2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
;ACME 0.94.4
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
; ChangesNotSaved.Save?
willblost ldx changes
bne +
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
rts ; return with X=1 ("Changes safe, go on")
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
+ jsr crsrnew
ldx #hWindow_DCS
stx menunr
jsr makewin
ldy #$0b ; y-pos of cursor in window
lda #$32 ; x-pos
jsr crsrset
wblchoice jsr getchar
cmp #Char_DEL
beq wblchoiced
cmp #Char_STOP
beq wblchoicec
cmp #Char_RETURN
bne wblchoice
jsr pullscr
jsr crsrold
jsr F_saveas
jmp willblost
wblchoiced jsr pullscr
jsr crsrold
ldx #FALSE
stx changes
ldx #2
rts ; return with X=2 ("Changes discarded, go on")
wblchoicec jsr pullscr
jsr crsrold
ldx #0
rts ; return with X=1 ("Cancel operation !")
eotflag !byte 0 ; End-Flag
F_mergeas lda #$1f ; get Mergename
sta loadflag ; Mode MERGE
jmp +
noload rts ; fixme - could save a byte here
F_loadas jsr willblost ; Changes saved ?
beq noload
lda #0 ; Mode LOAD
sta loadflag
lda #$3f ; get LOADname
+ jsr rename
bne load ; ggfs Abbruch
loadalien lda loadflag
bne loadfirst
jmp noheader
load lda conreg ; Bank sichern
jsr crsrnew ; new copy (hidden)
ldx #hWindow_Load
stx menunr
jsr makewin
jsr copypara ; Parameter setzen
lda #"r" ; Lesemodus
sta dosmode
jsr open ; Open File
ldx #lf ; File: = Input
jsr chkin
ldy #$0f ; Header pruefen
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
- jsr basin
cmp idfile, y
bne loadalien
bpl -
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
ldy #$0f ; Namen holen
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
- jsr basin
sta dosname, y
bpl -
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
lda loadflag ; Bei LOAD
bne loadfirst ; Name kopieren,
sta unnamed ; (clear Flag)
ldy #$0f
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
- lda dosname, y
sta txtname, y
sta lodname, y
bpl -
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
sty updatewbi ; Update verlangen,
jsr newtext ; Defaultwerte
loadfirst ldy #FALSE ; Pufferstart
sty eotflag ; init Flag
loadline +xbank15
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
- iny ; Eins weiter
lda #" " ; get Space
ldx status
bne + ; ggfs
jsr basin ; get Byte
+ sta linebuf, y ; und setzen
cpy llen
bne -
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
ldy #1 ; Neustart
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
- lda linebuf, y
cmp #Char_RETURN
beq ++
cmp #"-"
bne +
sty linebuf ; Dann Pos merken
+ cmp #" "
bne +
sty linebuf ; Dann Pos merken
+ iny ; weiter
cpy llen
bne -
lda linebuf, y ; LineEnd = Space ?
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
cmp #" " ; Dann Grenze: = Y &
bne +
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
sty linebuf
lda status
beq + ; ggfs setflag
sta eotflag
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
+ ldy linebuf ; get Grenze
bne +
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
ldy llen
++ sty linebuf
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
+ +xram0
jsr needline ; fordert Zeile
bcs nomemleft ; ggfs Abbruch
ldy linebuf ; copy buffer2line
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
- lda linebuf, y
sta (lvek), y
bne -
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
lda eotflag ; Ende ?
bne endoffile
ldx linebuf ; shift buffer
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
- cpx llen ; fertig ?
beq loadline ; Dann lesen !
lda linebuf, x
sta linebuf, y
jmp -
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
nomemleft jsr memfull ; Warnung
endoffile +bank15
lda loadflag
sta changes
noheader jsr clrchn ; Standard
lda #lf ; Close File
jsr close
jsr pullscr ; Win weg
jsr crsrold ; restore cursor
pla ; alte Bank
sta conreg
nosave rts ; Abbruch (fixme - could save a byte here)
F_saveas jsr F_rnmtxt ; get Textname
beq nosave ; ggfs Abbruch
lda #FALSE ; Name vorhanden
sta unnamed
F_save lda unnamed ; Name ?
bne F_saveas ; ggfs holen
ldy #$0f ; proof "?"
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
- lda txtname, y
cmp #"?"
beq F_saveas
cmp #"*"
beq F_saveas
cmp #","
beq F_saveas
cmp #":"
beq F_saveas
sta dosname, y
bpl -
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
lda #"w" ; Schreibmodus
sta dosmode
lda conreg ; Bank sichern
jsr crsrnew ; new copy (hidden)
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
ldx #hWindow_Save ; Save-Win
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
stx menunr
jsr makewin
jsr copykill ; Killparameter
jsr open ; Open CmdChannel
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
lda killpara + 1 ; (Scratch)
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
jsr close ; Close CC
jsr copypara ; Dateiparameter
jsr open ; Open Outputfile
ldx #lf
jsr chkout
ldy #$0f ; Sendet Header
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
- lda idfile, y
jsr basout
bpl -
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
ldy #$0f ; Sendet Name
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
- lda txtname, y
jsr basout
bpl -
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
iny ; Y: = 0, tmpy wird fuers
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
sty tmpy + 1 ; Speichern init.
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
tya ; A: = 0
iny ; Y: = 1
sty tmpy
sec ; errechnet negativen
sbc zzbe ; Zeilenzaehler (tmp2)
sta tmp2
lda #0
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
sbc zzbe + 1
sta tmp2 + 1
-- +xram0 ; volles RAM
ldx #1 ; mind. 1 Byte/Zeile
stx linebuf
ldx #TMP
jsr getlvek ; LineVek
ldy #1 ; Versatz: = 1
- lda (lvek), y ; Byte in Puffer
cmp #" "
beq +
sty linebuf ; Pos sichern
+ sta linebuf, y
cpy llen
bne -
ldx linebuf
lda linebuf, x ; letztes Byte
cmp #Char_RETURN
beq +
cmp #"-"
beq +
cmp #" "
beq +
inx ; Dann Space hinter
lda #" " ; die Zeile
sta linebuf, x
+ stx .m ; Ende speichern
- inx ; X = 1
lda linebuf, x ; Zeichen senden
jsr basout
.m = * + 1: cpx #MODIFIED8 ; Länge
bne - ; alle ?
+inc16 tmpy ; tmpy += 1
inc tmp2 ; zaehler += 1
bne --
inc tmp2 + 1
bne --
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00
jsr clrchn ; Standardkanaele
lda #lf
jsr close ; Close File
jsr pullscr ; Win weg
jsr crsrold ; restore cursor
pla ; alte Bank
sta conreg
lda #FALSE ; Changes saved !
sta changes
copykill ldy #$0b ; Scratchparameter
+bit16 ; BIT-Trick !
copypara ldy #$05 ; Fileparameter
ldx #5 ; 6 Bytes
2013-04-07 21:29:09 +00:00
- lda filepara, y ; ins System
sta fnlen, x
bpl -
2012-02-27 21:14:46 +00:00