Philip Zembrod 5dc3bbef7c Move all msdos block file Forth sources (.fb, .vid, .sys, .prn) to the
msdos/src subdir and generate .fth copies of the .fb files.
2022-02-01 22:33:21 +01:00

3041 lines
72 KiB

\ *** Block No. 0, Hexblock 0
\^@ #### volksFORTH #### cas 18jul20
VolksForth has been developed by
K. Schleisiek, B. Pennemann, G. Rehfeld, D. Weineck
Ulli Hoffmann, Philip Zembrod, Carsten Strotmann
6502 version by B.Pennemann and K.Schleisiek
Port to C64 "ultraFORTH" by G. Rehfeld
Port to 68000 and Atari ST by D.Weineck and B.Pennemann
Port to 8080 and CP/M by U.Hoffmann jul 86
Port to C16 "ultraFORTH" by C.Vogt
Port to 8088/86 and MS-DOS by K.Schleisiek dez 87
\ *** Block No. 1, Hexblock 1
\ MS-DOS volksForth Load Screen ks cas 18jul20
Onlyforth \needs Transient include meta.fb
2 loadfrom META.fb
new FORTH.COM Onlyforth Target definitions
4 &111 thru \ Standard 8088-System
flush \ close FORTH.COM
cr .( new kernel as "FORTH.COM" written) cr bell
\ *** Block No. 2, Hexblock 2
\\ Die Nutzung der 8088/86 Register ks 27 oct 86
Im Assembler sind Forthgemaesse Namen fuer die Register gewaehlt
Dabei ist die Zuordnung zu den Intel Namen folgendermassen:
A <=> AX A- <=> AL A+ <=> AH
C <=> CX C- <=> CL C+ <=> CH
Register A und C sind zur allgemeinen Benutzung frei
D <=> DX D- <=> DL D+ <=> DH
das oberste Element des (Daten)-Stacks.
R <=> BX R- <=> RL R+ <=> RH
der Return_stack_pointer
\ *** Block No. 3, Hexblock 3
\\ Die Nutzung der 8088/86 Register ks 27 oct 86
U <=> BP User_area_pointer
S <=> SP Daten_stack_pointer
I <=> SI Instruction_pointer
W <=> DI Word_pointer, im allgemeinen zur Benutzung frei.
D: <=> DS E: <=> ES S: <=> SS C: <=> CS
Alle Segmentregister werden beim booten auf den Wert des
Codesegments C: gesetzt und muessen, wenn sie "verstellt"
werden, wieder auf C: zurueckgesetzt werden.
\ *** Block No. 4, Hexblock 4
\ FORTH Preamble and ID ks 11 mär 89
nop 5555 # jmp here 2- >label >cold
nop 5555 # jmp here 2- >label >restart
Create origin here origin! here $100 0 fill
\ Hier beginnen die Kaltstartwerte der Benutzervariablen
$E9 int end-code -4 , $FC allot
\ this is the multitasker initialization in the user area
| Create logo ," volksFORTH-83 rev. 3.81.41"
\ *** Block No. 5, Hexblock 5
\ Next ks 27 oct 86
Variable next-link 0 next-link !
Host Forth Assembler also definitions
: Next lods A W xchg W ) jmp
there tnext-link @ T , H tnext-link ! ;
\ Next ist in-line code. Fuer den debugger werden daher alle
\ "nexts" in einer Liste mit dem Anker NEXT-LINK verbunden.
: u' ( -- offset ) T ' 2+ c@ H ;
\ *** Block No. 6, Hexblock 6
\ recover ;c: noop ks 27 oct 86
Create recover Assembler
R dec R dec I R ) mov I pop Next
Host Forth Assembler also definitions
: ;c: 0 T recover # call ] end-code H ;
| Code di cli Next end-code
| Code ei sti here Next end-code
Code noop here 2- ! end-code
\ *** Block No. 7, Hexblock 7
\ User variables ks 16 sep 88
8 uallot drop \ Platz fuer Multitasker
\ Felder: entry link spare SPsave
\ Laenge kompatibel zum 68000, 6502 und 8080 volksFORTH
User s0
User r0
User dp
User offset 0 offset !
User base &10 base !
User output
User input
User errorhandler \ pointer for Abort" -code
User aborted \ code address of latest error
User voc-link
User file-link cr .( Wieso ist UDP Uservariable? )
User udp \ points to next free addr in User_area
\ *** Block No. 8, Hexblock 8
\ manipulate system pointers ks 03 aug 87
Code sp@ ( -- addr ) D push S D mov Next end-code
Code sp! ( addr -- ) D S mov D pop Next end-code
Code up@ ( -- addr ) D push U D mov Next end-code
Code up! ( addr -- ) D U mov D pop Next end-code
Code ds@ ( -- addr ) D push D: D mov Next end-code
$10 Constant b/seg \ bytes per segment
\ *** Block No. 9, Hexblock 9
\ manipulate returnstack ks 27 oct 86
Code rp@ ( -- addr ) D push R D mov Next end-code
Code rp! ( addr -- ) D R mov D pop Next end-code
Code >r ( 16b -- ) R dec R dec D R ) mov D pop Next
end-code restrict
Code r> ( -- 16b ) D push R ) D mov R inc R inc Next
end-code restrict
\ *** Block No. 10, Hexblock a
\ r@ rdrop exit unnest ?exit ks 27 oct 86
Code r@ ( -- 16b ) D push R ) D mov Next end-code
Code rdrop R inc R inc Next end-code restrict
Code exit
Label >exit R ) I mov R inc R inc Next end-code
Code unnest >exit here 2- ! end-code
Code ?exit ( flag -- )
D D or D pop >exit 0= ?] [[ Next end-code
Code 0=exit ( flag -- )
D D or D pop >exit 0= not ?] ]] end-code
\ : ?exit ( flag -- ) IF rdrop THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 11, Hexblock b
\ execute perform ks 27 oct 86
Code execute ( acf -- ) D W mov D pop W ) jmp end-code
Code perform ( addr -- ) D W mov D pop W ) W mov W ) jmp
\ : perform ( addr -- ) @ execute ;
\ *** Block No. 12, Hexblock c
\ c@ c! ctoggle ks 27 oct 86
Code c@ ( addr -- 8b )
D W mov W ) D- mov 0 # D+ mov Next end-code
Code c! ( 16b addr -- )
D W mov A pop A- W ) mov D pop Next end-code
Code ctoggle ( 8b addr -- )
D W mov A pop A- W ) xor D pop Next end-code
\ : ctoggle ( 8b addr -- ) under c@ xor swap c! ;
Code flip ( 16b1 -- 16b2 ) D- D+ xchg Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 13, Hexblock d
\ @ ! 2@ 2! ks 27 oct 86
Code @ ( addr -- 16b ) D W mov W ) D mov Next end-code
Code ! ( 16b addr -- ) D W mov W ) pop D pop Next
: 2@ ( addr -- 32b ) dup 2+ @ swap @ ;
: 2! ( 32b addr -- ) under ! 2+ ! ;
\ *** Block No. 14, Hexblock e
\ +! drop swap ks 27 oct 86
Code +! ( 16b addr -- )
D W mov A pop A W ) add D pop Next end-code
\ : +! ( n addr -- ) under @ + swap ! ;
Code drop ( 16b -- ) D pop Next end-code
Code swap ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b2 16b1 )
A pop D push A D xchg Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 15, Hexblock f
\ dup ?dup ks 27 oct 86
Code dup ( 16b -- 16b 16b ) D push Next end-code
\ : dup ( 16b -- 16b 16b ) sp@ @ ;
Code ?dup ( 16b -- 16b 16b / false )
D D or 0= not ?[ D push ]? Next end-code
\ : ?dup ( 16b -- 16b 16b / false) dup 0=exit dup ;
\ *** Block No. 16, Hexblock 10
\ over rot nip under ks 27 oct 86
Code over ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b1 16b2 16b1 )
A D xchg D pop D push A push Next end-code
\ : over >r dup r> swap ;
Code rot ( 16b1 16b2 16b3 -- 16b2 16b3 16b1 )
A D xchg C pop D pop C push A push Next end-code
\ : rot >r swap r> swap ;
Code nip ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b2 ) S inc S inc Next end-code
\ : nip swap drop ;
Code under ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b2 16b1 16b2 )
A pop D push A push Next end-code
\ : under swap over ;
\ *** Block No. 17, Hexblock 11
\ -rot pick ks 27 oct 86
Code -rot ( 16b1 16b2 16b3 -- 16b3 16b1 16b2 )
A D xchg D pop C pop A push C push Next end-code
\ : -rot ( 16b1 16b2 16b3 -- 16b3 16b1 16b2 ) rot rot ;
Code pick ( n -- 16b.n )
D sal D W mov S W add W ) D mov Next end-code
\ : pick ( n -- 16b.n ) 1+ 2* sp@ + @ ;
\ *** Block No. 18, Hexblock 12
\ roll -roll ks 27 oct 86
Code roll ( n -- )
A I xchg D sal D C mov D I mov S I add
I ) D mov I W mov I dec W inc std
rep byte movs cld A I xchg S inc S inc Next
\ : roll ( n -- )
\ dup >r pick sp@ dup 2+ r> 1+ 2* cmove> drop ;
Code -roll ( n -- ) A I xchg D sal D C mov
S W mov D pop S I mov S dec S dec
rep byte movs D W ) mov D pop A I xchg Next
\ : -roll ( n -- ) >r dup sp@ dup 2+
\ dup 2+ swap r@ 2* cmove r> 1+ 2* + ! ;
\ *** Block No. 19, Hexblock 13
\ 2swap 2drop 2dup 2over ks 27 oct 86
Code 2swap ( 32b1 32b2 -- 32b2 32b1 ) C pop A pop W pop
C push D push W push A D xchg Next end-code
\ : 2swap ( 32b1 32b2 -- 32b2 32b1 ) rot >r rot r> ;
Code 2drop ( 32b -- ) S inc S inc D pop Next end-code
\ : 2drop ( 32b -- ) drop drop ;
Code 2dup ( 32b -- 32b 32b )
S W mov D push W ) push Next end-code
\ : 2dup ( 32b -- 32b 32b ) over over ;
Code 2over ( 1 2 x x -- 1 2 x x 1 2 )
D push S W mov 6 W D) push 4 W D) D mov Next
\ : 2over ( 1 2 x x -- 1 2 x x 1 2 ) 3 pick 3 pick ;
\ *** Block No. 20, Hexblock 14
\ and or xor not ks 27 oct 86
Code not ( 16b1 -- 16b2 ) D com Next end-code
Code and ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b3 )
A pop A D and Next end-code
Code or ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b3 )
A pop A D or Next end-code
\ : or ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b3 ) not swap not and not ;
Code xor ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b3 )
A pop A D xor Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 21, Hexblock 15
\ + - negate ks 27 oct 86
Code + ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) A pop A D add Next end-code
Code negate ( n1 -- n2 ) D neg Next end-code
\ : negate ( n1 -- n2 ) not 1+ ;
Code - ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
A pop D A sub A D xchg Next end-code
\ : - ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) negate + ;
\ *** Block No. 22, Hexblock 16
\ dnegate d+ ks 27 oct 86
Code dnegate ( d1 -- -d1 ) D com A pop A neg
CS not ?[ D inc ]? A push Next end-code
Code d+ ( d1 d2 -- d3 ) A pop C pop W pop
W A add A push C D adc Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 23, Hexblock 17
\ 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 6+ 1- 2- 4- ks 27 oct 86
Code 1+ ( n1 -- n2 ) [[ D inc Next
Code 2+ ( n1 -- n2 ) [[ D inc swap ]]
Code 3+ ( n1 -- n2 ) [[ D inc swap ]]
Code 4+ ( n1 -- n2 ) [[ D inc swap ]]
| Code 6+ ( n1 -- n2 ) D inc D inc ]] end-code
Code 1- ( n1 -- n2 ) [[ D dec Next
Code 2- ( n1 -- n2 ) [[ D dec swap ]]
Code 4- ( n1 -- n2 ) D dec D dec ]] end-code
\ *** Block No. 24, Hexblock 18
\ number Constants ks 30 jan 88
-1 Constant true 0 Constant false
0 ( -- 0 ) Constant 0
1 ( -- 1 ) Constant 1
2 ( -- 2 ) Constant 2
3 ( -- 3 ) Constant 3
4 ( -- 4 ) Constant 4
-1 ( -- -1 ) Constant -1
Code on ( addr -- ) -1 # A mov
[[ D W mov A W ) mov D pop Next
Code off ( addr -- ) 0 # A mov ]] end-code
\ : on ( addr -- ) true swap ! ;
\ : off ( addr -- ) false swap ! ;
\ *** Block No. 25, Hexblock 19
\ words for number literals ks 27 oct 86
Code lit ( -- 16b ) D push I ) D mov I inc
[[ I inc Next end-code restrict
Code clit ( -- 8b )
D push I ) D- mov 0 # D+ mov ]] end-code restrict
: Literal ( 16b -- )
dup $FF00 and IF compile lit , exit THEN
compile clit c, ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 26, Hexblock 1a
\ comparision code words ks 27 oct 86
Code 0= ( 16b -- flag )
D D or 0 # D mov 0= ?[ D dec ]? Next end-code
Code 0<> ( n -- flag )
D D or 0 # D mov 0= not ?[ D dec ]? Next end-code
\ : 0<> ( n -- flag ) 0= not ;
Code u< ( u1 u2 -- flag ) A pop
[[ D A sub 0 # D mov CS ?[ D dec ]? Next end-code
Code u> ( u1 u2 -- flag ) A D xchg D pop ]] end-code
\ : u> ( u1 u2 -- flag ) swap u< ;
\ *** Block No. 27, Hexblock 1b
\ comparision words ks 13 sep 88
Code < ( n1 n2 -- flag ) A pop
[[ [[ D A sub 0 # D mov < ?[ D dec ]? Next end-code
Code > ( n1 n2 -- flag ) A D xchg D pop ]] end-code
Code 0> ( n -- flag ) A A xor ]] end-code
\ : < ( n1 n2 -- flag )
\ 2dup xor 0< IF drop 0< exit THEN - 0< ;
\ : > ( n1 n2 -- flag ) swap < ;
\ : 0> ( n -- flag ) negate 0< ;
Code 0< ( n1 n2 -- flag )
D D or 0 # D mov 0< ?[ D dec ]? Next end-code
\ : 0< ( n1 -- flag ) 8000 and 0<> ;
\ *** Block No. 28, Hexblock 1c
\ comparision words ks 27 oct 86
Code = ( n1 n2 -- flag ) A pop A D cmp
0 # D mov 0= ?[ D dec ]? Next end-code
\ : = ( n1 n2 -- flag ) - 0= ;
Code uwithin ( u1 [low high[ -- flag ) A pop C pop
A C cmp CS ?[ [[ swap 0 # D mov Next ]?
D C cmp CS ?] -1 # D mov Next end-code
\ : uwithin ( u1 [low up[ -- f ) over - -rot - u> ;
Code case? ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b1 ff / tf ) A pop A D sub
0= ?[ D dec ][ A push D D xor ]? Next end-code
\ : case? ( 16b1 16b2 -- 16b1 false / true )
\ over = dup 0=exit nip ;
\ *** Block No. 29, Hexblock 1d
\ double number comparisons ks 27 oct 86
Code d0= ( d - f) A pop A D or
0= not ?[ 1 # D mov ]? D dec Next end-code
\ : d0= ( d -- flag ) or 0= ;
: d= ( d1 d2 -- flag ) dnegate d+ d0= ;
Code d< ( d1 d2 -- flag ) C pop A pop
D A sub A pop -1 # D mov < ?[ [[ swap Next ]?
0= ?[ C A sub CS ?[ D dec ]? ]? D inc ]] end-code
\ : d< ( d1 d2 -- flag )
\ rot 2dup - IF > nip nip exit THEN 2drop u< ;
\ *** Block No. 30, Hexblock 1e
\ min max umax umin abs dabs extend ks 27 oct 86
Code min ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) A pop A D sub < ?[ D A add ]?
[[ [[ [[ A D xchg Next end-code
Code max ( n1 n2 -- n3 )
A pop A D sub dup < not ?] D A add ]] end-code
Code umin ( u1 u2 -- u3 )
A pop A D sub dup CS ?] D A add ]] end-code
Code umax ( u1 u2 -- u3 )
A pop A D sub dup CS not ?] D A add ]] end-code
Code extend ( n -- d )
A D xchg cwd A push Next end-code
Code abs ( n -- u ) D D or 0< ?[ D neg ]? Next end-code
: dabs ( d -- ud ) extend 0=exit dnegate ;
\ *** Block No. 31, Hexblock 1f
\\ min max umax umin extend 10Mar8
| : minimax ( n1 n2 flag -- n3 ) rdrop IF swap THEN drop ;
: min ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) 2dup > minimax ;
: max ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) 2dup < minimax ;
: umax ( u1 u2 -- u3 ) 2dup u< minimax ;
: umin ( u1 u2 -- u3 ) 2dup u> minimax ;
: extend ( n -- d ) dup 0< ;
: dabs ( d -- ud ) extend IF dnegate THEN ;
: abs ( n -- u) extend IF negate THEN ;
\ *** Block No. 32, Hexblock 20
\ (do (?do endloop bounds ks 30 jan 88
Code (do ( limit start -- ) A pop
[[ $80 # A+ xor R dec R dec I inc I inc
I R ) mov R dec R dec A R ) mov R dec R dec
A D sub D R ) mov D pop Next end-code restrict
Code (?do ( limit start -- ) A pop A D cmp 0= ?]
I ) I add D pop Next end-code restrict
Code endloop 6 # R add Next end-code restrict
Code bounds ( start count -- limit start )
A pop A D xchg D A add A push Next end-code
\ : bounds ( start count -- limit start ) over + swap ;
\ *** Block No. 33, Hexblock 21
\ (loop (+loop ks 27 oct 86
Code (loop R ) word inc
[[ OS not ?[ 4 R D) I mov ]? Next end-code restrict
Code (+loop D R ) add D pop ]] end-code restrict
| : dodo rdrop r> 2+ dup >r rot >r swap >r >r ;
\ dodo puts "index | limit | adr.of.DO" on return-stack
: (do ( limit start -- ) over - dodo ; restrict
: (?do ( limit start -- ) over - ?dup IF dodo THEN
r> dup @ + >r drop ; restrict
\ *** Block No. 34, Hexblock 22
\ loop indices ks 27 oct 86
Code I ( -- n ) D push R ) D mov 2 R D) D add Next
\ : I ( -- n ) r> r> dup r@ + -rot >r >r ;
Code J ( -- n ) D push 6 R D) D mov 8 R D) D add Next
\ *** Block No. 35, Hexblock 23
\ branch ?branch ks 27 oct 86
Code branch
[[ I ) I add Next end-code restrict
\ : branch r> dup @ + >r ;
Code ?branch D D or D pop 0= not ?]
I inc I inc Next end-code restrict
\ *** Block No. 36, Hexblock 24
\ resolve loops and branches ks 02 okt 87
: >mark ( -- addr ) here 0 , ;
: >resolve ( addr -- ) here over - swap ! ;
: <mark ( -- addr ) here ;
: <resolve ( addr -- ) here - , ;
: ?pairs ( n1 n2 -- ) - Abort" unstructured" ;
\ *** Block No. 37, Hexblock 25
\ Branching ks 17 jul 87
: IF compile ?branch >mark 1 ; immediate restrict
: THEN abs 1 ?pairs >resolve ; immediate restrict
: ELSE 1 ?pairs compile branch >mark
swap >resolve -1 ; immediate restrict
: BEGIN <mark 2 ; immediate restrict
: WHILE 2 ?pairs 2 compile ?branch
>mark -2 2swap ; immediate restrict
| : (repeat 2 ?pairs <resolve
BEGIN dup -2 = WHILE drop >resolve REPEAT ;
: REPEAT compile branch (repeat ; immediate restrict
: UNTIL compile ?branch (repeat ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 38, Hexblock 26
\ Loops ks 27 oct 86
: DO compile (do >mark 3 ; immediate restrict
: ?DO compile (?do >mark 3 ; immediate restrict
: LOOP 3 ?pairs compile (loop
compile endloop >resolve ; immediate restrict
: +LOOP 3 ?pairs compile (+loop
compile endloop >resolve ; immediate restrict
Code LEAVE 6 # R add -2 R D) I mov
I dec I dec I ) I add Next end-code restrict
\ : LEAVE endloop r> 2- dup @ + >r ; restrict
\ Returnstack: | calladr | index | limit | adr of DO |
\ *** Block No. 39, Hexblock 27
\ um* m* * ks 29 jul 87
Code um* ( u1 u2 -- ud3 )
A D xchg C pop C mul A push Next end-code
Code m* ( n1 n2 -- d3 )
A D xchg C pop C imul A push Next end-code
\ : m* ( n1 n2 -- d ) dup 0< dup >r IF negate THEN swap
\ dup 0< IF negate r> not >r THEN um* r> 0=exit dnegate ;
: * ( n1 n2 - prod ) um* drop ;
Code 2* ( u -- 2*u ) D shl Next end-code
\ : 2* ( u -- 2*u ) dup + ;
\ *** Block No. 40, Hexblock 28
\ um/mod m/mod ks 27 oct 86
Code um/mod ( ud1 u2 -- urem uquot )
D C mov D pop A pop C div A D xchg A push Next
Code m/mod ( d1 n2 -- rem quot ) D C mov D pop
Label divide D+ A+ mov C+ A+ xor A pop 0< not
?[ C idiv [[ swap A D xchg A push Next ]?
C idiv D D or dup 0= not ?] A dec C D add ]]
\ : m/mod ( d n -- mod quot ) dup >r
\ abs over 0< IF under + swap THEN um/mod r@ 0<
\ IF negate over IF swap r@ + swap 1- THEN THEN rdrop ;
\ *** Block No. 41, Hexblock 29
\ /mod division trap 2/ ks 13 sep 88
Code /mod ( n1 n2 -- rem quot )
D C mov A pop cwd A push divide ]] end-code
\ : /mod ( n1 n2 -- rem quot ) over 0< swap m/mod ;
0 >label >divINT
Label divovl Assembler
4 # S add popf 1 # D- mov ;c: Abort" / overflow" ;
Code 2/ ( n1 -- n/2 ) D sar Next end-code
\ : 2/ ( n -- n/2 ) 2 / ;
\ *** Block No. 42, Hexblock 2a
\ / mod */mod */ u/mod ud/mod ks 27 oct 86
: / ( n1 n2 -- quot ) /mod nip ;
: mod ( n1 n2 -- rem ) /mod drop ;
: */mod ( n1 n2 n3 -- rem quot ) >r m* r> m/mod ;
: */ ( n1 n2 n3 -- quot ) */mod nip ;
: u/mod ( u1 u2 -- urem uquot ) 0 swap um/mod ;
: ud/mod ( ud1 u2 -- urem udquot )
>r 0 r@ um/mod r> swap >r um/mod r> ;
\ *** Block No. 43, Hexblock 2b
\ cmove cmove> move ks 27 oct 86
Code cmove ( from to quan -- ) A I xchg D C mov
W pop I pop D pop rep byte movs A I xchg Next
Code cmove> ( from to quan -- )
A I xchg D C mov W pop I pop D pop
Label moveup C dec C W add C I add C inc
std rep byte movs A I xchg cld Next end-code
Code move ( from to quan -- )
A I xchg D C mov W pop I pop D pop
Label domove I W cmp moveup CS ?]
rep byte movs A I xchg Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 44, Hexblock 2c
\ place count ks 27 oct 86
| Code (place ( addr len to - len to) A I xchg D W mov
C pop I pop C push W inc domove ]] end-code
: place ( addr len to -) (place c! ;
Code count ( addr -- addr+1 len ) D W mov
W ) D- mov 0 # D+ mov W inc W push Next end-code
\ : move ( from to quan -- )
\ >r 2dup u< IF r> cmove> exit THEN r> cmove ;
\ : place ( addr len to -- ) over >r rot over 1+ r> move c! ;
\ : count ( adr -- adr+1 len ) dup 1+ swap c@ ;
\ *** Block No. 45, Hexblock 2d
\ fill erase ks 27 oct 86
Code fill ( addr quan 8b -- )
D A xchg C pop W pop D pop rep byte stos Next
\ : fill ( addr quan 8b -- ) swap ?dup
\ IF >r over c! dup 1+ r> 1- cmove exit THEN 2drop ;
: erase ( addr quan --) 0 fill ;
\ *** Block No. 46, Hexblock 2e
\ here allot , c, pad compile ks 27 oct 86
Code here ( -- addr ) D push u' dp U D) D mov Next
\ : here ( -- addr ) dp @ ;
Code allot ( n -- ) D u' dp U D) add D pop Next
\ : allot ( n -- ) dp +! ;
: , ( 16b -- ) here ! 2 allot ;
: c, ( 8b -- ) here c! 1 allot ;
: pad ( -- addr ) here $42 + ;
: compile r> dup 2+ >r @ , ; restrict
\ *** Block No. 47, Hexblock 2f
\ input strings ks 23 dez 87
Variable #tib #tib off
Variable >tib here >tib ! $50 allot
Variable >in >in off
Variable blk blk off
Variable span span off
: tib ( -- addr ) >tib @ ;
: query tib $50 expect span @ #tib ! >in off ;
\ *** Block No. 48, Hexblock 30
\ skip scan /string ks 22 dez 87
Code skip ( addr len char -- addr1 len1 )
A D xchg C pop C0= not
?[ W pop 0=rep byte scas 0= not ?[ W dec C inc ]?
W push ]? C D mov Next end-code
Code scan ( addr0 len0 char -- addr1 len1 )
A D xchg C pop C0= not
?[ W pop 0<>rep byte scas 0= ?[ W dec C inc ]?
W push ]? C D mov Next end-code
Code /string ( addr0 len0 +n -- addr1 len1 )
A pop C pop D A sub CS ?[ A D add A A xor ]?
C D add D push A D xchg Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 49, Hexblock 31
\\ scan skip /string ks 29 jul 87
: skip ( addr0 len0 char -- addr1 len1 ) >r
WHILE over c@ r@ = WHILE 1- swap 1+ swap
REPEAT rdrop ;
: scan ( addr0 len0 char -- addr1 len1 ) >r
WHILE over c@ r@ - WHILE 1- swap 1+ swap
REPEAT rdrop ;
: /string ( addr0 len0 +n -- addr1 len1 )
over umin rot over + -rot - ;
\ *** Block No. 50, Hexblock 32
\ capital ks 19 dez 87
Create (capital Assembler $61 # A- cmp CS not
?[ $7B # A- cmp CS not
?[ $84 # A- cmp 0= ?[ $8E # A- mov ret ]? \ ä
$94 # A- cmp 0= ?[ $99 # A- mov ret ]? \ ö
$81 # A- cmp 0= ?[ $9A # A- mov ]? ret \ ü
]? $20 # A- xor
]? ret end-code
Code capital ( char -- char' )
A D xchg (capital # call A D xchg Next
\ *** Block No. 51, Hexblock 33
\ upper ks 03 aug 87
Code upper ( addr len -- )
D C mov W pop D pop C0= not
?[ [[ W ) A- mov (capital # call
A- W ) mov W inc C0= ?] ]? Next
\\ high level, ohne Umlaute
: capital ( char -- char')
dup Ascii a [ Ascii z 1+ ] Literal
uwithin not ?exit [ Ascii a Ascii A - ] Literal - ;
: upper ( addr len -- )
bounds ?DO I c@ capital I c! LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 52, Hexblock 34
\ (word ks 28 mai 87
| Code (word ( char addr0 len0 -- addr1 ) D C mov W pop
A pop >in #) D mov D C sub >= not
?[ C push D W add 0=rep byte scas W D mov 0= not
?[ W dec D dec C inc
0<>rep byte scas 0= ?[ W dec ]?
]? A pop C A sub A >in #) add
W C mov D C sub 0= not
?[ D I xchg u' dp U D) W mov C- W ) mov
W inc rep byte movs $20 # W ) byte mov
D I mov u' dp U D) D mov Next
swap ]? C >in #) add
]? u' dp U D) W mov $2000 # W ) mov W D mov Next
\ *** Block No. 53, Hexblock 35
\\ (word ks 27 oct 86
| : (word ( char adr0 len0 -- addr )
rot >r over swap >in @ /string r@ skip
over swap r> scan >r rot over swap - r> 0<> - >in !
over - here dup >r place bl r@ count + c! r> ;
\ *** Block No. 54, Hexblock 36
\ source word parse name ks 03 aug 87
Variable loadfile loadfile off
: source ( -- addr len ) blk @ ?dup
IF loadfile @ (block b/blk exit THEN tib #tib @ exit ;
: word ( char -- addr ) source (word ;
: parse ( char -- addr len ) >r source >in @ /string
over swap r> scan >r over - dup r> 0<> - >in +! ;
: name ( -- string ) bl word dup count upper exit ;
\ *** Block No. 55, Hexblock 37
\ state Ascii ," "lit (" " ks 16 sep 88
Variable state state off
: Ascii ( char -- n ) bl word 1+ c@
state @ 0=exit [compile] Literal ; immediate
: ," Ascii " parse here over 1+ allot place ;
Code "lit ( -- addr ) D push R ) D mov D W mov
W ) A- mov 0 # A+ mov A inc A R ) add Next
end-code restrict
\ : "lit r> r> under count + even >r >r ; restrict
: (" "lit ; restrict
: " compile (" ," align ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 56, Hexblock 38
\ ." ( .( \ \\ hex decimal ks 12 dez 88
: (." "lit count type ; restrict
: ." compile (." ," align ; immediate restrict
: ( Ascii ) parse 2drop ; immediate
: .( Ascii ) parse type ; immediate
: \ >in @ negate c/l mod >in +! ; immediate
: \\ b/blk >in ! ; immediate
: have ( <name> -- f ) name find nip 0<> ; immediate
: \needs have 0=exit [compile] \ ;
: hex $10 base ! ;
: decimal &10 base ! ;
\ *** Block No. 57, Hexblock 39
\ number conversion: digit? accumulate convert ks 08 okt 87
: digit? ( char -- digit true/ false ) dup Ascii 9 >
IF [ Ascii A Ascii 9 - 1- ] Literal - dup Ascii 9 > and
THEN Ascii 0 - dup base @ u< dup ?exit nip ;
: accumulate ( +d0 adr digit -- +d1 adr ) swap >r
swap base @ um* drop rot base @ um* d+ r> ;
: convert ( +d1 addr0 -- +d2 addr2 )
1+ BEGIN count digit? WHILE accumulate REPEAT 1- ;
\ *** Block No. 58, Hexblock 3a
\ number conversion ks 29 jun 87
| : end? ( -- flag ) >in @ 0= ;
| : char ( addr0 -- addr1 char ) count -1 >in +! ;
| : previous ( addr0 -- addr0 char ) 1- count ;
| : punctuation? ( char -- flag )
Ascii , over = swap Ascii . = or ;
\ : punctuation? ( char -- f ) ?" .," ;
| : fixbase? ( char -- char false / newbase true ) capital
Ascii $ case? IF $10 true exit THEN
Ascii H case? IF $10 true exit THEN
Ascii & case? IF &10 true exit THEN
Ascii % case? IF 2 true exit THEN false ;
\ *** Block No. 59, Hexblock 3b
\ number conversion: dpl ?num ?nonum ?dpl ks 27 oct 86
Variable dpl -1 dpl !
| : ?num ( flag -- exit if true ) 0=exit
rdrop drop r> IF dnegate THEN rot drop
dpl @ 1+ ?dup ?exit drop true ;
| : ?nonum ( flag -- exit if true ) 0=exit
rdrop 2drop drop rdrop false ;
| : ?dpl dpl @ -1 = ?exit 1 dpl +! ;
\ *** Block No. 60, Hexblock 3c
\ number conversion: number? number ks 27 oct 86
: number? ( string -- string false / n 0< / d 0> )
base push >in push dup count >in ! dpl on
0 >r ( +sign) 0.0 rot end? ?nonum char
Ascii - case? IF rdrop true >r end? ?nonum char THEN
fixbase? IF base ! end? ?nonum char THEN
BEGIN digit? 0= ?nonum
BEGIN accumulate ?dpl end? ?num char digit?
0= UNTIL previous punctuation? 0= ?nonum
dpl off end? ?num char
: number ( string -- d )
number? ?dup 0= Abort" ?" 0> ?exit extend ;
\ *** Block No. 61, Hexblock 3d
\ hide reveal immediate restrict ks 18 mär 88
Variable last last off
: last' ( -- cfa ) last @ name> ;
| : last? ( -- false / nfa true) last @ ?dup ;
: hide last? 0=exit 2- @ current @ ! ;
: reveal last? 0=exit 2- current @ ! ;
: Recursive reveal ; immediate restrict
| : flag! ( 8b --)
last? IF under c@ or over c! THEN drop ;
: immediate $40 flag! ;
: restrict $80 flag! ;
\ *** Block No. 62, Hexblock 3e
\ clearstack hallot heap heap? ks 27 oct 86
Code clearstack u' s0 U D) S mov D pop Next end-code
: hallot ( quan -- )
s0 @ over - swap sp@ 2+ dup rot - dup s0 !
2 pick over - di move clearstack ei s0 ! ;
: heap ( -- addr ) s0 @ 6 + ;
: heap? ( addr -- flag ) heap up@ uwithin ;
| : heapmove ( from -- from )
dup here over - dup hallot
heap swap cmove heap over - last +! reveal ;
\ *** Block No. 63, Hexblock 3f
\ Does> ; ks 18 mär 88
| Create dodo Assembler
R dec R dec I R ) mov \ push IP
D push 2 W D) D lea \ load parameter address
W ) I mov 3 # I add Next end-code
dodo Host tdodo ! Target \ target compiler needs to know
: (;code r> last' ! ;
: Does> compile (;code $E9 c, ( jmp instruction)
dodo here 2+ - , ; immediate restrict
\ *** Block No. 64, Hexblock 40
\ ?head | alignments ks 19 mär 88
Variable ?head ?head off
: | ?head @ ?exit ?head on ;
: even ( addr -- addr1 ) ; immediate
: align ( -- ) ; immediate
: halign ( -- ) ; immediate
\ machen nichts beim 8088. 8086 koennte etwas schneller werden
Variable warning warning on
| : ?exists warning @ 0=exit
last @ current @ (find nip 0=exit
space last @ .name ." exists " ?cr ;
\ *** Block No. 65, Hexblock 41
\ Create Variable ks 19 mär 88
Defer makeview ' 0 Is makeview
: Create align here makeview , current @ @ ,
name c@ dup 1 $20 uwithin not Abort" invalid name"
here last ! 1+ allot align ?exists
?head @ IF 1 ?head +! dup , \ Pointer to Code
halign heapmove $20 flag! dup dp !
THEN drop reveal 0 ,
;Code ( -- addr ) D push 2 W D) D lea Next end-code
: Variable Create 0 , ;
\ *** Block No. 66, Hexblock 42
\ nfa? ks 28 mai 87
Code nfa? ( thread cfa -- nfa / false )
W pop R A mov $1F # C mov
[[ W ) W mov W W or 0= not
?[[ 2 W D) R- mov C R and 3 R W DI) R lea
$20 # 2 W D) test 0= not ?[ R ) R mov ]?
D R cmp 0= ?] 2 W D) W lea
]? W D mov A R mov Next end-code
: nfa? ( thread cfa -- nfa / false ) >r
BEGIN @ dup 0= IF rdrop exit THEN
dup 2+ name> r@ = UNTIL 2+ rdrop ;
\ *** Block No. 67, Hexblock 43
\ >name name> >body .name ks 13 aug 87
: >name ( acf -- anf / ff ) voc-link
BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup 4 - swap nfa?
?dup IF -rot 2drop exit THEN REPEAT nip ;
: (name> ( nfa -- cfa ) count $1F and + even ;
: name> ( nfa -- cfa )
dup (name> swap c@ $20 and 0=exit @ ;
: >body ( cfa -- pfa ) 2+ ;
: body> ( pfa -- cfa ) 2- ;
: .name ( nfa -- ) ?dup IF dup heap? IF ." | " THEN
count $1F and type ELSE ." ???" THEN space ;
\ *** Block No. 68, Hexblock 44
\ : ; Constant Variable ks 29 oct 86
: Create: Create hide current @ context ! 0 ] ;
: : Create:
;Code R dec R dec I R ) mov 2 W D) I lea Next
: ; 0 ?pairs compile unnest [compile] [ reveal ;
immediate restrict
: Constant ( n -- ) Create ,
;Code ( -- n ) D push 2 W D) D mov Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 69, Hexblock 45
\ uallot User Alias Defer ks 02 okt 87
: uallot ( quan -- offset ) even dup udp @ +
$FF u> Abort" Userarea full" udp @ swap udp +! ;
: User Create 2 uallot c,
;Code ( -- addr ) D push 2 W D) D- mov
0 # D+ mov U D add Next end-code
: Alias ( cfa -- )
Create last @ dup c@ $20 and
IF -2 allot ELSE $20 flag! THEN (name> ! ;
| : crash true Abort" crash" ;
: Defer Create ['] crash ,
;Code 2 W D) W mov W ) jmp end-code
\ *** Block No. 70, Hexblock 46
\ vp current context also toss ks 02 okt 87
Create vp $10 allot
Variable current
: context ( -- adr ) vp dup @ + 2+ ;
| : thru.vocstack ( -- from to ) vp 2+ context ;
\ "Only Forth also Assembler" gives
\ vp: countword = 6 | Root | Forth | Assembler |
: also vp @ &10 > Error" Vocabulary stack full"
context @ 2 vp +! context ! ;
: toss vp @ 0=exit -2 vp +! ;
\ *** Block No. 71, Hexblock 47
\ Vocabulary Forth Only Onlyforth definitions ks 19 jun 88
: Vocabulary Create 0 , 0 , here voc-link @ , voc-link !
Does> context ! ;
\ | Name | Code | Thread | Coldthread | Voc-link |
Vocabulary Forth
Host h' Transient 8 + @ T h' Forth 8 + H !
Target Forth also definitions
Vocabulary Root
: Only vp off Root also ;
: Onlyforth Only Forth also definitions ;
: definitions context @ current ! ;
\ *** Block No. 72, Hexblock 48
\ order vocs words ks 19 jun 88
| : init-vocabularys voc-link @
BEGIN dup 2- @ over 4- ! @ ?dup 0= UNTIL ;
| : .voc ( adr -- ) @ 2- >name .name ;
: order vp 4+ context over umax
DO I .voc -2 +LOOP 2 spaces current .voc ;
: vocs voc-link
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup 6 - >name .name REPEAT ;
: words ( -- ) [compile] Ascii capital >r context @
BEGIN @ dup stop? 0= and
WHILE ?cr dup 2+ r@ bl = over 1+ c@ r@ = or
IF .name space ELSE drop THEN
REPEAT drop rdrop ;
\ *** Block No. 73, Hexblock 49
\ (find found ks 09 jul 87
| : found ( nfa -- cfa n ) dup c@ >r
(name> r@ $20 and IF @ THEN
-1 r@ $80 and IF 1- THEN
r> $40 and IF negate THEN ;
Code (find ( string thread -- string ff / anf tf )
D I xchg W pop D push W ) A- mov W inc
W D mov 0 # C+ mov $1F # A+ mov A+ A- and
[[ I ) I mov I I or 0= not
?[[ 2 I D) C- mov A+ C- and A- C- cmp dup 0= ?]
I push D W mov 3 # I add
0=rep byte cmps I pop 0= ?]
3 # I add I W mov -1 # D mov
][ D W mov 0 # D mov ]? W dec I pop W push Next
\ *** Block No. 74, Hexblock 4a
\\ -text (find ks 02 okt 87
: -text ( adr1 len adr2 -- 0< 1<2 / 0= 1=2 / 0> 1>2 )
over bounds
DO drop count I c@ - dup IF LEAVE THEN LOOP nip ;
: (find ( string thread -- str false / NFA +n )
over c@ $1F and >r @
BEGIN dup WHILE dup @ swap 2+ dup c@ $1F and r@ =
IF dup 1+ r@ 4 pick 1+ -text
0= IF rdrop -rot drop exit
REPEAT rdrop ;
\ *** Block No. 75, Hexblock 4b
\ find ' [compile] ['] nullstring? ks 29 oct 86
: find ( string -- acf n / string false )
context dup @ over 2- @ = IF 2- THEN
BEGIN under @ (find IF nip found exit THEN
swap 2- dup vp = UNTIL drop false ;
: ' ( -- cfa ) name find ?exit Error" ?" ;
: [compile] ' , ; immediate restrict
: ['] ' [compile] Literal ; immediate restrict
: nullstring? ( string -- string false / true )
dup c@ 0= dup 0=exit nip ;
\ *** Block No. 76, Hexblock 4c
\ interpreter ks 07 dez 87
Defer notfound
| : interpreter ( string -- ) find ?dup
IF 1 and IF execute exit THEN
Error" compile only"
THEN number? ?exit notfound ;
| : compiler ( string -- ) find ?dup
IF 0> IF execute exit THEN , exit THEN
number? ?dup IF 0> IF swap [compile] Literal THEN
[compile] Literal exit
THEN notfound ;
\ *** Block No. 77, Hexblock 4d
\ compiler [ ] ks 16 sep 88
: no.extensions ( string -- )
state @ IF Abort" ?" THEN Error" ?" ;
' no.extensions Is notfound
Defer parser ( string -- ) ' interpreter Is parser
: interpret
BEGIN ?stack name nullstring? IF aborted off exit THEN
parser REPEAT ;
: [ ['] interpreter Is parser state off ; immediate
: ] ['] compiler Is parser state on ;
\ *** Block No. 78, Hexblock 4e
\ Is ks 07 dez 87
: (is r> dup 2+ >r @ ! ;
| : def? ( cfa -- )
@ [ ' notfound @ ] Literal - Abort" not deferred" ;
: Is ( addr -- ) ' dup def? >body
state @ IF compile (is , exit THEN ! ; immediate
\ *** Block No. 79, Hexblock 4f
\ ?stack ks 01 okt 87
| : stackfull ( -- ) depth $20 > Abort" tight stack"
reveal last? IF dup heap? IF name> ELSE 4- THEN (forget THEN
true Abort" dictionary full" ;
Code ?stack u' dp U D) A mov S A sub CS
?[ $100 # A add CS ?[ ;c: stackfull ; Assembler ]? ]?
u' s0 U D) A mov A inc A inc S A sub
CS not ?[ Next ]? ;c: true Abort" stack empty" ;
\ : ?stack sp@ here - $100 u< IF stackfull THEN
\ sp@ s0 @ u> Abort" stack empty" ;
\ *** Block No. 80, Hexblock 50
\ .status push load ks 29 oct 86
| Create: pull r> r> ! ;
: push ( addr -- )
r> swap dup >r @ >r pull >r >r ; restrict
Defer .status ' noop Is .status
: (load ( blk offset -- ) isfile@ >r
loadfile @ >r fromfile @ >r blk @ >r >in @ >r
>in ! blk ! isfile@ loadfile ! .status interpret
r> >in ! r> blk ! r> fromfile ! r> loadfile !
r> isfile ! ;
: load ( blk -- ) ?dup 0=exit 0 (load ;
\ *** Block No. 81, Hexblock 51
\ +load thru +thru --> rdepth depth ks 26 jul 87
: +load ( offset -- ) blk @ + load ;
: thru ( from to -- ) 1+ swap DO I load LOOP ;
: +thru ( off0 off1 -- ) 1+ swap DO I +load LOOP ;
: --> 1 blk +! >in off .status ; immediate
: rdepth ( -- +n ) r0 @ rp@ 2+ - 2/ ;
: depth ( -- +n ) sp@ s0 @ swap - 2/ ;
\ *** Block No. 82, Hexblock 52
\ prompt quit ks 16 sep 88
: (prompt .status state @ IF cr ." ] " exit THEN
aborted @ 0= IF ." ok" THEN cr ;
Defer prompt ' (prompt Is prompt
: (quit BEGIN prompt query interpret REPEAT ;
Defer 'quit ' (quit Is 'quit
: quit r0 @ rp! [compile] [ blk off 'quit ;
\ : classical cr .status state @
\ IF ." C> " exit THEN ." I> " ;
\ *** Block No. 83, Hexblock 53
\ end-trace abort ks 26 jul 87
: standardi/o [ output ] Literal output 4 cmove ;
Code end-trace next-link # W mov $AD # A- mov
$FF97 # C mov [[ W ) W mov W W or 0= not
?[[ A- -4 W D) mov C -3 W D) mov
]]? lods A W xchg W ) jmp end-code
Defer 'abort ' noop Is 'abort
: abort end-trace clearstack 'abort standardi/o quit ;
\ *** Block No. 84, Hexblock 54
\ (error Abort" Error" ks 16 sep 88
Variable scr 1 scr !
Variable r# r# off
: (error ( string -- ) rdrop r> aborted ! standardi/o
space here .name count type space ?cr
blk @ ?dup IF scr ! >in @ r# ! THEN quit ;
' (error errorhandler !
: (abort" "lit swap IF >r clearstack r>
errorhandler perform exit THEN drop ; restrict
| : (error" "lit swap IF errorhandler perform exit THEN
drop ; restrict
\ *** Block No. 85, Hexblock 55
\ -trailing space spaces ks 16 sep 88
: Abort" compile (abort" ," align ; immediate restrict
: Error" compile (error" ," align ; immediate restrict
$20 Constant bl
: -trailing ( addr n1 -- addr n2)
dup 0 ?DO 2dup + 1- c@ bl - IF LEAVE THEN 1- LOOP ;
: space bl emit ;
: spaces ( u -- ) 0 ?DO space LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 86, Hexblock 56
\ hold <# #> sign # #s ks 29 dez 87
| : hld ( -- addr) pad 2- ;
: hold ( char -- ) -1 hld +! hld @ c! ;
: <# hld hld ! ;
: #> ( 32b -- addr +n ) 2drop hld @ hld over - ;
: sign ( n -- ) 0< not ?exit Ascii - hold ;
: # ( +d1 -- +d2)
base @ ud/mod rot dup 9 > 7 and + Ascii 0 + hold ;
: #s ( +d -- 0 0 ) BEGIN # 2dup d0= UNTIL ;
\ *** Block No. 87, Hexblock 57
\ print numbers .s ks 07 feb 89
: d.r ( d +n -- ) -rot under dabs <# #s rot sign #>
rot over max over - spaces type ;
: d. ( d -- ) 0 d.r space ;
: .r ( n +n -- ) swap extend rot d.r ;
: . ( n -- ) extend d. ;
: u.r ( u +n -- ) 0 swap d.r ;
: u. ( u -- ) 0 d. ;
: .s sp@ s0 @ over - $20 umin bounds ?DO I @ u. 2 +LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 88, Hexblock 58
\ list c/l l/s ks 19 mär 88
&64 Constant c/l \ Screen line length
&16 Constant l/s \ lines per screen
: list ( scr -- ) dup capacity u<
IF scr ! ." Scr " scr @ .
." Dr " drv . isfile@ .file
l/s 0 DO cr I 2 .r space scr @ block
I c/l * + c/l -trailing type
LOOP cr exit
THEN 9 ?diskerror ;
\ *** Block No. 89, Hexblock 59
\ multitasker primitives ks 29 oct 86
Code pause D push I push R push
S 6 U D) mov 2 U D) U add 4 # U add U jmp
: lock ( addr -- )
dup @ up@ = IF drop exit THEN
BEGIN dup @ WHILE pause REPEAT up@ swap ! ;
: unlock ( addr -- ) dup lock off ;
Label wake Assembler U pop 2 # U sub A pop
popf 6 U D) S mov R pop I pop D pop Next
$E9 4 * >label >taskINT
\ *** Block No. 90, Hexblock 5a
\\ Struktur der Blockpuffer ks 04 jul 87
0 : link zum naechsten Puffer
2 : file 0 = direct access
-1 = leer,
sonst adresse eines file control blocks
4 : blocknummer
6 : statusflags Vorzeichenbit kennzeichnet update
8 : Data ... 1 Kb ...
\ *** Block No. 91, Hexblock 5b
\ buffer mechanism ks 04 okt 87
Variable isfile isfile off \ addr of file control block
Variable fromfile fromfile off \ fcb in kopieroperationen
Variable prev prev off \ Listhead
| Variable buffers buffers off \ Semaphor
$408 Constant b/buf \ physikalische Groesse
$400 Constant b/blk \ bytes/block
Defer r/w \ physikalischer Diskzugriff
Variable error# error# off \ Nummer des letzten Fehlers
Defer ?diskerror \ Fehlerbehandlung
\ *** Block No. 92, Hexblock 5c
\ (core? ks 28 mai 87
Code (core? ( blk file -- dataaddr / blk file )
A pop A push D D or 0= ?[ u' offset U D) A add ]?
prev #) W mov 2 W D) D cmp 0=
?[ 4 W D) A cmp 0=
?[ 8 W D) D lea A pop ' exit @ # jmp ]? ]?
[[ [[ W ) C mov C C or 0= ?[ Next ]?
C W xchg 4 W D) A cmp 0= ?] 2 W D) D cmp 0= ?]
W ) A mov prev #) D mov D W ) mov W prev #) mov
8 W D) D lea C W mov A W ) mov A pop
' exit @ # jmp
\ *** Block No. 93, Hexblock 5d
\\ (core? ks 31 oct 86
| : this? ( blk file bufadr -- flag )
dup 4+ @ swap 2+ @ d= ;
.( (core?: offset is handled differently in code! )
| : (core? ( blk file -- dataaddr / blk file )
BEGIN over offset @ + over prev @ this?
IF rdrop 2drop prev @ 8 + exit THEN
2dup >r offset @ + >r prev @
BEGIN dup @ ?dup 0= IF rdrop rdrop drop exit THEN
dup r> r> 2dup >r >r rot this? 0=
dup @ rot ! prev @ over ! prev ! rdrop rdrop
\ *** Block No. 94, Hexblock 5e
\ backup emptybuf readblk ks 23 jul 87
| : backup ( bufaddr -- ) dup 6+ @ 0<
IF 2+ dup @ 1+ \ buffer empty if file = -1
IF BEGIN dup 6+ over 2+ @ 2 pick @ 0 r/w
WHILE 1 ?diskerror REPEAT
THEN 4+ dup @ $7FFF and over ! THEN
drop ;
: emptybuf ( bufaddr -- ) 2+ dup on 4+ off ;
| : readblk ( blk file addr -- blk file addr )
dup emptybuf >r
BEGIN 2dup 0= offset @ and +
over r@ 8 + -rot 1 r/w
WHILE 2 ?diskerror REPEAT r> ;
\ *** Block No. 95, Hexblock 5f
\ take mark updates? full? core? ks 04 jul 87
| : take ( -- bufaddr) prev
BEGIN dup @ WHILE @ dup 2+ @ -1 = UNTIL
buffers lock dup backup ;
| : mark ( blk file bufaddr -- blk file ) 2+ >r
2dup r@ ! over 0= offset @ and + r@ 2+ !
r> 4+ off buffers unlock ;
| : updates? ( -- bufaddr / flag)
prev BEGIN @ dup WHILE dup 6+ @ 0< UNTIL ;
: core? ( blk file -- addr /false ) (core? 2drop false ;
\ *** Block No. 96, Hexblock 60
\ block & buffer manipulation ks 01 okt 87
: (buffer ( blk file -- addr )
BEGIN (core? take mark REPEAT ;
: (block ( blk file -- addr )
BEGIN (core? take readblk mark REPEAT ;
Code isfile@ ( -- addr )
D push isfile #) D mov Next end-code
\ : isfile@ ( -- addr ) isfile @ ;
: buffer ( blk -- addr ) isfile@ (buffer ;
: block ( blk -- addr ) isfile@ (block ;
\ *** Block No. 97, Hexblock 61
\ block & buffer manipulation ks 02 okt 87
: update $80 prev @ 6+ 1+ ( Byte-Order! ) c! ;
: save-buffers buffers lock
BEGIN updates? ?dup WHILE backup REPEAT buffers unlock ;
: empty-buffers buffers lock prev
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup emptybuf REPEAT buffers unlock ;
: flush file-link
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup fclose REPEAT
save-buffers empty-buffers ;
\ *** Block No. 98, Hexblock 62
\ Allocating buffers ks 31 oct 86
$10000 Constant limit Variable first
: allotbuffer ( -- )
first @ r0 @ - b/buf 2+ u< ?exit
b/buf negate first +! first @ dup emptybuf
prev @ over ! prev ! ;
: freebuffer ( -- ) first @ limit b/buf - u<
IF first @ backup prev
BEGIN dup @ first @ - WHILE @ REPEAT
first @ @ swap ! b/buf first +! THEN ;
: all-buffers BEGIN first @ allotbuffer first @ = UNTIL ;
| : init-buffers prev off limit first ! all-buffers ;
\ *** Block No. 99, Hexblock 63
\ endpoints of forget uh 27 apr 88
| : |? ( nfa -- flag ) c@ $20 and ;
| : forget? ( adr nfa -- flag ) \ code in heap or above adr ?
name> under 1+ u< swap heap? or ;
| : endpoint ( addr sym thread -- addr sym' )
BEGIN BEGIN @ 2 pick over u> IF drop exit THEN
dup heap? UNTIL dup >r 2+ dup |?
IF >r over r@ forget? IF r@ (name> >body umax THEN
rdrop THEN r>
| : endpoints ( addr -- addr symb ) heap voc-link @
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup >r 4- endpoint r> REPEAT ;
\ *** Block No. 100, Hexblock 64
\ remove, -words, -tasks ks 30 apr 88
: remove ( dic sym thread -- dic sym )
BEGIN dup @ ?dup \ unlink forg. words
WHILE dup heap?
IF 2 pick over u> ELSE 3 pick over 1+ u< THEN
IF @ over ! ( unlink word) ELSE nip THEN REPEAT drop ;
| : remove-words ( dic sym -- dic sym ) voc-link
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE dup >r 4- remove r> REPEAT ;
| : >up 2+ dup @ 2+ + ;
| : remove-tasks ( dic -- ) up@
BEGIN dup >up up@ - WHILE 2dup >up swap here uwithin
IF dup >up >up over - 2- 2- over 2+ ! ELSE >up THEN
REPEAT 2drop ;
\ *** Block No. 101, Hexblock 65
\ remove-vocs trim ks 31 oct 86
| : remove-vocs ( dic symb -- dic symb )
voc-link remove thru.vocstack
DO 2dup I @ -rot uwithin
IF [ ' Forth 2+ ] Literal I ! THEN -2 +LOOP
2dup current @ -rot uwithin 0=exit
[ ' Forth 2+ ] Literal current ! ;
Defer custom-remove ' noop Is custom-remove
: trim ( dic symb -- ) next-link remove
over remove-tasks remove-vocs remove-words remove-files
custom-remove heap swap - hallot dp ! last off ;
\ *** Block No. 102, Hexblock 66
\ deleting words from dict. ks 02 okt 87
: clear here dup up@ trim dp ! ;
: (forget ( adr -- )
dup heap? Abort" is symbol" endpoints trim ;
: forget ' dup [ dp ] Literal @ u< Abort" protected"
>name dup heap? IF name> ELSE 4- THEN (forget ;
: empty [ dp ] Literal @ up@ trim
[ udp ] Literal @ udp ! ;
\ *** Block No. 103, Hexblock 67
\ save bye stop? ?cr ks 1UH 26sep88
: save here up@ trim up@ origin $100 cmove
voc-link @ BEGIN dup 4- @ over 2- ! @ ?dup 0= UNTIL ;
$1B Constant #esc
| : end? key #esc case? 0=
IF #cr case? 0= IF 3 ( Ctrl-C ) - ?exit THEN THEN
true rdrop ;
: stop? ( -- flag ) key? IF end? end? THEN false ;
: ?cr col c/l u> 0=exit cr ;
\ *** Block No. 104, Hexblock 68
\ in/output structure ks 31 oct 86
| : Out: Create dup c, 2+ Does> c@ output @ + perform ;
: Output: Create: Does> output ! ;
0 Out: emit Out: cr Out: type Out: del
Out: page Out: at Out: at? drop
: row ( -- row ) at? drop ;
: col ( -- col ) at? nip ;
| : In: Create dup c, 2+ Does> c@ input @ + perform ;
: Input: Create: Does> input ! ;
0 In: key In: key? In: decode In: expect drop
\ *** Block No. 105, Hexblock 69
\ Alias only definitionen ks 31 oct 86
Root definitions
: seal [ ' Root >body ] Literal off ; \ "erases" Root Vocab.
' Only Alias Only
' Forth Alias Forth
' words Alias words
' also Alias also
' definitions Alias definitions
Forth definitions
\ *** Block No. 106, Hexblock 6a
\ 'restart 'cold ks 01 sep 88
Defer 'restart ' noop Is 'restart
| : (restart ['] (quit Is 'quit 'restart
[ errorhandler ] Literal @ errorhandler !
['] noop Is 'abort end-trace clearstack
standardi/o interpret quit ;
Defer 'cold ' noop Is 'cold
| : (cold origin up@ $100 cmove $80 count
$50 umin >r tib r@ move r> #tib ! >in off blk off
init-vocabularys init-buffers flush 'cold
Onlyforth page &24 spaces logo count type cr (restart ;
\ *** Block No. 107, Hexblock 6b
\ (boot ks 11 mär 89
Label #segs ( -- R: seg ) Assembler
C: seg ' limit >body #) R mov R R or 0= not
?[ 4 # C- mov R C* shr R inc ret ]?
$1000 # R mov ret
Label (boot Assembler cli cld A A xor A D: mov
#segs # call C: D mov D R add R E: mov
$200 # C mov 0 # I mov I W mov rep movs
wake # >taskINT #) mov C: >taskINT 2+ #) mov
divovl # >divINT #) mov C: >divINT 2+ #) mov ret
\ *** Block No. 108, Hexblock 6c
\ restart ks 09 mär 89
Label warmboot here >restart 2+ - >restart ! Assembler
(boot # call
here ' (restart >body # I mov
Label bootsystem
C: A mov A E: mov A D: mov A S: mov
s0 #) U mov 6 # U add u' s0 U D) S mov
D pop u' r0 U D) R mov sti Next
Code restart here 2- ! end-code
\ *** Block No. 109, Hexblock 6d
\ bye ks 11 mär 89
Variable return_code return_code off
| Code (bye cli A A xor A E: mov #segs # call
C: D mov D R add R D: mov 0 # I mov I W mov
$200 # C mov rep movs sti \ restore interrupts
$4C # A+ mov C: seg return_code #) A- mov
$21 int warmboot # call
: bye flush empty page (bye ;
\ *** Block No. 110, Hexblock 6e
\ cold ks 09 mär 89
here >cold 2+ - >cold ! Assembler
(boot # call C: A mov A D: mov A E: mov
#segs # call $41 # R add \ another k for the ints
$4A # A+ mov $21 int \ alloc memory
CS ?[ $10 # return_code #) byte mov ' (bye @ # jmp ]?
here s0 #) W mov 6 # W add origin # I mov $20 # C mov
rep movs ' (cold >body # I mov bootsystem # jmp
Code cold here 2- ! end-code
\ *** Block No. 111, Hexblock 6f
\ System patchup ks 16 sep 88
1 &35 +thru \ MS-DOS interface
: forth-83 ; \ last word in Dictionary
0 ' limit >body ! $DFF6 s0 ! $E77C r0 !
s0 @ s0 2- ! here dp !
Host tudp @ Target udp !
Host tvoc-link @ Target voc-link !
Host tnext-link @ Target next-link !
Host tfile-link @ Target Forth file-link !
Host T move-threads H
save-buffers cr .( unresolved: ) .unresolved
\ *** Block No. 112, Hexblock 70
\ lc@ lc! l@ l! special 8088 operators ks 27 oct 86
Code lc@ ( seg:addr -- 8b ) D: pop D W mov
W ) D- mov 0 # D+ mov C: A mov A D: mov Next
Code lc! ( 8b seg:addr -- ) D: pop A pop D W mov
A- W ) mov C: A mov A D: mov D pop Next end-code
Code l@ ( seg:addr -- 16b ) D: pop D W mov
W ) D mov C: A mov A D: mov Next end-code
Code l! ( 16b seg:addr -- ) D: pop A pop D W mov
A W ) mov C: A mov A D: mov D pop Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 113, Hexblock 71
\ ltype lmove special 8088 operators ks 11 dez 87
: ltype ( seg:addr len -- )
0 ?DO 2dup I + lc@ emit LOOP 2drop ;
Code lmove ( from.seg:addr to.seg:addr quan -- )
A I xchg D C mov W pop E: pop
I pop D: pop I W cmp CS
?[ rep byte movs
][ C dec C W add C I add C inc
std rep byte movs cld
]? A I xchg C: A mov A E: mov
A D: mov D pop Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 114, Hexblock 72
\ BDOS keyboard input ks 16 sep 88
\ es muss wirklich so kompliziert sein, da sonst kein ^C und ^P
| Variable newkey newkey off
Code (key@ ( -- 8b ) D push newkey #) D mov D+ D+ or
0= ?[ $7 # A+ mov $21 int A- D- mov ]?
0 # D+ mov D+ newkey 1+ #) mov Next
Code (key? ( -- f ) D push newkey #) D mov D+ D+ or
0= ?[ -1 # D- mov 6 # A+ mov $21 int 0=
?[ 0 # D+ mov
][ -1 # A+ mov A newkey #) mov -1 # D+ mov
]? ]? D+ D- mov Next
\ *** Block No. 115, Hexblock 73
\ empty-keys (key ks 16 sep 88
Code empty-keys $C00 # A mov $21 int
0 # newkey 1+ #) byte mov Next end-code
: (key ( -- 16b ) BEGIN pause (key? UNTIL
(key@ ?dup ?exit (key? IF (key@ negate exit THEN 0 ;
\ *** Block No. 116, Hexblock 74
\\ BIOS keyboard input ks 16 sep 88
Code (key@ ( -- 8b ) D push A+ A+ xor $16 int
A- D- xchg 0 # D+ mov Next end-code
Code (key? ( -- f ) D push 1 # A+ mov D D xor
$16 int 0= not ?[ D dec ]? Next end-code
Code empty-keys $C00 # A mov $21 int Next end-code
: (key ( -- 8b ) BEGIN pause (key? UNTIL (key@ ;
\ mit diesen Keytreibern sind die Funktionstasten nicht
\ mehr durch ANSI.SYS Sequenzen vorbelegt.
\ *** Block No. 117, Hexblock 75
\ (decode expect ks 16 sep 88
7 Constant #bel 8 Constant #bs
9 Constant #tab $A Constant #lf
$D Constant #cr
: (decode ( addr pos1 key -- addr pos2 )
#bs case? IF dup 0=exit del 1- exit THEN
#cr case? IF dup span ! space exit THEN
>r 2dup + r@ swap c! r> emit 1+ ;
: (expect ( addr len1 -- ) span ! 0
BEGIN dup span @ u< WHILE key decode REPEAT 2drop ;
Input: keyboard [ here input ! ]
(key (key? (decode (expect [ drop
\ *** Block No. 118, Hexblock 76
\ MSDOS character output ks 29 jun 87
Code charout ( char -- ) $FF # D- cmp 0= ?[ D- dec ]?
6 # A+ mov $21 int D pop ' pause # W mov W ) jmp
&80 Constant c/row &25 Constant c/col
: (emit ( char -- ) dup bl u< IF $80 or THEN charout ;
: (cr #cr charout #lf charout ;
: (del #bs charout bl charout #bs charout ;
: (at 2drop ;
: (at? 0 0 ;
: (page c/col 0 DO cr LOOP ;
\ *** Block No. 119, Hexblock 77
\ MSDOS character output ks 7 may 85
: bell #bel charout ;
: tipp ( addr len -- ) bounds ?DO I c@ emit LOOP ;
Output: display [ here output ! ]
(emit (cr tipp (del (page (at (at? [ drop
\ *** Block No. 120, Hexblock 78
\ MSDOS printer I/O Port access ks 09 aug 87
Code lst! ( 8b -- ) $5 # A+ mov $21 int D pop Next
Code pc@ ( port -- 8b )
D byte in A- D- mov D+ D+ xor Next
Code pc! ( 8b port -- )
A pop D byte out D pop Next
\ *** Block No. 121, Hexblock 79
\ zero terminated strings ks 09 aug 87
: counted ( asciz -- addr len )
dup -1 0 scan drop over - ;
: >asciz ( string addr -- asciz ) 2dup >r -
IF count r@ place r@ THEN 0 r> count + c! 1+ ;
: asciz ( -- asciz ) name here >asciz ;
\ *** Block No. 122, Hexblock 7a
\ Disk capacities ks 08 aug 88
Vocabulary Dos Dos also definitions
6 Constant #drives
Create capacities $4B0 , $4B0 , $1B31 , $1B31 , $1B0F , 0 ,
| Code ?capacity ( +n -- cap ) D shl capacities # W mov
D W add W ) D mov Next end-code
\ *** Block No. 123, Hexblock 7b
\ MS-dos disk handlers direct access ks 31 jul 87
| Code block@ ( addr blk drv -- ff )
D- A- mov D pop C pop R push U push
I push C R mov 2 # C mov D shl $25 int
Label end-r/w I pop I pop U pop R pop 0 # D mov
CS ?[ D+ A+ mov A error# #) mov D dec ]? Next
| Code block! ( addr blk drv -- ff ) D- A- mov D pop
C pop R push U push I push C R mov 2 # C mov
D shl $26 int end-r/w # jmp
\ *** Block No. 124, Hexblock 7c
\ MS-dos disk handlers direct access ks cas 18jul20
| : ?drive ( +n -- +n ) dup #drives u< ?exit
Error" beyond drive capacity" ;
: /drive ( blk1 -- blk2 drive ) 0 swap #drives 0
DO dup I ?capacity under u< IF drop LEAVE THEN
- swap 1+ swap LOOP swap ;
: blk/drv ( -- capacity ) drv ?capacity ;
Forth definitions
: >drive ( blk1 +n -- blk2 ) ?drive
0 swap drv 2dup u> dup >r 0= IF swap THEN
?DO I ?capacity + LOOP r> IF negate THEN - ;
\ *** Block No. 125, Hexblock 7d
\ MS-DOS file access ks 18 mär 88
Dos definitions
| Variable fcb fcb off \ last fcb accessed
| Variable prevfile \ previous active file
&30 Constant fnamelen \ default length in FCB
Create filename &62 allot \ max 60 + count + null
Variable attribut 7 attribut ! \ read-only, hidden, system
\ *** Block No. 126, Hexblock 7e
\ MS-DOS disk errors ks cas 18jul20
| : .error# ." error # " base push decimal error# @ . ;
| : .ferrors error# @ &18 case? IF 2 THEN
1 case? Abort" file exists"
2 case? Abort" file not found"
3 case? Abort" path not found"
4 case? Abort" too many open files"
5 case? Abort" no access"
9 case? Abort" beyond end of file"
&15 case? Abort" illegal drive"
&16 case? Abort" current directory"
&17 case? Abort" wrong drive"
drop ." Disk" .error# abort ;
\ *** Block No. 127, Hexblock 7f
\ MS-DOS disk errors ks cas 18jul20
: (diskerror ( *f -- ) ?dup 0=exit
fcb @ IF error# ! .ferrors exit THEN
input push output push standardi/o 1-
IF ." read" ELSE ." write" THEN
.error# ." retry? (y/n)"
key cr capital Ascii Y = not Abort" aborted" ;
' (diskerror Is ?diskerror
\ *** Block No. 128, Hexblock 80
\ ~open ~creat ~close ks 04 aug 87
Code ~open ( asciz mode -- handle ff / err# )
A D xchg $3D # A+ mov
Label >open D pop $21 int A D xchg
CS not ?[ D push 0 # D mov ]? Next
Code ~creat ( asciz attribut -- handle ff / err# )
D C mov $3C # A+ mov >open ]] end-code
Code ~close ( handle -- ) D R xchg
$3E # A+ mov $21 int R D xchg D pop Next
\ *** Block No. 129, Hexblock 81
\ ~first ~unlink ~select ~disk? ks 04 aug 87
Code ~first ( asciz attr -- err# )
D C mov D pop $4E # A+ mov
[[ $21 int 0 # D mov CS ?[ A D xchg ]? Next
Code ~unlink ( asciz -- err# ) $41 # A+ mov ]] end-code
Code ~select ( n -- )
$E # A+ mov $21 int D pop Next end-code
Code ~disk? ( -- n ) D push $19 # A+ mov
$21 int A- D- mov 0 # D+ mov Next
\ *** Block No. 130, Hexblock 82
\ ~next ~dir ks 04 aug 87
Code ~next ( -- err# ) D push $4F # A+ mov
$21 int 0 # D mov CS ?[ A D xchg ]? Next
Code ~dir ( addr drive -- err# ) I W mov
I pop $47 # A+ mov $21 int W I mov
0 # D mov CS ?[ A D xchg ]? Next
\ *** Block No. 131, Hexblock 83
\ MS-DOS file control Block cas 19jun20
| : Fcbytes ( n1 len -- n2 ) Create over c, +
Does> ( fcbaddr -- fcbfield ) c@ + ;
\ first field for file-link
2 1 Fcbytes f.no \ must be first field
2 Fcbytes f.handle
2 Fcbytes f.date
2 Fcbytes f.time
4 Fcbytes f.size
fnamelen Fcbytes f.name Constant b/fcb
b/fcb Host ' tb/fcb >body !
Target Forth also Dos also definitions
\ *** Block No. 132, Hexblock 84
\ (.file fname fname! ks 10 okt 87
: fname! ( string fcb -- ) f.name >r count
dup fnamelen < not Abort" file name too long" r> place ;
| : filebuffer? ( fcb -- fcb bufaddr / fcb ff )
prev BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup 2+ @ = UNTIL ;
| : flushfile ( fcb -- )
BEGIN filebuffer? ?dup
WHILE dup backup emptybuf REPEAT drop ;
: fclose ( fcb -- ) ?dup 0=exit
dup f.handle @ ?dup 0= IF drop exit THEN
over flushfile ~close f.handle off ;
\ *** Block No. 133, Hexblock 85
\ (.file fname fname! ks 18 mär 88
| : getsize ( -- d ) [ $80 &26 + ] Literal 2@ swap ;
: (fsearch ( string -- asciz *f )
filename >asciz dup attribut @ ~first ;
Defer fsearch ( string -- asciz *f )
' (fsearch Is fsearch
\ graceful behaviour if file does not exist
| : ?notfound ( f* -- ) ?dup 0=exit last' @ [fcb] =
IF hide file-link @ @ file-link ! prevfile @ setfiles
last @ 4 - dp ! last off filename count here place
THEN ?diskerror ;
\ *** Block No. 134, Hexblock 86
\ freset fseek ks 19 mär 88
: freset ( fcb -- ) ?dup 0=exit
dup f.handle @ ?dup IF ~close THEN dup >r
f.name fsearch ?notfound getsize r@ f.size 2!
[ $80 &22 + ] Literal @ r@ f.time !
[ $80 &24 + ] Literal @ r@ f.date !
2 ~open ?diskerror r> f.handle ! ;
Code fseek ( dfaddr fcb -- )
D W mov u' f.handle W D) W mov W W or 0=
?[ ;c: dup freset fseek ; Assembler ]? R W xchg
C pop D pop $4200 # A mov $21 int W R mov
CS not ?[ D pop Next ]? A D xchg ;c: ?diskerror ;
\ *** Block No. 135, Hexblock 87
\ lfgets fgetc file@ ks 07 jul 88
\ Code ~read ( seg:addr quan handle -- #read ) D W mov
Assembler [[ W R xchg C pop D pop
D: pop $3F # A+ mov $21 int C: C mov C D: mov
W R mov A D xchg CS not ?[ Next ]? ;c: ?diskerror ;
Code lfgets ( seg:addr quan fcb -- #read )
D W mov u' f.handle W D) W mov ]] end-code
true Constant eof
: fgetc ( fcb -- 8b / eof )
>r 0 sp@ ds@ swap 1 r> lfgets ?exit 0= ;
: file@ ( dfaddr fcb -- 8b / eof ) dup >r fseek r> fgetc ;
\ *** Block No. 136, Hexblock 88
\ lfputs fputc file! ks 24 jul 87
| Code ~write ( seg:addr quan handle -- ) D W mov
[[ W R xchg C pop D pop
D: pop $40 # A+ mov $21 int W R mov A D xchg
C: W mov W D: mov CS ?[ ;c: ?diskerror ; Assembler ]?
C D sub 0= ?[ D pop Next ]? ;c: Abort" Disk voll" ;
Code lfputs ( seg:addr quan fcb -- )
D W mov u' f.handle W D) W mov ]] end-code
: fputc ( 8b fcb -- ) >r sp@ ds@ swap 1 r> lfputs drop ;
: file! ( 8b dfaddr fcb -- ) dup >r fseek r> fputc ;
\ *** Block No. 137, Hexblock 89
\ /block *block ks 02 okt 87
Code /block ( d -- rest blk ) A D xchg C pop
C D mov A shr D rcr A shr D rcr D+ D- mov
A- D+ xchg $3FF # C and C push Next
\ : /block ( d -- rest blk ) b/blk um/mod ;
Code *block ( blk -- d ) A A xor D+ D- xchg D+ A+ xchg
A+ sal D rcl A+ sal D rcl A push Next
\ : *block ( blk -- d ) b/blk um* ;
\ *** Block No. 138, Hexblock 8a
\ fblock@ fblock! ks 19 mär 88
Dos definitions
| : ?beyond ( blk -- blk ) dup 0< 0=exit 9 ?diskerror ;
| : fblock ( addr blk fcb -- seg:addr quan fcb )
fcb ! ?beyond dup *block fcb @ fseek ds@ -rot
fcb @ f.size 2@ /block rot - ?beyond
IF drop b/blk THEN fcb @ ;
: fblock@ ( addr blk fcb -- ) fblock lfgets drop ;
: fblock! ( addr blk fcb -- ) fblock lfputs ;
\ *** Block No. 139, Hexblock 8b
\ (r/w flush ks 18 mär 88
Forth definitions
: (r/w ( addr blk fcb r/wf -- *f ) over fcb ! over
IF IF fblock@ false exit THEN fblock! false exit
THEN >r drop /drive ?drive
r> IF block@ exit THEN block! ;
' (r/w Is r/w
| : setfiles ( fcb -- ) isfile@ prevfile !
dup isfile ! fromfile ! ;
: direct 0 setfiles ;
\ *** Block No. 140, Hexblock 8c
\ File >file ks 23 mär 88
: File Create file-link @ here file-link ! ,
here [ b/fcb 2 - ] Literal dup allot erase
file-link @ dup @ f.no c@ 1+ over f.no c!
last @ count $1F and rot f.name place
Does> setfiles ;
File kernel.scr ' kernel.scr @ Constant [fcb]
Dos definitions
: .file ( fcb -- )
?dup IF body> >name .name exit THEN ." direct" ;
\ *** Block No. 141, Hexblock 8d
\ .file pushfile close open ks 12 mai 88
Forth definitions
: file? isfile@ .file ;
: pushfile r> isfile push fromfile push >r ; restrict
: close isfile@ fclose ;
: open isfile@ freset ;
: assign isfile@ dup fclose name swap fname! open ;
\ *** Block No. 142, Hexblock 8e
\ use from loadfrom include ks 18 mär 88
: use >in @ name find
0= IF swap >in ! File last' THEN nip
dup @ [fcb] = over ['] direct = or
0= Abort" not a file" execute open ;
: from isfile push use ;
: loadfrom ( n -- ) pushfile use load close ;
: include 1 loadfrom ;
\ *** Block No. 143, Hexblock 8f
\ drive drv capacity drivenames ks 18 mär 88
: drive ( n -- ) isfile@ IF ~select exit THEN
?drive offset off 0 ?DO I ?capacity offset +! LOOP ;
: drv ( -- n )
isfile@ IF ~disk? exit THEN offset @ /drive nip ;
: capacity ( -- n ) isfile@ ?dup
IF dup f.handle @ 0= IF dup freset THEN
f.size 2@ /block swap 0<> - exit THEN blk/drv ;
| : Drv: Create c, Does> c@ drive ;
0 Drv: A: 1 Drv: B: 2 Drv: C: 3 Drv: D:
4 Drv: E: 5 Drv: F: 6 Drv: G: 7 Drv: H:
\ *** Block No. 144, Hexblock 90
\ lfsave savefile savesystem ks 10 okt 87
: lfsave ( seg:addr quan string -- )
filename >asciz 0 ~creat ?diskerror
dup >r ~write r> ~close ;
: savefile ( addr len -- ) ds@ -rot
name nullstring? Abort" needs name" lfsave ;
: savesystem save flush $100 here savefile ;
\ *** Block No. 145, Hexblock 91
\ viewing ks 19 mär 88
Dos definitions
| $400 Constant viewoffset
: (makeview ( -- n )
blk @ dup 0=exit loadfile @ ?dup 0=exit f.no c@ ?dup
IF viewoffset * + $8000 or exit THEN 0= ;
' (makeview Is makeview
: @view ( acf -- blk fno ) >name 4 - @ dup 0<
IF $7FFF and viewoffset u/mod exit THEN
?dup 0= Error" eingetippt" 0 ;
: >file ( fno -- fcb ) dup 0=exit file-link
BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup f.no c@ = UNTIL nip ;
\ *** Block No. 146, Hexblock 92
\ forget FCB's ks 23 okt 88
Forth definitions
| : 'file ( -- scr ) r> scr push isfile push >r
[ Dos ] ' @view >file isfile ! ;
: view 'file list ;
: help 'file capacity 2/ + list ;
| : remove? ( dic symb addr -- dic symb addr f )
2 pick over 1+ u< ;
| : remove-files ( dic symb -- dic symb ) file-link
BEGIN @ ?dup WHILE remove? IF dup fclose THEN REPEAT
file-link remove
isfile@ remove? nip IF file-link @ isfile ! THEN
fromfile @ remove? nip 0=exit isfile@ fromfile ! ;
\ *** Block No. 147, Hexblock 93
\ BIOS keyboard input ks 16 sep 88
Code (key@ ( -- 8b ) D push A+ A+ xor $16 int
0 # D+ mov A- D- mov A- A- or
0= ?[ A+ D- mov D+ com ]? Next end-code
: test BEGIN (key@ #esc case? ?exit
cr dup emit 5 .r key 5 .r REPEAT ;
Code (key? ( -- f ) D push 1 # A+ mov D D xor
$16 int 0= not ?[ D dec ]? Next end-code
Code empty-keys $C00 # A mov $21 int Next end-code
: (key ( -- 8b ) BEGIN pause (key? UNTIL (key@ ;
\ *** Block No. 148, Hexblock 94
\ *** Block No. 149, Hexblock 95
\ *** Block No. 150, Hexblock 96
\ *** Block No. 151, Hexblock 97
\ *** Block No. 152, Hexblock 98
\ *** Block No. 153, Hexblock 99
\ *** Block No. 154, Hexblock 9a
\ *** Block No. 155, Hexblock 9b
\ *** Block No. 156, Hexblock 9c
\ *** Block No. 157, Hexblock 9d
\ *** Block No. 158, Hexblock 9e
\ *** Block No. 159, Hexblock 9f