot ' over Alias over
' 2* Alias 2* ' + Alias +
' - Alias - ' 1+ Alias 1+
' 2+ Alias 2+ ' 1- Alias 1-
' 2- Alias 2- ' negate Alias negate
' 2swap Alias 2swap ' 2dup Alias 2dup
\ *** Block No. 21 Hexblock 15
\ Transient primitives kks 29 jun 87
' also Alias also ' words Alias words
' definitions Alias definitions ' hex Alias hex
' decimal Alias decimal ' ( Alias ( immediate
' \ Alias \ immediate ' \\ Alias \\ immediate
' .( Alias .( immediate ' [ Alias [ immediate
' cr Alias cr
' end-code Alias end-code ' Transient Alias Transient
' +thru Alias +thru ' +load Alias +load
' .s Alias .s
Tools ' trace Alias trace immediate
\ *** Block No. 22 Hexblock 16
\ immediate words and branch primitives ks 29 jun 87
: >mark ( -- addr ) T here 0 , H ;
: >resolve ( addr -- ) T here over - swap ! H ;
: <mark ( -- addr ) H there ;
: <resolve ( addr -- ) T here - , H ;
: immediate H $40 flag! ;
: restrict H $80 flag! ;
: | H ?thead @ ?exit ?thead on ;
: internal H 1 ?thead ! ;
: external H ?thead off ;
\ *** Block No. 23 Hexblock 17
\ ' | compile Alias >name ks 29 jun 87
: ' ( -- acf ) H g' dup @ <res> -
IF Error" undefined" THEN 2+ @ ;
: compile H ghost , ; immediate restrict
: >name ( acf -- anf / ff ) H tvoc
BEGIN @ dup WHILE under 2- @ nfa? ?dup IF nip exit THEN
swap REPEAT nip ;
\ *** Block No. 24 Hexblock 18
\ >name Alias ks 29 jun 87
: >body ( acf -- apf ) H 2+ ;
: Alias ( n -- ) H tlast off
(theader ghost over resolve T , H $20 flag! ;
: on ( addr -- ) H true swap T ! H ;
: off ( addr -- ) H false swap T ! H ;
\ *** Block No. 25 Hexblock 19
\ Target tools ks 9 sep 86
| : .tfield ( taddr len quan -) >r under Pad swap
bounds ?DO dup T c@ I H c! 1+ LOOP drop
Pad over type r> swap - 0 max spaces ;
' view Alias hview
Ttools also definitions
| : ?: ( addr -- addr ) dup 4 u.r ." :" ;
| : @? ( addr -- addr ) dup T @ H 6 u.r ;
| : c? ( addr -- addr ) dup T c@ H 3 .r ;
\ *** Block No. 26 Hexblock 1A
\ Ttools for decompiling ks 9 sep 86
: s ( addr -- addr+ ) ?: space c? 4 spaces
T count 2dup + even -rot 18 .tfield ;
: n ( addr -- addr+2 ) ?: @? 2 spaces dup T @ >name H
?dup IF T count H ELSE 0 0 THEN
$1F and $18 .tfield 2+ ;
: d ( addr n -- addr+n ) 2dup swap ?: 3 spaces
swap 0 DO c? 1+ LOOP 4 spaces -rot dup .tfield ;
: l ( addr -- addr+2 ) ?: 6 spaces @? 2+ 14 spaces ;
: c ( addr -- addr+1 ) 1 d 15 spaces ;
\ *** Block No. 27 Hexblock 1B
\ Tools for decompiling ks 29 jun 87
: b ( addr -- addr+2 ) ?: @? dup T @ H
over + 6 u.r 2+ 14 spaces ;
: dump ( addr n -- )
bounds ?DO cr I 10 d drop stop? IF LEAVE THEN 10 +LOOP ;
: view T ' >name H ?dup 0=exit 4 - T @ H ?dup 0=exit edit ;
\ *** Block No. 28 Hexblock 1C
\ Predefinitions loadscreen ks 29 jun 87
: clear H true Abort" There are ghosts" ;
1 $B +thru
\ *** Block No. 29 Hexblock 1D
\ Literal ['] ?" ." " ks 29 jun 87
Transient definitions Forth
: Literal ( n -- ) H dup $FF00 and
IF T compile lit , H exit THEN T compile clit c, H ;
: Ascii H bl word 1+ c@ state @ 0=exit
T [compile] Literal H ; immediate
: ['] T compile lit H ; immediate
: ." T compile (." ," align H ; immediate
: " T compile (" ," align H ; immediate
\ *** Block No. 30 Hexblock 1E
\ Target compilation ] ks 07 dez 87
Forth definitions
| : tcompile ( string -- ) dup find ?dup
IF 0> IF nip execute exit THEN THEN
drop gfind IF execute exit THEN number? ?dup
IF 0> IF swap T [compile] Literal THEN
[compile] Literal H exit THEN
symbolic execute ;
Transient definitions
: ] H ] ['] tcompile Is parser ;
\ *** Block No. 31 Hexblock 1F
\ Target conditionals ks 10 sep 86
: IF T compile ?branch >mark H 1 ; immediate restrict
: THEN abs 1 ?pairs T >resolve H ; immediate restrict
: ELSE 1 ?pairs T compile branch >mark
swap >resolve H -1 ; immediate restrict
: BEGIN T <mark H 2 ; immediate restrict
: WHILE 2 ?pairs 2 T compile ?branch >mark H -2 2swap ;
immediate restrict
| : (repeat 2 ?pairs T <resolve H
BEGIN dup -2 = WHILE drop T >resolve H REPEAT ;
: UNTIL T compile ?branch (repeat H ; immediate restrict
: REPEAT T compile branch (repeat H ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 32 Hexblock 20
\ Target conditionals Abort" etc. ks 09 feb 88
: DO T compile (do >mark H 3 ; immediate restrict
: ?DO T compile (?do >mark H 3 ; immediate restrict
: LOOP 3 ?pairs T compile (loop
compile endloop >resolve H ; immediate restrict
: +LOOP 3 ?pairs T compile (+loop
compile endloop >resolve H ; immediate restrict
: Abort" T compile (abort" ," align H ; immediate restrict
: Error" T compile (error" ," align H ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 33 Hexblock 21
\ Target does> ;code ks 29 jun 87
| : dodoes> T compile (;code
H glast' @ there resdoes> there tdoes> ! ;
: Does> H undefined? T dodoes>
$E9 c, H tdodo @ there - 2- T ,
H ?reinterpret ; immediate restrict
: ;Code H 0 ?pairs undefined? T dodoes> H ?reinterpret
T [compile] [ Assembler H ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 34 Hexblock 22
\ User ks 09 jul 87
Forth definitions
Variable torigin torigin off \ cold boot vector
Variable tudp tudp off \ user variable counter
: >user ( addr1 -- addr2 ) T c@ H torigin @ + ;
Transient definitions Forth
: origin! ( taddr -- ) H torigin ! tudp off ;
: uallot ( n -- offset ) H tudp @ swap tudp +! ;
DO> >user ;
: User T prebuild User 2 uallot c, H ;
\ *** Block No. 35 Hexblock 23
\ Variable Constant Create ks 01 okt 87
DO> ;
: Variable T prebuild Create 2 allot H ;
DO> T @ H ;
: Constant T prebuild Constant , H ;
DO> ;
: Create T prebuild Create H ;
: Create: T Create ] H end-code 0 ;
\ *** Block No. 36 Hexblock 24
\ Defer Is Vocabulary ks 29 jun 87
DO> ;
: Defer T prebuild Defer 2 allot ;
: Is T ' >body H state @
IF T compile (is , H exit THEN T ! H ; immediate
: Vocabulary H >in @ Vocabulary >in !
T prebuild Vocabulary 0 , 0 ,
H there tvoc-link @ T , H tvoc-link ! ;
\ *** Block No. 37 Hexblock 25
\ File ks 19 m<>r 88
Forth definitions
Variable tfile-link tfile-link off
Variable tfileno tfileno off
&45 Constant tb/fcb
Transient definitions Forth
: File T prebuild File here tb/fcb 0 fill
here H tfile-link @ T , H tfile-link !
1 tfileno +! tfileno @ T c, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
here dup >r 1+ tb/fcb &13 - allot H tlast @
T count dup r> c!
H bounds ?DO I T c@ over c! H 1+ LOOP drop ;
\ *** Block No. 38 Hexblock 26
\ : ; compile Host [compile] ks 29 jun 87
: : H >in @ >in: ! T prebuild : ] H end-code 0 ;
: ; 0 ?pairs T compile unnest
[compile] [ H ; immediate restrict
: compile T compile compile H ; immediate restrict
: Host H Onlyforth ;
: Compiler H Onlyforth Transient also definitions ;
: [compile] H ghost execute ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 39 Hexblock 27
\ Target ks 29 jun 87
: Target H vp off Transient also definitions ;
Transient definitions
ghost c, drop
\ *** Block No. 40 Hexblock 28
\ *** Block No. 41 Hexblock 29
\ *** Block No. 42 Hexblock 2A
\ *** Block No. 43 Hexblock 2B
\ *** Block No. 44 Hexblock 2C
\ *** Block No. 45 Hexblock 2D
\ *** Block No. 46 Hexblock 2E
\ *** Block No. 47 Hexblock 2F
\ *** Block No. 48 Hexblock 30
\ *** Block No. 49 Hexblock 31
\ *** Block No. 50 Hexblock 32
\ *** Block No. 51 Hexblock 33
\ *** Block No. 52 Hexblock 34