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622 lines
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622 lines
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;ACME 0.94
;!sl "ddrv.l"
; Name DuoDriver
; Purpose Input driver for mouse and joystick
; Author (c) Marco Baye, 1999
; Licence Free software
; Changes:
; 23 Apr 1999 Release 2.20. Internal info:
; DuoDriver v2.20 by Mac Bacon 23 Apr 1999. Freeware!
; Somewhen Added self-calibration, forming release 3.00. Internal info:
; Mac Bacon:DuoDrv3,PD
; 21 Jul 1999 Used reverse subtraction, forming release 3.01. Internal info:
; Mac Bacon:DuoDrv3,PD
; 1 Aug 1999 Release 4.00.
; Both 128 and 64 versions
; Now supports overlay-sprite mouse pointer
; Binary includes sprites
; Released in GO64 8/1999 (without release number).
; 3 Aug 1999 Same source file for both 128 and 64 versions. Release 4.01.
; Apart from that, virtually identical to release 4.00.
; 04 Feb 2003 Beautified
; 05 Feb 2003 Added "SpriteLine" macro and made sprites inline
; 26 May 2005 Release 4.02. All changes since release 4.00 are source-only!
; The resulting binaries are identical to those of release 4.00
; (which were included in GO64 magazine 8/1999)
; 26 Mar 2006 Release 4.03. Adjusted source to ACME 0.91 capabilities.
; 25 Nov 2007 Release 4.04. Adjusted source to ACME 0.94 capabilities.
; This source code file uses conditional assembly
; to decide which version to produce (C64 or C128).
; Select type of binary to assemble (64 => c64, anything else => c128)
!ifndef SYSTEM {
!warn "Label SYSTEM not defined. Use -DSYSTEM=64 to build C64 version, -DSYSTEM=128 to build C128 version. Will now default to C64 version."
!if SYSTEM != 64 & SYSTEM != 128 {
!serious "Please use either -DSYSTEM=64 or -DSYSTEM=128 when assembling this project."
; --- Configurable values
; Start address, output file name and VIC location
!if SYSTEM = 64 {
!to "ddrv64.prg", cbm
VIC_Base = $d000
!if SYSTEM = 128 {
!to "ddrv128.prg", cbm
VIC_Base = $11d6; Location of mirror registers
; Pointer's maximum coordinates
MaximumCoordinateX = 319; VIC value
; MaximumCoordinateX = 639; VDC value
MaximumCoordinateY = 199
; Maximum pixel step size ("speed") for joystick acceleration routine.
MaxStep = $10; (max. $7f)
; Distance before acceleration starts, in pixels.
MaxTime = $04; (max. $7f)
; Sprites to use for overlay pointer
Sprite_A = 0
Sprite_B = 1
; Coordinates of "pointer pixel" within pointer sprites; adjust these
; if you use different sprites. (0,0) is sprite's upper left pixel.
Sprite_HotspotX = 1
Sprite_HotspotY = 1
; Locations to store button states, $ff = pressed, $00 = not pressed.
; Mouse uses both buttons, joystick only uses "LeftButton".
; Location to store pointer's current character coordinates.
!if SYSTEM = 64 {
LeftButton = $a4
RightButton = $a5
CharX = $b3
CharY = $b4
!if SYSTEM = 128 {
LeftButton = $fa
RightButton = $ff
CharX = $9b
CharY = $9c
; Location to store pointer's current pixel coordinates. The driver
; code relies on having *four consecutive* bytes:
; x low, x high, y low, y high
Coordinates = $fb; $fb-$fe
; --- System constants
; Interrupt vector
sys_iirq = $0314
; I/O registers
sid_pot = $d419
cia1_pra = $dc00
cia1_prb = $dc01
cia1_ddrb = $dc03
mmu_cr = $ff00; c128 only
; --- Label definitions
; New names for some precalculated values, only to improve
; readability. Don't change these.
PointerXnow = Coordinates
PointerYnow = Coordinates + 2
SpriteA_X = VIC_Base + 2*Sprite_A
SpriteA_Y = VIC_Base + 2*Sprite_A + 1
SpriteB_X = VIC_Base + 2*Sprite_B
SpriteB_Y = VIC_Base + 2*Sprite_B + 1
Sprites_OF = VIC_Base + 16; X Overflow
; The character "^" in the following calculation means "to the power
; of". It is ACME syntax - if your assembler cannot do this, you may
; want to use hardcoded values here instead of calculations.
Sprites_Bitmask = 2^Sprite_A + 2^Sprite_B
; Sprites_Bitmask = 1<<Sprite_A | 1<<Sprite_B
SpriteOffset_X = $18 - Sprite_HotspotX
SpriteOffset_Y = $32 - Sprite_HotspotY
; In the sprite coordinate system, the graphics pixel (0,0) has the
; coordinates ($18,$32), so these are needed for converting. Blame the
; VIC.
; --- Entry point
; Because this routine is the first, the file can be BOOTed on a c128.
; Initialisation code, installs driver on IRQ vector.
; Fetch IRQ vector and write to end
Init lda sys_iirq
ldx sys_iirq+1
sta mod16
stx mod16+1
; Let IRQ vector point to driver code
lda #<Entry
ldx #>Entry
sta sys_iirq
stx sys_iirq+1
!if SYSTEM=128 {
lda mmu_cr
and #$fe; activate I/O chips
sta mmu_cr
; Init mouse buttons
lda #$11
sta cia1_prb
!if SYSTEM=128 {sty mmu_cr }
!if SYSTEM = 64 {
; Copy sprites to tape buffer
ldx #127
- lda Sprites,x
sta $0340,x
bpl -
lda #Sprites_Bitmask
; Set sprite block pointers
ldx #$0d
stx 2040+Sprite_A
stx 2040+Sprite_B
; Activate pointer sprites
ora VIC_Base+21
sta VIC_Base+21
; --- Variables
; Pixel counter before accelerating
JoyWaittime !byte 0
; --- Main code
; The driver consists of several distinct parts. To minimise
; performance wastage, you should remove all parts you don't need for
; the specific application.
; --- Part 0, initialisations
; Make sure decimal mode is off
; Set button states to "not pressed", so the other parts only have to
; deal with setting them to "pressed".
lda #$00
sta LeftButton
sta RightButton
; --- Part 1, handling mouse movements
; mouse x
ldx #$00; 0 means "x stuff"
jsr PotDelta
; Now signed x movement is in A/Y. Add to current x value.
adc PointerXnow
sta PointerXnow
adc PointerXnow+1
sta PointerXnow+1
; mouse y
ldx #$01; 1 means "y stuff"
jsr PotDelta
; Now signed y movement is in A/Y. Mouse and computer use different y
; directions, so don't add to, but subtract from current y value.
; This is a reverse subtraction - it might be harder to understand,
; but it is both faster and smaller than the usual way.
sbc PointerYnow
eor #$ff
sta PointerYnow
sbc PointerYnow+1
eor #$ff
sta PointerYnow+1
; --- Part 2, handling mouse buttons
; Prepare CIA by setting bits to input
ldy #$11
sty cia1_ddrb
ldx #$ff; $ff means "pressed"
lda #$10; check left button
bit cia1_prb
bne +
stx LeftButton; store state
+ lda #$01; check right button
bit cia1_prb
bne +
stx RightButton; store state
; Reset CIA to normal state
+ ldy #$00
sty cia1_ddrb
; --- Part 3, handling the joystick
; Fetch byte holding direction flags
lda cia1_pra
tax; ...and remember it
; Check 'up' direction
bcs ++
; Subtract current step size from y value if needed.
lda PointerYnow
sbc JoyStepsize
sta PointerYnow
bcs +
dec PointerYnow+1
+ tya
; Check 'down' direction
++ ror
bcs ++
; Add current step size to y value if needed.
;clc; C is always clear here
lda PointerYnow
adc JoyStepsize
sta PointerYnow
bcc +
inc PointerYnow+1
+ tya
; Check 'left' direction
++ ror
bcs ++
; Subtract current step size from x value if needed.
lda PointerXnow
sbc JoyStepsize
sta PointerXnow
bcs +
dec PointerXnow+1
+ tya
; Check 'right' direction
++ ror
bcs ++
; Add current step size to x value if needed.
;clc; C is always clear here
lda PointerXnow
adc JoyStepsize
sta PointerXnow
bcc +
inc PointerXnow+1
+ tya
; --- Part 4, handling joystick button
bcs +
lda #$ff; $ff means "pressed"
sta LeftButton
; --- Part 5, joystick acceleration
; Restore joystick direction bits and check whether to set speed to
; zero.
and #$0f; Clear unneeded bits
cmp #$0f; Any direction bit ?
bne +
; No direction was used, so reset speed and wait counter to normal.
lda #$01
sta JoyStepsize
lda #MaxTime
sta JoyWaittime
jmp Part5End
; A direction bit was used, so check whether to accelerate: If speed
; is already maximum speed, don't accelerate.
lda #$00; (self-modifying)
; If the variable "JoyStepsize" would have been defined as a separate
; location (using "!byte"), it would have taken a byte of memory. By
; storing the value inside an LDA command's argument, we save that one
; byte. It might make a difference. :)
cmp #MaxStep; If speed is max.,
bcs Part5End; don't accelerate.
; Speed isn't maximum yet. Check whether
; we have to wait before accelerating.
dec JoyWaittime
bpl Part5End
; Counter has underrun, so accelerate.
inc JoyWaittime; reset counter
inc JoyStepsize; increase speed
; --- Part 6, restrict coordinate range
; restrict x value
ldx #$00; 0 means "x stuff"
jsr Restrict
; restrict y value
ldx #$02; 2 means "y stuff"
jsr Restrict
; --- Part 7, positioning sprites
; Set sprites' x positions
lda PointerXnow
adc #SpriteOffset_X
sta SpriteA_X; set both sprites
sta SpriteB_X
lda Sprites_OF; get x overflow
bcs SetOF
ldx PointerXnow+1
bne SetOF
and #Sprites_Bitmask XOR $ff
bcc StoreOF; C is clear here
SetOF ora #Sprites_Bitmask
StoreOF sta Sprites_OF; set x overflow
; Set sprites' y positions
lda PointerYnow
adc #SpriteOffset_Y
sta SpriteA_Y
sta SpriteB_Y
; The y value's high byte is useless in this case.
; --- Part 8, making char coordinates
; Convert x coordinate. There are different "best" routines for
; different resolutions, so I've given the VIC and VDC routines.
lda PointerXnow
ldx PointerXnow+1
;ora OrTable,x; VDC only (see below for data table)
beq +; VIC only
ora #$20; VIC only
+ sta CharX
; Convert y coordinate.
lda PointerYnow
sta CharY
; --- Add further parts here
; Here you can add further routines, for example to use the button
; states to fake keypresses etc.
; --- The end
; The initialisation routine sets the argument to the address of the
; previous IRQ routine.
mod16=*+1: jmp $ffff; (self-modifying)
; This table is for part 8.
;OrTable !byte 0,32,64; VDC only
; --- "Restrict" subroutine
PointerXmax !word MaximumCoordinateX
PointerYmax !word MaximumCoordinateY
; "y" word must follow directly after "x" word in memory.
; Restrict internal coordinates to configured range. Entry conditions:
; X is direction handle (0 = x, 2 = y)
lda PointerXnow+1,x
bmi SetTo0
cmp PointerXmax+1,x
bcc Eosr
bne +
lda PointerXmax,x
cmp PointerXnow,x
bcs Eosr
+ lda PointerXmax,x
ldy PointerXmax+1,x
jmp DefCo
SetTo0 lda #0
DefCo sta PointerXnow,x
sty PointerXnow+1,x
Eosr rts
; --- "Pot" subroutine
; This routine computes the mouse movements and therefore contains the
; self-calibration stuff and the other improvements over the standard
; 1351 driver.
PotMax !word 0; max. POTs yet plus 1 !
PotMin !word $ffff; lowest POTs yet
PotOld !word 0; old values
PotWidth !word 0; interval width
HalfPotWidth !word 0; half width
; (buffered for speed increase)
; The above variables are not really words: The first byte is the x
; value, the second byte is the y value respectively.
; Compute the signed distance of mouse movement.
; Entry conditions: X is direction handle (0 = x, 1 = y)
; Exit conditions: A/Y are signed distance (low/high)
; First, get new value and clear "recalculate signal width" flag.
PotDelta lda sid_pot,x
ldy #$00
; Check whether new value is lower than lowest known.
cmp PotMin,x
bcs +
; Store new "lowest" und set "recalculate signal width" flag.
sta PotMin,x
ldy #$ff
+ ; Check whether new value is higher than highest known.
cmp PotMax,x
bcc +
; Set "recalculate signal width" flag and store new "highest".
ldy #$ff
pha; Remember current value
adc #$00; Add one (C is set)
sta PotMax,x
; Value $ff (0 after adding) means that there is no mouse connected,
; so reset min/max in that case.
beq ResetMM; Stack is untidy...
pla; Restore current value
+ ; If flag is set, recalculate signal width.
iny; Check flag
bne ++
tay; Buffer current value.
lda PotMax,x; Get highest+1
sec; Subtract lowest
sbc PotMin,x
bcc +
sta PotWidth,x; Store signal
lsr; width and half signal
sta HalfPotWidth,x; width
+ tya; Restore current value.
++ ; Calculate distance
tay; Buffer current value.
sbc PotOld,x
sta PotOld,x
beq zero; If not moved, exit.
bcc minus; Negative difference
; Positive difference:
; Check whether movement caused a value wrap-around.
cmp HalfPotWidth,x
bcc Decrease
beq Decrease
; It did, so calculate "real" distance and jump to exit
;sec; C is always set here
sbc PotWidth,x; Fix distance
; We now know that the (fixed) distance is really negative, so we
; finally wipe out that annoying bit 0 noise by incrementing the
; value.
Increase ;clc; C is always clear here
adc #$01
beq zero; If increasing gives zero, jump to zero handler.
ldy #$ff; Set up high byte for negative values.
; Negative difference:
; Check whether movement caused a value wrap-around.
minus eor #$ff; Complement
; If we would do a real negation (by adding "1"), then we would need
; to branch using BCC *and* BEQ. So the above way might be harder to
; understand, but it is both shorter *and* faster - which I like. :)
cmp HalfPotWidth,x
eor #$ff; Restore value
bcc Increase
; Movement caused a value wrap-around, so calculate "real" distance and exit.
adc PotWidth,x; Fix distance
; We now know that the (fixed) distance is really positive, so we
; finally wipe out that annoying bit 0 noise by decrementing the value.
Decrease sec
sbc #$01
; No difference or positive difference; both need zero as the high byte.
zero ldy #0
; If there is no mouse, reset "lowest" ("highest" will have been reset
; already) and return zero.
ResetMM tay; Set Y to zero.
pla; Tidy stack
lda #$ff; Reset "lowest"
sta PotMin,x
tya; Return with A/Y = 0
; --- Include sprites
; Because the c64 version copies the sprite data into the tape buffer
; on initialisation, the data is included right here.
; In the c128 version, we skip memory until we reach $0e00 - this is
; where the sprites are stored by default.
!if SYSTEM = 128 {
!align $ffff, $e00, $0
!macro SpriteLine .v {
!by .v>>16, (.v>>8)&255, .v&255
Sprites ; 765432107654321076543210
+SpriteLine %........................
+SpriteLine %.#......................
+SpriteLine %.##.....................
+SpriteLine %.###....................
+SpriteLine %.####...................
+SpriteLine %.#####..................
+SpriteLine %.######.................
+SpriteLine %.#######................
+SpriteLine %.########...............
+SpriteLine %.#########..............
+SpriteLine %.########...............
+SpriteLine %.######.................
+SpriteLine %.######.................
+SpriteLine %.##..##.................
+SpriteLine %.#....##................
+SpriteLine %......##................
+SpriteLine %.......##...............
+SpriteLine %.......##...............
+SpriteLine %........##..............
+SpriteLine %........##..............
+SpriteLine %........................
!byte 0; pad to 64-byte block
; 765432107654321076543210
+SpriteLine %##......................
+SpriteLine %###.....................
+SpriteLine %####....................
+SpriteLine %#####...................
+SpriteLine %######..................
+SpriteLine %#######.................
+SpriteLine %########................
+SpriteLine %#########...............
+SpriteLine %##########..............
+SpriteLine %###########.............
+SpriteLine %###########.............
+SpriteLine %#########...............
+SpriteLine %########................
+SpriteLine %########................
+SpriteLine %###..####...............
+SpriteLine %##...####...............
+SpriteLine %......####..............
+SpriteLine %......####..............
+SpriteLine %.......####.............
+SpriteLine %.......####.............
+SpriteLine %........###.............